Batman In MCU

Chapter 36 - Scorpion vs Batman and Black Panther

The scorpion didn't give them much time to regroup as he rushed at them almost instantly. Batman took to the skies as Black panther dived away to avoid the attack.

Batman dropped a few smoke bombs to obsure Scorpion's vision, before dropping in to deliver a roundhouse kick with a few rapid punches. He was stunned however when he realized that his attacks had done nothing to the man before him who was smiling down at him.

With a back flip he escaped from the area enclosed by the smoke. "I take it you exchanged blows with him then." T-Chaka came to his side and spoke up, "the exoskeleton he is wearing is probably made of adamantium."

"wait what..." Black panther was confused as to how he came to such a conclusion. "there are only few metals on earth that can stop my suit the likely hood of it being adamantium is much higher than vibranium".

Before Black panther could question him further energy beams came towards them causing them to split up to avoid being hit.

"do you have a plan cause I don't think this guy is planning on letting us go." Black panther called out to the Batman. "his tail is his main source of attack, take it down to reduce his range of attack."

T-Chaka eyes widened as he heard the Batman's voice in his ear. Looking towards where the Batman was standing, almost two feet away "how..." "I placed coms on your helmet, you draw his attention I'll deal with the tail."

Black Panther was about to question him only to see him dissapear into the shadows. Scorpion stepped out only to see Black panther with no signs of the Batman.

"Well, well kitty cat, seems it's just you and me. " T-Chaka felt his rage build up hearing what Scorpion said and rushed at him, both men began trading blows in close quarters.

Scorpion attempted to move back to gain some space so as to blast the black panther but he was unrelenting not giving even the slightest chance to Scorpion.

Scorpion's mood had gone from relaxed to annoyed. At this moment the Batman had appeared behind him locking his tail in place.

Scorpion saw him and attempted to blast him away not knowing he had fallen for Batman's trap. Blocking the opening Batman quickly retreated seeing this T-Chaka was quick to do so as well whilst Scorpion's eyes widened in realization.

*Boom* the was an explosion which took of Scorpion's tail and sent him straight into a building. Batman and Black Panther stood side by side sharing a look before looking at the hole in the wall.

As they were about to head in a blast landed right in front of them with it's resulting force sending them back. Through the smoke Batman could make out Klaue moving Scorpion into a van while another man stood for a moment staring at the Batman before entering the van as well.

The Dora milage arrived just as the van left. "my King!" the ladies rushed to help the Black Panther up as he let out a groan, "urgh... I'm getting too old for this." Batman performed a kick up getting to his feet before looking towards them.

"you shouldn't have gone in today. you should have waited for the trade." Batman spoke up "if I didn't head in we wouldn't know who Klaue is working with. I got us information."

"who is supporting Klaue then? who made that exoskeleton? who came to rescue them? or let's do something simpler what did they discuss today?" Batman had arrived a few inches away from T-Chaka, not the least bit worried about the Spears pointed at him.

Black Panther remained silent after hearing all the questions, at this point he had realized he was a bit rash in how he dealt with the situation. "okay maybe I was a bit rash but we at least got the tail that should provide some answers."


In an undisclosed lab, MacDonald Gargan aka the Scorpion was seated having his wounds tended to.

"Do you know what you have done?" a voice questioned Gargan. " I didn't expect the Batman to appear." Gargan responded gritting his teeth.

"Well he was there and now you have lost a part of a fourteen billion dollar exosuit!" The voice spoke with anger clear in their voice "sorry sir." " Sorry isn't fixing your mistake now is it. Octavious how far away are we from success"

"Shouldn't be long Mr. Osborne." A scientist in a white lab suit spoke, "good, now I'm going to deal with our bat problem.." Norman Osborne spoke as he left the lab.

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