Batman In MCU

Chapter 39 - I know your secret

Batman had arrived at a warehouse, one of the trails had led him here. Sneaking through the air vents Batman made his way into the ware house.

The warehouse was bȧrė but the scowl on Batman's face got deeper. An empty warehouse without anything should be abandoned but not a single cobweb was in and it was too clean to be abandoned.

Batman spoke up "Oracle scan the warehouse." Taking a closer look Batman realized the was a another floor hidden down below, now Batman was sure he found what he was looking for.

Making his way to a side of the wall he began feeling around till he found a Grove pushing down on it the wall moved aside to reveal a hidden elevator, with a palm scanner.

"Oracle..." Batman began, "already done sir" a ding sound followed as the door to the elevator opened stepping in the elevator as it started moving down.

The doors opened again revealing a laboratory, making his way through Batman had an odd feeling someone was watching.

Batman jerked his head to one side hearing a noise but saw nothing. Moving closer to the sound he saw came in contact with glass shards as well as some unknown substance.

Bringing out a pick he picked at it discovering the substance was a viscous one. Batman paused hearing faint growling sounds as he rolled away in time to avoid the attack.

In another place, Norman Osborne as well as other members of the court were watching the entire scene on screen.

Norman had managed to manipulate one of his doctor's into taking one of their attempts in recreating the super serum. Although it was a failure, he and the other viewers were pleasantly surprised and Osborne was sure he could obtain more founding, thinking so a smile made its way to his face.

Eve had pulled Sebastian away from the rest. "what is it Eve?" Sebastian asked her, "I know" was all she said.

"you know what?!" Sebastian got more confused as the conversation continued. "I know your secret" Eve whispered in his ear.

Sebastian's eyes widened for a moment but he kept his cool, "I don't know what your talking about." Eve revealed a charming grin as she heard his words, "Oh Sebastian, my sweet, sweet Sebastian. Do you think I'm that dumb or did you forget my field of expertise. I mean you started all this a month after the young Jeffery King dissapeared you then began distancing yourself when he returned. A month later rumors of the Batman began, with you starting to ask for information, information relating to the Mandarin who the Batman latter tangled with..."

Sebastian's eyes slowly began to widen as she continued. "...and also the young billionaire rarely appears with the news claiming he is a Playboy and always of with a lady. You know what I find funny, I know billionaire playboys I mean check the paper Stark is the best example, but not once has the ladies your young master has been with been mentioned I know for a fact there are no ladies. So why don't we stop the lies shall we, Jeffery King is the Batman."

Back at the lab, Batman was face to face with a 6'8, green scaled red eye monstrosity. With a look Batman knew that the creature before himself was none other than the Lizard, hmm now he said it in his head he could understand George... Spiderman, scorpion, Rhino, Lizard and now Batman.

Batman was snapped off his thoughts by a massive tail that came swinging at him. **************

short chap I know, next chap will be longer promise.

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