Batman In MCU

Chapter 47 - Wrong, I'm Batman

"hahaha, do you really think you can harm me, Batman. You took everything away from me, without you everything would have gone smoothly!"

Goblin screamed as he thew a concrete slab at Bats, Batman jumped over it activation his gloves once more he landed a strong right hook on the Goblin's jaw causing him to spit out a mouthful of green blood as he flew away.

Goblin stood holding his jaw, "Arrgh!" Green Goblin screamed as he punched at Batman. The Goblin's fist colliding with the Batman's.

The resulting force directly shattered the glove and sent Batman flying through the wall. "you know I've always thought you were better, that somehow you were like Captain America..." Goblin started walking towards Batman at a leisurely pace, "but now I see it, you are nothing more than a man and in a Halloween costume."

Batman stood once again, "wrong, I'm Batman". with that smoke appeared from all around confusing Green Goblin as Batman dissapeared into the smoke.

Green Goblin began looking around frantically for the Batman, but to no avail getting more frantic each second.

A batarang came from behind, hitting Green Goblin in the back of his head. As he tried to regain his bearing another one came attaching unto him releasing a powerful volt of electricity causing him to scream out in pain.

An explosive came out shutting him up and sending him through a pillar. At this point Green Goblin was on all fours with his fear reaching a never before high.

Green Goblin looked around him vigilantly for any signs of the Batman, when Batman dropped from above sending his face into the floor creating web like cracks on the ground.

Goblin rose his head spitting out the cement and began looking around once again for the Batman. "Stop hiding like a coward and face me like a man! coward!"

Goblin punched before himself only for his punch to be caught. The smoke cleared to reveal the Batman who towered over him and had a firm grip on his fist.

Goblin's eyes widened and before he could react, Batman pulled him close and headbutted him stunning him for a bit. Batman not letting up continued with a relentless ȧssault.

Sending a knee straight to his head before continuing to vent his anger on the Goblin, smashing his right arm into a bloodied mess.

After a full on ȧssault he pulled the Goblin by the back of his neck and spoke but one word, "why?"

Goblin just stared at him through the eyes which had swollen up, "hahaha...hahahahaha...haaaaahhahahahahhaha" and began laughing like the mad man he was .

At this point Batman heard a faint sound and moved as a glider made contact with the building and exploded. The entire building was sent down by the massive explosion causing all to move away from the collapsing building including Black Panther who was just about to make his way into the building.

A huge cloud of dust formed as the building collapsed obscuring all forms of vision. As the dust cloud disappeared Black Panther rushed in calling for the Batman.

Black Panther rushed into the scene soon spotting the Green Goblin's corpse which had a wide grin etched on his face. Black Panther took a quick glance still looking for the Batman when he saw a massive concrete slab moving and came to a halt.

The concrete slab was pushed away to reveal the Batman whose suit was all but destroyed but still stood strong.

Choppers soon crowded the scene, shining it's light down on the wreckage below.


"The city is still in shock after the explosive events that happened yesternight as Batman with another unknown individual fought against Norman Osborne now known as the Green Goblin and caused massive destruction across the city...."

"What did I tell you, idolizing these masked vigilantes. now look! look what they did to our city. A cop is dead for crying out loud a-"

Jamesons voice was cut off as Sebastian turned off the T.V , "are you alright sir?" Sebastian asked as he turned to Jeff who was before his work table with Jeff remaining silent.

In the Stacy home, Helen was on the couch hugging a picture of George tightly as she balled her eyes out.

Gwen tried her best to comfort her mother, with even the boys remaining silent with somber looks on their face.


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