Batman In MCU

Chapter 6 - The Hand

After that night I became a whole new person getting on a ship that led to a place I don't know. On the ship I managed to get together with a group of guys who turned out to be in a triad, after arriving in China which was apparently the final destination I joined the triad under the alias Bruce Wayne.

Heh what can I say, I love the man. Life in the triad was how you'd expect extortion, girls,booze,parties and drugs can't forget those. I made it a priority to stay away from the drugs though, I sold but never took any. After spending a few years in the triad I became middle management no longer a low level grunt which allowed me to gain more info about the underworld, which in turn allowed to find an organisation that anyone from my previous world would recognise.... The Hand.

Apparently The Hand had a base close to where I was though it was disguised as a dojo for Krav Maga and so I did what any other sane person in my shoes would do, I joined the dojo. The dojo was mostly just like any other martial dojo emphasis on the word 'mostly', we were taught Krav Maga which increased my martial arts knowledge but I noticed that the extremely talented ones were taking to a secret place by our sensei who went by the name Kenji Nakamura, he looked to be in his late thirties black hair, clean shaven and always in his robes.

After studying as much as I could about the place, I decided it was time to move into the inner circle. I began to reveal my true skill bit by bit which earned me the attention of Kenji the sensei, after training one day he called me aside and told me what we were learning were the basics and the true martial arts were only taught to the talented one and he could see potential in me. The next day I was moved to the secret place and this was where the difference began to show.

In the new place we weren't only taught better Krav Maga and other martial arts we were also sometimes given special tests like tailing one of the teachers without being seen or stealing from the teachers and returning without being caught and just like the previous place the best of the best were taken some place else which I ȧssume was the Hand's main base of operations.

After six months of learning all I could from the place I got selected to move to the main base. I went on to bid farewell to the friends I had made in the triad before joining a ship which took us to Japan. The journey to Japan was surprisingly longer than I thought it would be, after a month and a half we arrived in Japan home of manga and anime.

When we arrived we were quickly moved to a place that really began to give of that whole ninjas-who-lurk-in-the-shadows vibe. The place was hidden in a mountain which was extremely difficult to trek, after passing through a waterfall we discovered the hidden hideout. The place was riddled with ninjas who dressed exactly like how ninjas in TV shows did, we led down a winding part to a place where we would train.

I began to make friends with some of the people there one was even an African American named John Lewis although I didn't know if he was using an alias just like me. The training here was intense, apart from martial arts we were also taught how to use a variety of weapons from swords to shurikens, I patiently learned for months until I began to notice something strange.

After every month they would come take a number of people for a week and when they returned there were subtle differences, after thinking for a while I finally remembered the Hand had a hypnotising policy, "oh shit!" I mumbled to myself. I knew I had to escape as the only way I would learn more was if I fully joined them and I wasn't planning on doing that but after careful consideration I realised it was next to impossible to escape on my own and so I told John about my discovery, of course he did not believe me at first but after showing him evidence he was on board.

We also got a few more people to join us in our escape, after a whole week of planning we were confident we would escape.

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