Batman In MCU

Chapter 62 - Suit up

Jeff arrived at the Batcave with Sebastian and Eve in tow.

"This place is great", Eve spoke up while looking around at the Batcave.

Jeff ignored her and went straight to Bat computer, right before he opened anything an alert popped up.

Jeff wrinkled his brows before clicking on it, doing so he found out the reason. Pepper had found out the truth about Obadiah and contacted S.H.I.E.L.D there was then a confrontation.

The result being lots of S.H.I.E.L.D agent's being injured and Obadiah flying off in the war monger armor.

Jeff held his chin as he began to put things together, the fact that he was attacked tonight and Obadiah was done with the suit this night as well and Chris going for Eve.

" I know what they are up to", Jeff made it to his feet as he turned to face Eve and Sebastian who were just confused.

Jeff was about to speak when Gwen rushed in and hugged him, "Oh my God! you're okay I heard of the explosion and fire and I thought, I thought..."

"Hey, it's okay I'm here, we all are and we are okay", Jeff comforted Gwen whose grip was tightening on him.

"I was scared, I didn't want to go through it again... I, I don't want to loose you too."

Her words touched Jeff's heart as he looked down at her, "I'm fine, I'm Batman remember" Jeff comforted her.

Gwen had a smile on her face hearing that, seeing she was okay Jeff gave his orders. "Okay you three head out"

Jeff gave his order before heading to a mannequin which had his suit. " wait where are we going?" Gwen questioned.

"If I'm not wrong there will be a big explosion soon enough and Chris will be there", Jeff explained.

"Wait who is Chris?" Gwen asked, "The current leader of the court." Eve responded to Gwen's query.

"Ooh... wait who are you?" Gwen started off with a look of realization and ended with a brow raised.

"I'm Eve" Eve had a grin as she introduced herself.

"you say that like it explains who you are and why you are here", Gwen spoke up but Jeff wasn't having any of it.

"We don't have that much time, Sebastian and Eve arm yourselves and Gwen suit up."

"Okay", Gwen responded moving for her bag with her home made costume. "not that one" Jeff stopped her which caused her to look at him in absolute confusion, he pressed. a buŧŧon causing a part of the cave to move and reveal a new Batsuit.

Gwen's eyes widened as she rushed to touch it, the suit was a black suit with a golden bat symbol with gold lining on the cape along with some gold stripes on the gloves,"is this?"

"yes, it's yours now suit up." Jeff spoke as he put on the watch and activated his suit.

"Where are you headed sir?" Sebastian questioned as he realized Jeff wasn't coming with them. "I'm going to help a friend" Batman left these words before jumping in the Batmobile and speeding off.

In Stark's home;

He begins to walk around searching for his phone which he soon finds in the couch under a pillow.

He checks the caller ID to see it's Pepper and answers the phone as he sits, but before he can let a word out a buzzing sound is heard as he looses control of his body and becomes paralyzed.

Obadiah rips the phone out of his hands and cuts Pepper's call, "breathe" Obadiah speaks as he lays him down in the couch.

"you remember this one right", he waved the device which caused the paralysis before Tony.

"it's a shame the government didn't approve of this. There are so many applications for causing short term paralysis" Obadiah moved before Tony and took out his ear buds.

"Ah Tony, when I uh... ordered the hit on you..." He moved with a device to extract the arc reactor from Tony's ċhėst. "I worried that I was killing the golden goose... just fate that you survived that."

"urgh... " Tony let out a groan as Obadiah began to extract the arc reactor.

"you had one last golden egg to give". Obadiah brought out the arc reactor and showed it to Tony who was now struggling to breathe.

"you think just because you have an idea, it yours? your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb, now what kind of world would we live in if he was as selfish as you." Obadiah had a wide grin as he spoke.

"Ahh beautiful, this is a masterpiece, this is your legacy", Obadiah sat at Tony's side as he said that as he now had the whole thing at hand.

"A generation of weapons with this at it's heart... how I wish you could see my prototype, it's not as conservative as yours. Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this, I would've preferred she lived." Obadiah left as he had the arc reactor in a briefcase.

*Crash* the was a loud crash soon after as Batman jumped in but saw Tony who was now extremely pale, "Stark!".

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