Batman In MCU

Chapter 65 - Final battle pt2

Pepper eye's teared up as Obadiah's words hit her, "you're lying" Pepper whispered before she screamed "you're lying! Tony is not dead! he can't be" Pepper whispered the last bit.

Obadiah attempted to move closer to her when there was a boom followed by debris falling to the floor.

Pepper's turned away to shield herself from the debris. After a few seconds she turned to have a look and there he was, in the iconic superhero pose was Tony in his Ironman armor.

"hey Pep, you don't look so good" the familiar voice came out of the suit and Pepper couldn't help but smile when she heard the familiar voice.

"oh my God Tony, he told me you were dead", "me, now that's some bullsh*t right there" Tony responded.

Pepper laughed at that but her eyes widened as she tried to warn Tony but was too late. Obadiah in his Warmonger suit sent Tony into a wall.

"You should have just stayed dead Tony", Obadiah spoke as he rose his arm and aimed at Tony to blast him but Tony ducked and flew straight into Obadiah sending the both of them through the building and finally into the streets busy with traffic.

Cars came to a screeching halt as the drivers stared wide eyed at the two figures in the middle of the street.

Obadiah was first to make it to his feet before turning to look at Ironman who was making it to his feet. Obadiah looking to his side spotted a SUV which was at his side and raised it over his head to smash it on Ironman.

Obadiah felt the same resistance and looked above only to see the Batwing in the air with two grappling hooks locked on to the SUV.

*Crash* the back of the SUV was ripped out before the inhabitants of the car were pulled out safely.

The mother held her children tightly before looking to the one who pulled her out with pure disbelief. One of her children seeing the figure spoke out, "mommy look, it's Batman"

The Batwing released it's grip on the SUV before it exploded with the resulting force sending Obadiah rolling.

"Get to safety", Batman turned to the woman and her kids who modded and quickly moved away. Ironman flew to Batman's side before speaking up, "I had that".

Batman just gave Ironman a look after hearing that, before Ironman could speak again Obadiah was back on his feet and pissed. Batman and Ironman entered into a battle stance seeing this.


Gwen was jumping through the members of the court showing the results of her training as she sent batarangs into any one who got in her way.

Sebastian and Eve on the other hand had shifted to cold weapons, after running out of bullets but they were just as deadly.

Chris didn't hesitate any longer and pulled out twin blades, before jumping into the midst of the battle and swung his blade at Eve who bȧrėly rose her weapon in time to defend herself but in the process she lost her weapon.

Eve grabbed another person and brought the person in front of her as a human shield from Chris who swung his blade sharply.

Eve managed to grab a short blade and charged at Chris who blocked her easily. "Eve, oh Eve you've never been a match for me." "oh shut up you conceited prick!" Eve spat at Chris.

Sebastian heard Eve's scream and bobbed to the right avoid an attack but snatched a knife and fired it at Chris. Chris moved back just in time as a blade came before him and slicing at his face allowing for Eve to jump back and escape.


Chris held his face which now had a blood red line which cut across it, before looking to the source.

There he was fighting in the midst of courts soldiers his face was still cold, at this moment Chris remembered the old days and just why he was so afraid of Sebastian back in the day.

"Ghost Bat you handle him, me and Eve will deal with rest then join you." Sebastian ordered Gwen who flipped and run across the court soldiers and jumped to face Chris.

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