Batman In MCU

Chapter 68 - We meet again

*gunshots* alongside the blaring sounds of alarms resounded through a facility.

The guards kept firing into the distance as fear overwhelmed them like a blanket. "Damn what the hell are these two?!" one of them questioned his friend but all he received for an answer was a scream.

The guards turned to the source of the scream to see a pair of white eyes staring right back at them. The guards attempted to aim at the figure but she rushed at them closing the distance.

Her elbow went straight to the throat to one of them before she grabbed his gun and sent it into the guy of another who she then flipped into another.

Avoiding an attack from behind she quickly moved on to the others. The next minute Gwen stood in full gear with the guards sprawled out around her feet.

In an office filled with monitors showing what was happening in the facility a man saw what was happening and cursed as he took a brief case and headed for the exit but before him was none other than the Batman.

"Dammit!" The man screamed as he grabbed a gun an aimed at the Bat but before he could fire a batarang flew and knocked the gun right out of his hands.

His eyes followed the gun as it slid away before bringing his sight back and as he did he realized Batman was now only mere inches away from him.

Batman grabbed him by the throat and questioned, "what's in the case?" The man struggled before he uttered two words.

"Hail...Hydra" the man managed to utter before foaming at the mouth and dying. Batman dropped the corpse and watched it coldly before taking the case and disapearing.

Batman and Ghost Bat where on the roof top of a building opposite the facility as they watched police cars surround the facility and officers rush in.

"Splendid job master Jeffery, mistress Gwen, may I offer you a cookie?" Sebastian offered as Batman and Ghost Bat made their way into the cave.

"No thanks Sebastian", Batman refused as he headed to the bat computer. "I'll have a cookie", Gwen reached for one.

"mmm, these are good! Jeff you really should try these" Sebastian smiled before leaving the plate of cookies with Gwen and moving to Batman's side.

"I take it tonight was a success?" Sebastian asked, "indeed it was, another Hydra site has been taking down."

"That's nine this week alone sir", "Hydra has been hiding in the shadows for years and have infiltrated almost all levels of government" Batman continued as he tried to unlock the case before him.

"Going straight for the head in this case wouldn't work with them. If I tried without pulling down their mask I would have Fury and all the others thinking I'm the enemy. It wouldn't affect me all that much but if I can deal with Hydra in a much more efficient way I don't see why not" *click* a sound was heard as the briefcase was unlocked.

Inside the case a device was revealed, "muam mwnan", incroprehensible sounds were heard from Batman's side. Both Jeff and Sebastian turned to the source which was Gwen who had a mouthful of cookies.

Looking at the two who were staring at her Gwen realized and spoke once more after emptying her mouth, "oh sorry, I said what's that"

"This is an external hard drive" Jeff spoke up before connecting it to his computer but of course it was encrypted. ""It's encrypted with a military grade encryption."

"That reminds me, the past few months the news about you has changed and when I say you I mean Jeffery King." "I realized it's time I stopped pretending to be something I'm not."

Gwen scoffed before turning to leave.

Batman took one last look at his computer which had a timer for twelve hours on it showing it would take twelve hours to fully decrypt the Hard Drive, and then proceeded to leave the cave as well.

The next day countless vehicles arrived at the King Manor which had been rebuilt once more as Jeff was behind a podium giving a speech. "...and that is the reason I've decided to start the King foundation which will provide cheap affordable housing as well as education and homes to the street children of this city. I believe that if one has the means the they should provide to those in need, thank you. My people will answer all questions you might have."

Applause alongside the camera flashes resounded once Jeff was done. "well well it seems what I've been hearing about you is true, you've changed my friend" Tony came up to Jeff's side.

"Now that's rich coming from you, according to the papers you've become some sort of symbol of peace." Jeff responded, "what can I say, the people love me." Tony had a smug look on his face.

Jeff chuckled at that before continuing, " I heard the state's sending you to court"

"Just some old bald heads trying to take my suit, wanna come watch me take them down a notch"

"Who knows if I'm free then I wouldn't miss the show" Their conversation ended when Tony walked away and Hill appeared before Jeff, "we meet again Mr.King"

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