Batman In MCU

Chapter 73 - Yelena Belenova

"what... who..." the blonde widow looked at Jeff with confusion in her eyes but as she looked around the confusion seemed to vanish from her eyes and was soon replaced with one of realization and horror seconds after.

"Keep it together" Jeff grabbed her by the shoulder seeing that she was about to freak out.

"We need to move now cause I have a sick feeling that they know your free and they're probably coming here right now." Hearing this the blonde girl nodded before rushing to her feet and running to leave the narrow street they were on.

Jeff was right on her tail grabbing Inessa who was still unconscious and slinging her over his shoulders.

Moving onto a main street they took a car and left the scene, "so I know of the girls but who the hell are you?" the blonde questioned Jeff as they drove away.

Jeff looked at her before giving her the fake name, "I'm Oliver, Oliver Queen". "Yelena, Yelena Belova"

Jeff almost came to a halt as he heard that name, he was sure that name was important but he didn't know who exactly she was he couldn't remember her character from the MCU movies or shows meaning he probably got her name from a comic he read once before.

"What, is there something on my face?" Yelena questioned Jeff as she saw him staring at her.

"was wondering where we are headed?" Jeff answered her question with a question. Yelena thought for a moment and spoke up, "I know a place."

Dreykov had people retrieve the bodies of his widows alongside Anya's body. A widow handed a report to Dreykov on what had happened, "One of my widows is dead and my best widow is now missing. So explain to me why the Batman is in Budapest and what the hell is he doing with the traitors."

Dreykov questioned as he raised the batarang which was retrieved from the scene, "also how did they release Yelena you ȧssured me our control was perfect."

Dreykov turned his attention to his scientist who were in his office, the scientist exchanged looks with one another before one of them stepped up.

"The was a fight in a lab with a dead scientist who was friends with Anya, we think he may have made whatever they used on Yelena... but he is dead and what they used of Yelena might have been their only one."

The scientist tried to reassure Dreykov, "might? The Batman is in Budapest and Yelena is with him she is a successful result of whatever they tried and on her and with that they can do it AGAIN!" Dreykov slammed the table.

Taking in deep breaths he adjusted his glasses and gave out and order. "Get the Taskmaster"


Jeff looked around when he noticed holes on the wall, which he ȧssumed where bullet holes. "What happened here?" Jeff spoke up.

Yelena who had changed into new clothes and was now behind Jeff spoke up, "no idea, it has been there since my sister was here last."

"Your sister sounds interesting", Jeff turned to Yelena. "yeah sure" Yelena spoke in a disinterested tone which Jeff was quick to take notice of.

The awkward silence that quickly began to form was interrupted by groans from Inessa who had now regained consciousness.

"Inessa are you alright?" Inessa tried to respond but then laid eyes on Yelena and remembered that she was the one who killed her sister.

Completely blinded by rage she charged for Yelena and sent her back straight into a wall. Yelena let out a grunt before grabbing her arms and flipping her sending both of them rolling on the fall with Inessa trying to kill Yelena.

Jeff seeing this stepped in and separated both of them holding Inessa back. "Let me go!" Inessa screamed out, "she killed Anya" as she said this tears began to form in her eyes.

"Listen, I understand what you're going through right now but Yelena was not responsible she had no control over her actions. The one behind all this is Dreykov and she is just a victim, remember."

Inessa's mind understood what Jeff said by when she saw Yelena her heart couldn't accept it.

Yelena stared at the clock and spoke up, "I liked that clock."

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