Batman In MCU

Chapter 87 - Avengers begins

The months passed like normal, Yelena joined the bat family on patrol taking a code name of her own 'the Orphan '.

She gained a suit designed by both Jeff and Sebastian. The suit was made of carbon-Nano fiber incorporating most if not all of the technology present in both his and Gwen's suits into her own.

And so the streets of New York now had three members of the Bat family patrolling it and combating street crime.

Batman also continued his visits to the facility where the Tesseract was being stored. Inspecting his own device and making adjustments as necessary all without the knowledge of Nick Fury and Seilveig of course.

The days passed like this until the D-day arrived.

Jeff sat before the bat computer as Gwen and Yelena engaged in a sparring session in the background, suddenly an alert popped up.

Clicking on it the address revealed was none other than the location where the Tesseract was located. Wasting no time he activated his suit and got into the the Batmobile leaving the girls confused as to where he was headed.

At the facility Batman made it in time to see the people evacuating the facility, heading in Batman spotted Nick Fury who was trying his best to stall Loki but his attempt was foiled by Clint Barton Aka Hawkeye.

Loki reached out to grab the Tesseract when Batman made himself known by firing a batarang knocking the Tesseract away.

This action caused all to look in his direction as he rushed out of the shadows firing his grappling hook he managed to retrieve the Tesseract while everyone was still stunned by his appearance.

Pulling down the cape Batman gave Loki a look which made him freeze up for a moment, Batman quickly moved his head back though to avoid an arrow aimed at his head but the arrow which had missed his head split into a smaller arrow which knocked down the Tesseract from his hands and into those of Seilveig.

With the Tesseract now in their hands, Loki gave Batman a smirk before they all disappeared at the exact same moment as the facility collapsed.

Nick Fury made it out but let out a few coughs as he had inhaled a bit of the dust cloud that had formed. Maria Hill rushed up to his side to help him up, "are you okay sir?"

"Loki... *cough* Loki took the Tesseract and turned Barton... Activate the avengers initiative" Fury gave his orders to Hill who quickly spoke into her comms before moving into a car.

Fury turned back to face the wreckage that was once was his facility, looking for Batman who he thought was still trapped inside. Unbeknownst to him the man he searched for was on a building behind him watching him with a small device in hand.

The device was the same one he had placed on the Tesseract earlier, he had managed to grab it before Hawkeye fired the Tesseract out of his hands.

"Oracle analyze this" Batman ordered his A.I who got to work immediately. "Sir the mission was a success", hearing those words a grin appeared on the Batman's face behind his mask as he put the device away.

Elsewhere Nat was tied to a chair when one of her interrogators put a phone to her ear, Nat's expression remained unfazed until she heard the news about Hawkeye.

"Hold on" with those words the Black widow went to work on the men surrounding her. Within a minute the chair she was tied to was broken and in another minute the men lay at her feet groaning in pain.

She took the phone once again and continued her conversation with Coulson, after hearing the details she responded with "I'm on my way"

"no" , "no?" " you're on the big guy, bring him in" as Coulson cut the call Natasha remained silent for another minute before dropping the phone in her hand and kicking one man who tried to get back to his feet.

At a boxing gym a blonde man stood before a punching before delivering continuous punches to a sand bag before delivering a hard punch which sent it off its hook, the man just took one look at the sand bag with a gaping hole in the middle and picked up another sand bag.

"Can't sleep" a voice came in from the back as the man turned to see Fury walking in, "I slept for seventy years sir, I've had my fill"

"Then you should be out celebrating, meet some people, see the world"

"when I went under the world was at war, I wake up they say we won. They didn't say what we lost"

"we've made some mistakes along the way some very recent" Fury began, "you here with a mission sir?" Steve asked seeing where this was going

"I am"

"trying to get me back into the world"

"trying to save it" Fury handed over a file to Steve who took a look with curious eyes and saw and object he was all to familiar with, "Hydra's secret weapon"

And so events were set in motion.

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