Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 109 The journey never stops

Time flies.

Bruce spent his thirteenth birthday at school.

During this time, all students at Hogwarts have experienced psychological counseling from their professors, and Bruce is certainly no exception.

After all, only a few people knew that Bruce was the only student who woke up from his dream on his own initiative.

In the process of receiving spiritual counseling, Bruce behaved innocently and harmlessly.

"I dreamed about my parents."

Bruce respects his own character. He grew up in an orphanage and has never met his parents.

"We live together in a big house and live a carefree life."

He made up an ordinary story and passed the test quickly.

It was Professor Sprout who provided spiritual counseling to Bruce.

"Poor kid."

She said, "It doesn't matter. As long as you live hard, your parents will definitely see it in heaven."

"I know, Professor." Bruce squeezed out a few tears.

When he came out of the spiritual counseling room, Owl said: "It seems that this dream is not without positive meaning."

He had just been peeking at the professor's tutoring notebook.

It records interviews and conversations with many students. Many students are not affected and all they dream about is the future.

Since it is the future, it is possible.

There are even some young wizards who have truly clarified their goals because of their dreams and are willing to work hard for them.

Of course, there are still some students who have been negatively affected——

"I dreamed that my father never drank and never hit anyone." This is what a girl said.

"I dreamed that my mother never left and was always by my side." This is what a boy said.

"I dreamed that I was not an orphan." This is what Bruce said.

The school collects dream content not just for spiritual counseling.

For example, the girl who mentioned her father's domestic violence had a professor come to her house and have a friendly chat with her father.

Except for life and death, everything else can actually be undone in time.

"Hogwarts is getting better."

Katum said, “I just don’t know when the teaching level will be improved.”

At least to the extent that the founders are satisfied.

Before we knew it, it was Easter.

Year 2 students have important things to think about during the Easter holidays.

It's time for them to take third-year courses.

This matter, at least in Hermione's opinion, needs to be treated with caution.

"This affects our entire future."

She said very seriously to her friends. At this time, sitting with her were not only Harry, Neville and Ron, but also Wayne.

At this time, on Hermione's shoulder stood a very scrawled rag doll.

According to her, she picked it up when she returned to the lounge one day.

She was originally a bit taboo about this kind of moving magical creation and was unwilling to get close to it, but the little rag doll took the initiative to follow her and seemed very close to her.

It was as if they had known each other before.

Finally, Dumbledore was asked to check it, and after the principal said there was nothing to worry about, Hermione still kept the doll.

They were inseparable and occasionally read Professor Lockhart's books together.

After all, Lockhart hasn't collapsed yet.

"The witch must hate Ravenclaw now."

Bruce thought, "After all, in her mind, the real Lockhart has been murdered by Ravenclaw."

Back to the subject of course selection.

"I just want to have a good Potions class," Harry said. "The professor has been in a bad state since he came back from leave, and he also seems to be avoiding me."

He actually knew the reason.

But Harry didn't care about this. Snape was very kind to him and he was willing to treat Snape as a relative.

"But you must choose some electives!" Hermione said, "Otherwise, you will waste your precious time in school, and you may repeat the grade."

"I know."

Harry sighed, choosing was a difficult thing.

"I heard that Lockhart will not be renewed next school year. Maybe he can't pretend anymore."

Ron said that he had long felt that something was wrong with Lockhart, that he was simply a beautiful idiot.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, he would object to anything Hermione liked and make her angry.

Sure enough, Hermione immediately screamed: "You are not allowed to talk about Professor Lockhart!"

The rag doll on her shoulder immediately jumped up and kicked Ron on the nose.

Then with lightning speed, it was back on Hermione's shoulder.

Ron and Hermione immediately started arguing.

Harry ignored them and just used his wand to click randomly on the list, choosing whichever subject he clicked on.

On the other side, Neville was buried in a pile of letters, which were sent by relatives of the Longbottom family. Everyone gave their own opinions.

They all had good intentions, but they made Neville's whole head grow bigger.

If he followed the advice of his relatives, he would have to take all the classes.

How is it possible?

Neville probably didn't expect that someone actually did this.

Bruce had signed all the subjects at this time, regardless of the fact that there was a conflict with class time.

This was Hermione's advice to him, just make your choice boldly and others will naturally find a way.

Sure enough, not long after Bruce handed in his course selection form, Professor Sprout approached him.

"Bruce, come with me."

When I followed Professor Sprout to the office, there were already people inside.

Hermione, and Professor McGonagall.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was holding two wish lists and confirming with Hermione——

"Miss Granger, are you sure you want to take all the classes? I must say, it will take up almost all of your time."

"I'm sure, Professor!"

Hermione not only nodded firmly, but also pulled Bruce to her side, "Bruce decided the same!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Bruce, who immediately put on a fake smile.

"Oh well."

Professor McGonagall sighed, "If that's the case, then we have to apply for two time turners."

After all, Hermione and Bruce are not in the same house.

"Time turner? What is that?" Hermione asked confused.

"A device that can turn back time would be very troublesome to apply to the Ministry of Magic."

Professor McGonagall said, "But otherwise, you wouldn't be able to take all the classes. Hermione and Bruce, I am willing to apply for you because you are model students.

"So you must swear to me-"

Professor McGonagall's eyes were dark, and she said very seriously: "You will not tell anyone about this matter, and you will not use the time turner for anything other than academic work."

"I promise!" Hermione said happily.

"Yes!" Bruce nodded.

Professor McGonagall didn't know what Bruce was talking about, maybe it was his guarantee, right?

"Okay, nothing happens, you can go back."

The remaining days of the summer semester were spent in dazzling sunshine.

At the end of the semester, Professor Gale approached Bruce.

“Don’t slack off on yourself even during the holidays!”

He said, "Don't embarrass me!"

Gale has adopted the blues as his own.

Bruce nodded and promised Gale that he would never slack off.

After the final dinner, Bruce and Hermione got on the train home together.

"Professor Lockhart is gone." Hermione said disappointedly. "I really hope he can stay."

"Everyone has their own choice." Bruce said vaguely.

At this time, Katum was trampling Hermione's doll under his feet and pecking at it.

"Katum, don't bully Muen!"

Hermione picked up the owl and told him to stop bullying the little rag doll.

Muen was the name she gave to the little rag doll.

Nowadays, Hermione has gathered all kinds of Eun, Wayne, Ron, and now there is also a Mu Eun.

After rescuing the doll, Hermione sighed again.

"I wonder who the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be next school year."

"She should be a normal teacher."

Bruce said with something in his words.

He thought to himself, it's impossible for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to cause trouble in the school every year, right?

It shouldn't be... right?

In northern England, the sky is overcast and the waves are crashing against the rocks.

A small boat docked, and then a figure in black robe jumped from it.

"Finally released after serving his sentence!" The man sighed and took off the hood of his robe, revealing a somewhat funny face.

Dark wizard Gibbon.

"Really? I think Azkaban is pretty good."

Another person got off the boat. He was thin and looked a little weak.

Remus Lupin.

He said: "Azkaban at least provides food and shelter. No matter how desperate the dementors are, their lives are not desperate."

“Where is your despair in your life?”

Gibbon snorted coldly, "You haven't even been released from prison, and the invitation to Hogwarts has been sent over."

"Yeah yeah……"

Lu Ping took out the teaching invitation from his robe and felt a little emotional.

Dumbledore has not forgotten himself after all.

I joined the League of Unwanteds and did a lot of bad things. Even with Dumbledore's intercession, I was still sentenced to one year.

But Gibbon was different. He had no one to intercede, and he only served one year in prison because he simply followed Lu Ping.

"Brother Lupine!"

At this time, Gibbon suddenly spoke. He rubbed his hands and said with a flattering smile, "I don't have anywhere to go now. Why don't you take me with you to be a teacher? I can be your teaching assistant!"

Lupine thought for a while, and it seemed like nothing was wrong.

"I have to ask Dumbledore. As long as you can change your mind, he should give you a chance to come back."

Even if he had to wash the toilet in Hogwarts, Gibbon should be able to accept it.

"Besides, we have something very important to do when we go to Hogwarts this time, and having one more person can be a help.

"What do you think?"

After Lu Ping finished speaking, a big black dog jumped out of the boat.

"Woof!" it said.

"Are you ready?" Katum said to Bruce.

"Okay." Bruce learned his lesson this time. Even if he was not ready, the owl would not continue to wait for him.

"Then let's go!"

The passage to the heavens suddenly appeared, and the figures of Katum and Bruce disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

It’s another bizarre passage through the heavens, but Katum’s goal is very clear.

"In order for us to realize the power of illusion as soon as possible, I will take you to see the real hero this time!"

Katum grabbed Bruce and rushed into a world.

This is a world of superpowers.

Countless heroes of justice punish evil and maintain world peace.

Among these heroes, seven are the most famous.

They are called - "The Seven"!

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