Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 13 I only remember your betrayal of me

When he saw Bruce appear in his field of vision, Red Hood Jason felt his blood boil.

finally found you.

Memories of his time as Robin surfaced in his mind, then quickly shattered.

What overflowed was only unforgettable hatred.

Those memories that were considered precious in the past have become a source of pain for Jason.

Jason Todd once considered Batman his father.

As a child, Jason was a street gangster who was noticed by Bruce for stealing the tires of the Batmobile.

Bruce discovered Jason's talent for crime. In order to prevent the child from growing crooked, Bruce adopted him as his adopted son and later developed him into the second generation Robin.

It sounds like a heartwarming story, but Bruce's personal problems are too big.

His teaching methods were too harsh and strict. Jason had been following Bruce for so long, and he had never even seen Bruce smile at him.

Although Bruce's original intention was to train him, it was still a bit too cruel for a child.

Jason followed Bruce and never felt any family affection. He was like a troubled child, always wondering whether Bruce loved him or not.

He desperately wanted to prove himself, so in the process of fighting crime, his methods became more and more extreme.

All he got in return was criticism from Bruce again and again.

There are obvious problems with such a relationship, not to mention the fact that the Joker is involved.

The Joker came up with an interesting plan. He used Jason's late mother as bait and captured Jason in Arkham Asylum.

Another forged videotape recorded the entire process of the Joker beating Jason to death with a steel pipe.

Finally the tape was sent to Batman.

After Jason disappeared, Bruce also searched for Jason for a long time.

But after seeing the clown's video, he chose to give up.

He didn't show any outward sadness, he was still the Dark Knight of Gotham City.

Batman's weakness is never seen.

Even after a few weeks, he accepted Tim Drake as the third Robin.

Gotham City's bat lights are on as usual, but Jason's nightmare has just begun.

He was imprisoned in Arkham Asylum and tortured by the Joker and the madmen in the asylum for a full year.

Jason hoped countless times that Batman would come to save him, but Batman never came.

Pain and resentment distorted Jason's mind, and coupled with the clown's bewitchment, all his love for Bruce finally turned into hatred.

Boundless hatred!

"I used to trust you so much..."

At this time, Jason stood on the roof of the Granger family, staring at Bruce.

"But how long did it take for you to replace me? A week? A month? I used to trust you so much, but you left me there to die!

"Even after you knew that I was killed by the Joker, you didn't want to avenge me!"

Jason's teeth were broken.

His hatred of Bruce mainly comes from two aspects.

One was that Bruce gave up on him and quickly found a replacement, the third generation Robin.

The second is that Batman knows that the Joker is his murderer, but is unwilling to kill the Joker to avenge him.

For Jason, if Batman was killed by the Joker, he would definitely kill the Joker at all costs and avenge Bruce!

Thousands of words combined into one sentence.

Batman betrayed Jason!

Now he transforms into the Red Hood and returns from hell.

Bruce Wayne, you can go die!

Jason jumped up from the roof and landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, Bruce actually had no idea who the person in front of him was.

Jason's hatred comes from Batman's future and has nothing to do with Bruce, who is now only eleven years old.

But Jason didn't care about any of this.

Since they are all Bruce Wayne, and this Bruce even comes from the main universe, it would be even more satisfying to take revenge on him.

Killing him in advance can also make himself in the main universe less painful.

Bruce stepped back step by step, trying to stay away from this dangerous person who suddenly appeared.

"The Dark Knight, Gotham's Patron Saint."

Jason's eyes under the mask showed a hint of pleasure.

"Look at how embarrassed you are now!"

Bruce was still retreating, like a panicked child who didn't know how to face such a crisis.

Jason said mockingly: "You always taught me to be calm and obedient to true knowledge, but now you look at yourself and it seems that you haven't done it either?"

"I don't know you."

Finally, facing Jason, Bruce said his first words.

And the tone of this sentence was not at all as scary as the one he showed just now.

On the contrary, Bruce is extremely calm now.

Is the current situation dire?

Bruce recalled the alley where his parents died in front of him. It was the night he was most helpless and scared.

I have experienced the greatest pain in my life, and everything in the future will be trivial.

"But I know you!!!"

Jason was angered by Bruce's response. He raised his pistol to Bruce's head and yelled.

"If you confess to me now, I can still give you a happy life!!!"

But Bruce's response didn't change at all: "I told you, I don't know you."

Not only that, he finally started his long-planned action.


Bruce suddenly stretched out his arms, opened his palms, and recited the dance spell in "Elementary Spells".

"What are you doing?"

Jason was suddenly stunned, and then his whole body began to be out of control, his legs kept twitching, as if he was dancing a quick step.

What's going on? !

Jason knew that this should be a kind of magic-like power, which also existed in his own world.

But why did Bruce know this trick, where did he learn it from?

"I knew you had been hiding something from me!"

Jason hated it more and more. He had been with Bruce for so long, but he didn't know that he had learned magic at the age of eleven!

Bruce didn't care about these. He seized the opportunity created now and took the initiative to attack and seek a glimmer of life for himself!

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

He recited the spell of floating spell again, and the two guns in Jason's hands suddenly floated up.

Then one fell to the ground and the other was caught by Bruce.

Bruce clenched the pistol with both hands and pointed it at Jason's legs.

He didn't want to kill people, but he didn't mind solving the enemy's ability to move.


Bruce pulled the trigger, and the gun unexpectedly jammed.

This situation can only prove that this is an empty gun.

How is it possible?

Bruce couldn't believe that a killer who came to kill him had no bullets in his gun!


Jason suddenly sneered, and in the constant confrontation of willpower, his dance steps finally stopped.

Then he kicked Bruce away with lightning speed.

"I didn't want to use a gun against you." Jason said coldly, "You don't deserve it!"

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