Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 143 Time and Flashpoint

The best attitude towards the Time Turner is to be like Hermione, just use it to study and do nothing else.

Then at the most critical moment, use it to turn the overall situation around.

Other times, just pretend it doesn't exist.

Bruce had some doubts about Katum's words.

"It's not as serious as you said, right?"

He said, "Look, it's written in the instructions for the time turner -

“Nothing a time traveler does in the past has any effect on the present, it just creates the conditions they noticed before traveling.

"In other words, everything you do back in the past is part of history."

Hearing these words, Katum immediately shook his head.

"It's not that simple."

He said, "The magic world has studied time for a thousand or two thousand years but has not yet understood it. Time converters are time converters, and time magic is time magic.

"Let me give you an example. There once was a witch named Eloise Mintab. She was a mute person in the Department of Mysteries. She once used a time turner to return to the past in an experiment, but because the time exceeded several Died when young.

"During an experiment to travel back in time, Héloïse was trapped in the year 1402 for five days.

"When she finally returned to the present, her body had aged five centuries and was irreparably damaged, eventually dying at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

"Her travels changed the life trajectories of all the people she met in the past. At least 25 descendants disappeared from modern times and became "never born."

“On top of that, her return to the present day lasted two and a half days on Tuesday, and only four hours on Thursday.

"The magic world still hasn't figured out the principle of this kind of time paradox. I advise you not to worry about it."

Katum's words were serious, but Bruce became interested.

"Just because others haven't figured it out, doesn't mean I can't figure it out."

He said, "If I mastered the principles of this and had the power of time magic, wouldn't I be able to save many tragedies in the past?"

"You saved a ghost!"

Katum finally understood how annoying adolescent brats really are.

He really wanted to ask Bruce, can you be more mature?

When Barry Allen, the Flash, wants to travel through time and space to save his mother, Batman can stand up and say categorically: "It is because of what we have experienced in the past that we are what we are today."

That was such a mature and steady statement. How could Bruce not realize it now?

"Bruce, let me give you a hypothetical scenario!"

Katum thought for a while and decided to use gentle persuasion instead of forcing Bruce to accept his point of view.

"What if, I mean what if, there is such a little boy who lost his parents when he was a child..."

"Are you kidding me about my orphan life again?"

Bruce was very alert and immediately thought that Katum had good intentions.

"Stop slandering me!" Katum retorted loudly, "I'm obviously talking about Harry Potter!"

"What you'd better say is Harry Potter!" Bruce looked at him unkindly.

"That's it Harry, okay, don't interrupt me anymore, let me continue!"

Katum had a dissatisfied look on his face. He finally managed to create a story-telling atmosphere, but was interrupted by Bruce.

"Now let's assume that Harry lost his parents when he was a child, oh no, there seems to be no need to assume.

"Anyway, it's Harry. Suppose he got the time turner and after using it a few times, he suddenly had a bad idea.

"He realized that although the time turner stipulates a maximum of five hours, as long as he doesn't care about physical damage, it is actually possible to go back to the past how long ago.

"And he only needs to return to Godric's Hollow thirteen years ago and warn his parents or Dumbledore in advance to prevent the tragedy from happening, and he can grow up with his parents.

"As soon as the idea arose, it spread like a virus in his mind, and in a fit of desperate desire, Harry took action.

"He succeeded, returned to Godric's Hollow in 1981, and successfully prevented Voldemort from killing the Potters.

"Okay, now here comes the question, Bruce, please answer me, after Harry does such a thing, what will happen to us now?"


Bruce had been listening very fascinatedly just now, not because of how well Katum told it, but because he felt very involved in this story.

Then Katum suddenly asked a question, which made Bruce not know how to answer for a moment.

What will it look like now?

He murmured: "Since the Potters are not dead, then Voldemort must have jumped in vain, then there is no Boy-Who-Lived, and Voldemort will not be rebounded by the Killing Curse.

"Under such circumstances, Voldemort's rule will continue..."

Bruce continued to deduce.

He was still thinking that the Dark Lord's reign of terror would not last long, and there would definitely be wizards who would stand up to him.

But Katum interrupted him.

"I'll tell you the most likely scenario, and that is that nothing will change in our lives!"

"How is that possible?" Bruce opened his eyes wide, "Obviously there have been so many variables..."

"Parallel world, boy!"

Katum said, “Although the reasons for the creation of different universes and parallel worlds may not be the same, destroying the structure of the timeline will always cause such unknown changes.

"When you change the past, the past reality will not necessarily change, but another parallel world will split from that point in time."

Having said that, that's about it.

Whether the world of Harry Potter follows this rule or not, Katum doesn't know.

But he is certain that the DC world is like this.

Otherwise the Flashpoint event would not have happened.

Based on this, Katum was so cautious about the time turner.

In fact, there is an unacknowledged spin-off to "Harry Potter" called Harry Potter and the Unlucky Child.

Inside, Harry and Malfoy's children kept using time turners to go back in time, trying to return to the finals of the Triwizard Tournament and save Cedric from death.

And then they kept failing, creating a lot of weird futures.

For example, the future in which Cedric becomes a Death Eater, the future in which Hermione becomes a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, the future in which Harry Potter is killed by Voldemort, etc.

This situation is a flashpoint.

Therefore, Katum's suspicion is not unreasonable. If his guess is true, then the story he mentioned just now about little Harry saving his mother should become——

For the first time, Harry saves his mother.

The second time, Harry stopped Harry from saving his mother.

The third time, Harry in the parallel world, in order to prevent himself from disappearing, went back to the past to stop Harry from saving his mother.

The fourth time,...

Anyway, in the end, there will always be a classic question.

How many Harry Potters were there in Godric's Hollow on the night of October 31, 1981?

It’s scary to think about it.

Bruce heard the story told by Katum and finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Those who want to play with time will eventually be played with by time.

"Put that thing down."

"Just think of it as a learning tool and don't think about anything else," Katum said.

Bruce thought for a long time this time, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I promise you."

Then he changed the topic, "But, is there really no way to go back more than five hours in time without creating a parallel universe?"

Of course there is.

Katum thought to himself, but he would definitely not tell the dead Batboy.

Otherwise, if Bruce knows about it, he will definitely be eager to try it, and in the end, he may even be tricked into it.

Isn’t it okay to just let the years pass like this?

After getting the time turner, Hermione was particularly excited.

She may have studied it several times in private. Anyway, Bruce had a similar experience. Hermione suddenly appeared next to him, but he didn't notice it at all.

But she did comply with the Ministry of Magic's requirements and never had two Hermiones appear together.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Bruce and Hermione are heading to Diagon Alley again to buy school supplies for this year.

Unlike last year, Hermione's mood seemed extremely high this time.

"I can finally have my own pet!" she said happily. "For the past two years, I have always wanted to take pets to school, but my mother just didn't agree!"

Her three good friends, Harry has an owl, Ron has a mouse, and Neville has a toad.

Although Hermione didn't really want the latter two creatures, there was still no problem in getting an owl.

Just get one like Katum.

"Tell your cousin to find a female owl."

In the Granger family's car, Katum leaned close to Bruce's ear and warned him——

"Your godfather is old and wants to find a companion to live a peaceful life!"

"Get out!"

Bruce glanced at Katum with an unkind look. This guy was active and active all day long. How could he tell that he looked a little bit old?

He will talk nonsense about trains.

If you bullied Hermione's owl, then Bruce would also apologize.

Batboy doesn't want to do this kind of thing.

In the back seat of the car, Hermione had been thinking about what kind of pet she would choose.

This scene was like going back to two and a half years ago, when she had just received the admission notice to Hogwarts.

The excitement has not diminished at all.

“Owls are actually pretty good!”

Hermione said, "But other animals can't be considered. For example, it would be great to raise a big cat!"

"Absolutely not a cat!"

Katum was chirping again, "Then you're going to get in trouble with me!"

Bruce glanced at Katum. According to you, there are many owls in Hogwarts Castle that bump into your face.

You are not the same as the king and hegemony!

He withdrew his attention, turned to look at Hermione, and pointed to the rag doll Muon on her shoulder: "I thought you had regarded this rag doll as a pet."

Hermione immediately shook her head: "How can Muon be a pet? She is my friend!"

And it's not just an ordinary friend, it's a friend with merit, a friend who has helped her teach Ron a lesson and can discuss Lockhart with her.

"And it's obvious that Muen has her own mind. I suspect that she is not a rag doll, but a cursed witch."

Hermione smiled and looked at the doll on her shoulder, "Isn't that right, Munn?"

She thought the joke was funny and laughed to herself.

But no one else laughed except her.

"Come to think of it, Muen might know magic."

Hermione suddenly said, "I saw her hiding in the corner several times, and she seemed to be talking to someone!"

Hmm! ?

Bruce's eyes suddenly became sharp.

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