Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 15 Diagon Alley

After the rope on Bruce was untied, he fell to the ground.

He climbed up with his hands, feeling an indescribable pain all over his body.

Katum said: "I don't know if you are lucky or not this time. The first person to come is Jason Todd."

How to say it, there is a feeling of being unexpected and reasonable.

Speaking of hatred for Bruce, Jason at this stage can indeed be said to be the deepest.

But although he shouted fiercely, he might not be able to kill Bruce in the end.

Besides, this is still the young version of Bruce.

Bruce twisted his wrist and ignored Katum's complaints.

He said afterward: "The man just kept calling me Batman... Is this my future identity?"


Bruce was wondering what his motive was for choosing such a name.

"You hate the name Batman?" Katoom asked back, "Then you can also take other titles, such as Captain Gotham."

"No, I don't hate it."

Bruce shook his head and chewed on the title of Batman repeatedly.

The more he thought about it, the better he felt about this title.

Bats are the creatures he fears the most. He chose the title of Batman, presumably to bring the same fear to his enemies.

Katum shrugged and flapped his wings to go back.

The grudge between Bruce and Bats cannot be explained in one or two sentences. The timeline involved spans hundreds of thousands of years.

In the big event "Final Crisis", Batman was teleported to the prehistoric era by Darkseid after losing his memory. Barbatos also saw Batman at that time and thought that this person was very similar to himself, so he chose him as the portal for the plan to invade the main world.

Don't worry about the subsequent specific details. In short, just figure out a concept.

Bruce became Batman, which was a destiny set hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Katum flew in front, and Bruce walked silently behind.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he felt.

He was too lax before, and he had no power to fight back when he met Jason. If it wasn't for a strange combination of circumstances, he would have died.

No, this must never happen again!


This word suddenly appeared in Bruce's mind.

That's right, no matter what happens in the future, you should be prepared in advance, and you can't just prepare one plan, you need multiple plans.

If one plan fails, the next plan will immediately make up for it.

Bruce began to make it clear in his mind that he must be a person who always has a plan B.

Only in this way can he feel safe!

Because he has too many enemies.


The next morning, the Granger family took Bruce to London.

"We're going to buy you school supplies."

Mrs. Granger said with a smile while sitting in the passenger seat.

Hermione sat in the back seat with her head down, her messy hair blocking her face, but it can be seen that she is still sulking.

"Hermione." Mrs. Granger was a little helpless, she already knew what happened between the two children.

She knew her daughter very well. She had always been unwilling to admit defeat. Bruce's magic talent that could be seen at a glance last night really hit this girl.

Hermione raised her head, pretending to be indifferent: "I'm fine, Mom."


Mrs. Granger said no more, thinking that it would be good for the child to suffer some setbacks.

Let her see that there are people better than others, and it will also make Hermione less arrogant in the future.

The car drove all the way to London and soon arrived at Charing Cross Road, stopping in front of a small and dirty bar.

In theory, for young wizards born in Muggles, professors usually visit them in person to guide them into the magical world.

But when Hermione received the notice, the Granger family had already gone through the process once. With the previous experience, they could come this time.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron, and you can go to the magical world from here."

Hermione whispered to Bruce.

Although her heart knot was still not untied, she was still playing the role of a sister seriously.

"Thank you."

Bruce also thanked Hermione in a low voice.

Hermione glanced at Bruce, and perhaps because he was pleasing to the eye, her anger dissipated a lot.

After getting off the car, they walked through the bar and came to a small courtyard surrounded by walls. There were only trash cans and weeds here.

Hermione stood on tiptoe, raised her wand, and tapped a brick three times.

The brick that had been knocked shook, and the whole wall began to move. A small hole appeared in the middle, and the hole became bigger and bigger.

Soon, a wide archway appeared in front of them, leading to a winding, endless cobblestone street.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!"

Hermione immediately regained her confidence. She put away her wand and raised her chin slightly. At that moment, people who didn't know would think that Diagon Alley was opened by her.

Diagon Alley is a wizard commercial street, with a dazzling array of shops on both sides of the street, with all kinds of strange signs and goods.

"Let's go to Gringotts to exchange money first. Fifty gold Galleons should be enough..."

"Aunt, I have my own money!"

Bruce was really not used to spending other people's money on everything. Although this was out of his aunt's concern, he still felt that it was better for him to pay for it himself.

It's not like he couldn't afford it.

It took a while for Bruce to explain clearly that he inherited the Wayne family's legacy.

Although he didn't say the specific number, his words and deeds conveyed a meaning.

He, Bruce Wayne, is a rich man.

Mrs. Granger couldn't persuade Bruce in the end, so she had to agree that Bruce would pay for it himself this time.

Soon they exchanged pounds for Galleons from Gringotts, and Bruce saw goblins for the first time.

They were so ugly.

During the money exchange, Bruce just watched from the side, and after hearing a few words between Mr. Granger and the goblin, he vaguely realized that there seemed to be loopholes in the exchange rate of the wizarding world.

Even now, I can think of a way to collapse their market.

At this moment, Katum flew to Bruce's shoulder.

"Boy, don't think about it."

He seemed to know what Bruce was thinking, "Finance is always just a means, and the underlying logic of social operation is violence. If you collapse the wizard's finance, they will use violence to take back what belongs to them, and then the only ones who will suffer will be the lower-level Muggle people."

Bruce immediately threw his previous thoughts out of his mind.

While Mr. Granger was exchanging money, Hermione and Bruce were chatting.

"I learned in advance that Hogwarts has four major colleges, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

"Each college corresponds to different qualities. I think I should go to Ravenclaw. I heard that there are smart wizards there."

Four major colleges?

Bruce asked: "What qualities do these colleges correspond to?"

"I know this."

It was Katum who interrupted again, "They correspond to Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch respectively."

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