Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 150 Ares' Secret War

"Actually, I have never believed in divination."

Bruce lowered his voice and said to Hermione, "The future should be changing, with infinite possibilities."

If the future cannot be changed, there is no need for him to start this journey with Katum.

One thing he firmly believes is that destiny is in his own hands.

What does it mean?

Just like now, Bruce rushed forward, grabbed Professor Trelawney, raised his fist, and asked her a question——

"Do you think this fist will fall on you next second?"

If she says no, he will punch her down.

If she says yes, change the fist to a slap.

This is called fate being in one's own hands.

"Now, I ask you to divide into groups of two and each drink a cup of tea until only the tea leaves remain."

Professor Trelawney began to assign class tasks. She explained in detail the method of tea leaf divination.

"Use your left hand to swish the tea leaves three times in the cup, then turn the cup upside down on the tray. When the last drop of tea has seeped out, hand the cup to your partner for interpretation."

Bruce and Hermione were naturally divided into groups, and they were sitting at the same table.

When the tea in the cup was finished, Hermione handed her cup to Bruce.

Bruce handed her the cup as well.

"I seem to see a whirlpool, which means-"

Hermione twirled the tea cup and then turned to the fourth page of the textbook "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future." "This means that something big will happen next, but you will stay out of it."

"Big things happen every day on earth, and I can't be involved in every one of them."

Bruce shook his head, then looked at Hermione's cup, "There are three ripples in your tea cup, which means you may want to go swimming, and then this-"

He suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked.

"I can't make it out clearly," Bruce said. "The shape is too strange. It looks a bit like a dog, but also a bit like a wolf."

"Show me." Hermione reached out and asked Bruce to hand the tea cup to her.

At this time, Professor Trelawney was walking around the classroom, looking at everyone's teacups, and then giving some advice.

She was listening to a conversation between Neville and his partner, Dean Thomas.

"There's a cross in your teacup."

Dean looked at the textbook and said, "That means you will have 'tribulation and pain'."

Neville's round face instantly turned pale. He leaned his head over and looked at his teacup.

"Is this a cross?" Neville stammered, "It looks like a sword to me."

"What's your relationship with Jian Neng?"

Dean asked, "You are a wizard and don't have the opportunity to hold a sword. I think you are more likely to experience hardship and pain - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to curse you."

Professor Trelawney poked her head around to see if there was a cross or a sword in the cup.

At this time, she heard the conversation between Hermione and Bruce.

"—a bit like a dog, and a bit like a wolf."

She immediately turned her head and said to Bruce: "Child, hand me that teacup!"

Bruce handed her the cup.

Professor Trelawney just glanced at it, then suddenly took a deep breath and screamed.

Then she sat down in the armchair, covered her chest with her hands, and closed her eyes.

"Poor child...poor child..."

"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked with a frown.

The cup in Bruce's hand belongs to her.

"My dear, you are in trouble!"

Professor Trelawney opened her eyes suddenly, "That big gloomy dog ​​that haunts the cemetery! It is an omen—the most powerful omen—the omen of death!"

For a moment, all the other students showed horrified expressions and looked at Hermione anxiously.

But Hermione, as the person involved, seemed very calm.

"I don't think it's ominous," she said.

"That's because you have no sense of the future."

Professor Trelawney said regretfully, "My poor child, this is the end of today's class. Please pack your things..."

She didn't want to say another word or look at Hermione again.

The students packed up their textbooks in silence, occasionally looking at Hermione from the corner of their eyes with complicated expressions.

Bruce closed the textbook and whispered to Hermione: "I told you that divination is inaccurate. If Trelawney is not a teacher, I am afraid that the next step will be to collect money from you."

"I didn't believe her."

Hermione said, "It's strange to say that this is the first time I feel that class is a waste of time. Trelawny teaches useless things."

Bruce nodded in agreement.

They immediately left the classroom, then bypassed the crowd of classmates, found an uninhabited corner, started the time turner, and returned to nine o'clock.

Start going to third period class.

With such a fulfilling course schedule, Hermione quickly forgot the unpleasantness of the Divination class.

What a harbinger of death.

It's all just deceptive tricks.

After Bruce finished his morning class and lunch, he saw Katum flying over from the direction of the dormitory.

"You slept all morning."

Bruce said, "What did you do last night?"

"Children, don't ask about adults' nightlife." Katum laughed, "There are some things that are not convenient for you to know."

"It's definitely not serious."

Bruce walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with his textbook in hand, preparing to take Professor Lupin's first class.

On the way, he picked up yesterday's topic from Katum.

"Did you go a little too far with Cedric?" Bruce said, "I didn't know your so-called methods were so evil."

"I think it's quite creative."

The owl said, "To deal with Barbatos, you can't always play your cards according to the routine - by the way, what class are you going to take now?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts," Bruce said.

"That's it, please take leave."

Katum shook his head, "I'm afraid Lupine's first class is not suitable for you."

"Why?" Bruce asked.

"He would bring a boggart to class. You know boggarts, right?"

"I know." Bruce nodded.

It is a shape-shifting creature that takes on the form that people fear.

"That's right!" Katum said, "I can imagine what the Boggart will become in front of you without even using my brain."

What else could it be?

It can only be the corpses of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne.

Although Bruce has been through a lot, he still won't be able to bear it if he sees such a scene again.

Not only that——

"The spell Lupine is going to teach you isn't very suitable for you either."

Katum said, "It's a spell that forces the Boggart to look funny."

What circumstances could turn the bodies of the Waynes into something very funny?

Katum didn’t dare to think about it.

That was a little too hellish.

"Then there's no need to ask for leave."

After hearing this, Bruce felt that this class would not suit him, but he still did not choose not to take the class.

"Just find an excuse to sneak in later. I won't waste any class."

As we talked, the classroom arrived.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class is conducted by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students together.

Indeed, as Katum said, Professor Lupine took everyone to a large cabinet with a Boggart inside.

After teaching everyone the funny spell, the professor asked all the students to try to solve this annoying monster.

When everyone was excited and eager to try, Bruce came to Professor Lupin with a grimace.

"I'm sorry, Professor."

"I can't attend this event, it would be painful for me," he said.

Lu Ping signaled the students to start, and teaching assistant Yoshimoto was responsible for the order of classroom activities.

Then he pulled Bruce aside and sat down.

He said pleasantly: "Is there any problem? Classmate Bruce."

"Because what I fear is the painful memories of the past."

Bruce said, "Professor, you may not know my life experience——"


Lupine put his finger to his mouth, signaling Bruce to stop talking.

"I not only know your life experience."

He suddenly said, "I know more of your secrets. You don't need to hide them from me. Didn't Gordon tell you everything?"

Gordon? !

Bruce looked up in surprise.

Then he saw Lupine's gentle expression.

"Are you Ares?" Bruce asked with a frown.

"No, no, I'm still Lupin."

Professor Lupine said, "But Ares' memory is open to me. He recognized your identity when he first saw you on the train.

"Bruce from Gotham City, am I right?"

Ah this——

Bruce had nothing to say. He had prepared a good reason, but now it was completely useless.

Lupine continued: "Besides, even without Ares, I still know how special you are. Don't forget, Gibbon and I once followed Jason and caused a lot of trouble for others."

Bruce thought about it, and that was true.

With Jason's cold-hearted nature, he asked Bruce to take care of Lupine before leaving, which shows that he really regarded Lupine as a friend.

In this case, there is no guarantee that Jason will not tell Lupine his true experience in a superhero-style chat.

"So, your identity is not a secret in front of me."

Lupine reassured Bruce, "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Of course, Ares shouldn't bother to do that either."

"Then I'll trouble you."

Bruce thought for a while and asked a question that he was very curious about.

"Professor Lupin, does Ares know how he came to this world?"

Bruce once asked Gordon this question, and Gordon had no idea.

But Ares, as a god, might know something inside.

Unfortunately, reality still disappointed Bruce.

Lu Ping shook his head: "Ares doesn't have the specific situation in his memory. He doesn't seem to care about it, but is focused on doing his own thing. This is why I'm chatting with you today -

"Bruce, I may have done something irreversible when I turned into Ares, but I don't remember what it was."

Don’t remember?

Bruce wondered: "But Gordon said that even if cognition changes, there will be no gaps in memory."

"But it's different if it's actively deleted."

Lupine sighed and said, "Even I have to hide what Ares did. He deleted that part of the memory and only retained the original thoughts.

"Bruce, Ares seems to want to launch a small secret war within Hogwarts."

Hearing the word "Secret War", Katum, who had been silent, was moved.

Isn't Ares from DC? How could he know about Marvel's Secret War?

But he soon realized that he had misunderstood. This Secret War has no connotation and is really just a literal meaning.

"Even if I become Ares, I am still myself in essence."

Lupin explained, "When I came to Hogwarts, the thing I wanted to do most was to teach good students. After becoming Ares, this idea has not changed.

"It's just a pity that Ares and I have conflicting ideas. His definition of "good students" seems to be different."

Bruce's expression suddenly became serious.

What kind of students does the God of War think of?

The answer is probably self-evident.

Either a stunningly powerful person or a bloodthirsty war maniac.

"Now, Ares has chosen his students."

Lupin said very seriously, "I don't know who it is, but I can be sure that there are students in Hogwarts who have been brainwashed by Ares' will!

"Bruce, I will try to find that person. Please help me keep an eye on the people around me. If anyone looks strange, please tell me!"

It's just a small favor, and Bruce doesn't mind helping.

Seeing Bruce nod, Lupin was relieved.

"Then let's keep in touch later."

Lupin said, "You are the only student I can trust now."

After saying this, he returned to the classroom.

Bruce was still standing in that corner, with a serious face.

"Katum, I remember you told me yesterday that Ares is Wonder Woman's mortal enemy. There was a death battle during World War I, right?"

"I said so." Katum nodded.

"That's strange!"

Bruce looked at the owl, "If it was a death battle, and the final winner was Wonder Woman again, it means that Ares did not live beyond 1918.

"In that case, how did he know me?"

Bruce said word by word: "In 1918, even my grandfather was not born!"

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