Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 157 Bruce, take me away!

Late at night, Bruce came to the Gryffindor common room and waited for Hermione to come out.

There was no way he was going to let her face this situation alone.

After waiting for a long time, Hermione walked out with her head lowered. Bruce could tell at a glance that something was wrong with her.


Hermione came to Bruce with a trembling body.

She looked up, tears already soaking her face.


Before Bruce could speak, Hermione interrupted him.

"Let's run away!"

Her eyes were no longer bright. Although she had been mentally prepared, the impact of Harry's death was more terrifying than imagined.

"I don't dare to say anything to others today!"

Hermione cried, "I can't trust anyone anymore! Bruce, why did you come to me now!"


Bruce remained speechless.

After Harry's death, he had thought about too many things. He had been struggling with who the pursuers would be and why the God of War's Banquet was held.

But I never imagined how frightened Hermione, a girl, would be after her best friend was killed.

After all, she might be next.

"I'm sorry." Bruce lowered his head, not giving himself an excuse.

This time it really sounded the alarm for him.

Which is more important, protecting your family or finding the murderer?

He really needs to think about it carefully.

"Bruce, let's run away!"

Hermione wiped her tears and said, "Don't go to the God of War's banquet. Today I thought about who might kill Harry, but I can't find the murderer! I can't imagine who would have the heart to kill Harry!"

"Ares must have lied, he must have killed the man himself! Then he framed the blame on us and made us doubt each other!

"End this farce! Bruce, let's get out of here and leave Hogwarts!"

Hermione was truly on the verge of collapse.

She tried to avenge Harry, but the prerequisite for revenge was to find the murderer.

But all the suspects are her classmates and friends! She really couldn't bear to doubt it.

If Hermione insists on continuing to search, she might really go crazy!

Bruce looked at Hermione silently.

Then he nodded heavily.


He looked into Hermione's eyes and said, "I'll take you home, back to London. The Banquet of the God of War has nothing to do with us anymore!"

"Really?" Hermione looked at Bruce in surprise.


Bruce nodded, grabbed Hermione's hand, and was about to take her away.

At the same time, Bruce asked Katum in his mind——

"Is the polyjuice potion ready?"

"Always ready." Katum said, "Let's send Hermione back."

Bruce had actually made plans for today.

Even if Hermione didn't propose to escape, he would knock her out and send her home, and then attend the banquet as Hermione.

There was no way he could see Hermione participating in this killing game with his own eyes!

They moved quickly, and before long, they had slipped out of Hogwarts Castle.

In front of us is the Black Lake, the former home of the giant squid.

Then there is the huge stone bridge, where Dumbledore once fought with the three founders.

"Just cross the bridge!"

Bruce said, "After you cross the bridge, close your eyes. When you open your eyes, we will be at home!"


Hermione was doubtful, but now that Bruce was by her side, she was no longer as scared as before.

"I promise you!" Bruce said.

As long as she uses Apparition, she can take Hermione back home in an instant.

Bruce turned his head and motioned for Katum to get ready.

"Just cross the bridge and leave..."

Bruce thought so in his mind, but in the next second, his hand suddenly became empty.

In the blink of an eye, Hermione had disappeared without a trace!


Bruce's eyes suddenly widened, this unfolding was completely beyond his expectation.

He was clearly holding Hermione's hand just now.

What happened, I didn’t even notice!

"Same situation as the ban on the auditorium, without any trace of magic."

Owl suddenly said, "Unlike you, I just kept staring at Hermione without even blinking. She just disappeared suddenly, out of thin air."

Bruce asked unwillingly: "So what do you mean..."


Katum nodded, "Hermione is probably already in the auditorium now."

After that, the owl spread its wings and flew towards the castle.

"I'm going to Hermione now." He said, "Think carefully about how this method was accomplished!"

At this moment, Bruce deeply understood Katum's previous instructions.

A living person disappeared in front of him and the owl, but they couldn't find the reason at all.

If this is not resolved, they will have no chance of winning.

Hermione swore she didn't blink just now.

But that's what happened.

A moment ago, she was still on the stone bridge.

The next moment, she was already sitting in the auditorium.

Not just her, everyone else was here too, except Harry.


Hermione looked around and realized that not only Harry, but someone else was missing as well.

Peter Pettigrew.

He didn't sit at the table at the last party, so Hermione didn't think about him for a while.

At this time, everyone else on the long table behaved differently.

Neville and Malfoy were trembling, closing their eyes tightly, as if as long as they didn't look, nothing in front of them would happen.

Fred pursed his lips and said nothing. His eyes flicked back and forth, lingering on everyone's face.

Cedric's expression was serious, his eyes looking straight ahead.

The expressions of Sirius and Snape were surprisingly consistent, gloomy as water, as if they had made up their minds.

Calm, calm...

Hermione said to herself, don't be afraid, Bruce will definitely be waiting for her outside!

Definitely will...

Although Hermione kept comforting herself, a sense of grievance suddenly welled up in her heart. Her eyes instantly turned red and tears were about to burst out.

Damn it Bruce, you lied to me!

Didn't you say you wanted to take me away?


You still let me face all this alone!

Hermione was crying and complaining about Bruce in her heart, and was about to collapse emotionally.

But at this moment, she felt something furry next to her ear.

Hermione turned around and saw that Katum was standing on her shoulder at some point.

The owl looked into her eyes, stretched out its wings, and patted her head.

Hermione suddenly understood what he meant.

Don't be afraid, I'm here.

"Welcome everyone!"

Suddenly, Ares appeared at the guest of honor.

Ares had a happy smile on his face, as if everything was developing to his satisfaction.

"Good evening everyone."

Ares smiled and said, "I am very happy to see you like this, and I am also very grateful to the spokesperson I selected. Now our banquet has been successfully advanced and we can start the second phase."

His expression made everyone feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

What was the success of the banquet?

That was at the cost of Harry's life!

"Ares, right? I'm still not used to being called you, so I'd better call you Lupin?"

Sirius suddenly raised his head and looked at his former friend with a sad expression.

"Can you really laugh now? Harry is dead!"

"This is the rule of the banquet." Ares said expressionlessly.

"Fuck the rules!"

Sirius suddenly yelled, "I only hate myself now, because I didn't kill you immediately before!"

"Sirius, please play your role well." Ares said coldly.

"You'd better play it yourself!"

At this moment, another person stood up. He suddenly stretched out his wand and chanted the spell: "Avada Kedavra!"

It's Snape.

This former Death Eater, an old teacher who had cultivated his character at Hogwarts for more than ten years, no longer wanted to continue playing.

At this moment, he finally used the Unforgivable Curse again.

Sirius and Snape, these two seemed to have planned for a long time and suddenly attacked without giving others a chance to react.

The green light headed towards Ares, and just when it was about to hit, Ares' figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

Not only that, but Snape himself disappeared with him.

Without warning, as if in a millionth of a second, Snape was gone.

It's as if he no longer exists in the world.

When Ares appeared again, his expression was extremely regretful.


He sighed and said, "Snape broke the rules, so he automatically forfeits."

He spoke so lightly that the others had no idea what was going on.

"Where is Snape?"

Sirius gritted his teeth and asked, "What did you do to him!"

"Don't ask any more questions Snape."

Ares smiled again, "You will never see him again, this is the consequence of breaking the rules.

"If anyone wants to accompany him, I won't stop him, but you just have to understand something.

"When you disappear, no one else in Hogwarts will be able to escape."

After saying that, Ares suddenly reached out and threw something that looked like a short stick on the long table.

The short stick rolled around on the table a few times and then stopped in front of everyone.

That's a magic wand.

A wand made of elderberry.

"I have clearly emphasized not to tell others about the banquet."

Ares said coldly, "But there are still people who don't listen and try to cause me trouble. Now it's fine. Your beloved old principal has completely left you!"

This news was like a thunder that exploded in everyone's mind.

Could this wand be Dumbledore's wand?


Sirius muttered, "No way!"

Dumbledore was also poisoned by Ares?

How is it possible!

At this moment, he thought of how Snape had told Dumbledore everything about the God of War's Feast during the day.

He was also present.

Dumbledore, with an unprecedented serious expression, assured them that this incident would be resolved.


Dumbledore's wand appeared in front of them all.

"Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard..."

Sirius was devastated and said to himself, "He can't be defeated so silently."

But whether he agrees or not, the Elder Wand is now in front of him for real.

"Enough of the sideshows."

Ares suddenly shook his head, "Our banquet must continue today! Now, let me announce-"

At this moment, someone suddenly interrupted Ares.

"Mr. Ares."

He raised one hand high, "Don't you want to explain to us why the Banquet of the God of War was held in advance?"

"Because I want to hold a meeting, is this explanation okay?"

Ares smiled, "Mr. Weasley?"

The person who spoke was none other than Fred.

He and his twin brother, George, were regarded as Hogwarts' favorite troublemakers who loved to play pranks.

Usually Fred always gives people a sense of being out of place, and his smiling eyes always seem to be thinking of some evil idea.

However, when it came to an extremely critical moment, he took the initiative to stand up.

Asked the most critical question for Hermione and the others.

At this time, Fred responded to Ares' explanation without giving up.


He said, “You set the rules and are the first to not follow them. In this case, what credibility do you have?

"If you want to kill us, then go ahead and do it, but if you want to make rules, you can't go back on your word."

Ares said calmly: "Then what do you think we should do?"

The second banquet of the God of War has been held.

"It's easy!"

Fred snapped his fingers, "You broke the rule once, Professor Snape also broke the rule once, you are even!

"To show your sincerity, you must bring Professor Snape back, if he ever comes back, of course."

Ares looked at Fred with a half-smile but said, "Are you sure that Snape is not necessarily in the same camp as you?"

"It doesn't matter."

Fred spread his hands, "Snape was originally my most hated professor, but from another perspective, he was also my favorite professor.

"If he disappeared, George and I would feel very lonely!"

Ares was silent for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay," he said, "Snape has learned the lesson he deserves anyway."

After the words fell, Snape appeared on the seat.

He appeared without warning, just as he disappeared without warning before.

Snape was in an extremely strange state at this time. He had only disappeared for a minute or two, but his temperament seemed to have aged a century.

He looked at the people around him in horror.

"Sirius?" Snape asked in surprise, "Are you still alive?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Sirius frowned and asked, "Where were you just now?"

"What just..."

Snape was unable to sit down in his seat.

"I have been wandering in this deserted castle for more than a hundred years!"

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