Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 182 Wonder Woman's Daughter

Vulcan excitedly went to work.

Bruce had no doubts about Vulcan. As a recognized honest man in the God Realm, he would not turn his face against him.

Besides, even if Vulcan wanted to embezzle his fragments.

A flying spell would call them all back.

"What should we do now?"

Diana asked, "Just wait?"

Miss Wonder Woman has many virtues now, but patience is definitely not one of them.

She has always advocated a quick victory and wanted to end the war within a day.

"There is nothing we can do now except wait."

Bruce was very calm. He said, "You have to give Vulcan some time. We can go shopping in the God's Domain next."

As long as she doesn't meet the Queen Hera, Olympus is Diana's home.

"Before that, I'll see what's in the warehouse."

If he comes across something good, Bruce will accept it reluctantly.

He can take two pieces in total, not many, and needs to think carefully.

"Okay then."

Diana was very reluctant to waste time, but she also knew that such things could not be rushed.

She could only follow Bruce to see the collection of Vulcan over millions of years.

After all, Vulcan's warehouse is not a museum. What is displayed inside are all things made by Vulcan himself, and there are many imitations.

The real ones are in the hands of their owners.

Bruce saw a lot of legendary equipment, Hercules' bow and arrow, Achilles' armor, Athena's invisibility cloak, Hermes' wing boots...

Even if one of them was brought to the human world, it would cause madness.

But Bruce was not interested in these. After all, although these weapons were powerful and the armor was strong, they were not suitable for him.

Batboy's personality, after all, did not like to rely on external objects.

Just like superpowers, unless he obtained them through learning, he would not accept them.

The Hell Bat Armor, Thor's Hammer, etc., are all stopgap measures when he is not strong enough now.

Bruce looked at them in a hurry. These things opened his eyes, but did not really make him excited.

Until he saw a lasso.

A black lasso.

It just appeared in front of him, and Diana was stunned for a moment.

"This thing..." she murmured.

Why does it look so much like her Lasso of Truth?

Katum was also stunned beside him.

"The three lassos of fate?" Owl said in surprise, "How could it appear here?"

He didn't expect that DCEU also had this thing.

The concept of the three lassos of fate appeared in the main universe.

From Wonder Woman's main magazine, but the owner is not her, but another person——

Wonder Woman's daughter, Elizabeth Marston Prince, codenamed "Trinity" Amazon Crown, the head of the Justice League.

Nickname Liz.

At that time, it was already many years later in the world, and the other two of the three giants of the Justice League had been replaced by Superman's son Joe and Batman's son Damian.

As their little sister, Liz is the real boss. Her biological father has always been unknown, and Diana has never announced it to the public.

The three lassos of fate are Liz's weapons.

The first one is golden, which is the Lasso of Truth inherited from his mother.

The second one is white, which is the Lasso of Lies of Wonder Woman's opponent.

The third one is black, which is the Secret Lasso from nowhere.

Katum did not expect that he could see this Secret Lasso in the collection of the God of Fire.

"What is this?"

Bruce asked Katum, "Is it the same as Diana's Lasso of Truth?"

"I only know that this thing is called the Secret Lasso, and I don't know what it does specifically."

Katum said, "If you are interested, you can ask the God of Fire for this lasso."

Bruce didn't know what to say for a moment.

What does he want this thing for?

Diana has a lasso, and he also has a lasso. Will the two of them tie each other up for fun in the future?

"Don't think so, Bruce."

Katum said, "The power of the Lasso of Destiny is not just for tying up."

Diana's Lasso of Truth was almost played out by her.

Without saying too much, let's just say that in "Wonder Woman 1984", when Diana just mastered the ability to fly, she often used a lasso to tie up clouds or lightning and swing around in the sky.


The Lasso of Destiny can not only tie up physical objects, but also various abstract things, such as clouds and lightning.

"If you think the secret lasso doesn't match your style, you can tie a hook in front of it."

The owl said, "The hook and Batman are very consistent in style."

"Okay, stop talking."

Bruce could see that Katum was very interested in this secret lasso.

Something that can make this guy curious is worth taking.

"Then I'll take this thing first."

Bruce said, taking the secret lasso off the wall.

The lasso was cold in his hand, and Bruce felt a sense of being peeped at at this moment.

All the secrets.


Batboy didn't like this feeling, but he didn't let go, but tried his best to resist this peeping.

Fortunately, the secret lasso has no owner now, and the power of peeping is not strong, so the cold feeling quickly passed like a gust of wind.

"Bruce, are you okay?"

Diana asked with concern.

"I'm an orphan!" Suddenly, Bruce shouted out of nowhere.

This look frightened Diana a little. She grabbed Bruce's shoulders and asked with a solemn expression: "What's wrong Bruce, what happened."

Bruce had calmed down by now.

He looked at the lasso in his hand with some doubts. Logically speaking, since it was called a secret lasso, the person who caught it must be telling his deepest secret.


The words I shouted just now were not a secret!

Everyone knows that he is an orphan.

"Nothing, Diana."

Bruce put the secret noose around his waist, "It may be the influence of this noose, but I don't know the specific influence."

Diana nodded: "I feel the same way. It's very much like a lasso of truth. People bound by the lasso of truth can only tell the truth. And this lasso may allow people to tell sad past events!"

After that, she hugged Bruce.

"It's okay, it's all in the past, we have to move on."

Bruce thought it wasn't that simple, but he didn't refute Diana. It felt good to be held by her, so there was no need to ruin the scenery.

After a moment, Diana let go of Bruce.

"Let's go see something else."

She said, "Can't you still get the second thing?"


Bruce had already browsed through less than half of Vulcan's collection. He couldn't arouse much interest in those ancient things.

With this thought in mind, he continued to walk forward, and soon after passing a corner, he came to the collection in the Vulcan Modern District.

The so-called modern zone is a creation made by Vulcan imitating human technology.

"Even though I know these things are powerful, they just feel old."

Bruce couldn't help but comment.

Although cold weapons and hot weapons represent two eras, they do give Bruce completely different perceptions.

The cold weapons of Vulcan have reached the pinnacle of forging, and their various styles are pleasing to the eye.

But the shapes of those hot weapons are all the same as those from World War I.

For example, the Vulcan water-cooled heavy machine gun Type II, those Vulcan grenades, and various other firearms.

These shapes are very old, and there is huge room for improvement just from the appearance.

Bruce really couldn't connect these gadgets with the Star Destroyer weapons mentioned by Vulcan.

After walking for a while, what appeared in front of Bruce was a car covered by a black car cover. The style could not be seen, but it was not small in size.

Bruce was curious and opened the car cover.

What appeared in front of him immediately left him completely stunned.

It was a black sports car.

The body lines are smooth and sharp, like a bat ready to go, showing unparalleled speed and power.

On the front of the car, the two sharp headlights are like the eyes of a hunter, shining with a cold light. Below is a wide air intake, like fangs, revealing an arrogant and domineering look.

The body is painted in dark black and paired with metallic armor plates, which looks calm and full of technology.

"This, this, this..."

Bruce's heart was suddenly hit by this car.

Isn't this the Batmobile of his dreams?

At this moment, even Diana standing next to him seemed less fragrant.

Batboy's entire attention was completely attracted.

"Wow, this car is still there!"

Katum suddenly said, "A hundreds of thousands of years old antique, the God of Fire actually still keeps him here."

Moreover, it seems that many improvements have been made.

Bruce said nothing.

He knew what he wanted for the second item.

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