Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 22 Two Batmen

"Hermione Granger!"

The list of branches is sorted alphabetically by last name and has reached G.

She almost ran to the stool and hurriedly put the hat on her head.


Hermione looked a little surprised, she thought she would be sorted into Ravenclaw.

Then it was Neville Longbottom's turn, and the Sorting Hat hesitated for a long time before finally sorting him into Gryffindor.

"Harry Potter!"

When this name appeared, the entire hall fell silent, followed by a hum of whispers.

"Potter, is she calling Potter?"

"Is that Harry Potter?"

The legendary Boy Who Lived came to Hogwarts this year.

Harry's sorting also took a long time, but he was still sorted into Gryffindor in the end.

"Why so many Gryffindors?" Bruce asked curiously.

Katum said: "It's just that someone you know happens to be assigned to Gryffindor, don't worry, you can stand up to three of them alone."

This sentence is indeed not nonsense. The entire three protagonists together just make up a complete blues.

Harry is an orphan, and so is Bruce.

Hermione is the master of scrolling, and so is Bruce.

As for Ron, the Weasley Ron, or Wayne for short, was fine.

"Bruce Wayne!"

Finally, it was Bruce Branch's turn.

"Remember what I said, go to Hufflepuff!"

Katum emphasized one last time and watched Bruce sit on the stool.

"Well -" a small voice said in Bruce's ear, "A strange little wizard, I see a lot of academic temperament in you.

"You have the courage to sacrifice for justice, the loyalty to sacrifice for your companions, the talent for photographic memory, and the desire to prove yourself. Where should I assign you?"


Bruce discovered that the conclusion drawn by the Sorting Hat was completely opposite to that of Katum.

Katum said he was not suitable for any house, but the Sorting Hat said he was suitable for all.

"I'm going to Hufflepuff," Bruce whispered.

The Sorting Hat immediately asked: "Hufflepuff? Oh, that's really good, but I think you can have a bigger stage, what do you think?"

Can you really communicate?

Bruce found that although Katum was unreliable, he still had no problem doing things.

He actually said hello to the Sorting Hat!

"I've decided to go to Hufflepuff."

"Okay then, I respect your wishes."

——Then, the Sorting Hat loudly announced the result of the sorting, Hufflepuff.

The Hufflepuff table burst into applause, cheering for the new classmates.

Hermione on the other side heard the news, and for some reason, she suddenly felt relieved.

Finally no longer have to live in Bruce's shadow.

When Bruce walked off the stage, he saw Katum winking at him.

How about it, my face is useful, right?

Bruce nodded calmly, "Good guy, I really have you!"

After all the students were sorted, Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment, picked up the sorting hat and left.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore stood up.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words.

"That's it: Idiot! Crying! Residue! Screw it!

"Thank you everyone!"

Thunderous applause erupted in the hall, heartfelt approval of the principal's brief speech.

Amidst the applause, countless exquisite foods appeared on the originally empty long table, which made people's fingers itch just by looking at them.

Bruce was very disciplined and put down his utensils after finishing the planned amount.

Katum is still showing off.

"Doesn't it taste good?"

Suddenly, a senior boy next to Bruce turned his head and asked with concern.

He has handsome features and very white skin, like a vampire.

"My name is Cedric Diggory, third year." Cedric introduced himself.

Hearing this name, Katum suddenly stopped showing off, and quickly patted Bruce: "Hurry up and shake his hand, hurry up, hurry up, I want to see two Batmans in the same frame!"

What two Batmans?

Bruce had no idea what Katum was talking about.

Katum explained: "This matter is very deep and you can't grasp it. I can only tell you that there is a Batman in the universe who looks exactly like Cedric."

Bruce still introduced himself to Cedric, but did not shake hands to satisfy Katum's bad taste.

"Is this your owl?"

Cedric looked at Katum with interest, "You seem to have a very good relationship and are inseparable."

The relationship is not good, thank you!

Although Bruce complained in his mind, he still gave an explanation.

This was the argument he had discussed with Katum before. After all, they would often appear at the same time in the future.

"I have a bit of an anxiety disorder," Bruce said. "I have to be around my pets to feel relaxed."

When Bruce said this reason, he scolded Katum countless times in his mind, can't you think of a better reason?

"I see."

Cedric nodded, looking at Bruce with a hint of understanding and regret in his eyes.

He said: "It doesn't matter. Hufflepuff is a very tolerant family with all kinds of weird people. Having a pet is nothing."

Bruce nodded, of course he knew that.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come.

At the guest of honor table, the teachers were also having dinner.

Potions Professor Snape and Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Quirrell sat together, and next to them were Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was cutting a steak, and suddenly thought of something, and turned her head to Dumbledore and said.

"Headmaster, have you been paying attention to the news in the Daily Prophet recently?"

Dumbledore wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Are you talking about the Unwelcome League?"

"Yes, they have been making more and more noise recently." Professor McGonagall said, "This time, they almost blew up Godric's Hollow to the ground."

"I know about this."

Snape said in his unique tone, neither slow nor slow, "I heard that Remus Lupin joined this group of people. Birds of a feather flock together. The Unwelcome League, of course, welcomes werewolves."

"Oh! Werewolves!"

Quirrel was so excited when he heard the word that he almost fainted.

"Severus, you can't make such a simple conclusion." Dumbledore said, "I believe Lupin, he must have a reason to join."

"Of course there is a reason." Snape said with a hint of disdain, "Although I haven't paid attention to Lupin, I also know that his life must be very poor. It is normal for him to join a group of thieves."

Dumbledore didn't say anything more. It seems too early to classify the Unwelcome Alliance as thieves.

This group of people started to rise a few months ago. They came and went without a trace, and appeared in various magical ruins, as if they were looking for something.

Dumbledore felt deeply worried.

I always felt that the goal they were plotting was more terrible than I imagined.

Maybe, I should contact Lupin.

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