Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 40 The Meaning of the Godfather

"I appreciate your spirit of perseverance, but have you ever thought about one thing?"

Katum tried to turn over and returned to Bruce's shoulder.

"Your previous reasoning was all based on the premise that Dumbledore was a bad guy. What if he wasn't?"

"I think the evidence is already very clear."

Bruce said, "Have you ever thought about the most crucial thing? Since it is the Dark Lord who can destroy Hogwarts, he must be stronger than Principal Dumbledore, right? Is there anyone stronger than Dumbledore in the magic world now?"


If he didn't know the plot, Katum felt that he might also be convinced.

So he decided to change his perspective: "The guarding of the Philosopher's Stone is full of difficulties. Do you have a way to solve it? For example, what about the huge three-headed dog?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

Bruce's eyes were unprecedentedly confident, "Quirrell will help me solve it."

And since he has decided to take action, he is naturally prepared.

After that, Bruce put on the Batman mask.


A few seconds later, he came to the corridor outside the fourth floor - the door had opened a crack.

"How is it, see it," Bruce whispered, "Qiluo is here."

He gently pushed the door open, and with the creaking sound of the door opening, a huge snoring sound came from the room, and at the same time, there was a melodious harp sound.

Bruce entered the room and saw that the three-headed dog was sleeping soundly, and there was an automatic harp beside him.

At the feet of the three-headed dog, there was an open trapdoor.

"I'll trouble you now."

Bruce turned his head and said to Katum.

Katum suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next second, he was grabbed by Bruce and thrown into the trapdoor.

"How is it?" Bruce asked while lying at the trapdoor, "Is it deep down there?"

"Come down." Katum's voice seemed a little weak, "It's a soft landing down there."

Hearing this, Bruce felt relieved.

He jumped down from the trapdoor and landed on the thick vines.

"Devil's Snare?"

Bruce immediately recognized the plant and thought of a solution.

Before the Devil's Snare could wrap around him, Bruce cast a spell, and a blue bellflower-like flame ignited, burning the Devil's Snare to ashes.

"Let's go."

Bruce said hello to Katoom and walked into the stone corridor.


In order to protect the Philosopher's Stone, each teacher set a level.

Hagrid's three-headed dog, Professor Sprout's Devil's Snare, Professor Flitwick's flying key, Professor McGonagall's giant chessboard, Quirrell's troll, and Professor Snape's life and death potion.

Each level is difficult and can bring endless surprises to the invaders.

But these are not a problem for Bruce now.

The room Bruce entered later was full of winged keys, and only one of them could lead to the next level.

Bruce's answer to this question was also very simple.

"Petrify all!"

As soon as this spell came out, all the keys were fixed in place. Bruce sat on the flying broom next to him and easily took the correct key.

After passing this level, he came to the giant chessboard.

This was not a difficult task for Bruce. He could win the chess that Ron could win.

After passing this level, it was the troll level set by Quirrell.

But Quirrell had solved it himself. The troll lay motionless on the floor in front of him, unconscious, with a bloody lump on his head.

Bruce walked past the troll.

In the next level, a magic flame blocked his way. To pass the flame, he needed to solve a thinking problem and drink the correct potion.

This logic problem may be difficult for wizards.

But for Bruce?

It's a piece of cake!


After passing many levels, Bruce finally came to the last room.

In the center of the room, a huge magic mirror stood. It was the Mirror of Erised.

In front of the mirror, there was already someone standing there.

As Bruce expected, it was indeed Quirrell.

"Quirrill!" Bruce, wearing a Batman suit, slowly stepped forward, "Your days of doing bad things for Dumbledore are over, give me the Philosopher's Stone!"

Quirrill slowly turned his head and saw a strangely dressed man standing in front of him.

He frowned: "Bruce Wayne?"

"Huh?" Bruce was stunned, "How did you recognize me?"

Hasn't he disguised himself?

"Because of that owl!"

Quirrill naturally pointed at Bruce's shoulder, "Have you been with it for too long and automatically ignored its existence?"

Bruce turned his head expressionlessly and looked at Katum.

"What does it have to do with me?" Katum felt very wronged, "How about I also wear a mask next time?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Bruce waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Quirrill, give me the Philosopher's Stone!"

"You want this?"

Hearing this, Quirrell slowly raised his hand, and a dark red crystal flashed at his fingertips.

Katum's brows suddenly sank.

Why did Quirrell get the Philosopher's Stone?

"Dumbledore thought he had set up such powerful protections."

There was a sneer on the corner of Quirrell's mouth, "Only those who hope to find the Philosopher's Stone but don't use it can get it from the mirror. It's really interesting. If it weren't for the fact that I already have something better, I might really Can’t get it.”

"What did you say?" Bruce suddenly didn't understand.

What is Dumbledore's protection?

Aren't Quirrell and Dumbledore on the same side?

"You must be dumbfounded." Katum suddenly sighed.

Owl has imagined this scene many times, and he has been thinking that when Bruce finds out that he is wrong, he will laugh at him.

But now that it really happened, Katum was not in the mood to laugh at Bruce.

Because Bruce himself has fallen into huge self-doubt.

"Is Dumbledore a good person?" Bruce couldn't believe it. He murmured to himself, "But my reasoning should be correct..."

"Because you were not reasoning before, but proving."

Katum said, "All the clues you look for are to prove the results you believe. This is the disadvantage of being too paranoid.

"It doesn't matter Bruce, let's just not make this kind of mistake in the future."

After Katum finished speaking, he looked at Quirrell.

If nothing else, the changes in this guy were brought about by Jason, right?

It seems that this time, little Bruce alone cannot survive this crisis.

"Why did you stop talking all of a sudden?"

Quirrell said to Bruce with a sarcastic face, "You are also cautious enough. You have cast seventeen protective spells on yourself. For a moment, I really can't do anything to you.

"But it doesn't matter, you were never my target in the first place, and someone will naturally deal with you later.

"My real target is Dumbledore!

"Today, he will die!"

After saying that, Quirrell tapped his finger lightly, and the magic stone in his fingertips turned into countless crumbs.

"I don't need this anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, he apparated and disappeared from the room. At the same time, the original entrance began to close as if it was alive.

Bruce was completely locked underground.


Bruce suddenly squatted on the ground, hugging himself into a ball. He lowered his head, not wanting the owl to see his tears.

His confidence was completely shattered.

"Am I useless?"

His voice was trembling, and he was already crying, "I thought my reasoning was fine, and I was well prepared, and I could easily get the Magic Stone..."

He also specially put on Batman's suit, looking like a clown.

"Don't say that, it's nothing."

Katum landed on Bruce's shoulder again and patted his head.

"You are still young and it is impossible not to make mistakes, but it doesn't matter. I just watched you make mistakes on purpose."

Bruce slowly raised his head, a little confused.

"Because only in this way can you truly grow into Batman."

Katum flicked the feathers on his head confidently, "Relax, it's just a setback. With your owl godfather here, no matter what the crisis is, I can give you the answer!"

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