Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 50 End of the school year

Time returns to the present.

When Bruce arrived at the auditorium, it was already full of people.

The auditorium has been decorated, and flags and banners representing the colors of the four major colleges are flying above the auditorium.

If we follow the original story, there should only be green and silver representing Slytherin at this time, because they won the House Cup.

But today is different from the past. Slytherin himself has been resurrected, and the haze has enveloped Hogwarts. It seems a bit strange to hang the banner of Slytherin House again.

So Dumbledore simply changed the tradition and dressed up the colors of all four houses.

A moment later, Dumbledore arrived, and the noise in the auditorium gradually subsided.

"Another year has passed!" Dumbledore said happily. "This year is an extremely exciting year. Your little minds must be richer than before. There is still a whole summer vacation waiting for you... "

At this time, Dumbledore couldn't tell how much pressure he was carrying.

He was still smiling and delivering the principal's speech.

"——We must first conduct the Academy Cup award ceremony. The specific scores of each house are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 342 points; third place, Hufflepuff, 402 points; Ravenclaw 426 points , Slytherin 462 points."

Bruce and Katum's time travel caused some changes in the grades during the school year, but it was inevitable that Slytherin would still be number one.

The Slytherin table erupted in a thunderous roar of cheers and stomping of feet.

On the Hufflepuff side, Katum looked downcast: "Do we have to wait for Old Den to finish talking before we can start dinner?"

The owl's stomach was already growling with hunger.

He must start eating right away!

"Wait a moment." Bruce looked at Dumbledore on the stage, feeling a little sorry.

It was indeed his fault for blindly doubting Dumbledore before.

Dumbledore is innocent, and Bruce admits he is wrong, but he also reserves his own judgment. Dumbledore has the potential to become the Dark Lord.

"Yeah, yeah, good performance, Slytherin."

Dumbledore said on the stage, "However, several recent events must also be taken into account."

The Great Hall became very quiet, and the Slytherins' smiles faded a bit.

"It's coming." Katum said absently, "Old Deng is going to start thinking of ways to add points to Gryffindor."

It really should be Gryffindor. The founder personally protected Hogwarts. What a credit.

"As we all know, not long ago, Hogwarts encountered some... things. Our Professor Quirrell almost put everyone in danger.

Dumbledore looked at the silent students below through his half-moon glasses, "But at such a critical moment, there is still a student who relied on his courage, wisdom, integrity and faith to pass through many levels set by professors. He stood in front of Quirrell.

"So I decided to award a hundred points to Mr. Bruce Wayne!"

If someone were standing outside the Great Hall at this moment, they might think that there was an explosion, and the cheers at the Hufflepuff table almost knocked down the enchanted ceiling.

With the bonus of 100 points, Hufflepuff wins the House Cup!

Bruce was overwhelmed by the crowd, all wanting to hug the little bat.

Bruce was overwhelmed by this unprecedented experience.

Katum was not much better. Some classmates who couldn't hold Bruce instead threw the owl high into the sky to celebrate.

"Are you sick?" Katum flapped his wings in the air a few times, cursed and flew away.

Surrounded by the crowd, Bruce looked at Dumbledore on the stage with confusion, and then found that Dumbledore was also looking at him with a smile.


Dumbledore's inaudible voice rang in Bruce's ears, "Come to my office later!"

After the hustle and bustle, this year's year-end banquet ended with the glory of Hufflepuff.

Bruce walked towards Dumbledore's office, with Catum on his shoulders who had already eaten a ball.

Still the ugly stone monster, Bruce said the password: "Lemon Sherbet."

The stone statue rotated, and Bruce went upstairs. After knocking on the door, Dumbledore's voice came from inside: "Please come in!"

Bruce opened the door.

"Ah! Bruce, you are welcome!"

Dumbledore sat behind the table with a kind smile on his face, "Please have a seat, just like last time."

As Bruce sat down, a cup of hot cocoa automatically appeared in front of him.

Then the owl chirped.

"Mr. Principal," Bruce said, "What did you ask me to do?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then said, "To apologize to you, Bruce."


"Yes, I apologize." Dumbledore sighed, "I once had very undue doubts about you. Such unfounded doubts are not what a qualified principal should have.

"Bruce, I solemnly apologize to you. I hope you can forgive an old man for being confused."


Bruce thought for a moment and said reluctantly: "It's okay, Mr. Principal, this matter has passed."

A relieved smile appeared on Dumbledore's face.

"Thank you Bruce, you have a quality like gold."

He stretched out his palm and scratched it in the air, and a paper package appeared on the table.

"What is this?" Bruce asked.

"My apology gift to you." Dumbledore smiled, "Open it and take a look!"

Bruce opened the paper package, and a black cloak appeared in front of him. It was smooth and felt good to the touch.

"This is a cloak woven from the hair of the Thestrals."

Dumbledore explained, "The Thestrals are a very mysterious creature. They can fly, become invisible, and have strong resistance to dark magic.

"The cloak made of their hair perfectly inherits these abilities, flying, invisibility, and magic resistance.

"I think giving this cloak to an adventurous little wizard is the most appropriate gift."

Dumbledore actually didn't explain some things.

Thestral hair is also a substance with powerful magic power. Only wizards who can face death can master it.

The core of the old wand is the tail hair of the Thestrals.

After listening to the principal's introduction, Bruce seemed a little flattered: "This is too expensive, Mr. Principal, I can't accept it!"

Dumbledore shook his head: "Take it, Bruce. In fact, considering your contribution, this gift is already light."

Bruce was puzzled: "What contribution did I make?"

"You will know later, Bruce, it's too early now."

Dumbledore kept it a secret.

He would not explain to Bruce how big a secret he had discovered now.

Dumbledore knew clearly about Bruce's disguise to find the Philosopher's Stone.

After all, it was a failed disguise, and Quirrell even recognized it at a glance.

But this is not the point.

The point is that Batman, who appeared later, had the same outfit as Bruce.

This made Dumbledore gradually understand everything.

Bruce was an orphan and his father died early. Although he knew that he was a wealthy American, he could not find more clues after multiple investigations.

This is almost an obvious answer.

Bruce's father faked his death, and his true identity is the mysterious Batman!

As long as you understand this, it is not difficult to understand why Batman appeared in Hogwarts at the critical moment.

Dad came to save his son.

"You took care of Hogwarts, so I will take care of your son."

Dumbledore thought to himself, and then handed the cloak to Bruce.

"By the way, I said before that I would let you learn something from me, and this invitation is still valid."

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