Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 56 Bruce also wants to drive

"I won't go." Logan refused without hesitation.

In this era, there is nothing worth protecting.

Hawkeye was helpless. There was an important reason why he kept inviting Logan.

He was a blind man, and it was somewhat difficult for him to cross the United States.

Hawkeye finally persuaded: "But what can you do next? Professor X has passed away, and you are alone from now on."

"There are many things I can do."

Logan was not shaken at all, "I will make some money first, and then..."

"You want to make money, right?"

Bruce suddenly spoke, "I was going to New York to inherit the family property. How about I hire you as my guide now? I can give you this number."

After speaking, he stretched out a finger.

Bruce will only stay in this world for two months at most, and there is no place to spend the 10 billion family property.

Katum has been saying that he will spend all the money on him. In Bruce's eyes, this is no different from throwing money into the trash can.

In this case, it is better to offer Logan a higher price.

Ten million should be about the same.

"You're going to give me a commission of 10,000 US dollars?"

Logan was tempted. This amount of money was not a small amount. For him now, it was even a huge sum that he could not earn in several years.


Bruce realized that Logan had misunderstood. He was going to give 10 million, not 10,000.

But before he could explain, Logan nodded, as if he was afraid that Bruce would regret it.

"10,000 US dollars, deal!"

But he still emphasized: "I am only a guide, and I will never fight, unless - you can't pay the money in the end!"

After that, Logan stepped forward and pushed Hawkeye.

"Don't stand there, let's go."


The garage slowly opened, revealing a red convertible SUV with a spider web pattern on the body.

"Spider Chariot?" Logan recognized this unusual SUV, "How did it get into your hands?"

"After Spider-Man died, this car belonged to me."

Hawkeye smiled and sat in the driver's seat, motioning him to drive. Logan, as a guide, was responsible for looking at the map and paying attention to the road conditions.

"How about I drive?" Logan was a little worried about Hawkeye's vision.

"No, I can do it myself, get in the car!"

Logan sat in the passenger seat, Bruce and Katum sat in the back, Hawkeye touched the steering wheel, sighing.

"You are still good to me!" Hawkeye said with emotion, "I used to run a taxi for a living, but I was treated very badly. That group of people discriminated against me because I was blind and refused to take my car."

"It's okay, we don't discriminate against you."

Logan said, but his hand reached for the buckle of the seat belt, trying to get out of the car secretly.

How could Hawkeye give him this opportunity?

He stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the roar of the engine instantly broke the silence of the border wasteland.

The tires rubbed against the dry ground, raising a burst of smoke and dust.

The Spider Chariot seemed to be injected with life, like a wild beast running away, rushing towards the unknown road ahead.


Hawkeye's driving skills are unique.

Although he lost his sight, he could accurately judge the road conditions with his superior hearing and keen perception.

Under his control, the Spider Chariot shuttled through the wasteland like a flexible snake, leaving a trail of flying dust.

"I told you to rest assured!"

Hawkeye said while driving, with a bit of pride in his voice, "Although I can't see, I can hear the sound of the tires rubbing against the ground, and feel the wind speed and direction. Many people with normal vision may not have as good driving skills as me!"


Logan couldn't get out of the car now, so he had to accept his fate. He opened the map and studied the route.

"Although the places along the way are very dangerous and entrenched in various forces, there are some places we can bypass."

Logan's fingers moved slowly on the map, "First, we will pass through the territory of the Hulk Gang. It was originally very dangerous, but Bruce Banner went out recently, and his green bastards temporarily stopped.

"Then we will pass the Ghost Riders to Hammerfall, and finally cross the Ant-Man Crossroads to reach the new utopia. "

Hawkeye whistled happily: "Thanks to you, Logan!"

With a clear route, Hawkeye stepped on the accelerator and the Spider Chariot began to speed.

It was under such circumstances that the extraordinary features of this chariot were revealed.

It does not need to do any dodging along the way. If it encounters a cliff, it can continue to move forward. The tires of the chariot have been specially treated and can run on vertical cliffs.

The structural design of the Spider Chariot is even more amazing.

Even if it falls from a height of tens of meters, the vehicle itself can still remain intact. The passengers inside are like being in an indestructible protective shell, and will not feel the impact of the outside world at all. They are safe.

Bruce sat in the back seat, stroking the armrest of the chariot, and his heart was moved.

Batman also wanted to drive.

"Katum, what do you think about me getting a car like this in the future?"

Bruce said, "Paint it black, and I will patrol Gotham every night. It must feel great!"

"Whatever you want. "

Katum said casually, "Just be careful not to get the tires pried off."

The Spider Chariot roared and ran all the way.

After the initial novelty wore off, the scenery along the way began to look the same, all desert rock walls and tumbleweeds, and Logan had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Bruce also yawned, this journey was more boring than he had imagined.

They had walked about 300 kilometers and left the territory of the Hulk Gang.

Bruce began to feel bored when he thought of the thousands of kilometers to go.

"Can't you use Apparition to take us directly to New York?"

Bruce asked Katum, "It wouldn't take much energy, right?"

"You ask me to help, so I will?" Katum refused without thinking, "You don't even want to call me Godfather!"

"Forget it."

Bruce also closed his eyes, pretending that the conversation just now had never happened.

Gradually, the sky began to darken, and in front of them, the outline of an abandoned city appeared.

"Let's spend the night here today!"

Hawkeye turned around, "Wait until tomorrow morning before setting off!"

They entered this abandoned urban area that was once prosperous.

The abandoned building stood like a giant in the dark night, with cracks and peeling marks on the outer wall, and the city was dead silent.

Dust covered every inch of land, and abandoned vehicles were scattered in between, with broken windows and flat tires.

The lampposts were entangled with withered vines, and the wires swayed in the wind, making bursts of wailing.

"Do you think there are still living people here?" Hawkeye asked curiously.

Logan in the passenger seat twitched his nose, smelled the surrounding smell, and then gave the answer.

"No, it's all moldy here, without any smell of living people."


Hawkeye had guessed the answer, and he parked the chariot beside the abandoned road, and several people got off the car to find a safe place.

"Let's rest here for the night. You sit for a while, I'll make a fire."

After he finished speaking, Logan suddenly objected: "There's no need to make a fire."

He pointed to the distance, where several ghost-faced Harleys were coming towards them. The roar of the motors was a furious roar, leaving behind a line of fire that separated light and darkness.

The Ghost Riders are here.

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