Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 78 Three New Teachers

What a strange professor.

This is what comes naturally to Bruce.

I don’t know what courses this gentleman is responsible for teaching and what makes him so good.

After a while, Hermione came back. Judging from the expression on her face, she probably didn't find Harry and the others.

When Hermione walked into the box and found that there was an old wizard, she was stunned for a moment.

But soon she realized that this was a professor. After politely saying hello, she sat back in her seat.

For some reason, Hermione felt that this old wizard looked familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

"Harry and Ron didn't seem to get in the car."

Hermione whispered to Bruce, "Percy said they came to the station together, but for some reason they disappeared later."

As she spoke, a picture began to form in her mind.

Harry and Ron were fed up with the rules and regulations of the school and decided to join hands to the free world and start their own big adventure.


Hermione suddenly shouted, "How could they do this! The outside world is very dangerous, there are werewolves, vampires, dominatrixes..."

Bruce was confused.

"These are the monsters mentioned in Lockhart's books."

Katum said in his ear, "Hermione may be obsessed with stardom recently."

At this time, Professor Gale, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke——

"The Harry and Ron you are talking about are two little boys, one with black hair and glasses, and the other with red hair and a silly look?"

"Yes!" Hermione said in surprise, "Professor, have you seen them?"

Gale pointed out: "Aren't they just outside?"

Bruce and Hermione looked out the window and saw a green car flying in the air, accelerating to catch up with the Hogwarts train.

The car rose and fell, and the two boys in the car who kept screaming were Harry and Ron.

"Why are they there!"

Hermione was almost going crazy. Why could these two guys do such shocking things every time?

Bruce was a little moved.

A flying car, I really want to drive it!

Professor Gale was also looking at the car, but the target of his gaze was the location of the lightning scar on Harry's forehead.

"How interesting."

He kicked his suitcase and said softly, "Why do I seem to feel another you in him?"

The suitcase kept shaking.

The train arrived at the station and the students began to get off the train.

Gale said goodbye to Bruce and Hermione, they would see each other soon.

"Freshman! Freshman! Come to me!"

Hagrid waved his lantern from the other side of the platform, beckoning the first years to come over and cross the lake in the traditional way.

Bruce, Hermione and the others followed the other students to a rough muddy path outside.

There were at least a hundred carriages waiting for the remaining classmates, and in front of each carriage stood a skinny black horse-shaped creature.

Their heads are very similar to those of fire dragons, their eyes are occupied by white, and a pair of tough wings grow between their shoulder bones.

Seeing such a terrifying creature, the little wizards around him didn't react at all, which surprised Bruce.

Bruce, Hermione and Neville got into a carriage, which smelled faintly of musty and straw.

"How was your summer vacation? Neville."

Only then did Bruce have the opportunity to say hello to Neville, "I brought you a gift from the United States and will give it to you at school later."

"Oh! Bruce!"

Neville was so excited that he hugged Bruce, and he almost cried, "Thank you! I thought you wouldn't remember it at all!"

"It's okay, we are friends!"

Bruce imitated Katum's tone and said, "Between friends, you have to exchange sincerity for sincerity!"

The carriage drove up to two imposing wrought-iron gates flanked by stone pillars topped by winged boars.

They got out of the car and followed the crowd up the stone steps, passed through the majestic oak doors, and entered the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

Countless candles were suspended in mid-air, the entire hall was illuminated magnificently, and the stars on the enchanted ceiling were bright.

Katum looked at this scene and couldn't help but praise it.

“It’s so beautiful, the auditorium!”

Bruce arrived at the Hufflepuff long table, where Justin was already sitting.

"Good evening, Bruce!"

Justin looked very happy, "I heard that you went to the United States during the summer vacation? How did it feel? There must be a lot of fun things in the United States, right?"


Bruce couldn't help but think about the America he saw in Twilight Wolf's world.

"It's fun." He hesitated.

At this time, all the little wizards had taken their seats. Dumbledore tapped the goblet in front of him with his spoon, and the auditorium fell silent instantly.


Dumbledore stood up, candlelight shining on his beard, "Welcome back to Hogwarts! I have a few things to tell you all.

“I’m excited to announce that we will have three new teachers joining us in the new school year!

"First, there was Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who readily agreed to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancy."

The auditorium burst into warm applause, and Lockhart stood up and saluted around him with his perfect smile.

The applause broke out even louder, and several little witches even screamed.

"As for our second new teacher."

Dumbledore finally suppressed the applause and continued, "I regret to tell you that our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, has decided to retire one year early, and his position will be vacant by one of our teachers. Outstanding Alumni, Professor Newt Scamander fills in!”


There was another burst of applause that was enough to lift the roof. Mr. Newt's name was not only well known in the wizarding world, but also known to all women and children.

Professor Newt seemed a little uncomfortable with such a passionate scene. He quickly stood up, bowed, and then sat down.

"The last one——"

Dumbledore spoke in a longer tone, choosing his words carefully.

"For reasons that everyone knows, the magical world is no longer as safe as before. For everyone's sake, we decided to restart the dueling club and open a wizard dueling course.

"And the person who serves as the dueling teacher is Professor Gale Green!"

A few cold, sparse applause sounded in the auditorium.

Compared with the treatment of the first two teachers, it can be said to be a world of difference.

The students were really not interested in this strange-looking old man with a gloomy aura who appeared out of nowhere, and were even a little afraid.

And Mr. Green doesn't seem to be that popular among teachers.

Everyone was far away from him, except Mr. Newt who did not dislike him and was willing to sit next to him.

Gale Green snorted coldly, not even willing to stand up and say hello.

Dumbledore didn't push anything and continued.

What he said after that was the same old talk, such as school rules and so on.

At the end of his speech, Dumbledore repeated those strange words——

"Idiot! Crying! Residue! Screw it! Thank you everyone!"

"What does this mean?"

Bruce asked Katum, "He says it every time."

"I think it's probably some kind of code word."

Katum blew his feathers, "Hogwarts Castle is so big, Dumbledore might have left some secret treasure.

"And the key to unlocking Dumbledore's mystery is those four words."

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