Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 97 Who leaked the news?

"Bruce? Why are you back again?"

Dumbledore frowned as he saw Bruce leaving and returning.

At this time, they were still trying to open the door to that room.

But no matter how he tried, whether it was a lock-picking spell or an explosion spell, Dumbledore even tried to break the wall directly.

The result is no.

There is a faint force that completely seals this room. No matter how hard you try, you can't enter.

Even if you want to take a look inside, you can't.

This room seems to no longer belong to this world.

At this moment, Bruce, who was supposed to leave, came back.

No matter how good-tempered Dumbledore was, he was still a little angry.

Do you know what the situation is now? There is a danger spreading that even he cannot confirm!

When Bruce comes here, he puts himself in danger!

But Bruce then gave a legitimate reason that Dumbledore couldn't refuse.

He looked anxious and said: "Mr. Principal, the third victim has appeared, Professor Lockhart!"


At this moment, Dumbledore's eyelids began to beat wildly.

What's going on today? Things happen one after another in the school!

But he couldn't leave here now. After trying to calm down, he said to Professor McGonagall: "Minerva, please go and bring Gilderoy to Madam Pomfrey.

"I will make arrangements for what happens next."

Professor McGonagall nodded and left with Bruce.

Bruce didn't say a word along the way and looked worried. He must be really worried about Lockhart.

Professor McGonagall sighed in her heart. The various pressures in the school recently have inevitably been conveyed to the students.

Maybe now, suspending classes is the best option.

But unnoticed by Professor McGonagall, Bruce was constantly exchanging information with Katum.

"Can't you see anything clearly?" Bruce asked.

"You can't see clearly, that room has been isolated." Katum said, "And Bruce, I'm afraid I have to remind you of something very important."

"you say."

Katum recalled what he had just observed in the Gryffindor room, confirmed that his feeling was correct, and then said to Bruce——

"That kind of isolation power is not magic that belongs to this world!"

Bruce was lost for a moment.

The meaning of Katum's words could not be clearer.

Indeed, this school year is almost halfway over, but I still haven't heard any news about the pursuers from the DC world.

Bruce did not let down his guard, in fact he had been preparing.

But sometimes he also wonders whether it's because there have been pursuers in this world, so Barbatos doesn't send new ones, or maybe he won't send pursuers so quickly.

But the current situation has fully demonstrated that the pursuers have actually arrived a long time ago.

Only this time, the opponent is not Jason's bluffing character, but has been lurking in the dark, and has even sneaked into Hogwarts.

Bruce's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He began to recall every moment of the past half school year, trying to find the hidden person.

At this time, Professor McGonagall noticed that Bruce had stopped where he was and turned back in confusion: "Bruce, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, Professor McGonagall!"

Bruce smiled, "I just felt a little upset in my stomach just now."

He followed Professor McGonagall's footsteps again.

"I know, Katum!"

Bruce's tone was firm, "The reason why we didn't find the pursuer was not because we were negligent, but because Hogwarts had an insider!"

"I think so too." Katum nodded.

Bruce continued: "The reason is very simple. If the pursuers really exist, then it is impossible for me to not notice anything, because I am their only target!

"There have been at least four victims this school year, Lavender, Snape, Lockhart, and maybe a Gryffindor.

“They keep getting attacked and nothing happens to me, something is obviously wrong!”

Khatum had no problem with that analysis.

"That's what I thought too," he said.

Bruce made the final conclusion: "So I think the pursuer must have reached an agreement with someone in Hogwarts. He must first complete a certain goal and then come to catch me!"

"I think so too," Katum finally said.

Bruce actually had an immature guess, but there was no evidence.

Perhaps, the person who cooperated with the pursuer was Rowena Ravenclaw.

But whenever Bruce wanted to reason about this, there seemed to be a hazy fog in his mind.

Something stopped him from continuing to think.

Bruce and Professor McGonagall arrived at the location of Lockhart's accident.

The poor Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was still lying there, smiling, but no longer as charming as before.

"Alas, poor Lockhart."

Professor McGonagall sighed, "He must have encountered a very powerful enemy and resisted bravely. Look at his posture, he is still in a fighting state."

Bruce nodded, indeed.

Because this pose was done by Katum after he woke up from his sleep.

According to him, if everything is irreversible in the end and Lockhart dies because of this, then at least let him die decently.

Lockhart was not in bad shape, and it was obviously not easy for Professor McGonagall to move him.

Just as Bruce was about to help, he saw Professor McGonagall taking out her wand and clicking it a few times out of thin air.

Lockhart's body floated up, maintaining a standing posture, tilting his head, and followed Professor McGonagall.

"let's go."

Professor McGonagall went to the school hospital, Lockhart tilted his head and floated behind, rising and falling.

This picture seems a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

After Bruce helped deliver Lockhart to the ward, he did not stay there, but returned to the common room at the forced request of Professor McGonagall.

It's too dangerous out there now.

Back in the room, Bruce said to Katum: "It must be the past few days, right?"


Katum said, "Gryffindor has an accident, so no one in the school is safe now.

"If Dumbledore doesn't act, Hogwarts will be closed."

Bruce nodded, now he could only wait.

Waiting for the day when Dumbledore succeeds in converting Voldemort.

Bruce originally thought that it would be at least a few days.

But in fact, the next day, people from the Ministry of Magic came.

And it was none other than the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

The conversation between him and Dumbledore was secret and no one could observe it.

But Katum is different.

Who can say no to an owl that everyone loves?

"Dumbledore, I have taken on a lot of pressure for you!"

Fudge and Dumbledore sat facing each other, and the anxiety on his face was visible to the naked eye, "But you can't make no progress at all. At least you have to come up with something and let me explain to the parliament, right?"

"Actually, Connelly, we've made progress."

Dumbledore took out the diary and placed it on the table.

There are some black scorch marks on the diary cover, as if it had been burned by fire.

"What is this?" Fudge frowned. It looked like it was just an ordinary diary. What key clue could it be?

"Tomorrow afternoon, we will conduct a mediumship ceremony through this diary."

Dumbledore said, "At that time, we will find out the true identity of the murderer. Connelly, if you are interested, you can come and watch."

"I definitely want to come and see it!" Fudge's killer instinct as a politician was activated instantly.

The importance of Hogwarts in the British wizarding world goes without saying.

There is a big crisis in the school and people are panicked.

And when the crisis is resolved, as the Minister of Magic, if I am present, I will get big bonus points.

Fudge had already decided that not only was he going to come, he was also going to bring reporters.

Dumbledore saw what he was thinking and reminded him lightly: "Journalists are not allowed to enter the ceremony."

In Dumbledore's original plan, he did not want too many people to enter the ceremony.

But the news leaked out too quickly, and someone came to the door that afternoon.

First up is Harry.

He looked at Dumbledore with a helpless expression and spoke his request almost like a pleading.

"Except for Professor Snape, I have almost nothing left."

He cried and said, "Whether this ceremony is successful or not, I want to be by his side!"

Dumbledore wanted to refuse, but when he looked up and saw Harry's eyes, the words of refusal could not come out of his mouth.

What could he say?

Dumbledore knows how pitiful Harry is.

His parents died because of his godfather's betrayal, and his aunt was almost abusive to him.

The only person who gave Harry the warmth of family was Snape.

"Okay, Harry, you can participate." Dumbledore sighed, "But I hope you will stay calm no matter what you see."

"I will!" Harry nodded heavily.

When Harry left the office, the office fell into a long silence.

Then, someone knocked on the office door.

The door opened and it was Bruce.

"Professor, I want to participate in the psychic ceremony!" He said straight to the point.

This request is simply baffling.

Dumbledore frowned and asked, "Bruce, you don't usually care that much about Professor Snape, do you?"

"Not Professor Snape."

Bruce looked sad, "I care about Professor Lockhart!"


Dumbledore racked his brains and couldn't imagine when the relationship between Bruce and Lockhart had become so good.

"Headmaster, you may not know that Professor Lockhart and I are close friends."

Bruce said without blushing, "There are almost no secrets between him and me, sincerely for sincerity..."

"go out!"

Dumbledore couldn't stand listening anymore, and everyone came here to find out what they wanted to do.

Psychic rituals are very dangerous, and you don’t know what you might attract if you don’t pay attention.

If the underage wizard stays there, not only will he not be able to help at all, but he will also distract other people's energy.

You can only add one Harry at most, and absolutely no one else!

He originally wanted to do it secretly, but unfortunately it was not successful.

After all, who leaked the news? !

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