Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 172: Secret garden

When I hit the wall everywhere, Wang Zhong was also a little gray-faced. It was not familiar with the situation, but it cost me some money. There are only half of the more than one hundred stars left in my body, but I still can’t see the hope. Twilight, the last bite went to a **** battlefield that appeared to be bloody, but he had already been thrown out by a five-and-three-thick Titans before he could explain it.

"Don't look at your three or two meats, play while you are playing!"

Wang Zhong is still a bit emboldened. In the past few days, he has fully adapted to the environment here. The combat power has also recovered. The role of deified cells is absolutely powerful. It is not ineffective here, but just now, He obviously wants to hide, but he is still caught by the other party. Obviously, the way the power is used here is different. The other party is only very casual, he can't hide.

There are no bright places in the city, but there is no place where you can settle. Wang Zhong misses Simba a little. Fortunately, which tunnel is not harmful to Simba, but Simba has fallen into a deep sleep since entering the domain. This lonely There was no headache when there was no optimism in Simba.

Wang Zhong feels a little sleepy. The physical and mental consumption of staying here is very big. In the past ten days, he didn’t sleep. He was full of spirits. But now he can’t sleep without asleep, and the money is not much left. If you spend money on accommodation, food must be eaten. He has chosen to know the cheapest supplement energy. Otherwise, he can starve to death. With the impression in memory, he finds a street that looks relatively deserted. Two or three times, unlike the rest of the city, which is still noisy in the middle of the night, most of the shops here are open during the day and appear quiet at night.

I found a corner outside the store that looked pretty clean. I sat down with a bit of tiredness. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. In his dream, he seemed to come to a strange space and saw a square. The stone hangs in the air and is as dazzling as the sun.

I have been here for five or six days, but he has done this dream several times. Every time I see it, I feel that the square stone is very familiar. It must be something I know, and it is a touch to myself. The summoning, strangely enough, is something that is so familiar, but in my mind, I can’t remember what the stone is. He was so curious to stare at the stone hair shining in the air, thinking hard, what the **** is this?



‘啪~! ’


There seemed to be something on his body. At the same time, there was a crisp crackle and a girl’s exclamation, and Wang Zhong woke up from his dream. His mind was a little dizzy, just like the previous days. I feel faintly that I seem to have a dream, I have a strong appeal to myself, I want to explore and understand, but I can't remember the dream scene.

He rubbed his aching neck and just opened his eyes. He saw a 15 or 6 year old Loli looking at herself with a depressed face: "How do you sleep here, kill me? Broken the flower pots."

Wang Zhongyi, I saw that the shop door that I leaned on has been opened halfway. This is a flower shop. Xiao Loli seems to be moving the flower pot from the store to the outside, probably because she is sleeping in the corner, and the sky is again There was still some dimness, and this little Loli should not notice, and as a result, one foot squatted on himself, and a palm-sized flower pot fell to the ground and shattered.

Wang Zhong stood up helplessly, and sleeping outside the door was obviously his own problem: "Sorry... how much is this flowerpot, I will pay."

"How much? Call, I have to think about it." Little Loli and humans are very similar in appearance, just with round ears, and a colorful tail with a big tail behind her, she holds her hand on her chin. I thought for a long time: "How much is the flower pot, how much is the flower pot... Hey, what is this about you? Why should I tell you? Hey, don't you want to talk to me casually."

She said one to herself, then looked down and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, my flower pot! How is it broken?"

"........." Wang Zhong made a stunned conversion to this god. What do you mean?

But before he could patiently explain it, he heard a snoring voice sounding like a thunder: "Hey~ Who! Who broke my flower pot!"

The climax of the three-band hum has not fallen, '咚咚咚咚', the sound of running like an earthquake has been ringing from the store, a huge black shadow rushed out with the speed of the old king dazzling, actually A giant creature with a bull's head.

It is more than three meters tall and has to bend over to get through the tall door frame. It is different from the kind of Misobuda beagle that Wang Zhong once saw in Misobudabi. This guy is completely one. The real black cow, the head of the cow, the body of the cow, the hoof of the cow, the tail of the cow, the only difference is that its hind legs are extraordinarily developed and strong, and can stand up like a human being.

At first glance, the flower pots that were broken on the ground were seen. The two bulging cows’ eyes were more rounded, and the huge roaring sound of crying was like a roaring cannon, like a broken grandson. Grief, instantly trembled to the whole street: "I ~ ~ flower pot ~!"

The sound was too wavey, Wang Zhong and Xiao Mi face each other, and half of the street was shaken outside. Many people poked their heads out of the bustling shops, watching the lively smiles one by one. Billioned marriage bride

"Is it a little confused and broken the pot of the old cow?"

"Rely, early in the morning, don't you have a broken flower pot, this sly ghost is crying and licking a hair."

"Oh, it seems that there are outsiders, and the old cows must be planted."

After the roar of the old black cow, he didn’t even look at the little confused, and he stared directly at Wang Zhong: "It must be broken! Lose money! 0 stars, bring it!"

"Good." Wang Zhong is also crying and laughing, although a bit pit, but after all, is to sleep at the door of his own, it is not good to let the little confused to back the pot, he reached out to touch his waist, but touched an empty.

What about the wallet?

Wang Zhongwei glimpsed, hanging on his waist before going to bed last night, it would not be...

Was stolen!

The dog is gone, and the people of the gods are too unruly. Even if they are stole on the street, there is no reason! Eggs!

The house leaks and the night rain, it seems that the influence of gravity and spiritual pressure is not only on the body and the spirit, but also the reaction and sensitivity have become very poor, just sleeping, actually being touched by people from the body are stunned Not aware.

He touched his nose a little embarrassed: "I have no money."

" money?!" The old black cow’s eyes were even more rounded, and the door was doubled. The huge bull nostrils were braving white smoke: "Do you want to die? You think I am Punch does not die for you!"

The black cow waved the big fist of the casserole, and the energy of the cockroach. Wang Zhong absolutely believed that this guy could kill himself, his mentality, and he was already correct in the wandering life of these days. He is really the head of the wandering brigade. This pot is connected and accurate.

Lao Wang smiled and spread his hand: "Boss boss, I really don't want to pay the bill. I used to have it. I slept and I was stolen. If you kill me, I can't lose your flower pot. You can't make it." I work for you, owe you 0 stars, I work for 20 stars, of course you have to pack and eat, in fact, my family also sells flowers."

Wang Zhong tried to make his expression sincere and he learned a lot with Scarlett in the past two years.

"Boss, I think he is very sincere, and I am too busy to come alone." The little fox **** the side can't help but help, after all, she also has half of her responsibility, if she pays attention, she will not fall.

The little fox girl looks like a general, but her heart is good. After so long, Wang Zhong also feels that he should meet a sympathetic person. He is so miserable, and there is no value other than selling.

"You shut up, you lose money, let me calculate!" The cow boss began to count.

The neighbors are happy. This guy is the most famous sly ghost on Tianbao Street. A five-big three-shoulder demon has to go to the flower shop. It is of course worse for the business to start, until the little fox woman buys flowers and has no money to start working. Although people are confused, but the flower shop business is much better, plus the same belong to the Yaozu, the cattle monster will take this little helper, probably tasted the sweetness, looked at the shape of Wang Zhong, class heaven, oh, decorate the facade is very good .

"Cough, kid, your life is really good, go to inquire, the whole Tianbao Street is not my cow brother's greatest gas, I don't hang you, do a year for me, eat and wrap, even if you pay off debts And, tell you, don't cut prices with me, I am afraid of myself!"

Said that he began to hold two big hooves, threatening and tempting, Wang Zhong nodded and nodded, "Thank you, the boss took it!"

"Haha, although it is a little thin, but the brain is good, do it well, I will not treat you badly!" A hoof down, Wang Zhong feels that the bones must be folded, Grandma's, this is what his ghost is, casually pull One is a monster. Just if he dared to do it, he was directly photographed as a meat sauce.

"Xiao Di, bring this guy familiar with the rules, don't break my baby with a rough hand!" The cow boss is also not worried about Wang Zhong dare to run, big business with contracts, small things actually look at influence and status, to The strength of this little guy in front of you, the bottom of the goods.

The fox girl named Xiao Di looked very happy. Finally, she was accompanied. She looked at Wang Zhong with curiosity. She began to touch the west and touched it. The king who was touching was embarrassed.

"Are you a human being, what is the name? I heard that you are one of the twelve inferior civilizations introduced recently, or the most unfortunate." Xiao Di said that he was as happy as discovering the New World.

Lao Wang touched his nose, can you talk so directly? How to chat? !

Wang Zhong’s classmates finally got a place to stay, although this place is a little weird.

Secret garden, a rough flower shop opened by a cow demon, but took a enchanting name, and it is really no one. Every time I see this name, Wang Zhong always has a kind of cow chewing peony, the cow boss I don’t have much time in the store. All the things are Xiao Di and he is round. Since he has been more, the old cow is even more picky. It’s cheap to buy Wang Zhong. I didn’t expect this human to know. gardening. Basketball, meet in the best season

Why the cow boss will bloom in the shop, Wang Zhong and Xiao Di do not know, but Wang Zhong really doubts, this guy does not support the failure, the cattle boss's purchase channel should have an advantage, flowers from multiple dimensions of the world Wang Zhong is also dazzled, but the whole business is in the original stage, that is, the flowers are sold in flower pots, as for packaging, gardening, combination and the like, and the price is arbitrary.

There are two kinds of flowers in the secret garden. One is ornamental flowers. It is beautiful, beautiful, and fragrant. If you have some words, for example, the plants of Ma Lulu are quite intelligent, but this flower is not very good, unless it is lonely. Patients, otherwise who needs a big face that has been bb? Since Wang Zhong began to take care of the flower shop, he has been BB, and he always wanted to sell it, but no one needs it.

The other is to be able to enter Dan, but any plant that can enter the domain of God, it must be quite aura, the grade is quite high, the aristocrats need to decorate, and some are also the herbs of alchemy, simply say that the medicine is sold, the cow boss looks like this still The type of wholesale is also the main income here, but it is also because of this, the flower shop itself is also a sideline, the old cow is probably just want to get a shop.

In a week's time, from the old cows, there is also a small understanding of the routines here, and the various civilized residents in the realm want to get rid of the embarrassing situation. In fact, they only enter the Tiandan period, but they can enter here to survive. Life is the minimum requirement for the foundation of the gods. The human soul is the beginning of the foundation. Once the soul is below, it will explode directly. Of course, this means that a living body has a lower bound. Powerful, talent is even more horrible. For example, the demon, like the mutant creatures on the earth, will probably listen to them. Without the division of the Star Alliance, the chaos is a disaster. In essence, the veteran will join the stars at all costs. The alliance is right.

The life here is in the pursuit of condensed tiandan, may be different from the different types of condensed Dan, some are ghosts, some are dandan, etc., but the essence is just different grades, once the repair of Tiandan, not only greatly improved life, for Tianhe The absorption of power is enhanced. What is important is that the status in the boundary will also be different. This is also the only way to change the low level of civilization. For example, if you want to do business, you must be a civilization of level 6 or above, but if it is the Tiandan period, even if it is The fourth-grade civilization is also possible. This is the privilege. At the same time, the excellent Tiandan period will have the opportunity to enter the heavens. The heavens are the paradise that the 9th-level civilization can enjoy. The most legendary place in the fifth dimension is the pure land and the praise. The only path to the high latitude.

Want to repair Tiandan, two essential conditions: Gongfa and medicinal herbs.

There are hundreds of Taoist, gate, and sects of various civilizations in the land. There are methods of inheritance. Some are very closed. They are only open to their own civilizations, while others are open, but they must be highly enshrined. The law does not have to be the best, it must be suitable. After all, there are too many civilizations. This span is a bit big.

Dan medicine is not a shortcut, but a must. The method can speed up the absorption of the energy of the Tianhe River, change the Linghai, continue to condense, and finally form a virtual Dan, and then the virtual Dan is solid. This process is quite long and wants to accelerate. Doubt requires medicinal herbs, so basically in the realm, Danmen is high, and the alchemists are a mess. In all civilizations and forces, Dan’s status is detached, which is better than the monks of the Tiandan period. It is also important in itself.

Of course, in Tianbao Street where the secret garden is located, there is no such high level of Dan Shi. Xiao Di may be lonely for too long. It is rare that Wang Zhong is such a diligent and helpful partner. He is very willing to solve, just... she may be a bit Amnesia, often said that half of the old forgot what to do.

This makes Pharaoh a little sad, Xiao Di's treatment can be much higher than him, of course, Di Di himself is a Yaozu, her wrist badge level is high, which is actually a kind of deterrence, basically 4~ level Ordinary existence, life in the realm is to be very cautious.

"Wang Zhong, but unfortunately, my practice can't you..., ah, this is sent to..." The little fan is hard to remember, remembering the name of Wang Zhong, she just helped Wang Zhong to put a lot of materials for others. Packed well, but the old mistakes, actually forgot where to send.

The little fox is the nickname of Wang Zhong to Xiao Di, this guy is absolutely worthy, but also the work of the king is still in the heart, otherwise the temper of the old cow is really not a burst, say no to rice Do not eat for food.

"I know, it is the boss of the sea." Wang Zhong smiled, this street is quite famous, there are several very characteristic big stores, the channels are quite wide, there are some to the outer Tianhe, and there are also to the inner ring Geographically speaking, the location of the old cattle selection store is correct.

The sea boss is the largest and most complete store of alchemy materials in Tianbao Street.

"It seems to be... Hey, how do you know?" The little fox feels a bit like, but not sure.

"Double Skull Gui, Jiang Shenglong Cao, Tiandeng Firecore..." Wang Zhong sniffed the nose and reported the name of the flower to the house: "These are not all medicinal materials, such a large amount, it is to be sent in the morning, also There is a sea boss."

"Yeah! You remember so many names in the day? And, you don't even open the package to see it?!" The small confused surprise, I can't believe it, she still can't remember these complicated names until now. How long have you been working in the old bull flower shop?

"You can use it... Also, I have been here for more than a week." Wang touched his nose. During this time, he also discovered the advantages of human beings, that is, five senses and artistry. Some higher civilizations are obviously worse in the pursuit of art in the pursuit of power, some senses have begun to weaken, and humans are just right now, plus the Earth received four major 9-level civilizations, and even some messy 7-8 The level of tossing, the complex artisticity produced in the mixed situation is quite a market here.

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