Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 179: wake

Wang focused on nodding, this is no way, familiar with the domain of God to understand the rules must have a process, he feels that the old cow is deliberate, completely take his target as a force, but why, ... he does not know.

All the way to the end, but let Wang Zhong has gained a lot of knowledge, in addition to the Yin Yinzong and the giant pit boundary, the other areas of the Katanglai District are still relatively normal, the streets are bustling with fascinating, strange and strange races abound. Although most of them are mixed in various ethnic groups, each small area still has a major civilized force. The architectural style on the street will also be biased towards that civilization. In the land boundary, this is a relatively common tradition.

The so-called strongholds of the major civilizations are actually one block. The big civilization has a stronghold in almost every core area. The small civilizations only occupy one side, but even such a small civilization, it is also a six-level start. For example, the nine ruins, such as the yin yin. Like the Earth, if you want to achieve a certain basic prestige in the Star Alliance, the minimum condition is to have the ability to lead a small area, to upgrade the level of civilization or to have a super-strong individual, thereby obtaining the sale of the realm shops. Right, expand a sphere of influence that belongs to you, become the so-called 'Earth Street', 'Global Village', that is the stronghold of the Earth. But obviously, this kind of beautiful wish is too unrealistic. Such a future is far away from the earth people who can only be sent to the fence.

There is also a huge force in the wholesale market.

"Alans civilization," the old cow is introducing to Wang Zhong, there are not so many horrible taboos of the dark demon, there is no need to cover up in person, the Alans are quite good, love peace, of course, they love their bones. It’s money, peace is just incidental. After all, it’s a good thing to make money, and then they don’t have strong force. This is a civilization that is quite good at planting and cultivating. It is also the largest manufacturer and wholesaler of medicinal materials in the Star Alliance. Although the civilization level is not high, it is really rich.

"Beware of these Arans, they seem to be generous. In fact, they are all ghosts and ghosts. They must wake up with them when they do business, and they will be careful when they are not careful!"

The Alans people seem to be humanoid, just like a shuttle. The two ends are round and round. They feel that a whip can turn a lot of circles, the skin is white, the hair is quite beautiful silver, the ears are long and pointed. Listening is especially developed. The owner of the wholesale store is still separated from the room by more than half of the room. He even heard the old cow’s embarrassment to Wang Zhong. He laughed and greeted him: “Dear cow, that is what you are to us. The Alans prejudice, we only do big business, we never care about it, and we don’t even lie."

The cow’s bulls’ eyes are awkward: “I’m not worried about it? The last time I entered so many goods, a fraction is reluctant to erase it for me. You also said that you would not care about it?”

"You have too many fractions, dear cow," the Alans boss, who had pointed ears, didn't care. He smiled: "Two thousand and nine hundred stars, you have to avoid nine hundred. How can this be the case?" This time I will give you a special offer, and the single-digit fraction will give you a free list."

"Fat, what's the use? At least the ten-digit free list!"

"Good, dear cow, you are our old customer, this little thing is fine, we are still the price..."

"What is the same as the old?" The old cow squinted and screwed the next king out: "Do you know who he is?"

The boss of Alans gave a slight glimpse, and Wang Qiang’s styling, a cold look, thought it was a winged Tianyi, but what about it? Tianyi people can not publicly rob! What's more, there is no wing, and Alans boss is a little disapproving.

"This is the earth man!" The old cow is full of enthusiasm: "Three levels and a half civilization, have you heard of it?!"

Wang Zhong was a little surprised. I really didn't expect the earth people of the fourth-class civilization to have a sultry role.

The owner of Alans over there is obviously a stay. What do you mean? What is the idea?

The old cow is a smile: "Even this kind of garbage civilization can enter the Star Alliance. This shows that the whole boundary is in a bad condition. It needs new resources to make up, things are not easy to sell, you still care about me, I want Cross, where are you looking for such a good partner!"

"........." Wang Zhong and the boss of Alans are all black lines in an instant.

"30% off!" The old cow will use the end of the king to open, and confidently said: "Don't say I bully you, I will give you a chance to counter-offer!"

"......... Dear Cow, you taught me a trick!" Alans’s boss took a long time to recover from the stunned, as a race known for making money in the Star Alliance, he felt his negotiating ability and The old cow is weaker than the old one. "Let's do it, I will give you a 15% off on the basis of the original 10% off."

"Seven five! This is my bottom line!"

"Twenty percent, can't be lower! I will have no profit if I am lower!"

"There is no profit in the fart, but it is still a matter of care. You Alans are a bunch of miser!" The old cow snorted and slammed a list: "If you forget it, then we will say it." Next time, go to the 7th and 5th, give me the best, don't fill it up, don't mix it, you know that I am used to it, I will check it!"

"No, no, no, it must be eighty-five next time!" The boss of Alans waved his hand again and again: "Dear cow, as for the inspection, you will lose ten despite the inspection."

"Oh, your ruthless virtue!" The old cow gave him a glance, and the 20% discount was already a huge breakthrough. As for the next eighty-five? Next time I say 呗, next time he will find a way to make the eighty-five change to seven or five, the old cow has a big hand: "Do not talk nonsense, talk about the price is not good, hurry, get on the goods!"

Agave, ghost grass, Tianying fruit, Tianhuo wick, Baihua python fruit... The goods that were moved were planted in small pots. Wang Zhongzhong was all aware of it. It can be seen that all the good things are these potted plants. It's more expensive, and it's squeaky, it's not easy to feed, and it's packed with big boxes that seal the runes. Most of these prices are low.

In fact, in the domain of God, good things may not necessarily be very expensive, and cost-effectiveness is one of the most important reference factors. It is not just about the value of the product itself, but also its rarity. There is a box of Luo Yingguo in the list set by the old cow. This stuff itself contains extremely rich spirits. It is a must-have for refining a lot of spirits. The scope of demand is very wide. It is reasonable to say that it should be of great value. But this thing is easy to plant and feed, secondly, the seed itself is small and active, easy to carry and transport, and the third is the production of the production area is very large, so the big box of Luo Ying fruit is transported from the distant fifth dimension to the place of origin. The cost of the Divine Lands is much lower than that of many things with a small value. The demand is large, the supply is large, and the cost is low. This price has not been able to be speculated. The old cow set the seeds of this big box of Luo Yingguo, which is tens of thousands of coins, which is only one hundred stars.

This is such a worthless thing, the old cow is also constantly picking and picking, open the box to simply want to check the individual, seeing that the Alans boss is constantly frowning.

"Dear cow, you are too late, we have professional testing equipment, you can do a free large-area quality inspection in person."

"Let's stay!" The old cow said as he picked out a few seeds that looked a little bit sloppy from the box. In fact, the impact of the cockroach is really small: "Your machine, still Can you say that what you are selling is not good? Also, this is what you said. If you lose ten, count, there are already twenty ones!"

Not to mention the boss of Alans, even Wang Zhong can see the face of the waterfall sweat, if you give the old cow a magnifying glass, he can definitely study the tens of thousands of Luo Ying fruit in this box for a whole day!

This resilience is terrible. The boss of Alans looked at the slow movement of the old cow, and the eyelids were constantly picking. In the end, he actually picked out hundreds of Luo Yingguo seeds that looked only a little bit sly. I didn’t have the courage to pay him a thousand for him to pick it again, and he would give him a handful of money: "I will give you a thousand dollars..."

"This is the ten-star coin," the old cow is satisfied with the teaching of Wang Zhong: "Seeing no, doing business is like this! What is the most important thing to open a store? Two words, seriously! Next time, if you let yourself buy the goods, I have to pick this way!"

For a long time, from the morning to the noon, it is only after the inspection of the goods of this thousand-dollar coin. When the package is slowly packed, the old cow will go to another place to see it. Look, while telling the king: "Look at them the same kind of equipment, stare well, don't let people give you a good package."

Looking at the **** cow to travel west to the other flower shop across the street, the Alans boss actually has a feeling of relief, wiped the sweat, quite a feeling: "Every time with dear cattle to do business is a kind Cruel torment, but he has a good saying, the recent business is really getting harder and harder, the guests are too picky."

As he spoke, he swept the pile of 'defective' Luo Yingguo picked up by the old cows into a big box. When he saw Wang Chong’s curious eyes, he did not despise the identity of the so-called third-class and half-class civilization. I opened the box and gave Wang a glance. I saw that there were some messy seeds and the like. There were big and small, more or less there were some flaws, but obviously they still have something to use: "Look They were all picked up by the discerning guests."

Wang Zhongzhong’s heart move: “Hey boss, how do you deal with these things?”

"Reassure, our Alans merchants only sell the best, dare to claim a fake ten, this kind of defective products will certainly not be mixed into the new goods." 斛 boss eyes turn, "this kind of thing we all Threw it, haha"

The stupid cow thinks that it is too cheap. In fact, others are starting to cut from the 50% discount. He is arrogant about those who have nothing, greedy little cheap, just those impatient are acting, in addition to the old cow every The amount of purchases is quite large, and I don't know how to digest it. Of course, he has to cooperate with him. It used to be a person. This time, he brought a strange creature. Of course, the boss must be careful not to reveal the stuffing.

This kind of eyes is very familiar. Wang Zhong has seen that the profiteers have a sly expression, and the eyes are the windows of the soul. They are easy to use for most races. Of course, the hundreds of windows are counted.

"Boss, don't throw it, send me. Recently I am learning alchemy, just use it." Wang Zhong smiled.

"Little brothers, it is not acceptable. In fact, we are also the apprentices who sent them to Danzong in batches. But if you follow the old cows, I will give you a face, 10 stars, and you will take them away."

"Hey boss, I think the goods you sell to our boss are a bit expensive. I am very valued by the boss. Maybe I will buy them later." Wang Zhong does not need to say too much. Just click on it, so it is The bottom of the life has lived, this little trick can deceive him, this boss is not like an idiot.

"Haha, the little brother is really a refreshing person. We all like to make friends, go, a star coin, just like this, vacate this is not the rule."

"Well, it's such a happy decision!"

A star currency is the psychological price of Wang Zhong. On the surface, it is not moving, but the heart is hot. This batch of goods will be the first step to change the fate.

The transportation of goods is the responsibility of the mechanical family. It is basically in a monopoly position. The freight is not low, but it is safe. There are very few people in the realm who dare to play the idea of ​​the mechanical family. Of course, other Yaozu have similar industries, which are relatively inexpensive. The efficiency is poor, and the air transportation is completely monopolized by the mechanical family. The old cattle have a lot of goods, which gives Wang Zhong the feeling that he opened a flower shop too wronged. It feels like doing underground business, but this is not the case. He can ask.

After finishing the day’s work, I went back to the room in the small attic. Wang Zhong couldn’t wait to start experimenting.

There were probably more than a hundred in the box, but soon Wang Zhong found that he was still fooled. Eighty percent of them were dead, completely without aura. This is the natural loss of transportation to the domain, and the defective products will become worthless. Just as the things of the earth are going to deteriorate here, picking up for a long time, there are only thirty-two left to live.

However, it is not bad for a star to have such a harvest. Wang Zhong quickly adjusted his mind into his own fragmented world, gently placed thirty-two fruits on the ground, and then the change occurred, which was extremely hard for him. The land, like a liquid, and the seed produced a strange fusion, slowly becoming as liquid-like, automatically "swallowing" that kind of, then the ground is flat and looks completely It was no different from not planting anything, and he poured a little spring water from the flower buds, but it was rejected by the earth and could not penetrate.

These two strange discoveries also made Wang Zhong a bit dumbfounded. At first, I thought that the seeds were really 'eaten'. But if you carefully look at it and slowly observe and feel there, you can still feel a touch. The power of the stone destiny slowly infiltrates into the land where the seeds are planted, as if it is nourishing the seed, and people do not need any spiritual springs to water them.

it works!

Pharaoh is a little excited, at least the first step is very successful. He remembers the previous skylight fire core. He originally just thrown it into the space, but later discovered it was a complete growth in the ground. It’s because of this.

Feeling the subtle destiny stone power flowing in the land, Wang Zhong observed for a while, there is no convex shape on the ground, it seems that one or a half will not have any results, he is also simply from the debris world The retreat came out, even if the destiny stone space is really useful, but this kind of thing obviously can't be rushed for a while.

In the evening, Wang Zhong made a good dream, dreaming that his fragmented world has become boundless and broad, and it is full of all kinds of magical genius treasures, which can be discovered by a big master of Tiandan, wanting to **** As a result, the king sighed coldly, and with only one finger, he smashed the great master of the day into the air, reminiscing the invincible loneliness, and feeling the change of the people in the Star Alliance to the people of the earth. The violent sound of the old cow rang: "The sun is shining on the butt, still sleeping! Get up the bed, open the store!"

At this time, in the distant and unattainable heaven, it is a mountain of sacred mountains, the mountains are filled with clouds, and the purple clouds are swallowing. Occasionally, the figure of the real dragon phoenix and the unicorn is seen in the purple clouds. .

In the crowds in the depths of the Shenshan Mountain, a palace is carved with the mysterious ice. The coldness of the palace is surrounded by the palace. The surroundings are very quiet. Everything has already solidified, as if it has been dusty for thousands of years. A purple dragon with a length of several hundred meters is lying outside the temple. It is like guarding it. It doesn't move, just like the frozen palace. It's the same time, if not its nose. Occasionally spewing out a purple-like breath, I am afraid to doubt whether this is a lifelike statue.


A crisp cracking suddenly broke the silence of the frozen palace for thousands of years. The mysterious ice of Xuan Xuan under the palace hall showed a slight crack, just such a slight noise, the dragon that was entrenched outside the palace immediately It was sensed that the eyelids of the size of the house were slightly lifted, revealing the horrible erect, as if thunder lightning flashed in the erect.

follow closely.


Intensive shattering sounds sounded one after another, not only the mysterious ice shattered, but even the frosty walls of the palace, the giant pillars there are countless colorful petals growing and blooming.

"Princess!" The dragon that squatted out of the temple suddenly jumped up from the ground. The huge body slammed into the air and turned into countless purple gas. When it fell to the ground, it was turned into A white-haired old man with an endless joy and excitement on his face, standing respectfully outside the hall.

For centuries, how long the princess has slept, how long it has been waiting here, it can't remember how long it has been waiting outside the hall, and finally waited for the princess to wake up.

The entire palace has been surrounded by the blooming sea of ​​flowers. In the air, you can hear the sound of dragons and phoenixes, the unicorns in the mountains, and the whole mountain is recovering.


In the middle of the temple, the heavy hall door slowly opened, with a fragrant smell, a purple gas coming east, a barefoot woman who was beautiful and did not eat human fireworks appeared gently at the entrance of the main hall.

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