Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 84: Poor mechanical family

"Don't say it! Not interesting!"

This discovery made Funilia feel a little angry, as if she had jumped into the trap she had carefully dug.

Muzi looked at Funilia who disappeared and disappeared. He shook his head, and the girl was really incomprehensible.

However, what he did not expect was that a few days later, Ma Dong, who was in the holy city, suddenly received a strange order. Five hundred silver star stones urgently acquired a batch of ham, cola, and Ma Dongdong instantly became a superman. The sourness, which is this big? ? ?

The old cows almost did not stay in the store during the day, although the haze did not continue to make troubles in the past few days, but all the shops know that this is just a calm illusion before the storm, Tianbao Street is full of people, everywhere I can hear people talking about the news of the purchase of shops by the Yinyin Zong. They are also talking about a series of actions that the Chamber of Commerce spontaneously boycotted. It is completely useless to find nine ridiculous road negotiations, to find the Star Alliance law enforcement team, and so on.

The high-laminate roots of the Nine Waste Road can't be seen even in the face. The Chamber of Commerce faintly hears the wind. On the one hand, because the haze joins the Tianmen sequence, the nine waste roads are scrupled. On the other hand, the Yin Yinzong has paid enough. The price of the nine desert roads has long since abandoned Tianbao Street.

In the end, I can only look for the law enforcement team with the hope of the law. I hope that the law enforcement team can intervene in this matter, at least to do some early measures to prevent all kinds of worst-case occurrences, but they obviously find the wrong object...

"The sinister sinister has not become a fact, everything is just your speculation and delusion, can not be used as evidence of effective judgment, the law enforcement team will not be dispatched." The captain of the law enforcement team is expressionless, this is also the characteristics of the mechanical family, as the actual realm of the boundary Order maintainers, the sense of mechanical civilization to other civilizations is cold, rigid, overbearing, all races hate mechanical people, preferring to deal with ugly Zerg are not willing to with the mechanical family, but many times it is inevitable.

"Fuck! If it's too late to wait for him to be a murderer!" Some people in the past chambers of commerce were eager, clenched their fists, and excitedly shouted: "You idiots, long without a long brain! You..."

Hey! Hey!

The sharp edge has been aimed at the swearing man, and a few silver-colored mechanical warriors have surrounded him, and the surface of the icy mechanical body is shining with a dazzling cold.

"Now accuse you of deliberately filthy, innocent and insulting law enforcement officers!" said the mechanical life law enforcement captain Leng Bingbing: "The law enforcement recording has been opened, I sentence you to jail for a month, not bail!"

"You can't arrest people! We didn't do anything, we protested! Do you guys have some judgment and resilience of law enforcement?!" Not only the demon who was taken away, but other people who used to be in the past are crying out. In the angry protest: "How do you have such a feelingless machine with the law of the Star Alliance?"

The noise is loud and loud, trying to disturb the judgment of the law enforcement team, so as not to blame the law, but the cold mechanical life has no hesitation and confusion at all: "questioning the law enforcement authority of the mechanical family, now you are sentenced to 10 days in custody. Keep your bail right, the bail fee is two hundred stars, if you resist the law enforcement, a warning, the second kill! All take away!"

Don't look at the mechanical family can not condense Dan, can not fly to heaven, it is a race limitation, but the actual combat power under this, regardless of heads-up or war, this horrible eight-level civilization can hang up the vast majority of civilizations in the land!

Not to mention the four major tribes of the heavens themselves give them the terrorist power, the mechanical family is their most direct endorsement in the land!

Powerful, mechanical, indifferent, and at the same time it is impossible to repair Dan. All this is a perfect spokesperson for the angels, the law enforcer, facing the complicated civilized relationship of the land boundary and the intertwined interests, the mechanical family is undoubtedly the best. In fact, thousands of civilized races blend together to maintain the current situation. The mechanical family is highly successful. In this process, the entire mechanical family has too many things to carry. The strong are good at using power and strong. The rules have indeed brought a lot of unfairness to most lower civilizations. However, these situations cannot be helped by the mechanical family. The mechanical people have never been justice. The power given by them is to maintain the existing laws.

The shopkeepers of more than 40 shops have been arrested, and the old bulls are among them. Although the bail fee has been paid, the old cows that can be released are obviously not as optimistic as before, and they feel like they are decades old. Not only him, but other people at the Tianbao Street Chamber of Commerce also began to stop.

Regardless of the nine ridiculous roads, the law enforcement team does not care. The people do not doubt that the yin yin sect has the ability to hand over the sky to collude with the law enforcement team of the mechanical family. After all, the mechanical family law enforcement team is notoriously intimate and fascinating in the entire land. I’m so tired, everyone will only look for it in the hope of it. Obviously, the mechanical family will not collude with the yin yin, but it will not help these free people. For the mechanical family, the law and the law are only It is the standard for measuring everything. crime? What is a crime? The fait accompli is a crime. As long as the Yin dynasty has not yet started, let it be known to the people of Sima Zhao, the law enforcement team of the mechanical family will not ask for one point.

The boycott seems to be a piece of empty talk. The old bulls or the chambers of commerce seem to have no better way. They are worried all day long. Fortunately, I heard that the haze has gone to participate in the 500-year celebration of Yunwuzong. Recently, However, it has always been too peaceful, but the business of Tianbao Street has obviously been sluggish. Although the old cattle flower shop is open as usual, except for the occasional retail of the flower shop, almost no Wang Zhong has to go to the delivery. Obviously the old cow has already I didn’t go to the mind of pulling a single place. Everyone is full of hearts and minds, who can still do business with peace of mind.

This has also given Wang Zhong more time to practice. The practice of swallowing the sky has become more and more sophisticated. The creation of a kind of practice often goes through the process of morphing, shaping and expanding. The simple handling before can only be regarded as In the embryonic form, Wang Zhong is also constantly improving in practice.

The first is the direction of spiritual concentration when practicing the swallowing method. Generally, when practicing, the concentration of concentration through meditation is focused on the practice of the practice itself, so as to prevent the spiritual operation from going wrong and even getting rid of the magic. This is almost all practice methods. Common sense.

Wang Zhong was also the same at first, but slowly, he found that there is a huge difference between the swallowing method and the ordinary practice.

First of all, the swallowing method does not need to use the acquired spiritual power to run around in the body's meridians and even the soul sea. Swallowing and sucking are the whole of the whole swallowing method. During the process of swallowing, the aura directly enters the deepest part of the deified cells. This step is simply incomparable, and does not require additional concentration at all. It is worthy of his focus instead of the deified cell itself as a carrier.

Disseminate the soul consciousness into every deified cell as much as possible, and enhance its ‘consciousness’ so that it can retain as much aura as possible during the throughput process. This is the focus of this focus. To focus on something else, but to distract attention, invisibly weaken the efficiency of the swallowing method to absorb the aura.

Mastering this key, Wang Zhong is also gradually shifting the concentration in the practice process. The effect is immediate. Although this kind of concentration is only to increase the effect of the deified cells, but at the same time it acts on the whole body of hundreds of millions of deifications. The effect of the cells is very large.

Although this is still far from being able to compare the efficiency of direct consumption of Lingguo, once the Lingguo is limited, it is impossible for him to rely on the spirit to enhance his strength. In addition, Wang Zhong also feels another kind from the swallowing method. An indispensable element.

That is the adaptability to the gods.

This adaptability refers not only to the gravity and the pressure of the place, but to the world.

Every time I practiced the swallowing of the sky, the process of letting the aura of this **** into my body and then discharging it is to make the world of God's affiliation increase with each other. There is a vague sense of familiarity with each other, which is not the degree of exaggeration that induces the affinity of the world's will, but it exists objectively.

Just like a person who has left his hometown, when he arrives in a new place, there will always be some unacceptable, but if he has lived for a long time, he will gradually get used to it.

Wang Zhong is now feeling like this, but the swallowing method has accelerated the process of this habit, making him seem to have gradually become the temperament of some Divine aborigines, instead of being like an alien, not incompatible with this world. Immigration.

Wang Zhong just noticed this and understood the importance of this kind of affinity. The higher the affinity with the world, like the darlings of heaven, will be favored by the heavens and the earth, making it easier for you to understand things. Let your air traffic better, and all kinds of other things, the so-called talent, the so-called genius, is actually from this.

The swallowing method can achieve such an effect, which really makes Wang Zhong somewhat unpredictable. Frankly speaking, changing his own talent, changing his own gas, and changing his affinity with the heavens and the earth, this kind of work is simply Unbelievable, it has completely exceeded the scope of a normal practice, at least in the Holy City, in human history, I have never heard of it.

Perhaps it is too little knowledge of myself. After all, the **** domain is different from the holy city.

That is, the thirty-two Luo Yingguo consumption is a bit too fast. With the continuous improvement of the body and the soul sea, in order to continue to maintain the limit of the speed of practice, the demand for Luo Yingguo is getting bigger and bigger. Thirty-two Luo Yingguo, which has only been consumed for four or five days.

The Luo Ying fruit seedlings that have been removed from the fruit will soon wither away, and will be absorbed into the earth by the ashes. The space has become bare again, holding the last freshly picked Luo Yingguo in his hand. Wang Zhonghe I didn’t plan to swallow it directly. Before the old cow paid his ten-dollar salary, it was already consumed in various experiments. The thirty-two Luo Yingguo who got the boss of the Alans merchant in the wholesale market, He has already spent his last star coin. To ensure the continuation of his practice, he needs more money, and this Luo Yingguo is the only capital he has in his hands.

How to sell this Luo Yingguo, Wang Zhong has thought about several ways in the past few days. It’s very simple, but it’s not very good, either through Haiye, Lingjie or even looking for the old cow. Too good. They are too familiar with each other. Once the other party asks, it is difficult to cover up the truth of the fragmented world with appropriate reasons. If it is not explained, it is undoubtedly a knack for creating a boss in the heart.

He also thought that he would dress up and look for the auction house, but the auction house of the nine ridiculous roads is notoriously expensive. It is just a Luo Yingguo, even if it is a variant, at most one or two hundred. Starcoin, the other party does not accept the same thing, just the previous fee can not afford to pay, and then, I will be in the future. If the sale is more than a few times, it will not be caused by others. Do you doubt how many variations of fruit you come from? In the event of greed for others, the nine abandoned road auction houses are absolutely capable of eating themselves.

Finally, I want to think about it. Wang Zhong thinks of a guy who was not considering the list - Wolf Demon Bass, the strength is not strong, but the path is very wild.

When I closed the door in the evening, the old cow went out with great enthusiasm. I heard that the Chamber of Commerce had new ideas. The Katang Lai District is not only the Yin Yinzong and the Nine Waste Road. There are still many other big forces. Some people in the Chamber of Commerce know. The people of the Po Shui people are also a six-level civilization. There is a virtual Dan who is sitting in the town. It is very prestigious in the Katangla District. It is said that as long as the Chamber of Commerce can afford enough money, they can flatten this for the Tianbao Street Chamber of Commerce. In the matter, the old cow is going to discuss the cost issue with everyone. It will definitely not be a small amount. It needs to be shared by the families. This kind of money is a bit of a slap in the face. It is estimated that you have to talk about it overnight.

When the old cow left, Wang Zhong was ready to go, and he was out of the night.

I went directly to the home of the wolf demon Bass, but no one was at home. I found out in the vicinity that I had recently discovered that in order to withdraw from Tianbao Street, the slave market had been partially transferred. There are many slave traders here. Now, they have already moved their positions and temporarily gathered for an underground trading market on the outskirts of the Katangla District. It is far away and inconvenient to go back and forth. Therefore, it is common for these slave traders to stay at home for three days.

All the main areas of the boundary are concentrated in some nodes of the Tianhe River, with a strong aura, so the land price is expensive, but the so-called suburban location, although geographically also belongs to the Central, but because of the distance from the Tianhe node, in fact geography The environment is not as good as some marginal areas.

The suburbs of the Cartanley area are a bit desolate, except that the crystal road glides in the dark night, the other places are dark, and occasionally some little stars gather in the vast darkness, mostly It is a so-called slum in a lower civilization, or some underground trading place that can't be seen.

Don't look at the usual law and order of the gods. It is because there are mechanical law enforcement teams. Can the law enforcement team only be responsible for the major cities and suburbs? Walking the night road is definitely not a peace.

In the darkness on both sides of the wide crystal road, from time to time, I can feel some sullen and hungry eyes, but most of them are very weak, and there are many people. But whoever is a little bit strong and able to mix, who is willing to stay in such darkness to rob the passing pedestrians? This is not a good business. If they have the strength, they will not dare to grab it. They will not be able to grab it. The strength is weak. More poor than them, can grab the roots! Starving people in the darkness of these suburbs is simply too normal.

It is necessary to change to Wang Zhong, a few days ago. It is absolutely not dare to come here in the middle of the night. But today is different, although the practice days are short, but the practice of this kind of thing is about efficiency and method, 31 Luo Luoguo and the practice of swallowing the sky these days, dare not say that he has become a strong person in the domain, but at least feel the basic self-protection ability is not in the words.

He wore a night cloak. In this dimly lit place, in addition to seeing the shape of his genius, he could not see other distinctive features. It was the brisk pace and the calmness of the walks. It was very difficult for some of the gaze of his genius in the dark, and the appearance of his genius to confuse others' judgments.

After more than an hour's journey, I walked through a small road beside the crystal road, and gradually began to appear low-rise houses and vocals. The Kloa Underground Exchange was originally an ordinary slum and was later used by some forces. As a black market trading place for illegal tax evasion, the scale has gradually formed. Although the Star Alliance sent several law enforcement teams to suppress it, it can be suppressed. These people will transfer places, and after a while, they will open as usual. Slowly, the Star Alliance is too lazy to manage. The trading market will regularly send some gifts to the top of the Star Alliance, and slowly default to its existence. It belongs to the three zones of the Divine Realm and has its own underground order.

Although it is night, it is full of people, and enters the outermost part of the trading market. Those low-rise wooden houses shine with dimly enchanting red lights, one by one or human or animal. The passing pedestrians made all kinds of enchanting voices, and some of the alien children ran around in the narrow streets at night, all kinds of messy and lively. If you are unfamiliar with the people here, thinking that these are just naive and romantic children, it is absolutely a big mistake, I am afraid that the whole body of the coin has been touched by a light and still do not know.

There are **** fields everywhere on the street, but there are piles of **** on the mountain, but there is no smell, and there are stinks. Several interracial little guys who are covered with barbs are playing around a garbage dump and picking up debris on the ground. Throw a squat in the garbage dump.

"Smash this thing!"

"My dad said These machines are driving us out of the city!" The alien children were noisy, and they were inconspicuous in this noisy street.

Wang Zhong curiously glanced at it. He saw that the squat figure in the garbage dump was actually a mechanical life. His legs were broken, and several broken tubes hanged his legs half-body. The silvery white liquid dripped from the broken leg, but it had already solidified. The five senses of the mechanical family are similar to humans, but the mechanical hard and expressionless, it sits motionless in the garbage, the children thrown by the alien children. The sundries, playing its hard body, ping-pong, but nothing, just like it is already dead.

However, in the underground trading market of this Divine Three, how can there be a mechanical life? Even if it’s just wreckage, it’s reasonable to say that the mechanical family law enforcement team will not come to this place at all. Even if there is a conflict in somewhere outside the law enforcement, resulting in a mechanical life damage or death, it will soon There are other mechanical life to collect the corpse for it. The life of the mechanical family can be revived by 'reinventing the furnace'. It is said that the land is truly immortal. It is impossible to let people throw it here like a garbage.

(Partners, the last day of May, at least 5,000 missions per day, and monthly passes, trouble everyone to support, expired, thank you!)

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