Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 197: Tianmen

Wang Zhong still lives in the old bull flower shop, but there is a lot of free time, what is the delivery of the grass, it is not used by the old king, of course, do not need the old cow, now rush to do these every day Things can be discharged from the streets of Tianbao Street to the end of the street, especially the wolf demon... almost like a demon.

While Wang Zhong himself, he still concentrates more energy on continuing practice. The swallowing method is the basic basis of his own reliance. It is necessary to practice hard work. Wang Zhong also got several so-called gods practice exercises. , mutual testimony contrast.

Frankly speaking, swallowing the law is to breathe the way to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, regardless of its process, control, depth, and other aspects, and the mature practice of the system of the gods does have a world of difference. Even if Wang Zhong gets these books, it is only the most popular street goods. In these respects, it is more delicate than the swallowing method.

The method of swallowing the sky has two very special advantages. One is that when the practice of swallowing the sky is simple and rude, the one who takes the aura is not rejected. Unlike other exercises, there is a focus. For example, the Titan’s practice method focuses on the aura of the thunder property, while the swallowing method is the heaven and earth. Everything is included in all the aura attributes. In fact, this way In the domain of the gods, it does not work. Without this process of "differentiation and decomposition", the aura can't be kept, but Wang Zhong's physique can be done, obviously with certain contingency.

There is a second advantage to swallowing the sky, and it is also the biggest and most advantageous advantage at the moment, that is, the speed of practice.

Every time you breathe a world of aura, it seems that there is only one throughput, but in fact it is the hundreds of millions of deified cells in the body to repeat the action at the same time, its effect can be geometrically increased in an instant! In comparison, the swallowing method really doesn't know how many times faster than Wang Zhong finds those ordinary exercises, and even the storage volume is geometrically increasing at the same time, otherwise he can only be in two months. To break the shackles of the 4th-level civilization and reach the magnitude of 100,000 spiritual power?

Quantitative change causes qualitative change. This is not a magical thing that was originally too difficult to imagine, but a necessity, a miracle that only Wang Zhong, a person with a deified cell, can create.

The deified cells plus the five-line body have achieved the swallowing method, but this kind of practice is not universal. It is possible to achieve deified cells in the lower bound. It is placed in the gods, and the difficulty provides geometric times. Under the laws of the gods, it is certainly difficult to form.

It is a pity that even if it is so swallowing the sky, its degree of rebellion is only reflected in the speed of practice, and it seems that it does not help Conden. Wang Zhong began to realize the words that Magsoso said. Condensed Dan is really not dependent on the amount of spiritual power. Last time Magso mentioned that he was allowed to enter the road from alchemy and realize his own self. It’s a pity that if you want to learn the threshold of alchemy, it’s not really high.

Someone in Tianbao Street will be alchemy, such as the sea boss, but even the sea boss is only familiar with some basic Dan Xue and pharmacology, and it is enough for him to refine a Jiu Pin Dan. . As for the ‘Japanese belly Dan’ and ‘clearing blood dragon’, which are sold in the daily drugstores, they are only known as Dan, and they are actually not in the product.

"Dan, what is Dan? The essence of the gods, the change of the universe, the self-contained celestial body is Dan!" When the sea boss said this, he was taking a small piece from a lot of 'mud', and then 搓揉成圆, put on the fire to bake, wait for the roasting type, that is Wang Zhong, they used to eat the belly of the day: "We are pinching, just medicine... alchemy is not so easy, card tank Lai District really understands the refining of Dan, I am afraid that only the Yunwu Zong gang, but you don't think too good, even if you become a disciple of Yunwuzong, what you can learn is just my craft, some basic Daniel, pharmacology and the like, the true high-deep Dandao, people will certainly not be taught to ordinary disciples. Besides, those deep things can't be learned without a certain foundation, and you can't understand them."

"Like me, when I was a Kao Dan teacher, it was also a good dog. The chance of opening five or five years made me succeed in condensing Jiu Pin Dan. It is already the peak of the craft. Now? I am basically half. It will only be opened once a month, and the furnace will be opened four times in two months. It will be able to produce a furnace of Jiu Pin Dan, and it will be able to produce two slags that are not completely refining waste. I have to go to burn Gaoxiang. I will do most of it. The Dan teacher of the shop is almost the same as my level. The real master of the eight-product Dan, who will be okay to guard a medicinal shop?"

Even if the refining failure of the slag, as long as it is not completely fried, as long as it is not refined into coal ash, even if there is no condensed dan to become dan slag, the medicinal properties are far stronger than ordinary blending or tormenting pharmacy. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary experts, even Dan Dang has a good value.

"Of course, if you want to learn, it is good to know some basics before I can."

It is also a nowhere way, but the foundation of the school is always right. It has the foundation to work in the old cattle flower shop. It is still quite simple to know some Daniel pharmacology with the sea boss.

The practice of swallowing the heavens, the sea boss's introduction to the foundation of Daniel's pharmacology, the days are dull but enriched, almost every day is a new understanding of themselves and the divine environment.

Luo Yingguo is still the staple food that is now spiritually supplemented, but the effect has become worse and worse. One is that too much taking causes the body to produce certain resistance. Secondly, the quality of Luo Yingguo itself is not high, for the weak. Perhaps it can be regarded as a great complement, but for a spiritual elite who has reached more than 150,000 spiritual powers, the stimulating effect can be minimal.

The remaining batch of Luo Yingguo, Wang Zhongli did not sell the plan, the so-called commissions that Wolf Demon Bass and others received each month, almost all to be given to the Pharaoh half, to this group of people, Wang Zhong It’s not polite, I’m going to take my own banner and I’m going to take it.

Nowadays, I am not lacking the seeds or seedlings of various experiments, and the money is more and less. For the time being, the impact is not particularly large, and there is no danger of exposing the world of debris to pure wealth.

However, while taking advantage of the pharmacological knowledge learned by the sea boss, while planting Luo Yingguo, while already trying to cultivate other elixir, the experience has been summarized a lot. The higher the elixir, the faster the cultivation rate. Slow, probably a relationship that requires more reiki, and there is a ceiling. Some of the more rare ones, even if they are placed in the world of debris, are growing at a slow rate and have no planting value.

In addition, the degree of aura of the outside world will have an impact on its own fragmented world. On several occasions, near the Tianhe node in the TH43 area, Wang Zhong can clearly perceive that the growth rate of those elixir in the debris world has greatly increased, especially for some high-level elixir, the effect gap is even greater, but unfortunately in his own status. And financial resources are really unable to go there to buy a property, otherwise Wang Zhong has some want to move.

Whether it is from the practice of the eye, or the practice environment, the limitations of Tianbao Street are really too big, as long as you want to go up, Tianbao Street is not a long-term place to stay.

In the meantime, Shannali invited Wang Zhong to join on behalf of Yunzong, but as long as he had a certain understanding of the major gates of the domain, Wang Zhong knew that it was not a suitable choice.

No matter what kind of sect, it is possible to provide some convenience to the entrants, but at the same time there will be more restrictions attached to you. Zongmen will not train a person for no reason, no matter how good you are, how much potential there is in the future. Can not be used for Zongmen, no one will train you.

Therefore, even if it is only a foreign disciple, there will be various restrictions on freedom in entering the major gates. Some contracts will be signed, and even you will be free from the identity of the original civilization. This is of course unacceptable to Wang Zhong.

Practice seems to have fallen into a stalemate. The method of condensing the vain dan has been delayed. I want to get through the alchemy and get through the door. I want to learn from the condensed methods of other major civilizations. It is definitely a fantasy. The impression is always stuck in the understanding of the surface.

Virtual Dan, higher civilization will naturally leave outlines and memories, similar to genetics, which is very easy for them, and even does not need to practice at all, but for the lower civilization It is difficult to climb the sky. As for the achievement of Jindan and the squid, it is even more distant. It is said that the leap from the virtual Dan to Jindan is the real difficulty.

Some messy one or two months have accumulated, and there seem to be a lot of things that have been learned. I have already learned about it. I even thought about getting rid of the direction of the virtual Dan and going forward on my own. After all, the deified cells have some aspects. The role of the virtual Dan is to reserve the spiritual power. Every cell is equivalent to a small virtual Dan. This is the biggest reliance on the fact that you can overcome the haze without entering the virtual Dan, but this kind of curve saves the country and has its limit. The blame is on a key point, that is, the quantity and quality of the reserve spiritual power, and the virtual Dan is still necessary.

Around a big circle, but finally let Wang Zhong feel that he has returned to the original point, there is no virtual Dan, everything is no good.

Studying Daniel's pharmacology, planting elixir in the world of debris, even swallowing the law, taking elixir, or even trying to find a way to go through the path of deifying cells, etc., all that has been done, In the end, it is just an attempt or preparation to do a good job of condensing the virtual dan.

I once saw that the mountain is a mountain and the water is water. When I don’t understand it at all, the impression of the virtual Dan is very intuitive. It is to transform the soul sea into a virtual Dan, simple, and purify its own spiritual concentration. Just like letting the soul of the sea turn into Linghai, the liquid is transformed into a state of nothingness, and it is formed by agglomeration. That is the virtual Dan.

But as more and more preparations are made, the more you know, the more important Wang Wang has to look at the mountains and not the mountains.

Is it only spiritual power? Just condensing Linghai into a denim? Obviously not, as the sea boss said, only the self-contained body is Dan, you forcefully pinch and transform with consciousness, then in any case, you can never reach the real natural environment. Moreover, how does the liquid state simplify? Curing is almost the same.

Like all kinds of clouds and fog, the more you look at it, Wang Zhong feels that the problem may still be in his own cognition and vision, and he needs a more intuitive understanding.

"Look at my virtual Dan?" Magso has been a little dizzy.

Today, I came over to Wang Zhong’s door. Wang Zhong actually made a delicious table for him, and there was a canned Tianhe burning. This is the status of Pharaoh’s present status. This is what makes Magso flattered. The cans are so good, they have already smashed up: "Hey! What a big thing? Who are you with? Who can you trust? Look! Just look around! What do you think about it?"

Let others sneak into their own virtual dans, this is much more difficult to accept than to let a big yellow niece get rid of the open legs. It is a place of absolute privacy, and it is also the most vulnerable place of the vain strong. Let others sneak in with consciousness, that is to give their life to each other.

Even if there is trust in Wang Zhong, Dan Ma Geso is quite bold, not only because of the relationship between alcohol.

Closed eyes, consciousness sneaked in, Maguso did not have any rebellious thoughts, even in the initiative to guide, a new world is revealed in the eyes of the pharaoh.

Soul Sea, the magical creature of the gods, Magnusso's soul sea is not gas or liquid, not solid, but between liquid and solid, a strange flow of matter, forming a crystal clear The sphere is suspended in the original Linghai position, full and solid.

The sphere is crystal clear, and there is an incomparable spiritual power that radiates from the sphere and connects his entire body.

This is an impact on Wang Zhong. According to his original understanding, the virtual Dan is the condensate of the sea, the liquid is concentrated, and it is condensed into a virtual Dan. But in fact, although there is a virtual word in the virtual Dan, It does not mean that nothing is nothing.

It is just a general term. The virtual Dan is a semi-liquid semi-solid fluid material. It is more viscous than the liquid state. It is not rigid compared to the solid state. It is between the virtual and the real, so it is called Virtual Dan.

The aura of this state gathers, and the storage, purity, and the like of the spiritual power are qualitatively improved relative to the complete liquid state.

Of course, this is only the most intuitive visual response. It is not just to increase the concentration of liquid. Wang Zhong can clearly feel the integrity and naturalness of the semi-solid and semi-liquid dan, which seems to be born long. There are no deliberate traces. Looking at the virtual dan is like looking at an earth in the universe, such a complete celestial body, carefully studying the process of formation, the realm is too unimaginable.

Such a wonderful thing, the real process of cohesion must contain enormous risks and the practitioner's understanding of the avenue.

But in any case, he finally realized it. The countless fog in front of him seems to have been slightly dispersed. Although there is still no way to congeal, at least one intuitive and correct result can be known. What is lacking is only the process of the argument. It is.

There is a long way to go. Such a realm is not something that can be pursued by a moment of quick success. It is better to continue to accumulate nature. Perhaps when you are not so deliberate, you will become a day when you are not so deliberate.

The pharaoh who had finally returned to a calm state with a big circle of detours, but also waited for a very unexpected news.

The new phase of Tianmen has begun, and Wang Zhong will replace the haze as a new student of the Tianmen sequence.

Enter the Tianmen sequence? The entire Tianbao Street has been sensational. This neighborhood is finally going to have a big man. If some people still suspect that Wang Zhong is a wilderness, then there is no need to doubt it. The people behind this earth have to say that there is no backstage. Who believes?

Let the Yin Yin Zong eyes disappear, and even get the Tianmen quota, which is an incredible thing for the lower civilized race.

Wang Zhong himself has a bit of a circle. What kind of ghost is Nima? I didn’t report it at all. Who is my referee? His first reaction was to think that it was not the application submitted to him by the Holy City. After all, the matter of Tianbao Street, he had already informed the holy city by letter. Think carefully, although the Holy City has a civilized authority, but the fourth-level civilization is just the equivalent of hanging a name in the Star Alliance, there is simply no qualification to reach Tianmen, really have that ability, the two years of the Earth People don't have to be so wrong.

Of course, regardless of the truth behind it, Wang Zhong is still quite looking forward to it. How to choose is not a problem for him.

Tianmen is different from the ordinary Zongmen forces. It is an elite gathering of civilizations. It does not belong to any single force. It does not have so many constraints. It also provides the best practice conditions and communication environment for the entrants. The open communication environment can be much stronger than any single sect. It has too many benefits for you to use your own strengths to learn your own method. This is simply a drop in the sky. The good thing, there is no reason to refuse.

Even the old cow recently looked at his eyes and it was a bit wrong. From time to time, he knocked on the side, and he wanted to get to the bottom of his mind. There is no doubt that even if he can defeat the haze, it is only a good ordinary for most people. Today, you have done the haze, you are the boss, but if you have a harder job than you, it will be that others have the final say.

The forces behind it? After all, it’s just some speculation. It’s not implemented. Since the family knows about it, Wang Zhong is indeed a low-ranking civilized child. The accidental help of the mechanical family may just be a temporary rise. It may even be just watching the yin. The sect is not pleasing to the eye. If everyone understands this afterwards, the good days of Tianbao Street will come to an end.

But if you join the Tianmen, it will be different.

But if you come out from the Tianmen, even if you get mixed up, it is definitely a strong side of the land! Whether you go to Tianmen to learn something, or the network you make in it, you will be reborn and become an ordinary person in the realm. It can be said that as long as Wang Zhong does not have anything to do, Tianbao Street will be stable afterwards. The surrounding forces will think that this is Wang Zhong’s reserved land. He will always give him a few thin faces, and he is afraid that he may be in Tianmen. I have made a strong civilized aristocrat, after all, it is the gathering place of the most powerful civilization in the entire land. Compared with the vague backrest behind Wang Zhong, Tianmen itself is already the biggest and real patron.

The news came very urgently. The new training of the Tianmen sequence will be officially started in two days. It is obviously a temporary decision to send the news.

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