Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 201: 2 generations

Remnant Kakadingmu, a young geek of the Gorefiend family, was born only as a virtual Dan. For a top eight-level civilization, such talent is considered to be middle and lower. But when he was in the dark, he traveled around the world and challenged the well-known Shidan and even Jindan masters. The opposite of the head was said to have been cut off by a Jindan strongman, but he still survived and could survive. Now, it is enough to prove that its combat power is amazing, and it is also one of the four most famous masters of this Tianmen 58 new disciple.

Pigrow snorted, but he didn't dare to speak back.

The flying pig next to it was so excited. I didn’t expect the super genius such as Kakading to help myself. He went to go and wanted to hurry and take a shout to express his gratitude.

"Don't misunderstand, I just watch him unhappy, he just yells at you, but if you dare to approach me, I will kill you, can't stand the smell of pigs on your body." Kakadin witnessed the flying pig. I don’t hide the meaning of contempt in my eyes: "Like a low civilization like you, mixed with the blood of the gods, lowering the ranks of the gods, it is simply dead!"

The flying pig suddenly heard the sound, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"Look at your family's pigs, don't get dirty eyes." Kakadin glanced at Wang Zhong and continued to grind his horns. He walked slowly and looked at other people around him. Cool voice: "Hey! It’s fun, it’s fun, it’s the most enjoyable!”

"Cut, what's wrong with pigs? Fat, how cute and cute." When he walked away, the flying pig dared to mutter: "I really don't understand."


The voice did not fall, and there was an earthquake-like sound. Only a giant who was incomparable was coming from afar.

"Don't block my way!" The golden light shone in the eyes of the giant, and the snoring sound was like a thunderous explosion. When they passed, other people retreated and let him open the way.

This giant is extremely tall, with a height of six or seven meters. It is like a stand-out in a crowd of people who are generally tall. Even some tall people who are tall and tall, standing next to him are like chickens, and different from ordinary Titans. This guy's eyes have a golden awning like the sun. Any direction in any direction, like a high-energy searchlight sweeping from that position, dazzling.

Kim Titan! There are also many classes within the Titans. The average Titans are tall and innate, and they are already quite powerful individuals. The silver Titan, with its eyes as electricity, has a keen sense of sensibility and sense of smell. With the power of Thunder, the strength is stronger than the average Titan. It is the aristocrat in the Titan and the mainstay of the Titans. It is also difficult for a thousand ordinary Titans to give birth to a silver titan. And the gold Titans are even more unique. They are born with a golden light, they can naturally condense the real Dan, can repair the power of the thunder and repair the power of the sun, claiming to have the most masculine talent in the land, even The achievement of Jin Dan does not seem to be a problem for them.

Such a super talent, a thousand silver Titans is also difficult to appear one, I did not expect that there is a same period with myself.

The huge footsteps, one foot can take the farthest, Wang Zhong and the flying pig almost smashed from the head by his foot, only feeling that the body is like a cloud-covered horror.

"It's Kim Titan Jalcia!"

There was a loud voice around the scene, and one of the four masters of this new disciple, the birth of Kim Titan Jalcia was much better than the Kazak of the Gorefiend family, different from the former. The rebellion of silk reeling, relying on the fame of the name, the blood of the Titansia Jin Taitan is born, although the Titan is only a seven-level civilization, can be born as a royal family in the Titans, identity is extremely amazing. This kind of blood is almost destined to condense the existence of Jin Dan, and it is definitely focused on training, and the future is destined to set foot on the existence of heaven.

Wang Zhong secretly estimated that he could not see the strength of this Jalcia, but he almost felt that he was almost as good as the horror Titan before the registration. Even if he just went there, he could bring it to people. A strong sense of oppression, but I heard that he was only 19 years old... It is hard to imagine that the genius in higher civilizations is too high to start.

But before everyone else has eased from the oppression brought by Kim Titan, there is a bigger giant in the air that covers the sky.


It is like a strong impression on these new disciples. The shadows are almost as large as half a square, flying from a distance, hiding the entire square in a shadow.

It looks like a bird, and it is covered with golden feathers. The hurricane that was brought in during the flight hit it. Under the defense, eight of the ten people in the field were smashed by the hurricane.

"Golden feather Dapeng!"

"It's Lilith!"

Someone exclaimed in the field.

The Dapeng family, although some people call it a demon, but it is not a branch of the Yaozu. In fact, there are still many forms of life that are not included in the Yaozu. The mainstream of the Yaozu is only a few seven-level civilizations. The gathering is just like the 'Peng family', the 'Yi nationality' and so on. The demon family with ancient blood has its own strength of eight-level civilization. It is because the blood is too difficult to pass and the number of ethnic groups is too small. The Star Alliance occupies a seat of eight-level civilization. After all, if it is assessed as an eight-level civilization, while enjoying the convenience and treatment of the eight-level civilization, it must also bear the corresponding responsibility. Such a development method is not suitable for some special races with few people.

Other high civilizations, each Tianmen new period will have a large number of children to enter, but a special race like the Peng family, several times are rare to enter one, the number is really too small.

Lilith is a member of the Dapeng family. If you don't say anything, it is enough to scare people by looking at the ancient blood. The Peng family is said to be one of the fastest moving races in the world. Once you leave the domain, you can travel the void. Just now, Wang Zhong felt that his blood was still a few miles away, as if he was flying in from outside the Tianmen, but it was only in the blink of an eye that he had already arrived in this Tianmen Square. The infinite blood produced by the huge body is even stronger, and it feels like the giant creatures face it. It is as childish and ridiculous as the banyan tree. It is even stronger than the gold Titan or Pigro. .


It slowly circled over the square for a few laps, and it turned into a beam of light that fell to the ground. It turned into a sleek, **** and incomparable blonde, but no one could be **** by her. The figure is confusing, only because the expression on her face is too infiltrating, and a pair of phoenixes look at all the creatures around them with a thick, naked desire to swallow, wearing a thin coat. The left hand has been blocking the mouth of her cherry, just as there is a mouthful of water that can't help but pop out of her mouth.

"It seems that there are a lot of delicious foods!" Lilith swallowed again, and the shocking ‘咕’ sounded in the **** bare belly was just a shock to the entire square.

Most people are full of vigilance, keep a distance from her, flying pigs are even more than Wang Zhong's trousers corner has completely stood up, two legs swaying like a swaying, teeth tremble. Only the crater of the Golden Titans and the Gorefiends can remain natural. The Dapeng... has caused confusion in the land because they can feed on other civilizations, except for the mechanical and zerg. In addition to delicious, other can be imported, called "stunned gourmets."

Kim Titan Jalcia is a snoring scream: "Lilith, don't stare at me!"

Lilith was in front of her eyes, and her saliva almost came out. She was glaring and smirked. "Sorry, I can’t help myself... but Jalcia, you better not to mess with this lady, otherwise you This physique is barely enough to stuff a tooth!"

"Hey! You are so exaggerated, the old Zana body type, your teeth are really stuffed? Hit one, fight one!" Kakading is still grinding the horns on its head, a comfortable face It’s like an addict, but I’m watching the six-way ear listening to all directions. I’m afraid that the world is not chaotic: “I said Lao Zha, this girl is so provocative, I don’t know what temper you are, but if If you change your brother, you can't bear it! No, no, this kind of thing can't be forbeared by a man. You have to rub this woman on the ground!"

Zalísia, Kakadingmu, Lilith, the four most famous masters of this new disciple have reached the top three, and they are the title of the pride of this day. The competition between them will always exist. This is also the normal state between the top geniuses of the past, but I did not expect that it was just full of gunpowder at the welcome ceremony.

Zarissia's eyebrows were picked, and golden light was transmitted from his eyes. Lilith was also unwilling to look back. The aura of the two top masters emerged, let alone the weak force like a flying pig, even if it was Wang Zhong, I feel that it is really unbearable when mixed in the center of the two people's auras. The horrible gas field is hot as if two magma are in the field, it seems to directly annihilate all other creatures here!

Many people can't stand the concessions and let a lot of open space be left in the square. Wang Zhong also feels that the strength of these two people is too horrible, and they can't even compete with the body that can attack the full force of the haze. Withstand the simple aura collision between the two, immediately spiritual support, and by the way also protect the flying pigs that have already been so bitter, the heart is a bit strange, are the same new disciples, the strength gap can be so large!

Seeing that the collision of the two young masters in the field was at the touch of a hair, suddenly there seemed to be a soft force falling from the sky, as if the waves on the calm lake were so clear that they would easily force the blood of the two people to collide.

In the air, there are petals falling, soft light and spin, and two golden shining figures slowly fall from the air.

These two figures are women, and they don’t have to look at their facial features. It’s just that there is a sacredness that makes people feel sacred and inviolable, and it’s just like a singer and a singer. .

The light of the whole world was concentrated on the two people at this moment, especially when the woman first, the skin is condensed, the light is bright, the eyes are shining, the wide tulle sleeves are closed and closed, and the white jade-like legs are looming. Along with her light and graceful glimpse of the step of the fairy, the elegance reveals a feminine, and the atmosphere is full of holiness, which makes people want to be close but dare, want to leave but not give up, it is difficult to itch. Extremely scratched!

Don't talk about other people, even if Wang Zhong has always been able to hold on to the female color, at this time, I can't help but feel a little hot feeling. The style between the pure holy and the enchanting charm is even a stone man. Can be softened by this style.

No matter the men and women in the field, they all looked at it all the time. They didn't notice how the two men landed in the field. They even forgot the fire medicine between Zamusia and Lilith. They were just dazzling. It seems to have been ticked away.

In the realm of the land, there is such a shocking, only the Bey!

Belgian Governor Elsa.

"Tianmen, I am your supervisor, Elsa."

Waiting for a lot of newcomers to come back from the shock of the stunning, the voice of the superintendent Elsa has been clearly sounded in the square, it seems that there is no need to pursue the meaning of Zamusia and Lilith, the soft voice It makes people feel that listening to their ears is as memorable as the sound of nature.

"You are the disciple of the 58th issue of the first year of the tyrant. We have said that every disciple of Tianmen represents an era. You are all elites in the realm. Whether you enter the heavens in the future or stay in the realm, everyone It is the pride of our Star Alliance."

She smiled and said that the voice came with a magical character, which gradually calmed from the initial shock, gradually awake from the intoxication, the whole process was quite natural, and when everyone woke up, they found that they could Clearly remember every word she has said, and there is no discomfort in the brain that has been fainting or distracting. Some of them may not care. Some people like Zamusia, Lilith, Wang Zhong, etc. can understand the horror of this detail. Such existence is almost a miracle, and it is completely Unable to measure.

".........coming here is not a result, but just a beginning. Here, only those who pass the Tianmen test will be qualified. The knockout will no longer be available. Tianmen does not need to lose..."

"A rare tide of destiny is about to emerge. It is also the main reason why we have enrolled disciples in this session. You are all well-deserved and hope that you can seize this opportunity."

"You must have ambitious goals, surpass your companions, surpass your elders, surpass your goals, and even... surpass me!"

When the Lord Elsa spoke, the following quietness, no one made a slight noise, not only because of respect, but also from an instinctive repression, the exhalation from the supervisor Elsa was too It makes people feel upset.

In fact, the speech of the Governor has always been just a formulaic transition. This session is slightly different. The arrival of the destiny means the opening of the Tianmen, and the opening of the Tianmen means that those who are recognized by the Tianmen will finally usher in. The opportunity to fly up is not to condense the Golden Dan to fly up to the heavens, unless it is a king level like the Governor Elsa, you can force through the overbearing Tianhe to the heavens, otherwise the general Jindan is even weaker. The strong Dan, only when the tide of destiny comes, the strength of the Tianhe is the weakest, there is only a slight swell.

However, this kind of news is that Wang Zhong’s kind of folks feels interesting. Others have already known the fate of the destiny through various channels. When the superintendent Elsa said this, everyone’s face Not too much surprise, but after gradually calming down, I finally noticed another girl who was standing next to Elsa.

I saw the girl wearing a light yellow dress, the skin is better than the snow, the eyes are like a clear spring, the same pearl is dizzy, the beautiful jade is shining, the eyebrows are a little bit charming, but more than a few books are clear. Qi, although not as fascinating as the woman in front, is also a lot of people who feel that they are looking at her when they are self-defeating.

Of course, such a character will not be a nameless person. Many people have already recognized her. It is one of the other four masters of this new disciple, the Bebe’s Tianbei County Lord Sharis.

As a new disciple, she should have stood with everyone, and the superintendent Elsa deliberately took her to her side and stood on the stage to speak. The status of the native of this country was already invisible. The new disciples were quietly raised, and Zamushia, Lilith, and Kakadin were somewhat unhappy. But this is also a no-brainer, who makes the home is the owner of the shellfish The shellfish are notoriously short-lived in the higher civilization, probably also the low period they have experienced the five-level civilization Related, internal is quite united, and the control of authority is full of naked desires.

A period of not too long, the governor Elsa did not stay in the square for a long time, and until she left, the whole square was only a little relaxed, and a low-pitched voice, Tianbei The county's maintain, Salisbury, was also surrounded by the stars of several beggars and souls. In a circle, the souls have always been close to the shellfish, and they are all very good at alchemy. Since there is a common language and pursuit.


The noise of the hustle and bustle in the square was interrupted by a majestic voice.

A dark and strong creature came to the stage. He was a humanoid, but he looked unusually strong. He was about two meters tall, but his arm could have a thick waist and two black ones on his head. The corner of the tumor, the face is cold, the eyes are dark, and when staring at it, it is like falling into a deep squat like a bottomless abyss.

This is the Governor of Heavenly Gate, Andrew, one of the five strongest eight-level royals in the land, the Fire Devil!

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