Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 206: Second occupation

Lao Wang glanced at him and looked at the kid’s provocative situation. He had a tendency to provoke the pharaoh to go to the martial arts hall to look for things. He was joking. It became a public enemy. It was broken into slags in minutes. Otherwise, what a cat and dog are coming to find trouble, but also make Pharaoh very troubled.

"I will." Wang Zhong nodded seriously: "But I always like to be hot before the fight, Xiao Qiao, it is time for you to play the sandbag function."

Although after the haze, I feel that the actual genius of the gods is the same thing, but the pharaoh is obviously not a girl, a haze does not represent all these rookies in Tianmen, just the nine of this Xiuwu Hall. Among the more than 100 people, there are more than 700 imaginary conditions, and some of them even reach the peak of the virtual Dan, which has already become the trend of the real Dan. Not to mention the specific combat skills of these people, it is a huge realm of crushing, and a force to drop ten meetings, absolutely not easy to cope with.

Points are important, Pharaoh does not want to deliberately low-key, but people are still more awe-inspiring, Wang Zhong can have no idea of ​​Xiao Xiao Xiu Wu Tang.

On the other hand, it is also very lively. A human being is famous in the arena. This news has brought a little excitement to the realm of the class consolidation.

The aristocrats on the land like this kind of thing, and they are always tired of chasing all kinds of news of novelty and fun. So, every day, the number of guests in the holy arena is more than the previous day, and more and more, this is the arena There is a huge amount of interest, and these aristocrats who can throw thousands of stars out of the horror for a little feeling, every minute and every second spent here is full of wonderful money. High-grade seasoning wine, or a **** female slave, can bring those charming little things to the arena. In the eyes of the crystal, the sound of the small things colliding with each other is the most wonderful in the world. A beautiful movement.


There are countless percussion sounds on the stands of the Sacred Arena, a wonderful and great game. The human being, the human being from the lower civilization, once again defeated his opponent, which brought many people who took him to win. With the excitement of pleasure, they shouted his name and swayed their passion for their excitement.

This is an exciting and fascinating battle. Even those who lost the game, they have to admit that they have looked away and cursed, "damn human, inferior, barbaric, **** barbaric civilization. The features are on his body."

"Even Liana was killed by him!"

"Damn, maybe next time I should bet him to win?"

"His aura should exceed 100,000?"

"At the end, at least 150,000, breaking through 150,000!"

"I can really fight, even the Titans only maintain a reiki value of around 200,000."

"If it breaks out, the Titans should have more room for power to play out."

Zaloli swayed his **** hands, his sneer face was full of dangerous threats. In the arena, everyone must hide his soft belly, revealing fangs so everyone knows that he is not good. The provoke, even the Titan, is not absolutely strong here.

Their opponent today, Raven Fanan, has a strong 86-winner. However, obviously the other party has not calculated the terrible growth of Aeolos. Now Ayros has become a trusted comrade. If there is no Aeolos today. Even if I can win, I am afraid I have to be shortcoming.

In the gladiatorial field, it is actually a failure. It is like the death of a chronic poison. It is not an immediate death, but like a blunt knife killing, it is even more unacceptable. The slave owner will not give you a big deal. The price of treatment, to put it bluntly, they are consumables.

"Fast, ready, action, the two warriors have won the battle, they are coming soon."

A candle demon was appointed as a temporary manager of Aeolos and Zalli. In the arena, every prestigious gladiator will have such a presence behind them, dealing with trivial things for them, so that the gladiators will Efforts are placed on the scouts. At the same time, they also monitor the actions of these gladiators to prevent terrible accidents.

The candle demon is a special existence. They have no civilization. They are the research results of the mechanical family. The existence of semi-mechanical and semi-worms has no soul but wisdom. God knows how terrible things the mechanical family has done in order to find a way to continue to evolve. They are the incidental results of these studies, or "products", because they inherit the characteristics of the mechanical and zerg, especially good at serving, and are loved by some nobles, they have existed, and they have become mechanical and zerg. An industry.

Soon, once again, Aylos, who won the victory, walked down the passage, bathed his body, and his arms and legs were covered with terrible wounds. The blood dripped all the way, and the women who had been ordered by the candle magic immediately became swift. Sprinting toward Aylos, the blue skin beneath it is turbulent, and the four long, soft arms are tattooed with tattoos that give them a healing power. The light four hands make them extremely good at nursing.

Aeolos did not let the women close to him. He threw them off with his hands and frowned and said, "No need."

He couldn't stand the slaps of these ambassadors, perhaps because of sympathy, or perhaps because of the sorrowful worries of the rabbits, who had once been a four-level civilized race with dignity, because of a noble civilization that was involved in the gods. In the competition, their originally prosperous civilized fires have now been completely extinguished. In order to survive, the ethnic group accepted the slaves of the Star Alliance and became the legal slave race of the Star Alliance.

If human beings can no longer display enough potential in the realm of the gods, perhaps the last human being in the world of the gods is the next civilization to extinguish the fire.

The women did not dare to really retreat, but they did not dare to come close to Aeolos, standing in the corridor, they looked helpless, and Aeolos suddenly felt that his expression was a bit heavy when he refused. Fortunately, such awkwardness When Zalilo swayed down, he got a perfect solution. There was no wound worthy of bandaging on his body, but he liked to serve the woman. He waved his hand to them, so that the women immediately succumbed. In the past, he gently wiped the blood for him, some small cuts, scratches, and quickly healed under their strength.

Aeolos called the candle to cover the wound for him. The candle was bandaged with familiarity, while smiling and Ayros determined the recipe for today's winner's dinner, mainly the fish made according to the customary cooking style. Soup and steak.

This is a reward for the winners, of course, due to the monotony nature of the Titan recipes, usually prepared from the earth's recipes.

Aeolos looked at the product of this sin in front of him, but he found that the smile on the face of the candle was sincere, and Aylos sighed, but also knew that the candle demon and his master, the holy fight every day. The insatiable crystal man of the field reported on him and Zali.

This is the real work of the candle.

For the combination of him and Zaluo Luo, the crystal people are very happy. Whether it is the powerful Titan or the Earth, not only has he earned a lot of stars, but he also won a unique reputation among the nobility. And of course there are some special ones.

The dinner was very delicious, although not very authentic, but Aeolos still tasted the taste of his hometown, especially the fish soup, which is very appetizing.

Zhali didn't have much interest in fish soup, but he was addicted to the steak, and he was eating one piece after another. "Is this really your mouth cooking?"

"About 70%."

"Your earth is very great, in terms of eating."

"Don't be so one-sided, we have a great fight."

Aeolos didn't listen to the words of Zhali. As long as it is meat, as long as it is enough, even if it is raw, they can eat very salty if they sprinkle a little salt, and there are a hundred ways to praise the chef. It is said that there is one. The terrible way is to call the chef to eat it as a side dish. Obviously, this is an unreasonable rumor, or a rumor that the Titans have created for them.

However, one thing is certain, don't trust a Titan's food advice for you.

This is also the experience that Aeolos had learned after eating several terrible victory dinners. He recalled the food he had eaten a few times. The stomach of Ayros would be impulsively knotted to refuse to eat.

After eating the victory dinner, Aeolos and Zalli waited for the candle to bring them back to the jail of the arena. After eating the winner's dinner, they returned to the status of the "prisoner" from the status of the competitive winner.

Soon, the candle demon came in with the guard. He once again checked the ban on Ayros and Zalilo, and determined that he had used the aura of the two in perfect condition. He laughed and clapped his hands. The four-armed servants sneaked in. Before Ayros frowned, the sound of the candle sang: "Take them two to take a bath and put on the right clothes. You have half an hour to prepare."

Aeolos did not object to the women’s service this time. As a prisoner, he was not willing to miss every bathing opportunity. Even though the practice of aura has a self-cleaning effect, he believes that bathing is an inertia of human civilization. This made him remember that he was a human being. It was also a habit to be served by people. He was originally a king who was good at clothing and reaching out.

The bath was thoroughly washed, so that the women cleaned every inch of his place, including the private area symbolizing the man, and each hair was specially checked.

Another room came with a loud laughter. The Titan enjoyed bathing more than him, and he was more comfortable with being served by the women. The Titan had an extraordinary appreciation for the heavenly people with many arms, in the myth of Titan. There is a Titan goddess called the six-armed Titan, whose position in the Titan society is equivalent to the beauty of human beings.

Anyway, Aeolos can't understand why Titan feels that his life with four arms is very sexy, too different!

The women were cleaned of every pore in Ayros, and he repaired his face, arranged his hair, and finally, cut his long beard and cut a mighty shape, and applied the essential oil for maintenance. He looks like a shiny warrior.

When Aeolos came out of the room, he saw a "terrible" Titan smirking at him, and then he made a sly smile against the silver-powered Titans who had been over-exposed by the beauty. "You look like a turkey that will be slaughtered during the holiday season."

"You too, Ayelos! Your beard, I swear, this is the most funny beard I have ever seen, no one, they used you essential oils? There must be some big people to see us."

"Why didn't you?" Aeolos looked at the servants in disbelief and scared them to move, because Zalli's beard was just washed, and after the water was blown, it was still so chaotic.

Is the beard only for him?

"Because I can say no. Kid, learn more." Zaloli has a unique temperament that has passed and passed the new tricks.

Aiolos hesitated for a moment, and he asked the maids to find a razor for him, and then wiped out the delicate and ridiculous oily beard.

"You just said that there are big people?"

"It must have caused us to pay attention, it is not a bad thing, or why even use so expensive essential oils?" Zaloli shook his quirky smile, he must know why, but he did not want to talk to Ayros.

Soon, the candle demon appeared again in the hallway. He guided the two through a secret underground passage, turned a lot of bends in the labyrinth, and finally entered a huge garden.

Here, the candle demon gave Aeolos to a waiter of the mechanical family, and Zalolio followed a ghostly thing to the other side of the garden.

Ayros went all the way, the garden was full of huge flowers, the lush trees were trimmed into various shapes, some shapes he could recognize, and some of them were abstract and mysterious like a great spiritual exercise.

Aeolos was taken to a different courtyard. The pool of the hot spring was built in the hall. It was surrounded by portraits and statues of charming lust. The gods were not only spiritual and fighting. Many high-level civilizations were almost obsessed with art. pursue.

Aeolos looked around, and the sound of water suddenly sounded from the hot spring pool. A woman drenched with a layer of water mist and came up. "Come here."

She gave a sweet laugh, the unconventional seductive, and the sweet smell in the air.

"you are?"

Aeolos looked at the woman tightly, and the drops of water dripped from her white skin. She was almost naked, but the key parts were slightly covered with a layer of water floating like a forged belt, a sharp chin. The agile and pointed ears made Aeolos look at him more. He knew the origin of the woman, a fairy, a goblin aristocrat from the eight-level civilization, and very young and beautiful.

"You don't need to know." The fairy's brisk tone replied, she passed by Aylos, her arms stretched out, and her cold fingers crossed the chest of Aylos muscles. She sent out a more fascinating laughter, then she twisted her waist and walked over, and the water mist on her body condensed into a green gauze to cover her body.

The goblin family doesn't care about these, but it is obvious that Aeolos is not worth knowing. Lao Ai is not stupid. The same thing is not rare on earth. I just didn't expect that one day he would fall to this point, male pet.

Aeolos stared at her back and watched her step on the side of the stairs with a hooked gesture. Then she turned around and walked up in a gorgeous chair. She looked down. With Aeolos, "Now you, and you in the arena, which one is more real?"

One is full of blood and sweat, and the other is clean and tidy like a bridegroom at a wedding reception.

Aeolos showed a big smile. At this moment, he seemed to return to the earth. He is the Pampas eagle. He is the prince of a great tribe!

Aeolos approached the goblin, his eyes were extremely aggressive and slowly approached until they could feel each other's breath. "Which do you like?"

The goblin glanced, followed by the fascinating It was very sweet, she tilted her foot on the chair, the white tender feet were facing Aeolos, he looked With her toes, her eyes fell on her ankles, and the seductive arc was a seduce.

"If I say I like it?"

Aiolos looked at the goblin's every move, full of a ritual feeling, and made him feel weird, the other party seems to be bluffing.

This makes Aeolos feel interesting, "I like you too!"

When the voice fell, Aeolos suddenly became active. He grasped her thin, wet foot and then invaded her. Her leg was twisted on her chest. In a weird posture, she squeezed her already full **** more spectacularly.

"Ah." The runaway leprechaun made an unexpected call, but she quickly reacted again. The other leg clung to the waist of Ayros and took back the initiative. He said, "You know that you have today. More popular, I spent a lot of effort to buy your first night."

Aeolos couldn't help but laugh. He didn't know it beforehand. But Zhali obviously understands the inside story. I am afraid he thinks he has to face a "big guy" like a salt-free sow. Therefore, he only revealed the weird expression but refused to say anything. After all, human beings have just joined the Star Alliance and are still very picky in aesthetics.

"Then I should make you feel worthwhile!"

Aiolos's gaze is very aggressive, which makes the beautiful goblin who always wants to gain the upper hand always feels out of control. She wants to fight back, but the other temperature-filled hand quickly makes her lose her thoughts.

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Chapter 206, Second Occupation (Page 1/1)

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