Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 212: Little cute

Looking at the group dance of the elemental elves, Sharist had no control over her expression, which simply surpassed all the strangest things she had ever had.

The elemental elves are all women. Although they are small in size, they are bumpy and convex. The absolute angel face is the devil's figure. At this time, it is actually around the head of Pharaoh, and they are all showing themselves. Wang Zhong is a bit big.

"What is the use of beauty? Handsome guy, I am flying the fastest here, look!"


A beautiful wind elf wings show, instantly disappeared in front of Wang Zhong's eyes, and then appeared again in an instant, proudly said: "I have just circled here for ten laps!"

"Bragging, obviously only nine laps!" There is an elf to expose her: "You deceive."

"Hey, it’s amazing to fly fast, look at me!" There is a female elemental elf with a golden light shining on it, and a dozen golden needles '噌噌噌噌噌' are shot and shot in front of Wang Zhong. At the foot, there are more than a dozen pinholes that are bottomless. "No one can resist my soul golden thorn!"

"Bastard, Camry, you almost shot me!" There is a flame female elf under the fire, this is a hot temper, Zhangkou is a flame of fire, the temperature of the flame is extremely high, the green grass around it seems to be Evaporated and dried in an instant, scared the other elements around the elves to dodge, even the Pharaoh, who has never been afraid of fire, feels that the whole body is being grilled so fast that it can drip out the oil after three or four meters.

"Hey, don't fight." Wang Zhong quickly waved his hand, and he was a bit blind. There would be no conspiracy. There seems to be nothing to be drawn on him.

I saw a mess in the air, hundreds of elemental elves pushed and smashed into a ball, flying in the air, a seemingly stupid stupid elf was obviously not as flexible as the others, was hit down, Wang Zhong quickly reached out and caught.

This is a cute little cute thing, with a strong energy of water on the body, squatting on the shoulder that was hit, a weak and poor look, watery eyes, I see pity, pitiful look at Wang Zhong The soft look made Wang Zhong think of Scarlett for the first time, and he felt a feeling of wanting to protect.

The old king asked the gods: "Would you like to be my messenger?"

"Uh huh!" The water elf nodded quickly, the chicken glutinous rice.

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "Let me go."

The water elf's shoulders are not hurt, the wings are not soft, the watery eyes are shining, and the slamming flies to the shoulders of Wang Zhong, squatting at the pharaoh, not paying attention, slamming back, stunned in the air. The elemental genie has a middle finger.



A nest of elves lags behind in a short period of time and instantly fry the pot.

"This little cockroach, actually playing yin!"

"How come I didn't think of this trick!"

"It's too shameless! I should take off my clothes and throw it in! The smell of the man is so good!"

The water elf is very proud. Wang Zhong has a breath that makes her feel very very good. It makes them crazy. This kind of best has never been seen before. They don’t even know what the reason is. It’s just a natural one. Resist the attraction.

The outside world view of Salisbury was completely subverted. She seemed to see a fake elf garden until Wang Zhong came out to her side, and her mouth was still completely closed.

Is it so easy? Suddenly it’s a bit speechless. It’s a picture of what it’s like to run so hard.

"How much do I have to pay?" Pharaoh asked politely.

"One star coin!"

Not waiting for Shariste to speak, the water elf on the shoulder of Pharaoh has been rushing and replied: "Master, I will be nice to me later, Nini will be yours in the future."

"Good." Pharaoh is nothing, although a little unexpected, but the less he is, the more happy he is, but the nextside of Sarath is a moment of incompetence.

A star coin... Although the elemental elf is not for sale, if you want to contract with the elemental elf, you need complicated processes and many contract documents, ritual items, etc., as well as the practice of investing a large amount in the Elf Garden. "Celebration", a star coin, is this water elf planning to put it down?

Of course, Sally is not afraid to break, because the other person’s eyes are already threatening her, let alone her, even if they are the Belgian Supervisor Elsa, one of the five kings of Tianmen, they have no right to control the elemental elves. .

"Then we will sign the contract." Pharaoh threw a star coin.

That wealthy look, seeing Sally is also crying and laughing: "Good, good... please come with me."

The contract with the elemental elves is not as casual as the general communication, and Salisbury has been preparing for a long time.

I saw that it was a room dedicated to the Elf Contract. The spacious and bright inside was a huge pillarless hall. The ground was engraved with a variety of complex runes that made Pharaoh look tinged and numb. Many recessed holes are engraved with a gold star stone.

These astral stones of the Divine are both currency and a high-concentration energy-solidified body. The intrinsic aura is extremely concentrated and concentrated, which is suitable for various arrays. The complex rune map of hundreds of square meters, the concave holes at the edge position are almost densely arranged together, just these inlaid gold star stones, the old king can see no less than a thousand. That is, Pharaoh, the face is not red and does not jump, as if the price of the star coin that he spent is exactly the same as this one.

In the middle of the picture, there is also a crystal table with a height of half a person. With a pious step, Salisbury puts a crystal of crystal on the gantry, emitting a soft light, as if it were the whole. The launch point and the center of the map start, the connection drives all the runes around, and those gold star stones just seem to be captured by the map to capture all the energy, dissipate invisibly, and a little bit of golden light runs through the map. In the original soft color, it looks a little bit, very beautiful.

At the same time, Wang Zhong, standing next to the crystal table, immediately felt that as the map opened, it seemed to have opened an ancient passage. The whole room seemed to be connected to an extremely distant space, and in that space. In the middle, a pair of gentle and incomparably powerful eyes, with a certain judgment and testimony, slowly watched.

The owner of this gaze is too horrible and unimaginable. Even the strongest Belgian supervisor Elsa, whom Lao Wang has ever seen, is far from being able to compare with it. He is staring at him, even Wang Zhong has one. A feeling of being unable to move or dare to lie.

The layout of the whole ceremony until this step is full of mystery and sacredness, but the way to sign the contract is a bit of a disappointment.

"Wang Zhong, you are willing to accept Crystal Nini as a messenger, take care of her, trust her, cherish her, whether she is flapping, whether she is defective, whether she is dragging your hind legs, swear to guard, never give up her? ?"

"I am willing." Pharaoh felt that the word was a bit familiar, but he still replied seriously. The gaze that seemed to be transmitted from ancient space is still staring at him now, far more awkward than that line. Be heartbroken.

"Water Elf Nini, you are willing to follow Wang Zhong and become his messenger. As he goes to heaven and fight with him, whether he is strong, whether he is rich or not, whether he has a new darling, he will swear to follow, never Abandon it?"

"I want I am willing!" Water Elf Nini's head is like a chicken.

... can't wait? Sally is a bit speechless: "Press your hand up."

Wang Zhong and the water elf Nini pressed their hands on the crystal at the same time. I saw that the crystal that originally had white soft light suddenly shone. Pharaoh and Nini felt that there was a sharp thing in the crystal. Pierce the skin of two people.

Followed by, a drop of blood was taken from the hands of the two people into the crystal, which is the bright blood of the two places, blending in the crystal, emitting a crystal color under the soft white light, and finally splitting into two. To both sides, rush back into the body of the two.


The gaze that passed through the ancient space suddenly dissipated. It seems that the process has been witnessed, the space is closed, and the room has restored the ordinary bright feeling.

"Master owner!"

After returning to normal on Monday, the water elf Nini flew over like a king, and the joyful and heart-wrenching look, even the blind man could smell it.

Inexplicable, suddenly there is a bit more affection between the two, Nini does not need to say, even the old king himself, I feel that this elf seems to have become a close friend of many years of friendship, heart and soul, seems to be with that Blood contract related.

Next to Sally, it was a little less of the previous surprise, but it was a bit more envious. As a proud patriot of the Be, it was envied by the Beca genius who was carefully cared for by the Tus. A four-level civilization of the Earth... This thing is said to be afraid that no one will believe it.

"Congratulations." Salisbury smiled and walked over: " a weirdo."

To be honest, Sharis has never envied others, she has a good background, and she has tasted this taste.

"Haha, you will have it, they are very enthusiastic." Pharaoh is in a good mood. It is equal to free to get a messenger that should be considered quite good. In the morning, he grabbed two cards without any effort. Today is sure. It’s a good fortune: “I should thank you.”

"You are too polite, this is just my job." Sharis politely said: "I will send you out."

At this time, the heart of the Tianbei County Lord collapsed and was unable to vomit.

From the fairy garden, Nini on her shoulders was very excited. When she was so big, she was still out of the fairy garden for the first time. Don't think that the gathering place of the elemental elves is very common. The elf garden is just a cabin. The entrance to the space channel, the tunnel that goes in and out, is also one of the few habitats of the elemental elves in the gods. The number of elemental elves is quite rare, and they must be contracted with civilized creatures to be free from pollution.

"Master master! Look! A lot of people!" Nini sat on the shoulders of Pharaoh, shaking her soft wings and making an exclamation.

The sound of the elemental elf is very good, especially the water element elf, the sound is soft and tender as if it is to drip out the water, so that the whole body is crispy, so the original noisy street is 'shocked' and quiet. .

There are countless people looking over here. Pharaoh has been in it for an hour or two. A group of people just sighed there, saying that they have gone in for a stupidity, but they did not expect that the home will be intact. It came out, and not only came out, what was his master on his shoulder? Good rich water element, this is... water element elf? !

Half of the street was quiet and everyone was stunned.

A young man who looks like a young man in the early twenties, although he is a Tianmen person, can still wear the clothes of Xiuwutang. Everyone knows that Xiuwutang is the LOW's LOW Hall, and the people who come out can actually put water. The elf regained the messenger?

This, this Nima is going against the sky?

The silence of the half street and countless strange eyes, the naked sorrow and resentment, even the big heart like Pharaoh could not help but touch the nose.

"No reason!"

The frying pan on the street, the business of the vendors around could not be done, almost everyone is madly coming to the side of the old king, not for anything else, just want to take a closer look at the legendary elemental elf messenger. You know, elemental elves are not ordinary messengers. They also have a lot of peculiar abilities. They are born to be the darlings of this world of gods. Even close to them can enhance your affinity for this world. This is enough to make people want to go.

The reactions of those people around him were a little crazy, and those who were close to each other, even had an impulse to rush directly toward Lao Wang. Nini was very satisfied with this reaction. Pharaoh was full of vigilance, and Pharaoh was also hurrying. Return to the store.

The elemental elf seems to be more swaying than you think!

“Hey?” Sharisett saw that Wang Zhong’s return was also awkward. After listening to him, he couldn’t help but laugh.

This kind of thing is really the first time. If anyone gets the favor of the elemental elf, it is definitely a famous figure in the Tianmen. Such a character can’t help the world’s own excellence, but Wang Zhong obviously does not. Belong to this, really, even her mind is not balanced.

Looking at Wang’s frowning face, Sharisett couldn’t help but smile. “I thought you could do anything. It would have been awkward.”

Wang Zhongyi stunned, and did not understand why Sharis would have such a view. "Miss Sally, do you have any idea? I am afraid I can't get out of this street."

"Call me Sally, I think we have a fate." Sharisett laughed. This style is really invisible on Earth. The temperament of higher civilization is emitted from the bones. The essence, but Nini on the side is not happy.

"We are not familiar, don't be so intimate, master, we have a contract, Nini usually stays in the Elf Garden, you have anything to call Nini." The water elf said, obviously not for Salisbury. Cold, and Sharis is not unexpected.

Wang Zhongsong sighed, and finally he refused to leave, waiting for Pharaoh to go out of the store door. The Nini, who was still a bird in the first second, instantly turned into a female devil, and his eyes were bright: "Hurry, help me." Opening the door, I can't wait to see the eyes of all the envious and hateful eyes!"

...this is the elemental elf...

Sally is also crying and laughing. She has been unable to vomit and help her open the rune gate. When she saw the little guy slamming into it, she was immediately stalked by a bunch of elemental geniuses. .

Sally is also very curious about what they are saying, but unfortunately Wang Zhong is not here. These little things all start to say the elf language she can’t understand at all. I can only see the water elf Nini being surrounded by the middle. The triumphant look, and the enviable eyes and sly voices of the various elemental elves...

Does the earth man have such a big charm? What is it that attracts these little guys?

Shariste couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t figure it out. If I had the chance, I could take it to him.

There was no water elf Nini on the shoulder. When I came out, the outside actually stopped a lot. But all sorts of strange eyes were still staring at the pharaoh, and the old king even heard the sound of drooling.

Go quickly!

Don't wait for Jonas, Wang Zhong does not say back to the dormitory!

Going back to the mushroom house and sitting for a while, consolidating the method of swallowing the sky several times, the flying pig Jonas finally came back slowly, and the door was a smug look: "I guess you are back, look at my Harvest it."

Lao Wang is in a tight position, and the flying pig certainly knows that it is not difficult to bring a messenger to Wang Zhong, but adhering to the principle of the Jonas family, there is no benefit.

"Oh, did you buy a messenger?"

"Dangdang Dangdang!" Jonas was asked about the excitement, jumped up and set a horse, left hand and akimbo right hand: "Come out! My little cute!"


A black shadow flew out of his messy hair, and he stopped by his hand on the palm of his hand. The speed was not slow, but when the old king fixed his eyes, he almost didn't laugh out loud.

I saw that it was a fat bug with seven or eight pairs of wings, black and autumn, fat and fat, messenger?

The messenger is messenger, but this kind of respect, actually called it little cute, Pharaoh feels that even if it is called the clown is insulting Simba's appearance.

Thinking of Simba, Pharaoh has some feelings. It has been so long since I came to the domain of God, but the goods have been awake, otherwise it is probably what he likes.

"My messenger, winged worm!" Jonas excitedly rushed to the king and shouted: "How about how! Boss, is it cute? You lick this fat body, more water, but also Flying so fast, its speed can be ranked in the top five in the messenger, hey, this is a miracle! Just bought it, I just let it go back to the mushroom house and turn around, or how do you know the boss? At home? Hey, is it very convenient? It really helped me a lot."

(My dear friends, at the end of the month, I will hold on to this month and ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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