Battle Frenzy

Vol 2 Chapter 9: Man, be healthy!

You don't need protective gear. This is different from the king's brother throwing away the weapon. No one will think that Costen is compelling. The Oleg family's bravery and self-confidence are also famous in the federation. This is the real strength, the real fan. Instead of the strong king of the mouth, this kind of deliberate force.

"This is the gap, the gas field of the Oleg family. I am going to see what the strong king can be hanged."

Many people in the battlefield have renewed their excitement. They once again found the point of view, but the supporters of those who are strong are not easy to get up.

The cold wind swept over and smashed on the two like a cold knife.

A leaf fluttered from the eyes of Costan, and the eyes flashed!

Costan, who took off his armor, may have declined in defense, but his speed has improved by more than one, and the size of the giant bear has chosen to violently advance.

In an instant, Cositant's figure disappeared, and the next second appeared in front of the strong king of the mouth. What is the speed? ? ?

Is it in the forbidden space? ? ? This is simply a swift monster!

The mouth of the king seems to be completely stunned by the speed of Cosit, and is directly hit in the eyes of the public, the power of the squat is in the chest.


The strong king of the mouth flew out seven or eight meters directly, and this Nima is over?

Who can think of the support without soul power, Cosit seems not to be affected too much.

This is simply a desperate punch.

Costan smiled a little, "Get up."

This punch did not completely hit, the other party removed some of the power, and a person who can use the free-floating boxing punch, the physical condition is not bad.

Wang Zhong stood up and swept the dust on his body. He didn't know whether it was the stimulation of alcohol or the stimulation of his opponent. He was very excited, so he would hard to eat each other.

In the next second, Costan has already shot again.


The bombardment of the two fists was together, and the huge impact force pushed Wang Zhong back to the full seventeen-eight meters, and the foot was awkward.

In the eyes of Costan, flashing uncontrollable excitement, can the guy fight with himself? I thought that the other party would use speed to fight with themselves.

The strong king of the mouth did not hesitate to take a back, the left leg was like a whip, and twitched.


Ke Sitan's right arm blocked, the force on the other's leg was so amazing that he actually felt a little numb in his arm, but the next moment he launched a storm against the strong king.


Punch to fist, leg to leg!

Both of them are obviously close-knit experts. The action is fast, accurate and accurate. There is no soul infusion. There is no landslide when fighting, but it seems more dangerous, but everyone’s attention is Is this Nima still reloaded on Costan? ? ?

Even with the strong king of the mouth with the skills of assassin, it is difficult to solve the problem, the speed is agile, there is almost no difference, the comprehensiveness of the combat skills is simply... let the other reloading dead hearts have.

No one thinks that the strong king of the mouth can really resist the power of Cosit. This is obviously that Cotstein is teasing him. This is the typical way of using the other way to make the body strong. To the opponent, reloading can also play the skills of the assassin, and it is only a matter of minutes to crush the strong king!

Jura is also looking at the burning eyes. Costan is indeed receiving strength. The O'Reig family's Costan understands more clearly. The Oleg family is a madman. This is the typical representative of Cosit. It is not the normal scope of the free federation that can be achieved in order to achieve such resilience. This self-confidence is accumulated by the scars on the body.

And such a battle is very useful for her.

Although the strong king of the mouth is now playing, but the rhythm is completely in the hands of Ke Sitan, like a puppet, obviously Costan is planning to explore the bottom of the mouth of the king.

Hey, the bad taste of the master.

At this time, the mouth of Ke Sitan in the battle showed a sinister smile. In an oppressive confrontation, he shook a sham, and the body suddenly cut into it. Like a beast, the shoulders suddenly sink and slammed into the mouth of the king. Synthetic, instant stone breaking!


The strong king of the mouth was bombarded like a cannonball, and the smashing slammed into a mound of not far away, the gravel flew, and instantly buried the king of the mouth.

Costant stood up and shook his head slightly. It seemed that he thought more. This person seemed to think that he was fighting with him. He was a little cute.

Reloading doesn't disdain the assassin's fancy tricks. They focus on improving team strength, but it's too stupid to think that they don't have offensive skills. The general reload may be like this, but a little bit of reloading. Their instantaneous outbreaks are more than defensive horror.

The audience watched a goose bump, such a shock, a weaker warrior, even if the use of the soul defense will be directly stunned?

At this time, the gravel blasted open, and the strong king of the mouth came out, screaming..., sweeping off the gravel and dirt on the body, the clothes were already ragged, apparently being smashed by a blow, just smashed Broken down the broken clothes, shaking his neck, it seems that warm-up activities are good.

Almost everyone thought that the king of the mouth couldn't climb, but now it doesn't seem to be hurting...if the clothes don't count.

If the muscles of Costan’s body rise, it feels like a piece of oily solid muscles of the strong king are not exaggerated. Even when wearing clothes, they are even thin, very Suitable for assassins or long-range fighters, but looking at it, it is completely another kind of impact.

The lines of the whole body are very beautiful, not very exaggerated, not like a very strong body, but give people the illusion of infinite power, this contrast is very strange.

Both Lola and Shermi looked at each other and suddenly felt that the body was very charming.

Men like to appreciate a woman's body, just like the instinct, but the woman is actually the same for the man's body. The exaggerated to the extreme muscles only a few favorite girls will like, the girl likes the power of exaggeration, but No need to exaggerate the muscles of the person.

At least in this respect, the mouth of the king won a part of the female onlookers, of course, this stimulates those who are against the mouth of the king.

What is cool? In the right time, the right place, meet a right person!

If it is not in the stagnation of the soul space, the two people's fighting methods may not be like this, but this kind of fighting mode is to make the current Wang Zhong feel the coolest.

He turned his head and turned his head, full of interest, and even more words. "The warm-up is over, come on, really."

Ke Sitan is happy, his lines have been robbed, this guy is very embarrassing!

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