Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 257: Heart

It is better to try these two methods than to risk offending the "Pluto" from them.

As for what the future will be like, frankly, Muzi and Grae have never thought about it. They can only take a step and see for help.

The situation of Ayros is not so good. The brothers' distracted dramas have brought unprecedented attention to the Sacred Arena. This makes the crystal people extremely satisfied. He is excited about this idea. These boring vulgar aristocrats are the most Love is this.

For this reason, the crystal people also specially packaged the story, a friendship between a high-class civilization Titan and a low-level civilization, how to know in the Tianhe battlefield, do not know each other, for the brothers to fall together as a gladiator, the field on the field Help, even the practice has been taught, breaking the friendship of the limits of civilization.

And they will die forever. This script is loved by countless nobles, and it has never been staged in the past. At the same time, although the things about the fairy girl can’t be put on the bright side, the people who know it know it. It also makes the whole thing more expectant.

The crystal man muttered in bed and his goblin secretary: "I am a genius, tell me, I am a genius."

"You are a genius!"

"Who is?"

"You are, you are, you are!"

The crystal man made a big gasp, his movements rhythm with her screaming, he climbed a mountain of another spiritual desire, then he saw the scenery of the apex, but his mouth revealed The coldest thought in his heart: "Yes, I am, but this is not enough. I want to cut off all their thoughts, don't think about doing things under my eyes!"

After a few seconds, the crystal man recovered from the rest of the fall. His spirit was like a restart. One thought after another grew from his heart, and each one made his face glow with a crystal smile.

So he unrelentingly took off from the warmth of the goblin, put on his clothes, and walked with the bodyguards in the direction of the prison.

He has already heard that there is no contradiction and the most important killing between the Zaloli and Aylos, whether they are hidden in the false or false, or true. The brothers are so concerned that they are dying, and the atmosphere in front of them is not in line with his intentions. Similarly, it does not meet the expectations of the audience for this big show.

The human heart is complex, and together with the brothers of the family can have dissent, let alone they are aliens.

They want to face fate calmly, but he won't let them do what they want, and no matter what, the winner will always have him.

"Master." The candleman who was in charge of Ayros and Zaloli was on the ground. He showed a fanatical gesture, but he did not dare to look up at his master.

"Get up." Crystal man looked at the candlelight with satisfaction. He could feel the loyalty from the candle body. This is the absolute loyalty guaranteed by the mechanical family. He and it asked: "How is their situation?"

"If you tell them, they have been separated after giving them complete treatment."

The Crystal Man nodded again with satisfaction. He said, "Go and see the man first."

"Yes Master."

The candle devil took the road in front, and soon they came to a specially banned room, and the candle took a little time to open the room.

Aeolos withdrew from the world of meditation and looked up at the open door. The disgusting face of the crystal man was a sardonic smile.

"There is a fart."

Aiolos took the initiative to open his mouth. He didn't plan to let the crystal people take the initiative in this conversation. In fact, he didn't think they had any good talk.

The crystal man frowned, and the tough attitude made him feel a flame in his heart. He hated the slave's lack of slavery. However, he quickly put it down and changed his face with a smile. "Aolos I am here to help you."

Aeolos just looked at him with the look of an idiot. Lao Ai often did not hide the contempt for the crystal man.

"You may not believe, but you are indeed the best gladiator of my time. I will never forget your contribution to the Sacred Arena. So, I hope that you are the one who survives, see what you are now. Think about your human beings, think about your civilization, think about how you can live, I know where your exercises evolved, so I have reason and responsibility to remind you that Titan will always give himself a hand. I hope that you will live, and your people will need you to live. Don't forget Wendini. She wants you to live. If you want to win, you have to do whatever you want. Don't think about your brotherhood, your feelings, and there are no tears on the field."

The crystal man smiled and saw Aeolos. He saw the calm eyes of the other person full of anger. He didn't care who the flame was directed at. He just came to the fire and poured oil. "I know that you have agreed." I won't leave each other and let go, but it's not enough. Do you know what Wendy is doing now because of you? If you die, you won't know anything."

Aiolos's clenched fist suddenly put down, and then lay down lazily, not taking care of the crystal people, no matter what, will not satisfy each other's bad taste.

The crystal man walked away with the song, the innocent and innocent human beings, although the installation is nothing, in fact, that is the performance of suffering.

At a brisk pace, he came to a room where the Zali Luo Huang was banned.

He smiled and took out a letter. Compared to humans, Zaloli is not so good to deal with, but he has already prepared, and his fate is always on his side. He pretends to politely knock. door.


Unsurprisingly, the door screamed in the door, and the crystal man lifted the ban and pushed the door. "Did your dear sister give you a letter?"

Zaloli looked at the envelope in the hands of the crystal man. The lightning was smooth on his silver hair. His eyes fell on the woman outside the door. It was a substitute. Even if he attacked with all his strength, the death would only be awkward, treacherous. The crystal man obviously does not put himself in danger.

The crystal man shook his hand again, and Zhali could only ignore the deeper and deeper smile on his face. "Get it."

"Zha Li, this is not like you, this life and death showdown, you should not keep hands on humans? You should know that he is already a dead man." Crystal man tricked his tongue.

"In the same way, have you said it with Ayros?"

"You are all my best gladiators, and, I am sure he wants to live more than you, so I am more worried about you, don't forget who you are, silver and electricity, no matter how you wander, you still suffer With the noble restrictions of the silver and the Titan, think about it, if you are dead, what will your people do? Aiolos can still live? Also, don't forget your sister." Crystal man's words, Sen It’s as cold as winter, and every word is like a hail on a person’s face.

The crystal man left with his satisfaction. Zaloli took the letter from his sister. He hesitated for a while before slowly unpacking the envelope.

Inside is the sister's handwriting, and there are some special glyphs hidden in it. That is their secret code, which proves that the letter is from the hands of the person and is a voluntary letter.

Zaluo Luo is like a sponge that absorbs water and looks at every word on the letter. "...I am doing very well now, my brother is not going to read, yes, the tree we planted together blossomed, but there is no In conclusion, they said that it is the limit to be able to grow the seeds of the hometown in the domain of God, but I don't believe..."

Through the calligraphy of the Juanxiu, Zhali’s eyes seemed to pass through the stationery, and through the time, he and his sister planted the tree, looking forward to its flowering and delicious Taoguo...

"...if my brother can come back, just fine..."

The whole letter is a miss for him.

However, Zaloli is very clear about his sister's character. It is a small thing that only reports good news and does not complain.

They have lost their parents since childhood, and the two brothers and sisters have grown up with each other. Although their parents have made great contributions to the sacrifice of their families, their brothers and sisters are not seen everywhere in the family.

Although the resources of practice have never been deducted, sometimes, living, fighting is not something outside, but just that breath.

Zaluo Luo became more and more rebellious. In the end, he had a great disaster. However, he never said it to others. He always suspected that the nobleman who was killed by his lost hand was designed... let His former pride has become a blank.

Now, for Zali Luo, these are all secondary. The only thing he wants to protect is his sister. Zaloli is watching the letter. If he is dead, what should the sister do?

On the one hand, the sister is on the other side, but on the other side, it is the brother friend who delivers life and death. The hand of Zaluo Luo is getting tighter and tighter.

This is a deadlock, a dead end, what should I do?

Tianbao Street, Haiye was really sleepy during this time. The signing of the contract with the Zongmen of the underworld really made him always hold a cold sweat. Although Wang Zhong said that his refining of the Yuan Dan was very smooth. I feel that I am sure, but after all, I am a newcomer to alchemy. Even if I have talent, this suddenly starts to take over Ba Baan Dan. Is it really no problem? It’s been half a month’s past, and if I can’t deliver the goods at the end, it’s really not enough to dismantle Tianbao Street. This idea has been tormenting him for half a month, so that Haiye has a little regret for the impulse. Until Nini sent the batch of yin and yang...

Four hundred yin and yang, after detailed appraisal, six hundred and thirty are Liucheng Dan, one hundred and seventy of seven Chengdan, sixty-eight of eight Chengdan, and thirty-two of Jiucheng Dan.

Haiye almost didn't swallow his tongue!

A total of ten medicinal herbs, out of four hundred yin and yang? My God, what kind of rate is this? Not to mention that the grade is still so horrible, the worst is 60% Dan, the highest percentage of Qicheng Dan! If Nini, who is not an elemental elf, vows to say that this is Wang Zhong’s own refining, otherwise Haiye may have to wonder if Pharaoh found a Dan Dao master in Tianmen.

It’s hard to imagine that the beginner who studied some of the most basic medicinal physiology and pharmacological pharmacology behind his **** two months ago can achieve this level so quickly, even the most daring Dandao genius in the land. It is estimated that it is not so exaggerated.

Haiye and the old cows are all excited. This is the only thing they know at the moment. Wang Zhong’s letter to them was already very clear. The reason for alchemy is better not to be rumored. Haiye’s alchemy shop invited a mysterious Dan teacher to take the mysterious route to Tianbao Street and Wang Zhong.

Now I have finally slept, and in accordance with the requirements of the contract, I sold it to the Underworld Zongmen 100 yin and yang every month for half a year, or sold it to the Underworld Zongmen for six hundred. This time, the four hundred pieces are completely unused, and they are sold directly. After buying six more herbs, Wang will fill the remaining two hundred in the contract.

Yin Yang Dan this stuff, Pharaoh does not intend to refine, mainly Yin Yang Dan does not have any practical use for Lao Wang, but to say that if you make money, as long as the alchemy is successful, the method is more, so the refining Yin Yang Dan is only a Try, after all, Ba Pin Dan Fang is not easy to find, familiar with the different Dan Fang, by the way, make a small profit, to lay a foundation for the sprinting Qi Pin Dan, to cultivate a feel.

According to the previous rate of Cheng Dan, two hundred yin and yang are actually enough for only five materials, and six copies are also just in case.

Haiye and the old cow are also very popular, and they go to the gathering point of the sect of the underworld to deliver.

It is a huge palace standing on the outskirts of the Ka Tankeng area. It is also called the two borders. To put it bluntly, it is a diplomatic or business location established by the major forces in the underworld. Of course, most of the transactions that can be traded directly in these two sectors are things that are easy to carry, such as medicinal herbs, others like many giant goods, daily supplies or special materials in the realm. This is the "official department" of the domain. .

The acquisition of Yin Yang Dan was issued by the two borders. It is not only the two sides of the card tank to the district. I heard that within the boundaries of the land, there are similar acquisitions in the two sectors of the upper area of ​​Central. The task, which also makes the two departments recently come and go, and lively and extraordinary.

It’s hard to squeeze in. The spacious hall is full of people and there are dozens of rooms around. Each room is accompanied by an independent transmission array, which represents different ancestral gates. The old cow and the sea lord are accurate. The brand of Netherong was hard to squeeze. The person who was responsible for docking with them was not the ordinary disciple who signed the contract with them before, but a guy who looked terrible.

I saw his face is fierce, the horrible frontal drum, the six eyes are divided into three on the face, and the pupils of each eye are completely different, revealing a lot of indifference, his nose is A long, constant sharp corner protects the top of the head with a pile of sheep-like corners, the color of jade, faintly visible in the smoldering...

This is a multi-faceted person. He is also a famous race in the underworld. He looks at his dress and eyebrow temperament. He is also completely different from the ordinary disciple whom they have seen before. Grades.

In the face of this person, the old cow and the sea lord are all a little nervous, and the trepidation shows the intention, and let them put the yin and yang on the side, six products and seven products, eight products and nine products, such a color, Let the original, somewhat absent-minded, multi-faceted people become instantly fascinated.

Frankly speaking, the effect of the acquisition of Yin Yang in the underworld is not so good. After all, the eight yin and yang, the senior Dan teacher is not interested in this, and does not bother to make this money. The low-level Dan Shi, the refining of things like Yin Yang Dan is not easy to control, the failure of the frying furnace is too common, there are many low-quality Dan teachers to pick up this task in order to get a Bapin Danfang, after all, in the land, Eight Pindan is too rare.

So one by one, fighting for the old, losing the blood and the contract of the sect of the underworld, these people are often the average three furnaces to become a furnace, can barely protect the original, but in this case, the color of the drug can be Imagine it.

Zongmen recently received this batch, basically between 30% and 50%, and the Zongmen below 30% did not accept it. As for Liuchengdan, it is basically not seen. Let these days come to collect the Dan. The multi-faceted people are quite unhappy. This kind of errand is a pit, and he can't control himself. As a result, he passively collects a pile of garbage and needs to be questioned.

I didn't expect this box to open, the most time it was Liu Chengdan, it was just a flash of eye...

This Dan teacher is a little bit like it! The multi-eyed people finally feel that the mood has become better. Is that flower skin snake refining? It doesn't look like a Dan teacher with this level. What's more, there is a reason why Zongmen's acquisition of Yin and Yang is not good. The high-level Dan Shi disdain refining, all of them are low-level, mostly Dan Dan, and the results can be imagined. This medicinal medicine, the level is obviously beyond the average level, such a Dan teacher will certainly not be a general generation, is unlikely to win the money given by the sect? Is it an extraordinarily strong pursuit of Yin Yang? Still have any other purpose?

Anyway, staying here is also boring. The multi-faceted people also left their hearts a little, and waited until the two men settled the drug charges, and then took back a batch of herbs, and the multi-faceted people opened the contract before they looked. As a result, I found out that the name of Dan Shi was not Haiye, but a guy named Wang Zhong. At the beginning, Haiye wanted to change this name. Unfortunately, the domain contract has a very powerful law. Use your real name.

Wang Zhong? The multi-eyed person frowned and felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he heard it.

It’s a strange thing, but I rarely come to the realm. How can I hear the name of a local person?


Although it was provided by the Netherong to provide Danfang and provide medicine, but to be honest, the price of the recovered drug given by Netherong is quite fair.

According to the unified market price, Liu Chengdan gave a thousand silver stars, Qicheng Dan gave one thousand five, eight percent Dan two thousand two, and Jiucheng Dan gave three thousand.

(Partners, happy weekend, two days ago with an old friend, he is a Shanghai opera actor, his waist is hurt, there are many old injuries on his body, and he has to stand up, but he is the happiest in a group of people. To learn, in fact, it is not easy to do anything, and the mood is your own.)

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