Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 273: Super salvage team

Although every day people come to the banks of the Styx to dig and collect the materials that the Styx rushes to the shore, but in the past 100 years, these people are the side gates or external disciples of all the factions. They are of low strength and are subject to the law of the Styx. The impact is equally low, which allows them to resist the erosion of the Styx more long by the Styx River. The stronger the strength, the greater the impact of the Styx on their souls, just like some voices, people who can't hear can face it calmly. And for those who are strong and exotic, they are just as unbearable in the center of noise hell.

Now, now, a group of powerful virtual Danes are on the banks of the Styx. In the past, they will avoid being so close to the Styx. Now, they have to suffer from the Styx here, they are tracking the clues of Pluto, trying Find out the route of the Styx walkers in the Styx.

"This group of people will not give up."

Above the Styx, Muzi and Gry looked at the virtual Danes on the far shore. On the strength, they could kill both of them. The people in the underground world are better at killing than the above.

Of course, if they are next to the Styx River, they will be like fish and shrimp in the pond, and they will not pose any threat to them.

Glewe smiled. "Our existence has touched the cakes of many big people. They are afraid that we will break the pattern of stability for hundreds of years now."

Muzi nodded. The most typical one was the Yin Mo Zong. He first stared at his whereabouts and even gave him the sacred door of the trap. They were not big, but they were brilliant. Now, because there are enough flowers on the other side, They have regained more and more influence in the underground world, which has had an impact on the existing calm pattern.

And more martial art are also experiencing things similar to the Yin Mo Zong. Maybe they may not be as successful as the Yin Mo Zong, but they are becoming more and more recognized by everyone. Many sects therefore Nearly crazy to worship the Pluto they made up.

The harder the place, the more faith you need.

A breeze stroking, Muzi's heart fretting, he turned his head and said to Gry: "Time is up."

This is the quietest moment of the Styx in the day, of course, this is only for them.

Gly smiled. "This is my turn."

Muzi nodded again. Although he was more efficient, Glyn needed more direct contact with the Styx. Of course, Glyn would be the second apostle of Pluto!

The protective measures of the leash were done. Gly leaned on the edge of the ship and then slowly slid down the hull. The feeling of biting immediately rushed, causing damage in every inch of his body, but not so Pain, because he is protected by the Styx, this kind of pain is like a hedgehog hug, although it is hurt, but it is not a pain for the purpose of injury.

Gry smiled, he did not resist, he let go of his body and mind, including his soul. On several occasions, his soul was taken away by the Styx, but the leash played a role, it was with the Styx The sand-fired glass fiber is entangled. It allows the soul to find its way back to the body in the darkness, so his soul rushes back to his body several times.

For those of them who have never been able to come up from the earth, in fact, there is not much that the world can make them fear.

The will of the Styx is not concentrated. He did not experience the kind of adventure that Muzi had experienced. However, with the power of the habit, the river once again recognized his qualifications, and the rolling water of the Styx no longer took his soul. Let him explore the treasure inside, it regards him as part of it - now for the time being, the next time he goes into the water, he still has to go through such a process, Muzi always wants to copy the miracle on his body, but Glei feels This is not reproducible. The accidental awakening of the river, coupled with the mysterious effect of life and death, is a one-off event. He does not think that it can be a good thing to copy. Keeping this situation is beneficial to Muzi. It is also more beneficial to human beings.

Gly's sole touched the sediment at the bottom of the river, which made his attention quickly withdraw from his thoughts. He swung his hands and legs in the water, the strength of his waist turned his body over, and then headed to the river. In the bottom of the potential water, his eyes are deep green, but he has long been used to seeing the real situation at the bottom of the river through these greens.

The most underwater is the fertile Styx sediment, which is also a treasure that attracts all the major gates. The sediment contains the characteristics of the Styx, and there are various powerful effects on the array and the refiner. .

However, these common sediments are obviously not their goal. Glei carefully examined the areas he had sneaked through, the time was constantly consumed, and his body accumulated more and more pain. After a slight convulsion, Grye could not Did not give up this round of search, he pulled the rope to signal the wood on the ship, and soon the rope came with power, dragging him in the direction of the ship.

On the boat, Muzi dragged the rope, and the "哗啦" water splashed from the river. He saw that Grae floated out of the water. He immediately approached the boat and put Greer on the boat.


Gry gasped, and the scar on his face was full of helpless smiles.

Muzi also laughed and said: "The luck is not good, try another place."

The next time, it was the turn of Muzi, and he was much simpler than Glei. He was able to discern the direction in the Styx. He could sense the position of the ship, and the color of the water would not interfere with his sight. Every time he goes into the water, he always gets something to gain.

There are many treasures in the Styx, but those who can withstand the baptism of the Styx have extraordinary traits, and under the rush of the Styx, they are given more powerful energy, which are more than the other flowers. It is a precious treasure that is precious.

In this way, all the way to salvage, most of the time is the wood into the water, and occasionally let Gloria try, and Grae does not have nothing to gain every time, but also have good luck.

This time is no exception, until exhausted, the two talents turned back to Hell Island.

At this time, the Hell Island is very different. A simple pier built by the sapwood extends from the river beach. The boat is docked. Immediately there are a group of monks coming forward. They take over all the chores, boating, handling, cleaning and cleaning... ...

Muzi and Gleed went to the shore, and immediately another group welcomed them. Unlike the hustle and bustle, these cockroaches all have the appearance of a heavenly person who can hardly see the flaws. They are specialized service shackles.

This is the top scorpion from the singer's sect. In a transaction, Muzi accidentally received a gift. Obviously, there are some sacred things hidden in the meditation, but after three days in the Styx, those secrets and hands, All of them are in vain, and they are strengthened by certain materials.

Glye resets these dolls. Under his efforts, Hell Island has begun to take shape. They provide various conveniences for the two, not only the warehouse and the dock, but also the two in Hell Island. Created a villa!

If you let the **** know what these cockroaches are doing now, they will be mad at vomiting blood! They crafted these top fighting shackles, not in order to give people a house to carry things back and massage!

Let's put a piece of treasure into the warehouse, and the two talk about the next step.

"Now, the ones who are staring at us are also the most hostile to us. They are the three major sects, the Nether, the Tianzong, and the Taiyin."

The gloom is inclusive, the celestial sorcerer kills the gods, and the Taiyin ancestor is deep.

Muzi nodded. He was familiar with these three majors. Not long ago, he was a foreign disciple of the Nether, and he also met her there...

If it weren't for her, there would be no current Styx walkers.

Funilia, Muzi is reading her name in her heart. I don't know how she is doing now. Is it still so overbearing?

Glei did not find Muzi’s distraction. He continued to talk about his thoughts. “These three major checks and balances are the most hostile to us because they are the creation and maintenance of the existing pattern. We have a lot of materials for trading. More than half of them are used by them and they fall into their hands. Therefore, if Pluto wants to rise, the relationship between the three majors must be broken. My idea is to win in chaos, we Among the treasures salvaged during this time, many of them are related to these three items. We can publicly give the treasures to one of the three major sects. Therefore, we will create a gap and break the balance between the three major sects. The three-legged can stand up. Once the corner is missing, our chance of 'Pluto' will come."

Muzi raised his head and smiled. "Then choose the Nether."

Greg squinted and always felt that Muzi’s smile was a little different today. Since the reunion, he first felt that Muzi’s smile had a slight expectation.

This is a world of weak meat, and as a pioneer of mankind, they must lay a solid foundation for human landing.

Among the human beings who entered the realm, Glei is perhaps the most calm one, and the pattern is also the biggest one. Even if he was in front of Wang Zhong, he is also the central axis. In the bones of Lao Wang, there are some emotions that are advancing, but Gry will not .

Lao Wang is also depressed. Qi Pin Dan, who had long been refining, was dragged from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

After Laver’s return last time, I caught up with the curriculum of Xiuwutang. I didn’t have time for half a month. Then I was followed by Ravelle’s labor for seven or eight days. However, they are all spiritual band infusion exercises of high-grade materials. Although the debts have been paid off there, every time I go to Lavender, I start paying extra money for Lao Wang, but it is only one million silver stars a day. Who cares? Ah... I really want to be a flower girl.

No, no, no matter how much money you can't buy your own time, for yourself, alchemy is the only way out.

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