Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 275: 卯

"Childish? Then you admit that you are older than us? Old ~ too ~ Po!"

"You! You are a bad woman!"

"Old woman!"


Once the two battles, it seems that there is no end, next to Shariste is no room for interjecting, only Pharaoh quickly coughed a few times: "I said, Nini, let's change the place and fight again, alchemy room, but very expensive……"

"Soft..." Sally is also persuading.

After a two-pronged approach, it’s hard to let the two stop a little. Nini said, “You old lady is staying beside us to watch us perform!”

"Hey, I am waiting to see you fail!" Softly end with a counterattack: "At that time, your host will naturally come to me!"

This concluding remark is to pick the rhythm of things. Fortunately, Nini is also precious to remember the master's time. Without a mouthful, I am afraid that a new round of world war will break out.

Both Pharaoh and Sharis have wiped the sweat, but they dare not chat again. I am afraid that when I am idle, the two families will immediately fall on, and Pharaoh will also start to greet Yiyi.

Sharisett looked around and thought that Wang Zhong was a beginner. Even if he had experience in refining Ba Pindan, it should be mostly Nini's credit. I didn’t expect it to be just getting started. It’s just that the treatment of the medicinal material has already made Sally.

Wang Zhong’s approach to the treatment of medicinal materials is quite mature, and the knife workers need not say it. Absolutely first-class, even the experts in the home of Salisbury have some feelings of sigh, which is actually understood as a marginal world. The low civilizations that come over, the use of cold weapons are generally quite standard. Wang Zhong can overcome the spiritual pressure and gravity problems of the gods and have a good spiritual foundation. It is not too surprising to do this.

However, the various high-grade materials of different pharmacological pharmacology, the treatment methods are completely different, Wang Zhong is obviously quite familiar with this, and the treatment of various medicinal materials is very decent, the fast time is fast, the slow time is slow, The slabs, the slag-forming, the silk-forming, and hundreds of material categories, have no pauses and reflections all the way down, as the peers are flowing, and they are smooth and without any mistakes.

This doesn't look like a beginner. It is more like an old Dandan with many years of experience in medicinal processing. It is amazing.

And this is just the beginning.

The problem of controlling the fire is solved by relying on it. Pharaoh has devoted himself to the process of alchemy, and after liberating the extra energy, he controls the medicine, the medicine, the overall balance and the Dan furnace operation in the Dan furnace. The basic skills of these Dan teachers have also been shown one by one. Even if the seven-character Xuanjing continued to be more difficult in this respect than in the previous refining, it was because of the lack of control over the fire, and also benefited from the preparatory work done with Nini Yiyi. It’s quite handy for Wang to do it.

The feeling of Sarath, can't be said how perfect, no lack of, but let her not pick any problems.

After a full day of refining, there was no mistake in any operation, especially the final process of condensing Dan.

The final fusion of the seven different medicine spirits is the most difficult step for Xuan Jing's continued life. However, the normal Dan teacher, the difficulty felt in this step must be more than the control method of sub-control seven fires.

But the earth man who has not even condensed the virtual Dan, is actually very handy when he is at this step, just let Nini slightly assist the feeling of condensate, and directly succeed in one time!

At the beginning, in the Elf Garden, listening to Wang Zhong’s failure to refine Qi Pindan, I wanted to find a fire element elf to help control the fire. For this kind of statement, Shariste did not feel funny, but at least deep inside. I think that Wang Zhong is a bit high and far away. It is a good idea to find a fire elf to help control, but she feels that even if this is the case, Wang Zhong did not have the qualification to contact Qi Pin Dan. After all, he had just been in contact with Alchemy for a few months.

But what makes Salisett feel incredible is that watching the seven-character Xuanjing continued to die, Wang Zhong’s face showed some regret and dissatisfaction.

"The method of the third time and the sixth time is still awkward. The balance of the condensate is not enough..." Pharaoh concluded that his magical brain can always handle the whole process. The record of the fine details is clear, and it is quite clear where he made mistakes: "There is only a six-tenth Dan with the help of Yiyi..."

It is still a question of proficiency. After all, it is the first complete refining of Xuanjing. Although it has been well-prepared beforehand, there are too many steps involved, and it is the first time that it will inevitably go wrong.

Next to Sally, she opened her mouth slightly.

This... Is this a bit too much?

You are the first time to refine the seven Pindan, the first time you succeed, you will not reveal the ecstatic expression, but you are not satisfied?

Sharisett immediately thought that when she first touched Qipindan, it was also a one-off. At that time, she did not come to Tianmen, but even if she is a celestial woman of Tianbei, she has the supreme talent and each The conditions are still quite reluctant one-off success after learning Dandan for at least ten years. Moreover, all the medicines she used, the Dan furnace, and so on, all of them are already familiar with the extreme private specials. Just like that, she is just out of the furnace, she has already excited her teacher. I can't do it, along with Sally, herself, with a calm look on her face, but only she knows it. In the dark, she is also excited for two or three days, and there is a disgusting look at Wang Zhong’s face. expression?

Sharisett can see that this guy is really dissatisfied, definitely not in the equipment, but you...

"It’s really a dog..." The softness is quite uncomfortable. If they fail, they can turn their own appearances. Is this the rhythm of forcibly cutting their own drama? It’s really uncomfortable to see the two little screams excited: "There is a skill to come again!"

This kind of kiln is close to a full day of work, let's not say anything else, just rely on that small body, that level of power, how did she persist? She is not yet an adult!

"Hey, is the old woman's eyes red?" Nini laughed. "You don't have to worry about it, my family is in the spirit of it!"

After all, Yiyi is more honest. When Nini is talking, she has already answered directly: "The owner is giving me the fire to continue."

As she spoke, she looked at Wang Zhong with great concern. Although the master did not control the fire, the fire that could control the fire was almost all he provided, and the alchemy had to be fired. The main talent was the most tired: "Master, do you want to take a break?"

Lao Wang laughed happily: "Just kidding, definitely not needed, start work!"

Compared with the workload of Laver's sister, alchemy is not too easy, Wang Zhong found that his recent ability to exercise in Linghai was greatly improved.

The fire of the second furnace rose again.

Holding a completely different mentality from the previous observation, the process of going over again, aside from the rough surface details, the feeling brought to the whole of Salisbury is different.

It is not luck that the other party can succeed. Absolutely not. There is no problem in his previous judgment. The basic techniques and feelings are quite good. The more terrible is the stable state. For a Dan teacher, the occasional extraordinary play is completely meaningless to improve one's strength. To achieve a higher level, you must achieve absolute stability. And this kind of stability is not based on the fact that you don't make mistakes, but on the premise that there is a fairly clear view of the entire alchemy process. All possible drug changes must be in your predictions, and have a set. An effective response, this is the foundation for ensuring stability.

This is too difficult. Most of the Dan teachers rely on accumulated accumulations over time, but they also have such a kind of wonders. They can achieve such stability by feeling.

‘I didn’t know how many changes it would have before, I didn’t know it, but before I changed, I could feel it in advance and then deal with it in advance. why? No reason, I don't understand, it's just that unreasonable!

......The domain has a lot of talented alchemy For example, the feelings of the babe are quite good, for example, the fire control of the fire spirit is very deep... but all these talents are not as good as this. The ability to feel the big picture is powerful!

This kind of Dan teacher is completely out of the ordinary, super-extracting skills, and can not use the common sense of medicinal herbs to infer their success, or even completely impossible to copy.

This is the most terrible and powerful talent in the Shendao Dandao!

This kind of person has not appeared for many years, and even Sharis thinks that it may only belong to the legend, but now, she feels that she seems to see one! Although she is still not sure, even though such talent appears in a lower civilization, it is quite strange.

It’s a good Dan, but it’s still only Liu Chengdan...

Pharaoh is really a little confused. I feel like I am on the same with this six-year-old Dan. I obviously promoted and made up for some shortcomings in the refining process. But why is it that it is not effective?

He can feel that Liu Chengdan is not his own limit, perhaps he has neglected some details in the process of alchemy. The old king is slightly indulged and is already preparing for the third road. Anyway, the three kings are going to give the whole refining. Finish.

Sharisett has been watching quietly, without any impatient feelings. She is more and more curious about Wang Zhong’s talent. Where is the limit of this person? Really just Liu Chengdan? Seeing that he is unwilling to try again and again, I am afraid that he may not think so.

Salisbury guessed it well, and Pharaoh is obviously not satisfied with it. It is obviously clear that there is still room for it, but it is too grievous to know where to play.

"Where is the problem?"

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