Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 301: Buddha

The name of the Earth man, this time was completely spread in the Tianmen, even more shocking than when he entered the alchemy hall last time. This is not a question of ability, but an attitude and concept. After all, no matter what Wang Zhong did before, he was actually forced to fight back in a passive situation. This time he took the initiative and took a step. Step to the abyss of death!

People may have seen the dazzling genius that occasionally appeared in lower civilizations. After being treated unfairly, they rose up and resented, and they made a blockbuster and stayed for the good news. This kind of thing is quite a lot in the long history of the gods, and even many are made up as songs.

However, a lower civilization actively provokes a higher civilization, saying who is going to kill who is going to kill, and really let him kill two in succession... This is not the same, the concepts are different!

The results of life and death were quickly spread throughout the Tianmen. To be honest, and many people expected different voices to confess the people of the earth. The evaluation of the matter inside the Tianmen was quite mixed.

It is mainly a group of law enforcement associations, shellfish, and Titans who have high prestige in Tianmen. The general reaction is that the people on earth are right.

What earth people are too embarrassed, what disregards the same door, and even directly say that the people have killed the aristocrats in succession, they should immediately deprive him of the right to heaven, and hang on what they are... these ugly, rhythmic sayings in several major ethnic groups It’s simply not worth a visit.

When you are on the road to life and death, you have to decide on life and death. Standing on this platform means that you have the heart to kill each other. Then you have to be prepared to be killed. This is nothing wrong, what is worth it. Take it out and say it?

As for those who say that the people have killed the nobility, it is even more huh, because Wang Zhong is a low-civilized earth person?

Some so-called higher civilizations that are used to being high above seem to have forgotten the majesty of the law of the gods. They have drilled too many holes in the law, and they have all drilled into the magic barrier. They also think that the law of the gods is really for the convenience of them to oppress the bottom. Was born? I thought they could really override the law?

It’s too naive!

It is the mechanical family that implements the law, but the heavens and the four races that can make the law. What about the eight-level civilization of the land in the eyes of the four races? The strange case of the eight-level civilization in the realm disappearing in the realm of the night has not happened. There are many things that can be learned in history. It depends on the history of the gods.

... For a time, all kinds of arguments, but in any case, the Tianmen side does not say that he has pleaded guilty to Wang. He did not even have any indications at all, nor did he produce any notice to calm these rumors inside Tianmen, just like when these rumors spread. People are just funny, they simply don't deserve to be treated as a matter of fact.

After the hot event, there will be a time to calm down. After about three or four days of hot speculation, the Worcester incident has slowly subsided. The ghosts have never expressed this attitude. They just sent people to come back. Their eternal souls and souls, of course, the price is certainly not paying less, although the old king is awkward, but very scale, this equipment is hot, can not stay.

Now that the purse is full, it is simply unspeakable happiness. The units used for weighing are all gold stars! As long as the courage is big, as long as it is enough, when Wushu fights is the most profitable, picking the rich second generation to start, this can earn more than alchemy.

Heavy prison, mirror world.

Disorder and chaos are rooted here, hate and sinful growth, giving birth to a curse of chaos. For civilization, this is the biggest punishment and destruction.

Like the loyalty of the person, Dimos, standing behind his savior, his eyes exude a sly look, and the solid elephant trunk continually sniffs around. For him, the position he is in now is glorious. Empirically, he passed many tests and proved that he is a reliable rebel.

They are the only order in this region! Rebel against evil chaos.

Dimos knows that they are not many people, but he has no doubt about the power of the Savior, because this has been proved countless times, fighting the Buddha, is the only antidote to the mirror world chaos.

Today, it will be their attack on evil, Qilong Valley, where a chaotic battle is about to erupt.

Every once in a while, those who are cursed will gather under the control of the curse to erupt the last battle of life and death.

However, this time, they will not let the chaos get the upper hand, they will stop the **** battle!

"Dimos, don't always be so serious." Mo asked a smiling Dimos, smiling, and the sense of responsibility made this elephant more tougher and stronger.

When he heard the question from the ink, the elephant, Dimos, was more serious. The sense of responsibility in his eyes was more intense. He scanned the whole world. He could smell the evil talent and make him the best early warning here.

The cursed people who were invaded by the chaos of the chaos, to their rebel army, did say that they were extremely hated for the existence of the Buddha! To this end, these madmen who are caught in the crazy killing will even give up fighting and join forces to deal with the resistance.

It was only half a month after Dimos joined the rebel army. They experienced two chaotic raids. The cursed people who had smothered the **** battles once they met, were cooperative in those raids! And the goal is directed at the Buddha. As long as they are not between them and the Buddha, those madmen will even have their existence.

Dimos smelled the unusual accumulation of these evil smells, and he issued an early warning to everyone, so despite the attack, the rebel army completed the retreat intact.

Naturally, the two early warnings of Dimos became the guards of the Buddha.

How to better protect the ink question is the most important thing for their rebel army. The Buddha light of Mo Wen is the only force that can purify the curse of chaos. Once the ink is lost, the so-called rebel army is a joke, the entire mirror world. They are all shrouded in chaos, and there is no shelter from Buddha. Soon, everyone will lose their senses and become slaves to chaos and killing. Even if they are strong in the virtual world, they will soon be consumed in the **** battle of cursing and seduction. Die everything to death.

Those **** who put them in here are actually sentenced to death, but they put the civilized side outside. However, the barbaric side of the death penalty is placed in a dark mirrored world that no one can see.


Not far away, the movement of the battle came, but soon, the fluctuations of spiritual power calmed down again, and the battle was over. It was the ambush circle they set, and they took the first step to catch the cursers who came to the **** battle. They are limited in number, and it is obviously impossible to directly intervene in the chaos and **** battles. Only this round-up tactic can be adopted.

Soon, the two horned brothers bound a warrior of the light family to come over. "Buddha, it is sensible to catch one."

Ink asked to look at the past, the horns are a powerful branch of the Mozu, the nature is evil, but the two in front of them are just a sigh of righteousness, completely unable to see the evil spirits and blackmail that the Mozu should have.

The light warriors they caught were originally heavenly people with light wings. They used light to feed, and they were filled with light and fairness. But at this time, under the curse, the soldier was a wicked His light wing has been rooted in the roots, revealing two roots of white roots, and the double ochre is full of bloodthirsty purple.

"Hey, go to hell!" In the moment he saw the ink question, he violently picked it up, but soon, there was pain and pleading in his eyes. "Save me... kill, kill me, fast... ”

His soul struggled in the curse, and his will long succumbed to the chaos and killing of the curse. However, as the essence of the light family, he always kept him awake.

Ink asked a smile and reached out to him. The Buddha light lit up from behind him, and a ring appeared. The pain and tyranny on the face of the light warrior calmed down. He looked at the hand of the ink and asked him. The subconscious also reached out and grabbed it.

Two hands, oh...

In an instant, the ink and light in the eyes alternated, and the time seemed to be reversed. In a moment, he saw a little spirituality emitting a lonely light in the darkness. It was a soul, a soul wrapped in evil curses, and a wounded soul. And now he is in the state of the soul, in the heart of the light warrior's mind, this is also the place where the chaos of chaos is entangled.

"Fodu has a fate, there is no end to the sea, and it is the shore!"

In the mouth of the ink, the Buddha is lightly swayed. In a moment, a golden day suddenly rises from the darkness. The eye-catching Buddha shines through everything. Those darkness are the power left by the curse. At this time, these darkness are in the Buddha's light. , violently gathered into a group of black smoke, trapped the spiritual death in the middle, struggling to counterattack.

However, the Buddha light always shines in the well, the black smoke gradually fades, and spit out the spirituality.

Mo Wen can feel that the curse is being broken from the mind of the Guangzu warrior. At the same time, he can also feel that his soul has grown a bit in the process, although subtle, but it is a real evolution, this The silky soul faintly constitutes a shadow of Dan, and it is clear that once this soul Dan Shadow is cast into a solid, the ink question can jump into the virtual Dan realm.

Ink asked to open his eyes, the light warrior was already awake, his eyes were stunned, **** black tears rolled from his eyes, stained his cheeks, and his fierce red color began to recover. The unique golden phoenix of the Guangguang.


The light warrior groaned in his mouth. He remembered what happened, the killing he had experienced, and the warmth of the rescue. He could also feel the miracle change in the body. The curse was disappearing little by little. The soul slowly recovers in a light, accumulates strength, and a relaxed feeling nourishes him, and all this is because of the bald head in front of him, the power of nourishment, it is from him that he is holding him. The hand is uploaded.

Mo asked to smile and loosened the hand holding the light warrior. "Hello, welcome back, your curse is temporarily eliminated, are you interested in joining the resistance? I am Mo, everyone calls me Buddha."

"My name is volley... What do you mean by the time being?" the Guangzu warrior asked vigilantly.

"Hey! Pay attention to your tone! It's best to be polite. See if you can talk. You should remember who saved you."

A hornson Sensen said that he properly released his power, a strong Dan Dan! This caused a glimmer of shock in the eyes of the light fighters, but he suppressed his thoughts on turning back to see the horns, but stared at the ink.

Mo Wen always smiled and explained: "In this mirror world, the power of chaos is everywhere. Even if people who have no curse stay here for a long time, they will gradually become crazy."

The volley nodded lightly. He had experienced the process of being cursed. Naturally, he knew that the ink asked what he said. At this moment, in another direction not far away, there was a loud bang, and for a moment, the volley saw it. Two demon people in the virtual Dan are holding a multi-disciplinary strong man in madness.

He had a slight glimpse in his heart, four vanity, and he counted it in his heart. Then he looked at the ink and asked a few people standing behind him. He guessed that there was a virtual Dan in the face, and the strength was better than the horn man. The four virtual dragons of the Yaozu are stronger.

There are still questions in his mind to ask, but, when Mo asked him a slight jaw, he turned to walk in front of the mad multi-ethnic group and held it in one hand of the multi-headed person.

The volley widened his eyes, because almost immediately after the ink asked to hold the multi-person, the manic person was quiet! It’s just a moment of work, and the strong temperament that seems to be like a volcanic volcano is gradually fading from the eyes of many people...

Ling Lingzhong, as a light man, he knows a lot about the secret of the soul, he knows what the bald head is doing, but just by shaking hands can invade the soul into the soul of a completely uncooperative person! This bald head is so strong! Although he only has the strength to build a base, but from the perspective of the soul, he definitely surpassed more than 90% of the virtual environment.

The volley was thinking, a heavy breath disrupted him, and then a squeaking voice rang in his ear.

"You call it volley? Is it Dimos, like Dimos, you are not bad, although some are suspicious, but understand that the Buddha is dispelling the curse, unlike you, this guy is cursed too deeply It may take some time to know if I can save it."

The volley turned his head, and a elephant came to his side. At that position, he was sure that if he wanted to be unfavorable to the bald head, like a person can block in front of him for the first time, he smiled at the elephant, though The elephant is guarding him, and the white teeth of the person are awkward, but the volley still knows that the elephant is smiling at him. He guesses that this is definitely because people have seen such scenes many times, like He is not a minority who has been saved from the curse.

So he looked like a human, and turned to him like a person to ask: "Since the place is eroded everywhere, how do you stay awake?"

The ivory of Dimos raises an angle and reveals piety. "As long as we are with the Buddha, we can keep ourselves. He is our savior and the savior of this world, so our different civilizations can unite. Remember our difficulties and thank us for our survival!"

The light family realized that the guards standing behind the bald head, I am afraid that except for this elephant, all of them are tyrannical masters in the virtual Dan, and some are originally life and death, and they may hit one when they meet outside. Rack, but here is very peaceful.

Calm down, the memories of those cursed memories slowly recovered, the dead corpses are not as good as death, the soul is constantly afflicting, can once again feel the taste of "living", he can change at any price!


At this moment, the multi-headed man screamed with sorrowful sorrow. He squirmed and squirmed the bounded body. The two demon sects were stunned, but they were stopped by the ink. Nothing, he just... can't accept it."


The volley looked seriously at the collapsed multi-faceted person. The multi-faceted person had no smell of killing. Obviously, his curse has been cleared, but...

"He is crazy, completely crazy, hehe." Like a human voice, sighing and sighing.

The volley turned his head again and looked at the white ivory like a human. He asked, "How many people like this? Like me?"

Dimos shook his head slightly. "Unfortunately, there are very few lucky people like you. More are madmen who can't save them. The curse is eliminated, but the soul is gone."

The volley nodded and said aloud: "I am willing to join the Resistance Army, I can do anything!"

Mo asked a smile: "Bring the survivors of life to me as much as possible. I am compassionate."

Yes, Mo Wen followed such a classic slogan, which is deliberate, because the ritual is very important, he wants these followers to believe that the first is to believe!

For these people, relieving pain is a means. Building faith is another means. To put it bluntly, it is brainwashing!

In the mirror world, the power of his pride is negligible, but the Diamond Sutra passed down from generation to generation has a magical effect, so that Mo asked to see a new way of practice.

Among the people of the earth, Mo Wen also has great wisdom and a big heart, and the resilience and practical experience are equally rich. Look at a group of strong people who follow him, he is their only redemption, and these people also Will become the power of the rise of the earth.

He is a Buddha, a Buddha of the Earth!

Killing Worcester, it really calmed Pharaoh for a few days. You can think about sorting out your own things and don't spend money, because he only trains 7 Pintan now, behind? You can't afford to eat, you can't be poor.

Until the messenger of the mechanical family threw a hot stamped letter outside the mushroom house, the Law Enforcement Association invited it again. Unlike the usual club activities, this time it was an outing mission.

Just like the excellent high-school students always have to adapt to the internship, so is the law enforcement society. It is obvious that it is impossible to become a qualified law enforcement person by conducting some simulation cases and law learning within the circle.

This kind of activity is often organized by the robots themselves, and even the Zerg is rarely involved, but this time they invited the Pharaoh, to be honest, this is an endorsement, and it is also related to the location of the invitation, Katangla District, That is the old man's 'hometown' in the realm of the gods. The law enforcement will go there to carry out the task. It is obviously more convenient to bring the local people together.

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