Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 308: Elf's Feng Shui Treasure

By the site of the Elf Garden to condense Dan? Is this OK? No, wait, what is this **** like? Can it still be like this? !

"This person is crazy!" Aina immediately looked at the madman with a vigilant look, for fear of being infected by his madness: "Sally Sally, let's stand a little further!"

I dare to come here to work, of course, I have already had a good understanding of the elemental elves. It is quite arrogant and sensitive, and there are also clean creatures. There is even an ant that can’t stand the existence of a range of kilometers. You are whimsical. Want to go to the home of the elemental elf's home condensed dan? This is not crazy, what is it?

Only Sharis faintly understands what is going on, just think about the popularity of Wang Zhong in the Elf Garden last time, let alone go to the Elf Garden, even if you live there for three or five years, those The elemental elf will also look forward to the raised hands and feet. The popularity of this guy in the Elf Garden is definitely unique in history.

Just, go to the Elf Garden and condense Dan... I have to admire Wang Zhong. This brain hole is also really big. Compared to the various environmental conditions in the land, the Elf Garden is obviously much better than the elemental strength or the aura concentration. Losing him, he wants to come out...

"Okay, okay," Sarah nodded. "Come with me."

“哎?哎?哎?!” Aina couldn’t understand. Was Sally’s sister infected and mad? Wait, I understand! Sally Sally is definitely playing this kid, let him go in and accept reality and destruction.

Hey, poor man, why is this creature so stupid?

Princess Aina quickly found the reason for sighing, and then kept up to see what was going on, the princess liked it, and she just came to the Elf Garden today, and she was also early to the elemental elves who were full of gardens. I can't wait to see it.

Going along the passage all the way, when Sharisett pushed the gate of the Rune in the Elf Garden, it was a picture that Princess Aina never imagined.

I saw a long, flower-filled 'solar blanket' at the entrance, and the elemental elves who were proud of the Princess Aina’s consciousness, now exuded two neatly next to the red carpet. Columns, all the elements of the elf's face are full of uncontrollable excitement, probe the brain to look at the door, and see the moment the door opens, the two leading elves make a sound, all the elves are welcome Cheers, airborne petals and petals, and even the sound of music!

"Master owner!"

"Ah, handsome, you are coming again!"

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

"Handsome guy, we love you, just like mice love rice!"

"Dearly heavy! No matter how long you have to stay here, we all support you!"

"Shut up! Don't call our host so intimate!"

Lao Wang squatted half of his face, and the next side of Sally was also a bit awkward. After all, the two had already seen the madness of the elemental elves. Although this time is more outrageous than the last time, they are finally psychologically prepared. Poor is Princess Aina.

I saw her cherry red mouth became an O-type, almost scared...

Nima, this is completely subverting life!

These, these are the elemental elves that you have to take care of in the next year or two? Are they all crazy? Was it infected by that madman? What are these ghosts of Nima!

I haven't waited for Princess Aina to recover from the shock of subverting the values ​​of life. Nini has already rushed over, and she is still soft and fast as she goes with her! Only by the last moment of Nini's last moment, she forced herself to squeeze into the side of Salisbury. She was so soft that her brows were twisted into a Sichuan character, and she had to pretend to come over to meet Salisbury and climb to her shoulder. I’m not bored...

"Master owner!" Nini broke into the arms of Lao Wang: "I am not satisfied with this welcome ceremony?"

Lao Wang couldn’t smile: "Nini, really, can you not do these things in the future..."

“Does the owner dislike?” Nini looked awkwardly: “The people and Yiyi have been together for a long time.”

Next to Yiyi also nodded quickly, looking worried.

"Happ, like..." Looking at the two women's faces and fears, Pharaoh can only be a bit of a disappointment: "But this time I came to retreat to break through the virtual Dan, or quieter is better..."

"I heard no hearing!" Nini waved her hand: "Don't hurry and give it to me! What are you doing here? And you!"

She pointed to Sally and Aina, and looked disgusted: "Go out!"

Princess Aina couldn't remember how the door was closed. It seemed that there were dozens of elemental elves rushing in, and then I heard a loud bang!

The gates are closed tightly. The only thing that the fairy princess is impressed is that the elemental elves looked at her when they closed. It’s like the appearance of the fairy princess disturbed them. They really didn’t bring them. Any covert, direct, or even arrogant...

"%&...@!" Princess Aina is in confusion.

Say good fairy garden? Say good beautiful princess and passionate elves hand in hand?

Is it crazy? Or are these elves all crazy? Although there is a certain psychological preparation, but witnessing this scene with my own eyes, the little princess's heart is still a little broken, why is such a perfect creature so... rough.

No, what is the king? What is the ghost? He, he and he went in? Retreat in the Elf Garden?


Princess Aina feels a little dizzy, it is really dizzy, the amount of information is too big, so big that her cerebellum is not running enough. Her Zhang Cheng O-shaped mouth is slowly retracted for a long time: "Sally Sister, this..., is this uncle named Wang who sent you to test me?"

"What is the uncle of the surname Wang... He is a little older than you, just a little old." Sharisett could not laugh.

Wang Zhong is actually not old, but it depends on who, like the top civilizations of the Tianbei and the Yaozu, and the princes and princesses of this level, they have good talents, good genes and longevity. Long, no matter from temperament and soul activity, youth is revealed.

Pharaoh... The key is that the experience is too rich, although the age is not that big, but it is not very close to youth.

Sharisett is also crying and laughing. I thought that I was gradually accommodating the privilege of Wang Zhong’s here. It was already a process that was quite difficult to digest. Aina’s gimmicks jumped directly to **** as soon as they came up. Mode, it is not bad to be stimulated to have heart disease: "He is a bit special, it is from the new civilization of the Star Alliance, the elemental elves here are particularly friendly to him... This welcome is just the norm, wait for you to see more I am used to it."

Princess Aina seems to have calmed down a lot. After all, the demon princess has also seen the world. At this time, her eyes are slightly brighter, and she quickly grasps the key point: "Earth civilization? I have never heard of it. Is there anything special? Is this earth civilization and elemental elves in good life?"

Shariste shook her head. "It’s a former amusement park, but I’ve done research. It doesn’t seem to be special. He should be an exception... The elemental elves like him more than you imagine, I I don’t know why, even he doesn’t seem to be particularly clear. He’s a good character and he’s better off...”

"It turned out to be like this," Princess Aina nodded suddenly and suddenly turned her eyes. It turned out to be a smart and clever type of ice and snow. "Sally, he is only a few years older than me? Well, think carefully." I think, my brother on earth seems to have the taste of a mature man, quite handsome!"

Sharisett is one of them. She originally intended to remind her to be careful. In the event that she called Wang Zhong’s uncle, she was heard by Nini, and Princess Aina was absolutely cool.

But now... Sally is also directly taking back the words that she intends to wake her up. I really want more, and I don’t need to mention myself with the brains of this gimmick.


In the center of the Elf Garden, there is a huge ancient tree. The trunk has a diameter of more than 20 meters, and the towering sky can't see the top.

It has countless branches like willow branches, hundreds of millions, and presents different colorful colors, some are golden yellow, some are fire red, some are ice blue, some are earthy yellow or green. They exude a vitality and are the source of the power of the various elements in the entire fairy garden!

The ancient tree of the elves, also known as the five elements of the sky, is the origin of the elemental elves, the root of the elf garden, and an indispensable part of the five elements of the world. Yes, this ancient The tree itself is part of the five elements of the heavens and the earth!

This is the manifestation of the law! No one knows whether it has an independent consciousness, but even if it is just a dead object, it can no longer describe its nobleness in words!

Don't say that under this old tree, even if you only look at it from the distance of hundreds of meters in the past few times, Pharaoh can feel that there is a whole world that is bleak, and that it is too small to be worth mentioning. It seems that there is only the grace of this ancient tree left in the whole world, and that kind of momentum, even if the oldest king's supervisor and one elder, whom Lao Wang has ever seen, cannot be compared.

The ancient tree is the home of the elemental elves, but now the embarrassing elemental elves have long been joined by Nini and Yiyi to other places, and quiet around.

With a heart of reverence, Wang Zhong approached this ancient tree step by step.

powerful! Shock!

The closer you are, the more you feel!

The power of the five elements is as abundant as the aura that can be liquefied in the air, and the unparalleled vitality that emerges from the ancient tree.

Anything brought to Wang Zhong is an unprecedented shock. Standing in front of it is like an ant ant than an endless star, as if a mosquito is better than a vast universe!

"Nini said that the old tree of the elf seems to be unconscious. Since the day of the elf garden, no elf has ever felt the direct will from the old tree, but it has some instinctive reactions."

"The elves have refused to be close to the ugly soul, but also guard the elemental elves. Once there was a powerful top Jindan strongman who wanted to force away the elemental elves from here, but the old tree was seriously wounded with only one branch. escape!"

"Virtual Dan, Shidan, Jindan... But even Jindan, I don't know how many levels are from this ancient tree!"

"The fifth dimension is too vast. I can't imagine what kind of power is really reaching the peak. Practice is never ending. I really don't know if there was a life that has reached the level of this ancient tree by practice!"

The closer to the ancient tree, the stronger the aura concentration, the elemental induction, and the vitality experience! Of course, he hopes to walk to the side of the oldest tree, but in the process of approaching, Pharaoh's forehead is also slightly sweaty, and the pressure brought by the old tree is too great.

Nini said that the ancient tree will not hurt people, but it is only a special elemental elf. In the face of outsiders, no one has tried it. Normally, the practitioners of the elf garden contract element elves are only waiting far away at the door. The selection of the elves, even the Tianbei Governor, came over and was only outside the garden.

walk in? The only exception that didn't exist was the one who once wanted to grab the elemental elves. The elemental elves were scared to flee back to the ancient trees. As a result, the Jindan strongman was just close to the range covered by ancient branches. Just a piece of willow branch in the district almost made an idiot, scared him to run away...

Even the peak of the Jindan strong is so embarrassing, if this old tree is a little bit dissatisfied with himself, Pharaoh feels that he has no room for rebellion, so be careful and be careful.

Before entering the scope of the branch, Pharaoh was also repeatedly tempted.

"It... doesn't seem to be hostile to me!"

The soul is strong and has the advantage of this. The consciousness is extraordinarily strong, and you can feel a lot of things that you can't hear and can't hear with five senses.

Pharaoh carefully entered, and the branches around him did not want to attack him. Instead, he swayed gently in a sweet breeze, especially when several red-red branches passed over Wang Zhong’s body. It is a kind of warmth and comfort, even with a touch of enthusiasm...

Lao Wang is also relieved. The old tree is the most ideal place to break through. Originally, he just held the idea of ​​trying it out. If it doesn't work, then go to the outside of the Elf Garden and find a place. I didn't expect this to make Jin Dan strong. The old trees that are fearful are faintly accepting their own meaning.

The canopy of the ancient tree is very large, the main tree body of 20 meters in diameter, and its branches and leaves are covered with a full circle.

Feeling the invincibility and irresistence of the old tree, Pharaoh's nervous mood is gradually calming down. He originally intended to go to the position closest to the main tree trunk, but unfortunately such an idea is only three points into the ancient branches and leaves. One place, I gave up.

I can't move any further. The old tree doesn't stop myself. It doesn't matter the elements of the five elements. In fact, the more you go inside, the more pure the elements of the five elements you feel, the better the status and feelings of Pharaoh's own. !

But the ancient trees are not only surrounded by five elements of energy, blocking their own, suddenly it is the aura of the air that is already dripping!

This is the common sense that has been used since I first came to the Divine. The higher the concentration of Aura, the greater the gravity and even the pressure between the heavens and the earth. At this time, Wang Zhong feels that he is about to reach his ultimate gravity, and that is rich. Almost all of them are about to put their own body to the blocked pressure.

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