Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 329: Bronze mirror

After all, the population base of civilization is too small, even if they have excellent talents, the probability of being strong is high, but what about? One hundred of you have a strong one, and one million of my talents have a strong one, but my family has a population of hundreds of millions, and the strongest in that civilization is much more than your talented race. Naturally, it is much more powerful.

"The king is not a low score, it seems to have passed the six-level world..."

"Our luck, I heard that his points in the second half of the month have not changed. It is estimated that it was the first time that luck has passed through the six-level world, and then he will be lucky again, and he will be trapped in the six-level world." You see, it hasn't come back yet."

"Oh, it is still Campbell! After the last loss to Pavaro, he seems to have a huge breakthrough, you see this directly rushed to the first, more than 13,000 points, at least two levels of six The core of the world. Hey, this time Campbell can make a big profit, not only can you get unlimited reading opportunities in the Tianmen Library for three days, but also more than 3,000 points... that’s all money! Official disciples, it’s even harder to make points."

This time, it is actually a gift from the Titans to give a farewell gift to this newcomer. Just like an adult ceremony, bid farewell to the identity of the newcomers in the past. For the official disciples, the points are too difficult to earn and too important. The Titans are usually murderous. The disciples are actually quite good.

"There are more than 11,000 points for Zhenjintong of Hengwu."

"The Monroe's Monroe, 108,000 percent, these three before the reputation is not obvious, this time, but the fame of the first battle, can be regarded as our new three masters of Xiuwutang!"

"This is a smart person. It is only when this important moment of earning points breaks out. It seems like the king is heavy. Before you jumped up and down, you made a name for yourself. But in fact, it is the second-rate standard in the church. It is impossible to show up the right thing. I see Ah, he and Pavaro are afraid of being in a desperate situation this time, don't want to come back... Hey?"

The man was talking, and he saw two rushing figures flying at high speed.

Wang Zhong, Pavaro!

The man immediately shut up, and the ridicule behind him was ridiculed. The strengths of the two men were there, even if they were pressed by the new strongmen of Xiuwutang, it was not their small role that dared to be offended. Just looking at the eyes of the two people, naturally, there is a little bit of reverence, and even occasionally mixed with sneer-like ridicule.

This is the case with people. When you are strong, when you are strongest, everyone will worship, and if there is a stronger presence than you, people will naturally switch to the door and the wind will turn.

These things are human nature. Pharaoh and Pavaro naturally don't care. They don't even care about the rankings on the cloth. They counted the days when Pavalo broke through. There are no points in the month, even if you use the ass, you should know that the ranking is definitely not related to them.

"Supervised." The two ignored all the eyes around and went directly to the supervisor to hand over the bracelet.

The original two points are very dissatisfied for the supervisors, but when they see the two, the eyes of the supervised adults are bright.

Titan's supervisor made a registration and smiled with a smile: "Small bones, are you real Dan? Not bad."

The moments around me are a dull, those who have a little bit of ridicule, all together with the three triads of the so-called Xiuwutang, the three triads of the iron martial arts, the eternal martial arts, and the genius Monroe. Can't help but at the same time.

Real Dan and virtual Dan, you can't see the appearance, just like Pavaro can't see that Wang Zhong has already condensed the virtual Dan, unless the strength and the horizon are much higher than the other.

When you step into Shidan, it is like a wind, a cloud, and a metamorphosis. Even if you look at the boundary, you can count as a male character. It is obviously not at the same level as other ordinary disciples who are still in the virtual world. It is. If the points are low, I am afraid that I have encountered a special situation and it is delayed...

Everyone looks at Pavaro's eyes instantly and becomes different. There is no longer any questioning about him after Barlow and other events, but with reverence, it is like just entering the martial arts hall, first I heard that the so-called 'Shu Wutang first' is the kind of fearful eyes, the gods worship the strong, and Tianmen is no exception. In the eyes of those who really experience life and death, they may value more aspects of a warrior in actual combat. Performance, and will not be judged by surface strength.

But for the new disciples of Xiuwutang, only the real realm is the only convincing benchmark...

In the past, Pavaro would be quite used to these eyes, not to be intoxicated and like, but not disgusted, the real genius will always stand under the aura inadvertently, that is something you can't resist, you only Can adapt to it.

But at this moment, Pavaro feels awkward.

When you stand next to Wang Zhong, ‘Shu Wutang’s first’ or something, isn’t it to hit your own face? Don't look at the promotion of Shidan, the strength is soaring, but to be honest, even in his current state, Pavaro has no confidence to kill the two bone dragons, let alone so easy to win.

He coughed a little and saw that Titan’s supervisor’s gaze had been moved to Wang Zhong’s side, and he was quickly settled.

“Wang Zhong...” Titan’s supervisor’s eyes were clearly accompanied by a strange flash of light, and there was an incomprehensible complexion in his eyes, as if he was surprised and surprised.

Pharaoh and he looked at each other with a smile.

To be honest, I have never seen the depth of Titan's supervision before, including before entering the Magic Sea world, when I looked at the Titans, there was a feeling of high mountains. But at this time, he feels that the supervisor has become 'clear' in his own eyes. Without the obscurity of the embarrassment, he can truly feel the power of Titan's supervision.

Light is the strength of the body muscles. I am afraid that it is no less than my own deified cells. The level of spiritual power is quite high. At least in this magic sea world where the level of spiritual pressure and the boundary are quite equal, Wang Zhong can clearly see the power of heaven and earth in nature. Surrounding the Titans, the feeling is like when you come to the edge world. He is so powerful that he can completely ignore the pressure of space and even call the level of endless heaven and earth.

Such a strong person, the absolute level of the Golden Dan, this is beyond doubt, but the strange thing is... I feel that the Titan Supervisor is not as strong as Lavelle!

This sudden emergence of the judgment is also let the pharaoh secretly stunned, anyway, Titan Supervisor Zag Simon has a certain reputation inside the entire Tianmen, and even known as the silver war god, in the Tianmen many Jindan strong Ranked on the number, but I actually feel that Lavur’s sister is stronger than Titan’s supervisor? And this is not a direct comparison between the two people, but with the impression, you can clearly feel that Laviel is stronger... This is hard to imagine.

Think about yourself and the attitude of the flying pig to Lavelle's sister... I can only say that he was ignorant and fearless.

"Very good." Titan's light in the scorpion quickly covered up, but there was no embarrassment, but the king slammed his head, but the silky smile on his face always gave Pharaoh a kind of supervision. For some of the bad tastes of yourself, there are signs of an upcoming upgrade.

The buzzing around, most of them are talking about Pavaro, a few new so-called three masters look a bit ugly, and finally broke out once, but it should be their glory, but they were robbed by two low rankings. Go.

Lao Wang glanced at the rankings on the boundary cloth, and he was ranked fifth in the rankings. Pavaro’s ranking was even lower, and he was in the 30th place. The so-called first three rewards are destined to miss the two, but the two have already gained a lot of money, and obviously do not care.

Waited for about four or five hours in the same place, and by the time limit, there are still more than one hundred people who have never returned.

Most of these people are already dead in the magic sea world. The cloth can sense their time and space bracelets to judge whether they are dead, but there are also a small number of unreturned names still in the boundary. It shines, and most of it is trapped somewhere.

The Titan Supervisor did not intend to continue to wait for it. With a wave of his hand, he returned all the returnees and returned directly.

A trip to the mission, the disappearance of hundreds of people did not set off any storms in Xiuwutang. Everyone seems to think that this is a matter of course. Tianmen’s practice is also accompanied by risks. From the moment everyone enters Tianmen, it is already known. Never raise waste, picking them in is just the beginning. The road to becoming a strong man is still very long. In the end, these disciples can really reach the expectations of Tianmen training. It must be a strong person who has hope for the tides of the Tianhe River. It is quite successful to have one or two steps to that step. As for other people, at least half of them will graduate when they graduate. Even if they are left, they only mean that they have the qualifications to stand on the ground.

"Wang Zhong, go to have a drink?" Back to Tianmen, Pavaro's mood is obviously very good. When he invited Pharaoh, there was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes. If it wasn't for this earth, don't say that he could break through the undead. I am afraid that I have already lost my life in the morning.

"Next time." Pharaoh smiled, it was a matter of heart, nothing to drink.

Going back to the mushroom house, I was pondering the scene I saw in the bubble world.

The memory foam of the Magic Sea world or the origin of the projection bubble has never been explained clearly. I don’t know where they came from, let alone what rules they follow, but one thing is certain, Everything in those bubble worlds must have happened in this world.

Dragon Emperor, Tiantian Eight Kings, gold slate, what kind of relationship do these things have with themselves? Gold slate... I thought that it was the fourth-class civilization. I didn’t expect it to be a treasure of heaven.

Pharaoh couldn’t understand it, but he had a feeling that these things were not only important, but also closely related to himself, especially the god-like dragon emperor, who finally took a look at himself and expelled himself. In that world, Wang Zhong felt that he had a feeling of time and space at that moment, as if there was a strange bond that crossed the distant time and space and connected the Dragon Emperor with himself...

But everything is only a feeling, a guess, unable to authenticate and can not find any relevant clues, just feel more and more confused.

Lao Wang also shook his head. Some things are definitely useless. It is a waste of time. Since you can feel the connection between the Dragon Emperor and yourself, there is no connection between time and space. Guide to fate, Wang Zhong believes that when the time comes, I will still get more direct clues.

"Don't think about it." He rubbed his head and drove those messy thoughts out of his mind.

Jonas does not know where to go again. Pharaoh enters his own fragmented world and looks up at the stone of destiny. What does this thing mean? Why is such a powerful thing falling in such a remote place as the earth, why is it? Here myself?

Is it just accidental?

Real Dragon... Like the dragon that Tianjing has passed down since ancient times, can you think that the Dragons are also involved in the game of the gods, and the generation of the Tianjing people is their inheritance?

On the ground are the three instruments that Glei sent, and the other two are still lying there gray, but the blue mirror is full of shining light, completely different from the beginning, ... this change It seems to mean that the instrument has vitality.

This change is a bit inexplicable. Is it the nourishment of the Stone of Destiny that has played a role?

At the time of the last appraisal, I was still only building the basic environment. The spiritual power was insufficient. The aura that was poured into it could not enter the door. This time, the breakthrough of the virtual Dan, the strength of the advance may try again.

Virtual Dan urged, spiritual perfusion.


The change of the order of magnitude and the change of the quality level, the cyan bronze mirror has a strong reaction in an instant, the spiritual power poured into it is no longer squatting outside the gate of the instrument as before, but it is directly penetrated into the bamboo. Inside the instrument.

On the edge of the cyan bronze mirror, a blue line of secret lines is slowly revealed by this spiritual power.

Wang Zhong has some doubts. This time, it seems that he has gone too far. He feels that he is not struggling. If he judges purely with spiritual level and quantity, he should have reached the level of ordinary real Dan, and he is urging a six-seven instrument. Certainly no problem, but the identification of this cyan bronze mirror was more than four products.

A real Dan, even if it is a peak powerhouse, it is impossible to spur the four-productor device so easily. Is it the last time he guessed the wrong order of the instrument? Is there any other reason?

I saw that the shiny blue secret lines continued to climb along the left and right edges of the bronze mirror, until the two shiny secret lines gathered together at the top of the bronze mirror...


Wang Zhong only felt that he had opened a horrible passage, like a black hole singularity, and produced a crazy sucking force along the secrets of the bronze mirror. The spiritual power connected to the bronze mirror was instantly killed. Pulling it over, even the suction extends into your body!

Almost just in the blink of an eye, the virtual Dan is exhausted, but the suction is still constant, just like the whole virtual Dan is directly smashed into slag!

Pharaoh’s surprise is not the same. I’ve heard that there are some instruments that force the user’s soul to be used. I’ve never seen such a hegemony. His first reaction is to force the physical connection between the cut and the bronze mirror. But I found that I was constantly cutting

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