Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 237: Solve 1 cut

As for Elsa, it seems that it has weakened her own sentiment. In fact, it is a plus point. On the one hand, she does not have to fight for this. On the other hand, she will release goodwill to the mechanical family.

"There is still good news." Elsa directly waved his hand: "But all the members who enter the Tianzun class will be recognized by the Star Alliance and get a certain promotion. After all, this civilization has cultivated such excellent for Tianmen. Talent. I remember that your planet is a four-level civilization? Then you will be directly qualified for promotion, and if you can graduate in Tianzun, then the civilization of the earth will be directly promoted to five."

"Is there a half-level?" I heard that the first half of the sentence was also a happy one. The benefits of raising the level of civilization were too many. I didn’t expect there was a half-level statement...

"What do you think?" Elsa couldn't help but smile, and she reminded her of the past of the Tianbei legendary ancestors. From the humble beginnings, it was the same thing, from the bottom to the eighth. Civilization, without a little plunder, how could it pile up? To put it bluntly, even though the Tianbei people are now rich in the realm of the land, they can still admire the history and culture that has risen. Unlike many older eight-level civilizations, everything is disciplined and courteous.

"The grading of the civilization of the Star Alliance is a lot of saying. The difference between the four and four levels is very big. This half level means that you have already included the five-level candidates, and you will enjoy the five-level treatment. Taxes, Star Alliance benefits, trading regulations, and many more."

Elsa did not say too much, so far, to her level, today and Wang Zhong said enough.

Lao Wang really has some movements at this moment. Just look at the expression of Tianbei’s master. You should know that you have not been able to pass through the care of the person, but the other party is still quite refreshing and has given various promises. Did not care about him. Especially the improvement of the level of civilization, others have to make such a promise that Pharaoh still can't believe it, but this is the Tianbei Governor. She said that the earth civilization will rise by half, and that is definitely not a half-level run.

"Thank you for the Lord!" Pharaoh is not a person who does not know how to be awkward.

Elsa smiled and waved his hand: "You still have classes in the alchemy hall. If there are special courses or tasks released in the Tianzun class, there will be a messenger to contact you, go back."

Looking at the back of Wang Zhonggong's departure, Elsa slightly distracted, and sure enough, as Sharisett said, this is a smart person.

To be honest, Elsa believes that Wang Zhong is definitely a fog now. I don't know why the Tianbei people suddenly helped him. It is also the Tianzun class that raises the level of civilization.

Because of Salisbury? Although there is one point, but not much weight, private friendship can not affect the two civilizations, especially the two civilizations with such great disparity in status.

In fact, I have done my own investigation. It is not only Wang Zhong. After Sharisette talked to her about the elemental elves last time, Elsa was doubting. Some secrets of the heavens that others did not know, Ayr Shah knows that the earth was once the object of suspicion of the four kingdoms of the heavens. Otherwise, in those years, the four kingdoms of the heavens will not make a big move to the earth in the marginal world, to spread their faith, to live in a semi-primitive society and have no civilized value. The earth gives play to the amusement park of the gods. You must know that other paradise parks have a fairly civilized foundation and are qualified to attract the interest of the gods!

In the recent survey, I got a lot of magical news. The Earth people actually have more than one king. This is really a miraculous race with considerable potential. In the Sacred Arena, Aeolos, even in the Underworld. Self-proclaimed Pluto messenger... Hehe, these guys are all problem makers, and all have special talents that are no less than Wang Zhong. The same civilization has the same gene, but they can walk out of three different roads. law! This is simply unbelievable for a normal four-level civilization that has just joined the Star Alliance and has no accumulation. Not to mention the fourth-level, five-level and six-level civilizations, including the Tianbei people of that year.

"The magical earth." Elsa's palm turned slightly, and a crystal-clear blue planet projection appeared in her hands. She looked at it carefully and tried to find some traces that she could identify, but she still didn't succeed. .

Elsa shook her head, even though the earth was as incomparably complex as it was imagined. To be honest, when the four kingdoms of the heavens had already tossed the earth many times in the spread of faith on the earth, I was afraid that even the whole earth would be opened. I turned it over hundreds of times, even if they didn't find what they wanted, or saw something remarkable, how could they see what it would look like with a projection?

"There will always be the appearance of this, quietly watching it, if it is such a history, then I am not qualified to intervene, can only be a spectator." That projection gradually dissipated in the hands of Elsa, silver bright dice A slight flash, the whole person disappeared from the hall without a trace.


There is no change in the situation of Ayros in this situation, and the contradiction between the arena and the arena is getting deeper and deeper. What makes Aeolos admire is that the crystal man has never torn his face with him, although there is a dispute, but Every time on the edge of the explosion, Crystal Man can always restrain his emotions and make concessions to Aeolos.

Aeolos has been constantly getting in the way, the contradiction between the two sides, only a layer of window paper is not broken. In his case, the identity of returning to the free people has given him countless operational space. He has already had a battlefield for the crystal man. Nothing to ask for, now is the crystal man eager for his stay.

"Fire the boss, this way, our cooperation, I am afraid to stop."

In the background, Aylos, who just won a victory, stopped the crystal man who was arranging the next fight.

The crystal man suppressed his temper. He looked at Aeolos's smiling face. He squeezed out a businessman's smile and said, "What happened, my dear ace."

"The opponent! The nearest opponent is too weak, I am very dissatisfied, and you have lost a lot because of this suspenseful fight? Without the fierce battle, how much less is the audience's reward and consumption? I am There is a share!"

The crystal color on the crystal man's face is white and white, and his anger is no longer added. He can't wait to kill this abominable human. If it wasn't for Aeolos, it killed so many strong people, especially the elf dragon! How could his opponent be so difficult to arrange?

The Elf Dragon is like the virtual Dan of the real Dan!

With this evil case in front, who else will take the virgin gladiator under his hand to the armor of Ayros? Everyone can understand, the crystal man is also very clear, the reason why Aeolos is still in his arena, not because he has feelings for the arena, but Aeolos is trying to consolidate him through battle. The virtual Dan, who was promoted to the virtual Dan, soon needs one powerful opponent to temper his newly acquired virtual power. No one will be stupid enough to give his powerful gladiator to such a monster to be an experience to eat. Drop it.

Previously, Crystal Man could also find some powerful opponents by paying and selling. However, after the death of Elf Dragon, he could never do such a thing. He paid a lot for the death of the Elf Dragon. Starcoin gave the **** old vampire, and, because of the defeat of the Elf Dragon, the price of the strong opponent for Ayros was also raised to a price that crystal people could hardly accept - he was because of the vampire Indemnity has fallen into certain economic difficulties.

Crystal people are actually rich, but the arena is also a machine for burning money. The liquidity that he can use at any time is actually not too much. His assets are mostly reflected in those slave gladiators and his athletics. Real estate, he had just bought a buyout lease for a thousand years from Star Alliance, and after the expiration, his family will have the priority to renew the lease, which cost him more than half of his savings, but This is cost-effective. After his success, everyone is envious of his millennium lease. This is almost a permanent ownership. Not everyone has this ability and qualification! Moreover, time will earn tens of thousands of times for him, or even a million times return, perhaps not only, this number is predictable and unpredictable.

But it is also because of this investment, and the compensation of the vampire, for the Crystal people, is a major blow, and makes his cash flow has a difficult turnaround, of course, this for the crystal It is not a problem for people. In his long life, he has encountered countless similar crises. He has confidence to solve troubles, and the answer to troubles is just in sight.

Aeolos, the guy who created trouble for him, is also his next chance.

Of course, all this is still in the plan.

Looking at the arrogant Aylos, the Crystal Man once again said: "Aeolos, don't worry, I am arranging, a really strong opponent will appear soon, just, you know your current reputation, if The last time you didn't kill the Elf Dragon, it would be easier! Next time, you must listen to me."

Ai Luo Luosi smiled at the crystal man, "As soon as possible, you should know my situation, you should know that there are already other people looking for me, and more than one, burning the boss, I am still now Stay here, just because I am more in love."

The crystal man looked at the back of Aeolos, the anger of his face suddenly disappeared, the ridicule and cold eyes floated into his eyes, ignorant and arrogant, in the gods, but will die.

After killing the Elf Dragon, Aeolos became more and more arrogant, and this is exactly what Crystal people are willing to see. He is constantly arranging the game that makes Aeolos win. Crystal people continue to build Ayros. The horror record of winning, because he is planning a turnaround!

A big game that can solve everything.

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