Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 255: Big words

Wang Zhong’s face did not have the slightest expression and undulation. He was pointed at the head by three handles, and there was no plan to dodge. He asked: "Is this mission a fake? If it is completely false, Why do you want to play with me in Haihuangxing? In this space, you can do it in a hidden way. You can do it directly when you leave the wormhole. You don’t need to disturb the sea star. For you. Isn't it more hidden?"

"Hahaha, Your Highness is too simple to think about the mission of Heaven." Gravenu laughed and said: "Every Tianzun mission has a detailed case, fake? How to make a fake? In case you tell me halfway If you have passed other people, isn't that the handle of my fire demon? The task is of course true, but the content is a little bit small, and the Sea King has not killed any Star Alliance messengers. Instead, it is His Royal Highness. You, you are the first messenger of the Star Alliance to send the Sea King."

"We originally wanted you to let your Highness directly work with the Sea King. The Sea King Star is not as weak as His Royal Highness. As long as I wait for a little water, my Highness will probably be the leader and be directly killed by the angry Sea King. Of course, this is the most perfect script. And even if you can win the attack of the Sea King, you will naturally find a chance to get rid of you in the melee, and then push the death of His Royal Highness to the head of the Sea King. Then I will be the first time for the fire demon to speak for justice and to seek justice. Oh, you have also seen your Highness, the sea emperor is full of half of the sea D-class mechanical fortress, although they are only four and a half civilization However, it is rich and oily. This kind of wealthy still dares to break away from the civilization of the Star Alliance. It is destined to be safe for only ten years, and it is qualified enough for me to fire them for one time. In addition, I will send a message to my Highness, fire. The Mozu did not rise to the fifth-class civilization in the two eras of the Star Alliance. Oh, it is because my Fire Devils have stuck them, that is, they are forced to force them out of the Star Alliance. Otherwise, where is this opportunity for annexation?"

Although I have already speculated on this result, I heard that he has a strong strength in the sea starry sky, but because of the conspiracy of the fire demon family, the two eras have not been able to rise to the fifth-level civilization, and the pharaoh is also in the heart. The water of the Star Alliance is really too deep. The upper layer determines the fate of the bottom layer. Wang Zhong can even imagine that the two eras of the Sea King Star have been targeted so much that they are now forced to leave the Star Alliance. If the earth rises too fast, unless there is a bunch of Jindan strong people sitting strong, it may fall to the same end.

"Your fire demon is really..."

"His Royal Highness, Star Alliance is a place where the weak and the strong food, the weak have the wealth beyond their own, that is the self-inflicted murder, and it is strange that this sea emperor did not know the low-key when he first joined the Star Alliance, otherwise it will always be installed. Poor will not be remembered by our fire demons.” Gravenu said faintly: “This is life, just like your Highness, you are too arrogant. Entering the Tianzun class is good for you, but you also Don't forget, your enemies will be very upset."

A good double-edged sword, it seems that the annexation of the Sea King is the real purpose of the Fire Devils, and he is only because they just picked up the Tianzun mission here, so they hit their guns. Coupled with the contradiction between himself and the Gorefiend family, now that he has entered the Tianzun class, the future is boundless, and the Gorefiends can choose to re-engage with themselves, but they do not understand Wang Zhong, what if the earth man avenged? This kind of person who has ever complained, instead of waiting for him to be strong and then remedy, it is better to rush out before he is not strong, that is the real peace of mind!

"Just because of this? You are starting to be a member of a Tianzun class? Should other ghosts be good to find?"

"This is the second question." Gravenu laughed. "Not exactly, I am just a real Dan. I still don't have access to the core of the family. I don't know much about it. But the Gorefiend and your point." Small grievances, not to let our fire demons take risks by killing the sins of His Royal Highness, can be guessed, should be related to the Tianbei people."

"Tianbei?" Lao Wang brows slightly wrinkled, this is really a bit of an accident, Tianbei people are also related to this matter?

"His Royal Highness knows that the Tianbei people and my fire demon family had married in countless epochs, and they used the power of my fire demon to complement their peerless Dan Dao and become an eight-level civilization. Our two families have come together. There is a time when there will be a gradual weakening of friendship. Now countless epochs have passed, and the two families have already passed the honeymoon period. Instead, the Tianbei people are now very close to the Titans, huh, huh, Titan and me. The Mozus have never been able to deal with them, and they are not pleasing to each other, so... with the wisdom of His Royal Highness, you should know what these mean."

Gravenu points to the end, saying that there is no further in-depth discussion here. Even in this closed space that is completely under his control, some topics and some characters are not directly advertised by him. This is a kind of self. Control, today you said in a confined space, you will be able to say goodbye on the outside occasions tomorrow. For those taboo topics, whether or not there is an ear in the wall, do not declare it in any place or in front of anyone, this is the most basic alertness.

But when it comes to this kind of thing, Wang Zhong can fully understand what he means.

To put it bluntly, the friendship and mutual help between the Tianbei and the Fire Devils have been exhausted many years ago. Now they are living in a high position in the Star Alliance. There must be political differences or differences in interests. It will gradually accumulate and become deeper and deeper. Now it must have reached another level of irreconcilability. Otherwise, the Tianbei people will not make frequent exchanges with the Titans in the past few years. This kind of stationing thing, no civilization will be hasty, even the ordinary people below, the Xingmeng Baizu I know that the two families have been handed over, and the upper layer must have already stood on the same line. This undoubtedly means that the Tianbei people have been squatting in the dark and the fire demon, and Wang Zhong is the optimistic person of Tianbei, and she personally promoted into the Tianzun class. For the fire demon, Wang Zhong is A threat, if he really becomes a strong future, it must belong to the Tianbei tribe. This potential enemy, the Fire Devil wants to take the lead, is not surprising.

As for the crime of killing His Royal Highness, their high-level officials must know what is going on, but as long as they are concealed, who can take them without evidence? After all, Wang Zhong is just a Tianbei clan, not a Tianbei! It is unlikely that the Tianbei people will open their faces directly to the Fire Devils because of an unacceptable crime.

The fire devil's hand is actually quite accurate. It belongs to the game of playing the ball, so that the Star Alliance has no evidence, and the Tianbei people can't use it. It is also used to test the bottom line of the Tianbei people and test the evil between the two communities. The extent of the degree, is it possible to turn your face at any time...

The road inside is deep, and Pharaoh just thinks a little, and he feels that he is very afraid of thinking. He will be designated by the Fire Devils as a substitute for the devil. It is really not at all embarrassing.

"Well, what's the third question for Your Highness?" Gravenu smiled and looked at Wang Zhong.

But seeing Wang Zhong, who was pointed by the three-handed instrument, the vain that was just unwilling to face, but his face showed a faint smile.

"No need." Wang reappeared: "I didn't ask the third question, so I don't need to tell you about my secret. I am very credible, even if it is for you, I have no words. habit."

Gravenu glimpsed a little, although it was expected that Wang Zhonghui would renege on his words, but he did not expect to play such a hand with himself. He also insulted himself to be a garbage. He said that there was no wording... The face of Graventu was suddenly poured. Down: "Do you play me?"

"Just play you!" A momentum that is completely different from the ordinary virtual Dan has been faintly dissipated from Wang Zhong. The faces of three people, such as Iro, have changed slightly. They can feel the other side easily break free. The human's spiritual pressure control, only listening to Wang Zhong coldly said: "On the status of identity theory, you are just a sprinting dog's leg of the eight-level civilization, and dare to yell in front of Laozi, ignoring the humble, playing with you so what!"

"Fuck!" The demon of the fire demon family is strong, and the captain of a certain identity in the Star Alliance Guards. How many times have you received this? Rao is that Graventu is not weak, but he can't help but scream: "Don't keep your hand, kill me for him!"

Without the command of Graven, the three Gorefiends are the main body of the assassination. They have been prepared. The weakness of Wang Qiang was to make them a little careless. But at this moment, it is worthy of being able to stand up in the Gorefiend. 'Deep untestable', the assessment of the peak of the real Dan!

What can be done to break through the space of the three high-level real Dans? Any high-level real Dan strong can easily do this, the real killing is not here, not the previous exploratory attack.


I saw that the instruments in the hands of the three people suddenly shone, and the light was shining in an instant.

The light of the blue dagger in the hands of Igao has skyrocketed by dozens of times in an instant, directly shaping! Originally only a few feet long dagger has turned into a huge sword with a length of more than ten meters and a few meters wide. It contains far more power than the ordinary high-order real Dan. The instantaneous attacking spiritual value exceeds the foot. Five million! It’s just that the skyrocketing light has spread to the king and has to pierce him directly!

On the left and right sides are two powerful weapons with powerful flames. One is like a cup, and there is a flaming flame from the mouth of the cup. Like the sharp arrow of the same handle, pull out the long number in the air. The end of the 100-meter flame, the speed of killing is amazing! Wiener is slightly lower than Iro's sword. It seems that only 4 million in the early spiritual value attack, but it wins in the strength of the element. If it is against some opponents with less fire resistance, this killing power is never better than Igoro’s three million attacks are low!

The other is like a knife-shaped shape of the flame. When the air is falling, the power of the flame knife spreads tens of meters long, and the offensive is overwhelming and overbearing! Flexibility may be slightly weaker than Iro's sword, but the direct power attack seems to be even more above Iro! That horrible power is definitely more than five million spiritual power, and even a lot of surplus overflows!

This is not the power of the three high-level real Dan strong, the ordinary high-order real Dan, the three million spiritual value has come to an end, Ihoro and other three as the blood demon family, the talent is not weak It can be up to 3.5 million or so, and having 3 million spiritual powers does not mean that you can hit 3 million attacks. You can use such a terrible attack. The instrument is obviously more important and takes up more. Big weight!

The three attacks are in no particular order. Obviously, they have excellent tacit understanding. They are almost at the same time rushing to the front of the pharaoh, let alone the virtual Dan, even the ordinary high-order real Dan, even the peak of the real Dan have to Enough! But the princess's mouth is only a slight tilt, the world of debris has long been connected to the mind, just a moment of thought turned, a giant black epee has appeared in his hands.

falling stars!

The three attacks came and went fast and fast. It was just a flash of thought. When the fallen stars were in the hands of Wang Zhong, the three attacks had already been killed.

Wang Zhong seems to have no intention of fighting, sinking rapidly.

"Do you want to hide it?" Iro's attack was the first to arrive. There was no pause because the king was dodging the attack. The whole person turned into a blue shadow. The steering did not affect his attack speed, even Because of the change of direction, let the other two companions have a slower half-shooting attack, and keep up with him!

Graf's brow was slightly wrinkled at this time.

The attack in which the three times are different, and the attack positions are different, will make the opponent more troublesome. However, just by the fine-tuning of the position of the king, the three attacks with the same level are simultaneously synchronized and become simultaneously The air is chopped back to the king's back. Although the power of the combined attack is definitely greater, there is a lack of change and multiple lines. The opponents are actually easier to dodge or defend. The guys of the Golems never know the brain. Come to fight, even if it becomes a real Dan. That earth person is really not simple, can enter the Tianzun class, at least this combat experience and consciousness is far from being comparable to ordinary fighters.

I saw that the three attacks of the combined attack instantly gathered. Although the three pieces of the instrument were different, they were driven by the Gorefiends. Their own similar atmosphere and complement each other, the power was further enhanced, just like the meteors in the air, the speed exploded. More than doubled, chasing the king back!

Pharaoh's moving speed can't be compared with this horrible attack speed. At this time, it is no longer dodging, the wrist is turned, the epee is sloppy, the body is squatting, and the huge sword body of the fallen star is like a thick and incomparable Shield protects the back.

The air-blue-red two-color spiral alternates, and the flame knife that smashes in the air is as strong as a small sun. All attacks fall into Wang Zhong’s epee in an instant.


The sound of the sound bursts in a moment, filling the entire enclosed space, so that all sounds are distorted in this horrible sound.

The three attacks slammed like a stout light beam. The black epee seemed to have no resistance in this horrible attack, and was instantly rushed to the ground.


The solid ground was cracked and the attack of the light column continued!

"Well? Actually resisted?"

"What is that instrument?"

I saw Wang Zhong’s legs squatting, and the epee on his back was not broken under the attack of the three major instruments. The fallen star is a relatively special seven-item instrument. If it is in terms of hardness and strength, the fallen star is even stronger than a lot of six-products, but this instrument itself lacks extra additional functions, and it is quite heavy. It is not easy to swing, there are these two flaws, so it is cheaper to sell in the seven-productor.

Although the instrument is not broken, it is a weapon and not a real defensive device. The heavy force of the three attacks is finally passed on. The Rao is the explosion of the deified cells, which can be emanating at this moment. There is also a feeling of being unable to stand up. The tyrannical power of that stock is constantly flowing. The natural gap between Shidan and Dandan is not so easy to cross, let alone a pair of three...

"A virtual dan with an enemy three, facing three real Dans can actually resist a moment." Granvintu's mouth has a smile, it is worthy of being able to enter the genius of Tianzun class, according to the usual common sense, Tianzun class Your Highness, you must be treated as a real Dan, you must be treated as a golden Dan. As for the Golden Dan, it is the highest peak of the land, and it can be compared with the elders of all ethnic groups. Terror exists. This earth man had no name before, and entering the Tianzun class with the virtual Dan has caused quite a lot of criticism at the top, but now it seems that he does qualify for the Tianzun class.

Lao Wang originally wanted to keep one hand. After all, the fire demon who has never shot is the existence that makes Lao Lao’s heart really secretly jealous. At this time, he feels the pressure from the three real Dans in the air. If it is hidden again, now This is going to pass.


The old king's spiritual power turned, the original vain vain flashed instantly, half of it was fire, half was ice cold, and ice and fire were handed over. Two pairs of huge wings slammed out from behind him, extending the scope of the black epee, and the power level suddenly changed. !

The real body and the normal state are completely different levels. When the real body appears, the amount of spiritual power may not change much, but in the 'quality' it can be changed instantly!

"Bright real body?" The three bloodsucker killers in the air have already noticed this change.

The power under the same conditions, the fight is the racial talent, the fight is the race blood. Why do high-ranking civilizations always override higher civilizations? The same Jindan, the same realm and practice, the golden civilization of higher civilization is to be stronger, that is because the quality of spiritual power is different! The higher the level of civilization, the higher the quality of spiritual power, embodied in the purity, weight, and brilliance of spiritual power, and the body is more abundant and natural, and stronger. The same attack of one million spiritual powers attacks in the same way, but the destructive power of others is ten times more than yours, and it is also natural to suppress you, just like the difference in life level, just like letting your mouse see the cat. .

"The four-level civilization, the monkeys whose primary evolution has not been completed, dare to fight with my blood devils!"

"The light is two pairs of energy wings, and there is no change in appearance. Is this true?"

"Low civilization is a low civilization. Even if an individual is outstanding, he can't get rid of the shackles and limits of civilization and cannot surpass it."

"The same bright body, my blood demons will only be stronger!"

In the eyes of the three people of Iro, the murderousness of the three men was also rising.



There are also three glare bursts in the air.

Three heads and six arms are real! Blood Golem Phantom! The sky is like a real body!

The three real bodies erupted in the air at the same time. Against the sacred priest of a Tianzun class, the three men never looked at each other as a weak imaginary dan, and did not dare to have the slightest wish. The king could not reproduce the true body. They also The same reservation is made in order to deal with it steadily. At this time, the energy level is also qualitatively changed. The light column formed by the aircraft in the air is more than several times thicker in an instant, and the power is multiplied. The black epee must be worn together with Wang Zhong!

But the fiercely pressed light column was slightly stunned at this time. The three people only felt the black epee that had been suppressed and could not be moved. At this time, it was gently swayed and twisted under heavy pressure, as if completely ignoring the three attacks. The pressure of the rushing, the rushing unsatisfactory undershooting force was gently and skillfully biased, and the road surface was bombarded to the side below!

"What power is this?!" Iro was shocked. The power of the traction was eccentric, although the 'quantity' was not too big, but the 'quality' was so high that it was so scary. He Luo is a very noble feeling. The spiritual power of the three attacks is not forced to be biased by the other party. It is the subtle automatic avoidance of the subconscious in the face of the incomparable 'prestige' spirit. Although it is only a very weak sense of avoidance, it has already been used by the other side, and the homeopathic attack will be biased, and there will be no effort at all!

The three attack forces have already died. At this time, it is too late to take the move. Iro is just a moment of brainstorming. He sees the position of the three-person attack, and the black epee flashes.


Wang Zhonglian and the epee instantly disappeared together, and at the same time, a circle of black light has already drawn a black arc in the sky!

The attack of the three Gorefiend killers was one of the same. Their pupils were magnified in an instant, but their mouths opened but they couldn’t make a sound, revealing an incredible color.

Followed by, oh...

The three heads were separated from their shoulders at the same time. The three figures were planted from the air and fell heavily on the ground.

Surrounded by silence, it seems as if the earth-shattering battle did not exist at all. Only the three beaches on the ground are left, the process is too fast, and even the Graven map in the distance is not available. Can rescue in time.

Wang Zhong hangs in the air, two huge energy wings spread out behind him, fluttering in the air, the king is full of expression, as if killing is just three ants, cold eyes looking directly at the distant Graven.

"Good sword." After a full silence for ten seconds, Graventu slowly opened his mouth: "It seems that the Tianbei people really value you, and even give something far beyond your strength... This is the six products. Instrument? Is it still five?"

It is not that Gravento has no vision. It is obviously a virtual Dan of a lower civilization. Even if he has overestimated him, he will be elevated to the level of the peak of Shidan, but the killing of that moment is still too ridiculous. Gravento did not feel the tyrannical power of Wang Zhong’s use. The Gorefiend trio seemed to be stunned in an instant, as if something was disturbing the mindset and emotions. This must be the epee. Weird on the top. And if it is a tool for six or even five products, it is not surprising to cooperate with the strength of His Royal Highness, and to kill three ordinary real Dans.

"There is a lot of nonsense." Wang Zhong's faint opening: "The next one is you."

"I? Hehe... hahahahaha!!"

"Districts, I don't know how to be honest, I dare to speak up!" Glaven diagram is just a slight glimpse, and then the pleasant laughter has reverberated in the whole space: "You killed a few Gorefiends, but it saved me a lot of effort." Because in the plan, they would have to accompany you to die in order to marry the sea star!"

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Chapter 255 is a big statement (page 1/1)

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