Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 31: Cannon fodder

Wang Zhong’s control theory is relatively high-end. For most people, it is still at the stage of how to improve the output of the soul force. It is a bit far from the problem they control.

Shermi has already realized that it is not worth mentioning. Wang Zhong just pointed her way, but the problem is that before Wang Zhong did not specify, she really did not think about it. In fact, her soul The characteristics of force are most suitable for this kind of control. It is meaningless to add dozens of Grasso to the stage of Charmi, but if you can achieve the effect that Wang Hao said, the power is comparable to entering the spirit period.

At the thought of this, Shirmi was very hot, very excited, and her teammates looked at each other and the big sister was big. What happened?

Wang Zhong’s days have returned to calm, or restored invisibility, including in the Qi’an Society. Ma Dong and Glei are now the people of Tianjing College. Everyone is also a bit new and old, and the old holy ruling is too inactive. Qiqi Society is indeed a completely different set, novelty and active, plus Ma Dong is such a great president, very popular with new people, Gly is the signature of the wonderful company, the value of the role, and the character is good, for anyone They are very patient and deeply loved by their sisters.

Wang Zhong is taking classes as usual, practicing the cross wheel, watching some combat videos, and the contact with Shirmi also makes him realize the difference of family children. Many of his combat skills are self-seeing and comprehensive, and some are In the game with Simba, it is very complicated and not systematic, and each family has its own all-round offensive and defensive system. These routines are all tempered, but unfortunately no one can touch them.

Although the battle in the op last year ended in failure, it still provided a lot of experience for Wang Zhong. Of course, watching other people’s videos is also a very important part, but these are not comparable to personal battles. valuable.

Emily's character is somewhat unexpected. I used to remember that it was a little girl who loves it. This time is really impressive. Every day, I am serious about class training. It’s the opposite of Ma Dong’s. I have time to discuss the fighting experience with Wang Zhong. Barron still completed the task of Ma Dong’s accounting step by step. Because of the rise of the wonderful society, he also had popularity in the new life. Of course, the pressure was not small. In the first round of training, many people were eliminated, and he actually stayed. It’s down.

After completing the course for one day, the whole world was quiet, and Simba in the soul of the sea was still sleeping quietly, and the battle still had to continue.

Although I don't know how much fighting energy is accumulated, I don't know how to use the roulette. But he can't stop, at least this is the only thing he knows about Simba.

The op training room is unusually lively. In fact, the more the level of colleges like Tianjing, the more enthusiasm students have for op, most of which are pinning their hopes on it.

About ten minutes, Wang Zhong found a room and entered op.

The strong king of the mouth is on the line again.

After defeating Costan, the mouth of the king has become a phenomenon, the first time in the op appeared an all-around warrior.

Melee and distant warfare have shown unimaginable power, especially when using a lower level of soul power.

However, due to the recent winning percentage, every opponent behind the strong king will be the leader of this generation of free federation. If he was a rookie, cannon fodder, opponent and contempt, after he defeated Costan. All of this has vanished.

Even some powerful body families don't know what kind of power is the double strength, but he has defeated the reloading of Costan.

From now on, the strong king will no longer have the previous treatment. The opponent he meets will treat him as a master of the same level, and will not be scrupulous because the other party’s soul is “weaker”. Once you run into it, go all out.

The existence of the strong king has touched the glory of the entire elite. It seems that the elite segment is nothing remarkable. They will still have a day of being squandered by the cannon fodder.

This is also derived from the strength of the free federation. The elite is so high that the cannon fodder is high and unattainable. This is beyond doubt, but the cannon fodder segment accounts for 90% of the op, and has been suppressed forever. The soldiers in the cannon ash section have a dream in mind, that is, one day, they can stand in front of the elite masters and let them look up.

Of course this is not a dream, it is a fantasy.

But what if it is realized?

From all the way to doubts and mistrust, to the present, no matter what the outside world said, how to guess, the mouth of the king has been mad all the way to the present, the style has not changed, the attitude has not changed, for him this is a battle.

However, many elites, this is a kind of challenge. Whether it is the master of the mouth is the real master trumpet, or the cannon fodder that suddenly awakens the epiphany, these are not important. What is important is that he has shaken the dignity of the elite.

It seems that there is nothing unattainable in the elite section, and there is nothing worthy of being forced, because you will also be slammed and will be slammed by a gun called the strong king of the mouth.

Do you mean these people who are strong in the mouth?

The strong king is a signal.

Wang Zhong only went to 6, and he listened to the noise outside.

"Come on, don't hesitate to stay here for so long!"

"The buddy is also, just to wait for him, otherwise this will go to the sister."

"Grandma's, Laozi graduated this year, and has already planned to change jobs to do logistics. Maybe he has no hope of dreaming for a lifetime, but at least he can watch the strong king go all the way."

Too many people The students of the English Soul Academy came out. If it is a cannon gray section, it has not changed life. It may be better than ordinary human beings, but it is far from the core of the world.

For them, the four-year life of the British Soul Academy is the end of a good life, the entire free federation, and even the entire human world, here is the place that best reflects fairness and freedom. Once left, everyone has to Face a cruel world.

So this kind of expectation becomes extraordinarily important. It is certainly no problem to survive. But when people are alive, they often save a hope.

The strong king of the mouth unconsciously conquered a large number of such cannons.

The same is true at Tianjing College. This is why there are so many people recently, many cannons, and the hopeless seniors are watching. They used to have such dreams, and hope that one day they will become heroes of the storm, but No.

Wang Zhong listened to the cheers outside, and the shouts of the strong king were really inexplicable, but he couldn’t help but smile. In fact, he was very happy inside.

Perhaps, for those who don’t know him, but who support him, he must fight hard.

Who is the next opponent?

Unconsciously, some people have already appeared, and it is rare to see the figures of the elite elites who are on the high side.

(Thanks to "the moon is asking for the devil", "the social man has two knives", "the heart does not jump, there is no medicine", "the sacred charm of justice", "the descendant of the sun", "big words, a raccoon love Wukong", 100,000 people per person, the achievement of the fighting tyrants, hegemony!!!

Thanks to oooooobao's 100,000 rewards, the achievement of the first battle of the main lord of the avant-garde, dominate the world!

Partners, double the next day, continue to fight, still five, and ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you very much! ) (to be continued.)

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