Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Old bird

Danger? pressure? Equal to fear? Nonono!

The pressure of the c-level restricted zone itself is not so great. After all, they only survive, not to resist or clear up, and to encounter powerful mutant beasts, especially when the weapons of this kd heavy industry appear. They all grew up in an unprecedented way.

Everyone is very excited now, and even a few of them are more cautious, and they are all driven in such an atmosphere.

They are training all day long. They have no interest in it. I think that this place is actually a real battle. This is the real experience, and with so many people, powerful weapons, what can stop them?

Reeves watched the crowd and looked at Wang Zhong and Glei again. The corner of his mouth always had a faint smile. Heyman’s choice was a bit unexpected, but there was nothing, maybe a little small, but Can not affect the overall situation, everything is in their own grasp, he is now more and more looking forward to the fun of hunting in the Lake District.

The armored vehicles were flying, and more than five hours' drive, the people finally arrived at the nearest restricted area of ​​Tianjing, the burial lake area.

As a b-level restricted area, you can see the difference between this area and other places from a long distance.

The mysterious dimension of power gathers here under the influence of a strange rule, forming a hemisphere with a diameter of about six hundred miles and a dark gray. The inside and outside are obviously two colors, two worlds.

Ordinary people are definitely not able to enter the restricted area. Even if it is a c-level restricted area, the radiation contained in the dimensional force is much stronger than the outside wilderness. At least two to three times rich, this can be seen from the two circles by the naked eye. The obvious color difference between the domains can be seen.

As the vehicles got closer and closer, all the students couldn’t help but be excited and nervous. Everyone heard a lot about the various restricted areas, but just like the last time they saw the refugee camp, they saw it and saw it in person. It was the first time that everyone was quiet, and everyone was quiet, staring at the barrier that was getting closer.

When the off-road vehicle penetrated the barrier, all kinds of feelings immediately followed.

The first is to feel the body sinking, the oncoming wind pressure instantly increases by two or three times. The dimensional force or the density of dark matter filled in the air is obviously larger than the ordinary outside air, which makes people feel that when they move at high speed in the car, they come from The resistance in the air is significantly increased, and the gravitational pull from the earth is also increasing, almost as much as the gravity.

The second is breathing. The air here is filled with a bit of sour taste. With a little bit of corrosiveness, when you just get into the habit, every breath feels like a knife in the nose, but the magic is that it is similar. Sulfuric acid-like air breathes into the lungs, but it does not cause any damage to the lungs, but it feels very refreshing from the inside.

The next step is the radiation factor that permeates the entire region. This kind of thing is available all over the world, but its concentration is different. It has the protection of the striated array in the towns of the free federation. The radiation factor is the thintest, even the average person. Not aware of it. The second is the vast wilderness. Ordinary people may feel uncomfortable or even mutated if they stay for a long time, but they still don't feel anything about new humans.

It can be different in the restricted area. Almost everyone immediately feels the itching from the skin. This is only the most superficial. What is even more terrifying is that these radiation factors can penetrate into the body through the skin. The volume is too small, as small as the old times said molecules or even atomic structure, but with a strong destructive and swallowing assimilation.

The role of the soul force immediately became apparent. The power from the soul sea was stimulated by these radiation factors, and the automatic body protection quickly drove these 'invaders' out of the body.

"Itching is difficult to avoid, it is best not to scratch, the more it will be more itchy, otherwise it is common to scratch the skin and even scratch the flesh and blood." Sitting in the three cars of Grace, Marku The brothers are trying to guide these rookies into the restricted area: "The soul will automatically drive out the intrusive radiation factors out of the body, but pay attention to the control of their own emotions and even the soul. If you panic, it is easy to consume a lot of Soul. Hold on, stay for two or three days, the body will get used to it, then it will be much easier."

Although it is easy to say, but it is not easy to do, the skin is itching, it is not ordinary people, although it is very uncomfortable, but this self-control is still there, mainly the control of the soul.

I have not personally entered the dimensional exclusion zone, and have not personally experienced this level of radiation factor. Even the new human beings with the soul power, it is difficult to control the soul power consumption of the anti-radiation factor within a balanceable range. .

Generally speaking, if the control is good, such loss can be completely smoothed by the normal recovery speed, but if it is the transition loss, the problem will be big. Don't say that the exhaustion of the soul will lose the fighting power, and then the soul will be lost. The protection of force is that these radiation factors are enough to make new humans crippled or even deadly.

The radiation factor of the restricted area can be seen in any related textbook. The method of controlling the soul is not a secret, but although everyone has been mentally prepared even experienced twice or even three times The laboratory experience of radiation, but sitting in the lab, and in the bumpy car in the restricted area, there is a huge difference between the physiological state and the mental state.

After entering the restricted area, almost half of the people still feel the pressure from this aspect. Many people can no longer leisurely watch the changes in the surrounding scenery, try to calm down the mood, close their eyes, and grasp the last time to adapt to this as soon as possible. all.

I have to say that the first stage of training is a good way to manage the greenhouse diseases of everyone, so that they can deal with it all.

Wang Zhong’s situation is still good. In the five-person group, except for Barron’s frowning, the other four are still relatively easy, whether they are Emily, who was born from a small family, or a hidden Glei. The fine control of the soul force is far from being comparable to that of ordinary students. Not to mention Wang Zhong’s classmates. The fine control of the soul force is the specialty of his specialty, and with his horror soul, he simply Not afraid of any form of consumption.

Heyman is quite special. She patted the shoulders of Barron, and Barron immediately felt that there was a cold meaning spreading around the body. Although this low temperature could not completely isolate the invasion of radiation factors, it obviously weakened it. Part of it, Barron felt that the pressure on the whole body was light, and even the tingling sensation of the skin stopped in the cool feeling.

"Thank you, Haiman Sister!"

"Don't say that there is nothing, called Man Sister!" Heyman smiled, she is also expressing her sincerity like this team.

The abilities of the abilities, many times, are not limited to the battlefield. (To be continued.)u

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