Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 41: trap

The three-eyed knives flashed a smack on the face, but still stretched out the big hand, **** the two young men back like a chicken, while at the same time smearing a gas mask-like hood over his head. on.

The two young people suddenly became Land Wars and Adams, and suddenly they woke up and looked blank.

At this time, the knife and other people also brought a gas mask at this time. The man with the big iron was placed on the ground to start debugging.

The feeling of being tempted just now made Lu Zhantian’s vest cool, and after a while, the land warfare forced to calm down: “I didn’t see the monster you said? No problem?”

"No one has dared to question our ability." Knife said coldly: "As long as the signal source you provide is no problem, I promise that they will live the third day, whether it is in the hands of the monster, or me. In your hands, you only need to prepare the remaining commission, then look at it with your eyes wide open!"

The land war has set the gods and restored a few calms: "Oh, the three-eyed gold signboard I certainly believe that the tail is ready, as long as it is smooth, I personally add five thousand and thirty cans... signal source Certainly no problem, when they first set off, the people I was over there sent through Tianxun, and they have been determined again and again."

The third eye that looked like a sarcoma shook his face, nodded, and walked over to the strong man who was debugging the instrument. He saw his hands flashing on the instrument and typing on the black screen. A ripple of a circle scan appears, followed by five red spots, and the entire screen changes, and the scanned image of the entire forbidden zone appears on the screen.

Next to the eyes of the land war, staring at the five red spots on the screen.

The debugger's hand has eight fingers, and it operates on the screen. It seems to be connected to the five red spots with some kind of wave frequency signal. His mouth is raised with a smile, dazzling operation, and the restricted area on the screen. The map is undergoing subtle changes as he changes.

Lu Tiantian’s eyes lit up, and his knife smirked and leaned down against the big tree behind him: “Easy to work, wait for them to come to the door now!”


A pile of fragrant flesh with a strange taste was placed on the fire, the fragrance spreads arbitrarily, and the jungle quickly wears a sound of slyness. There are one or two hundred small eyes with green light in the dark. Light up, carefully approaching the source of the aroma.

The mutant mouse, a piece of translucent white crystal on the forehead, like the size of a rice grain, is showing their level of variation.

Compared with the new human evolutionary, the mutant organism has a more strict and clear hierarchical classification. In essence, any mutant organism is transformed by the dimensional force like human beings, and a large number of dimensional forces are generated in the body. Soul power.

Whether it is through the transformation of dimensional power, genetics, or devouring the same kind, a large number of dimensional forces gather in them, but there is no human cultivation means to divert, which will cause a large number of dimensional power surplus.

In the dark ages of the beginning, most of these excess energy will explode their bodies, causing them to die directly, but with the slow evolution and adaptation, and genetic modification from generation to generation, mutational biology will have a completely different evolutionary path from human beings. They can crystallize these excess forces directly, and most of them will directly appear on the forehead. The stronger the crystallization power, the stronger their body, and the energy that can be stored in the crystal during combat. Very incomparable.

The Federation collects the body of the mutant beast in order to extract energy. The dimensional power crystallization is definitely the purest, but the bones can also be extracted, and these extracted energy eventually become a powerful weapon for human beings.

The current mutant beast has a regular atmosphere of nine steps, one to three orders are equivalent to the new human soul casting period, four to six orders are the soul period, seven to nine steps are the soul period, but the mutant beast is stronger than the same human More powerful, after all, the use of power, animals are inherently stronger than humans.

In the group of mutant mice that appear at present, the crystal color is mostly in a state of translucent and white, ranging from the first to the second, and more like the cannon ash mutant without the dimensional crystal.

The rodents are always timid, even if they are mutated, but they are alert, slowly approaching the source of the aroma, and after confirming that there is no danger, several first-class mutant mice are the first to rush to the flesh on the fire, behind them. The rats swarmed out, and at this time, seven or eight arrows suddenly shot from the treetops, accompanied by several gunshots, and instantly hit several levels of targets!

The cold arrows that were prepared and surrounded by the perfect angle of bullet formation, the killing of the mutant mouse in the blink of an eye was caught off guard. The three first-class mutant rats were shot by powerful arrows at the same time. The aroma of the temptation made them temporarily over-examined, even without I had to work with the crystallization force to resist, and I was pierced by an arrow, and directly nailed it to the ground. Although it was not dead for a while, it was so painful and screaming. The other two were lucky to escape, but they were also smashed. , knocked over to the ground, the rats were shocked and confused.


At the same time, the two figures on the treetop were rushed down by lightning. The two slashing knives respectively blocked the two secondary mutant mice that had just been attacked by the wolf. The mutant rats that were in panic obviously did not play their dues. The strength, has not stabilized the body shape has been cut off the throat!

Two secondary mutant mice instantly exposed the murderous light, madly screaming a layer of visible white frost covered their necks, forming a layer of protection there.

It’s a pity that the bullets that hit them just hit them, and the speed of the knife was too fast. This layer of frost protection was a slow shot, only a half of the position, violent The tearing sensation has come from the throat.

Kaulby can clearly feel the hardness of the frosted skin, it seems to be a bit harder than the rock!

But he knows that the chance of a raid just now is only a moment. Kaulby will move the soul force to the peak in this moment. The high-grade symbolic weapon from KD Heavy Industry has played a great role at this time. The perfect soul force transmission makes this knife Faster, more powerful, and sharper blades are many times more common than ordinary daggers!

Despite the strong resistance, the cold mangence finally shines brightly, with the blood splashing out of the big canopy. The very powerful second-class mutant mouse has not had time to send out the screams of death, and the head has already moved with the body!

Kaulby did not stop, and another assassin who landed at the same time stretched the butcher knife to the ground and was stabbed to death on the ground. The three other first-class mutant rats who were flustered and unprepared, pity these mutant creatures, should have With ample fighting power, there is no chance to even fight back!

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