Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Fighting roulette

When Luo Zhen stupidly rushed over, the head, ribs, and even the lower body, these fatal factors are exposed to the attack range of the strong king of the mouth. It can be said that the power of the double force can be killed instantly, why choose the abdomen?

This is the most deadly. ○

Because Luo Zhen is too focused on attack, too confident, that the opponent did not completely defeat his own possibility, his soul power invested too little in defense, so the mouth of the king chose a place that is not the key to attack.

The result is still a fatal blow.

Is it a bit stupid to reveal so many flaws in life and death?

Of course, stupid words like Costan will not be used, but when this analysis video comes out, Luo Zhen is really a complete negative teaching material. The more the last moment, the more calm, the more conceited, this is every The old school of the colleges, the elite, or the reloaded Luozhen, even so arrogant to let out the empty door...

He is facing a strong king!

This is a man who can make a miracle even if he only has legs!

Originally just a lively discussion area, an instant explosion, Ke Sitan's video was instantly pushed to no.1, and even the popularity of Costan has improved a lot. No way, I am afraid of contrast, a comparison will know, Luo Zhen loses It makes sense for Cosit, although the salary has been a holiday, and has become a new ability, but the overall combat literacy is still a level. ◇

At this time, look at the mouth of the king?

One arm is injured, dare to be confident and random?

What is this again?

It seems that I have never paid this in school!

Another question has come out again. Who can make the mouth strong king injured?

When the op forum was noisy, Luozhen had disappeared, and it was impossible to come out at this time. It was not a stressful battle method, but a guilty guilty. The war of the king of the mouth was once again refurbished. Technical library. △◇△□

In the federation, the attack method is rarely placed on the leg. Although the leg strength is greater, everyone is more willing to concentrate on the upper body. The lower part is mainly defense and movement, and the strong king of the mouth once again gives everyone a surprise, perhaps here. The side really needs to be strengthened, and some college instructors have begun to pay attention.

Wang Zhong is already on the way to the hospital. Op has nothing to do with him. It is very dangerous to fight with injuries. However, he has no choice. The situation of Barron is not suitable for delay. He thought that he needed to play two more games in op. At the end of the game, the energy scale of the fate roulette was already full.

The use of fate roulette, Wang Zhong is more clear than before, since Simba handed him to him, he has this kind of enlightenment, when the energy is full, you can make a judgment, a is the demand after success, b It is the punishment after the failure. The harder it is, the greater the cost of b. The sacrifice of Simba was not in his judgment, but in the forced start, with the heavy fighting power of Wang Zhong, the eight generations also gathered the fighting energy. The problem now is that the restoration of Soul Sea really does not know what the cost is. △◇△□

Barron's ward was quiet, and one looked at the window, very tired. It was better to live like this. He didn't want other people to worry, so he was very strong, but he was really tired.

This look, Wang Zhong understands, is really understanding, once he was lying in a hospital bed, turning over may be a luxury when it is also such a look, death is a relief, but can not, because it will bring to those who care about him Pain, so he laughs too.

For a while, Barron discovered Wang Zhong, and was very happy to hold up: "Schoolmaster, how come you!"

Wang Zhong smiled and Barron’s mental state was good. This is very difficult for patients who have already begun to collapse. This pain does not know, but it is absolutely the most difficult for new humans.

Hayman came to help Barron every day. Although there is a lot of water, the water has a mild and soothing effect. "I said, I will find a way. □△□"

"Schoolmaster, do you really find a way?" Barron’s voice was a little bit trembled, because he was actually desperate, but there was such a hint of luxury in his heart, and the way Wang Wang said was there. .

Sometimes, the so-called hope is just a reason to live for yourself, whether it is for parents or for those who care about themselves, but I did not expect that Wang Zhong’s seniors actually came to him with a method. And, still so fast!

"Exactly, I don't know if this is a good solution, because it is very dangerous." Wang Zhong said.

Barron smiled. "Schoolmaster, you should know me the most. I am even worse than death. I told the doctor that, like me, it will continue to deteriorate, or it will become a madman, or it will still be Death, in fact, I am also the date of these few months."

The king nodded. "I won't talk nonsense, ... in case, what do you want to stay!"

Barronton paused and smiled. "Schoolmaster, remember the words you said to me in the woods?"

Wang Zhongwei slightly glimpsed.

"Baron, you are their wall!" Barron's eyes were firm and calm, without any impulse: "I did it, I am very proud, there has never been anything that makes me feel so confident! Even lying in hospital beds these days As long as I think of the battle that night, I will be excited at any time! I don't regret it!"

"So the seniors I don't want to be a waste anymore," Barron said categorically: "I want to be a warrior, whether it is dead or alive!"

The king nodded. He felt that Barron’s change after the battle was completely different from that when he first entered the college. He might still be the honest and honest Barron, but in his eyes, Wang Zhong I can't see inferiority and cowardice.

It’s like going through a baptism and transforming him from the inside out!

For the sake of good fortune, Wang Zhong suddenly felt that this was not a good thing.

"good luck!"

Wang Zhong whispered, he closed his eyes, the fate of the soul in the sea of ​​the sea started instantly!

There is a feeling of stagnation in the world. One white and one black and two rays shine from Wang Zhong’s body, filling the entire ward, as if the whole ward is divided into two, white on the left and black on the right!

And Barron's pupil has been enlarged, everything around it is quiet, and at the same time, the black and white two colors representing the fate of the hand began to rotate and alternate in the room, and countless massive information rushed into Wang Zhong's mind!

a. Soul Sea Recovery. b. Life is exhausted

This is the rule, not too unexpected, the price must be great, but for Barron, death is not terrible, his face still carries a confident smile.

Wang Zhong can feel that this black and white alternation represents many strange rules and forces. It is so vast that he even thinks that even if he can only grasp the little information here, he can have an incredible leap.

White represents a lucky judgment, and Baron’s soul revives! Black represents failure, and the price of failure is endless darkness, death!

(Partners, the sixth is sent, double the last three hours, and the partners of the monthly ticket, support, thank you!) (to be continued.) [End of this chapter]

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