Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 86: Handsome guy's gap

Principal Green gave a slight glimpse, and his frowning seemed to be thinking about the name of this familiar name. He suddenly slammed his head: "The Sain family's Adenus?! This year's seventeen 9.5 or more soul-grown newcomers. One, isn't this kid in Capofield City, and the first hometown college is not in, is it actually robbed by your college?"

Bradley laughed: "Old classmates, look at things to be an accident! You don't know that in the city of Cabo Fiel, the Cien family and the Porter family have not dealt with it?"

"Yes, the captain of Capofield College is Lola's girl." President Green suddenly realized: "They Sain family did not do the Potter's metamorphosis, so this kid wants to win the Jura on the chf?" ”

"So our Adolf Academy is his only choice!" Bradley smiled smugly. This is a killer. In fact, there is nothing to lose. It’s just that the rhythm doesn’t know where it’s not right. Of course, the small Sain insurance. It is.

"Seeking Gloria!"

"The handsome guy is handsome!"

"I am asking the captain to stop in the second! My heart can't stand it!"

"Gray! Gly! Gle!"

In the venue, outside the venue, the sound of countless people became a piece, the last candidate of the Tianjing team, deserved Gloria!

The shouts of the tsunami in the mountains rang out, and 20,000 people on the field were calling the same name.

Wang Zhong laughed. In the end of this battle, he did not seem to be a necessity for the wicked. He looked at Gry and spread his hand.

"Oh, give it to me, senior."

The most handsome men of the two teams stood together and faced each other.

I have to say that the genius boy seems to bring his own handsome aura, Adenis's smile is very charming, very sunny, and Grae's not eating the fireworks smile, but the mouth is broken.

"You are the one who claims to be the newcomer?" Adonis's face is filled with confidence: "Good, pretty."

"Go to you! My family is going to need you to evaluate? Little white face!"

"Adolf's handsome guy, the force is to see the object! And my family is more handsome than Gleby, you are eight streets!"

"Thank you for a hundred streets!"

The girls in the stands are screaming, facing the enemy that is not your death or my death. Even a woman with a flowery nature is firmly standing on the side of her college. What's more, the audience is being stalked. .

Gry smiled a little, no response.

Adenis spoke again: "Are you dumb? Can't you talk?"

Gray kept smiling.

"Is nervous to say nothing? Oh, I heard that your soul growth at the time of enrollment was as high as 9.8? Sorry, I am 9.9."

Greg is still smiling.

"You look so bad!"

Gray continued to smile.

"It’s boring to talk to you!" Adenis did not know anything. The supporting role that was not affected by the halo of his protagonist was rare. He usually opened a mocking mode. The opposite side should be filled with indignation, shouting and screaming, then being It’s right to have a sword.

"I think too." Glehe smiled: "So, let's fight."

"Ah! Handsome Gloria! Cool! Good love!"

"Why can't I feel a sense of shame every time I see Grae! It's hot!"

Nasty guy! Annoying audience! Nasty woman!

Adenis’s face changed slightly, his eyes suddenly condensed.

President Green and Bradley’s eyes have also been attracted to the past, saying that there are thousands of 10,000, and they have to look at the results of the game, whether it is Green who has confidence in Gry, or Bradley who has confidence in Adenis. I know that the other party is definitely not good to deal with. The ace of the two sides this year, the kind of saying that it can be easily hanged, is just a good wish.


When the bell rang, Adenis was like a flash, and it disappeared in place!



It’s just a fast speed, surrounded by the energy of the blast, so that he is as fast as the wind, the wind!

Not waiting for the slow-moving audience to find the figure of Adenis, the sword shadow with the blast has already stabbed ten swords up and down the whole body of Grae!

Wind speed sword? Windy step?

It seems that there is something so interesting.

The sword is fast, and the figure of Gry is fast, and there is no room to hide.

"I thought this is over?" Adenus went hand in hand, and the sword was even more ill: "Be it, let's enjoy it!"

Dangdang Dangdang ~~~


A series of weapons and cross-talks is like a continuous long sound that is pulled up, making it difficult for people to tell how many times they have played in this moment!

The sword of Adenus is too fast and the pace is too fast! The speed of attack and the speed of speed mixed with the blast ability is much greater than the impact of the previous Patir's flashing spiral belt. After all, it was only a moment of force, but now it is a continuous outbreak!

Greg seems to have no way to fight back, forced defense in front of the raging offensive.


"Only hiding from genius?! What is your prestige? Isn't it a fight?"

"Let you see what a real genius is!"

Adenis laughs arrogantly and speeds up again!

I have to say that this guy is indeed a genius, and the speed of the sword has been picked up by him to the extreme of humanity, fully combining the power and speed.

At the scene, the sounds of countless Tegley's cheering gas disappeared. It was not that I didn't trust Gry, but the guy's quickness, and it was almost enough for the onlookers to mention the heart to the eyes of the blind! In addition to a few people, such as President Green, ninety-nine percent of the students are completely unable to see the guy's movements. I just think there are several people who are besieging to Grae!

The eyes are full of sword shadows, and the ears are full of thorns!

Yes, it’s not just a sword, it’s also invisible, and it’s Gly.

Gly's movements are not very fast, at least people feel uncomfortable. He didn't even leave his feet for two meters. His body swayed like a tumbler, swinging, and straightened his legs straight. Can easily lean forward and back to the 60-degree angle, and can also turn the turn...

Few of them can recognize what kind of bodywork he is, but as long as they have a little bit of eyesight, they can all see it. This is a fight with the ghosts of the strong-powered king. It is the control of the center of gravity. , grasped very well!

Slowly hiding, the opponent's attack on the ten swords in one second, even hit a hit! Half was swayed by the sword, and the other half was easily swayed by the strange tumbler to the dog's eyes!


Another collision of a sword, Adenis was gently bounced off, he was incredible, his own so fast sword, was actually completely rid of by the other side?

At first, I thought that it was enough to deal with this guy, and he could quickly use 60% of the force. Just now it was already It still doesn't work!

Is it true that his first battle is forced to use 100% strength? This also makes people how to force it? Moreover, the look of the other person's face is still very calm, so that he is even more uncomfortable!

"Isn't you tired of being so hard?" Adenius couldn't help but ridiculed: "I'm tired, I don't have to hide and hold it very easily!"

"Sorry, I am really not tired." Gly smiled and politely raised his sword.

Call, that is...

Everyone, including Adenis, noticed at this time that the sword in Greg’s hand was not yet sheathed. !

(Seeking a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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