Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 89: Chaoyang

Playing snakes and playing seven inches, the enemy is weak, so if the battle is hedging, it is always the only way to find the opportunity to cut the back row. Can Cecil actually say that he wants to hit the front row directly? In the front row of the opposite line, Emily is not good at saying that it is strong, but the life-saving ability of the assassin has always been very strong. Greg's powerful people have already seen it. If it is not good, it is a level of strength with Cecil, and the other is reloading Barron. It is also a violent person who directly smashes Rosenberg. Is it really correct to choose to eat such a front row?

"The opposite of the remote explosion is not enough, bows and pistols have to rely on time to play a continuous attack, so in the short period of the start of the threat to our front row is not big." Cecil's analysis hits the nail, then is fast Arrangement: "Irina, you are responsible for Gloria, attracting him in a pretending manner, no matter if you are not fooled, as long as you take the initiative to attack him, you will be able to pull him out of the front lineup, do not have to fight with him, remember, It’s good to entangle him!"

Glyn kills Adenis, although there is because Adenis himself died, the start of the chaos and the consumption of a lot of physical strength factors, but the strength of Gry is still obvious, but if it is only containment, Elaine Na is absolutely competent. The team battle is different from the heads-up. The defensive and active attack are not the same. In the case of Jelena's defense, even Cecil can't solve her in a short time.

"Belion, you hold the opposite Emily, and have a chance to kill her!"

Although Emily's strength is unknown, but the Assassin, as the Adolf's main selection of soldiers, regardless of professional advantage or strength, will not be afraid of a novice assassin, even if the other party to the extent of Jelena, it will not be Fall into the wind.

"Then," Cecil was placed here, and all the lines were clear: "Resist the first round of their long-range attacks, take a time lag, concentrate on the fire and get rid of their reload!"

With Elena's pretending to be the mainstay, the fake 131 lineup is actually the most familiar 14 battlefield of Adolf.

Absolutely hot tactical arrangements!

It’s hard to kill the opponent’s strongest reloading in the team battle. The reloading called Barron is also very strong, but in the end it’s only the first grade. I don’t know where to learn a trick to combat combat, but Basic skills and team battles must be matched with these aspects. If you just want to have a first-grade level, then you are so versatile, and others don't have to mix.

In the moment of such an arrangement, an absolute advantage of three dozens is formed. As long as Qilian Mountain and Barron are in the upper position, with the strength of Simon and Cecil, there is definitely a chance to form a spike.

An intuitive picture has been formed in everyone's mind. This arrangement is bold and unconventional, but it is directly effective. The violence is too direct for people to look at. The captain is finally serious!

"I see the line!" Simon pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose: "Spike the other side to reload this arrangement is too abnormal, but it is not easy to be seen by the other side, the use of the soldiers of the road is interspersed, the best in the virtual reality The effect is as long as the other side of the other party is cut, the rest is easy to do, just, Qilian Mountain?"

This is the key to the tactics, at least requiring Qilian Mountain not to be reversed by the other side, the gap between the bench reloading and Rosenberg is a bit big, even Rosenberg is almost the second seconds.

"Qilianshan, you have the posture of the charge to confuse the other party, but the actual soul force should be used for defense." Cecil further explained: "As long as you hold back three seconds, victory is ours!"

The Qilian Mountain next to it is obviously a bit nervous. After all, the other party is the guy who killed his most respected Rosenberger.

Lying sideways, Rosenberger, who only has half of his body, also interjected: "Ashan, don't be stupid, that silly reloading is not as strong as I thought, the soul is up to 13o Grasso, just just too big... ”

When I hadn't finished talking, I felt Cecil's cold eyes and swallowed Rosenberg's second half.

"Strong is strong, weak is weak, if you lose, don't make excuses!" Cecil said coldly: "Qianlian Mountain, you are not necessarily inferior to the other side, but the core of the team battle is not a hero, but a tactic, you The defense is definitely not weak, you are also a member of our Adolf! Remember your own mission! Do not learn some silly goods to despise the enemy!"

Rosenberg's mouth was tightly closed, and the fart didn't dare to put one. Qilianshan nodded heavily: "I know the captain! Don't worry, I will defend my whole strength and die with him!"

The half-hour rest time soon passed, and the audience in the stands had already calmed down. Although one still maintained a high level of excitement, the voice of yelling was almost extinct, and some just lingered. The sound of the discussion in the entire hall, to be honest, everyone is still very embarrassed, the team battle is the most test of strength, but also the most difficult, only to form a long-term chaotic Tianjing team, Can the team fight?

This Wang Zhong, can you really support this team? Everyone can only choose to believe now, but there is really nothing to gain.

Seeing the five-player battlefield with Wang Zhongwei out of the arena, as if it had already been discussed well, the entire hall was quietly quiet, and then the Xiaomei reporter of the school newspaper took the microphone and took the lead: "The school is full of souls,"

Numerous sounds are tidy up.

"The school of the school is full of souls, the students of Tianjing are innocent, the soul of the hero is soaring, the students are long and windy, the pattern is beautiful, the century-old technology is flying, the century-old school is the soul of the gods, the dong of the country is raised, the wings are given to me, and the dimension is empty. Take me to dream of voyage..."

The singing voice fluttered in the hall over and over again. It was the school song of the Tianjing Academy. Not only in the venue, but also more than 10,000 students who had been waiting there outside the hall also sang in unison.

More than 20,000 people sang the school songs on their own, and even Greene couldn’t help but whisper, along with the professors, mentors behind him, and even the president of Bradley who should be the enemy next to him. At this time, I can't help but create a sense of awe, at least this moment He seems to remember the glory of Tianjing College.

This song, President Green has been singing since he was young. Tianjing College used to be his alma mater when he was studying. He also saw the brilliant moment of this song. For example, when the Grey Ribbon Collar College entered the ChF quarterfinals, When the tens of thousands of people in the college concentrated on the square watching the live broadcast of the big screen and singing the school song, the president of Green could not forget even the day of the old death.

How long has it been? Ten years or twenty years? This song has become a 'accompaniment' in the college only when it is only in the college. There are not many students who really feel that this song is good, and few students really feel this song from the heart. Give them glory, but occasionally hear the same ridicule as the 'earth hat'.

But now, they sang, there is no requirement from the college, not for the effect of the party, but just because they want to sing!

Green suddenly had a feeling that the college had been degraded for a long time, and today it was the first time it was really screwed together, a feeling that is rising in the morning sun!

(Monday, ask for a referral ticket, thank you, now the body recovery is much slower than before, can only be adjusted slowly, today two more, partners, bear with me) (to be continued.) 8

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