Battle Frenzy

Vol 4 Chapter 98: victory! (2 in 1)

Few battles allowed the gang to choose to stay in place after the war to watch the replay, but at this time everyone looked very seriously, Tveran also, but to be honest, even she did not know the last What happened in a flash, in that case, the strong king of the mouth is undoubtedly defeated, in the environmental explosion such as the advent of the advent, even the soul of the soul class, will be instantly killed by the high temperature magma spray That is not the scope that manpower can resist, unless...

Twelve also thought of several possibilities. For example, relying on some special Horcruxes can do this. For example, the legendary flame immunity, which is different from fire resistance, belongs to a deeper level of awakening. can. ?

However, these are all uncertain, not to mention that even these two possibilities are themselves more incredible things, and the conditions for satisfying other problems may be far from the real situation. The world is too big, human The ability is too complicated, let alone Tie Weilan, even the federal controller does not dare to say all.

When she was still thinking about it, the people in the room had begun to disappear one by one, not to talk about communication, and even did not even say hello to each other, perhaps there was no leisurely mood when they first entered the room.

Tie Weilan smiled a little, knowing the guys too much. It seems that the performance of the strong king of the mouth makes the pride of these days also stressful, but this should also be what the federal parties want to see, these days of pride Once you get serious, I am afraid that the future op will be more interesting.

Compared to the silent room in the VIp room, the op forum, the heavenly news and other places have already been blasted at this time. The analysis of the battlefield, the no brain powder, and the spray of people are everywhere.

Of course, the most sprayed is definitely Wise, compared to other kings, if the exposure of Zhige is too high, the target of the public, the star of the spray, a large number of names have already let all the king powder have locked the target.

"Which idiot was saying that our brother's chance of winning is less than 10%?"

"The mentally retarded don't hide, just roll out and smash the screen!"

"Don't say we bully you, 跪 keyboard or washboard, pick one yourself!"

"At the request of the majority of the audience, Zhi Ge, what do you think of this victory?" In the noise, Chen Yuer smiled and started the dialogue in a more moderate way.

The spray must have the consciousness of the spray. From the moment when the black-mouthed king is started, Ruozhi has already prepared all kinds of preparations, even though the victory of the powerful king today is almost awkward. The 24k titanium alloy dog's eye, but as a brother of the commentary, the ability to justify it is quite strong.

"Winning and defeating is a common thing in the military," if Zhizhi laughed, his face could not see a little bit of frustration and confusion: "It can only be said that the strong king of the mouth is really unexpected today. Of course, I am still saying that. The word invincible is impossible to exist in the op, it has not been before, and there will be no later."

There was a snoring outside, it was really a dead duck's mouth, and it also said that the probability of 10%, the skin of this goods is also thick to a certain extent.

"Oh, the audience doesn't seem to buy it. They want to hear something practical." Chen Yuer now knows how to cooperate, slightly stunned, and then asked: "So, how do you think about Zhige? What is the last blazing angel?"

"I don't think it's a blazing angel. It's just an illusion of fire. It doesn't need to be too serious." If the answer is finally a little serious, he can go to the black-mouthed king for the atmosphere, but it involves Any professional opinion, a brother is always a brother, more powerful than Chen Yuer's knowledge and analysis: "Of course, I did not think that the strong king has a firepower, this is that I did not optimistic about him at first. One of the reasons for the performance in the advent of the battle. Moreover, his flame power seems to be very high. I am very determined now. He is the secret weapon cultivated by a big family. So powerful, I am very It is hard to imagine that he grew up by personal strength, or that it was impossible at all."

"The identity of the king who is strong in the mouth, this is a matter of opinion." In this case, Chen Yuer only agrees with half. She is still more inclined to the mouth. The king is a civilian. This video of the king's road is from this point. "But, the strong king of the mouth does show a very high flame abilities in today's battle, but the ultimate extreme flame attack, even the flame abilities can't resist it? Papada is also in a flash It was burned to ashes."

"I am not omnipotent. This is really not known." In the face of this problem, if Zhizhi can only helplessly spread his hand: "I don't want to casually say the result of irresponsible guessing, but I believe that kind of The situation is not manpower to resist, the mouth of the king may be used in a special way, here, I also hope that there are high people can come out for everyone to answer."

If the last sentence of Wise guides everyone's direction of thinking, how does the strong king of the mouth do that?

The major colleges are in the op room, the heavenly news, and the op forum. As long as there are people, almost everyone is racking their brains to analyze and discuss this issue.

The method has come up with a lot of ideas, but it is basically some imaginary and speculative that is unrealistic or does not meet the current situation. Some people have put the hope of answering this question on the side of the blazing angels of the Soul Academy, to say that it is coming. The understanding of the ground, to say the understanding of the fire ability, the blazing angels of the soul school is absolutely expert.

The flame team is also in full swing, not only the captain Shermi and the vice captain Mario, but also other players, and the southern rivals of the blazing angel college, both sides are quite familiar, the players also have private communicate with.

Just now a team member passed the words on the other side, and the expression on his face was quite wonderful: "I rely on the blazing angels. The people at the soul school are all crazy. Actually, the strong king is not a human being, but an avatar of God. Is it true?"

"Don't care about the gangsters, how is this possible?" Mario has always been a firm atheist. Compared to theology, he is more inclined to use a variety of scientific explanations to treat the problem positively: "Captain, you can see Do you have a doorway?"

"It feels a bit like an immune class, otherwise no matter how high the fire resistance is, in the face of such a lethal level of temperature, the soul warrior is only killed by the spike." Shermi also played back the classic lens repeatedly, the same Flame abilities, some strange branches of flame abilities, she obviously wants to know much more.

There are many different types of abilities, except for the broad definition of attributes such as water, fire, wind, and thunder. Under these same abilities, many different branches are also extended.

For example, flame abilities, some flame abilities are better at raising the temperature of the flame, and have a significant effect on the attack power. This category is the most, Pappada, Shermi, and Emily belong to this kind. Some flame abilities are better at flame curing, and even condense flame armor or flame weapons out of thin air. The strong king in the battle will replace the broken sword with flame light in the battle, which is a bit of meaning.

And flame immunity, as the name suggests, any flame can not hurt him. This is a unique talent, and the concept of flame resistance is completely different, but in fact, no one has ever seen absolute immunity, and some Time can only be said to not work.

"A very special kind of power branch, I used to have a similar record. I can only think of this before I can resist the last magma attack. But this still can't explain the flame wings that he stretched out... I haven't heard. After all, is it just a coincidence illusion in the reflection of fire?” Shermi also had a headache, and even her flame abilities did not understand much, but what is certain is that there is a strong king with flame immunity. It will definitely be a nightmare for all flame abilities!

"I don't want to! A headache!" Shermi finally decided to leave this unanswered question behind, and then suddenly Fuling's mind was the same, she thought of a very interesting thing.

The problem now is that if the strong king is a senior, it is simple, and they are not a 1eve1, but if it is a student of the Soul Academy, then this netbsp; when I came in the op training room, I felt the hall still There are not many people in the empty space, but when Wang Zhong fights and walks out of the room, it is already full of people.

Part of the students who were originally fighting in the training room room, of course, hurriedly quit, went to the hall to watch, and most of them knew that after the king had a match, they quickly rolled over from the dormitory or nearby.

The game of the strong king of the mouth is now no different from the World Cup for the students, not only to see, but also to feel the warm atmosphere, the most popular among them, the phenomenon of the king is more than an empty talk.

At this time, the students around the group were talking enthusiastically. The noise of the screams echoed in the hall. The battle of the king's brother never let them down, especially today.

Some people couldn’t help but sigh: "If there is a strong king in our team, how good it is, maybe you can really smash the world!"

"Small you, Wang Zhong, the captain is there, you say it is like our team can't do it now." Someone reminded him.

I have to say that the last time I defeated Adolf, and then went to Cabo Fel City and came back to the news of defeating Assassin. The college’s performance on the current team was quite satisfactory and quite proud. From the initial appointment to Wang Zhongwei. The distrust of the captain has been completely reversed.

"Captain Wang Zhong!"

"Wang Zhong captain also came to see the game of the strong king?" Everyone warmly greeted Wang Zhong, and Wang Zhong also smiled and responded.

Barron is undoubtedly the iron powder of the king's brother. The game of the king's brother, he will definitely not miss it. Just now, he also shakes hands with the matching opponent with the same mind, and then sees the wonderful confrontation of the king's brother from the beginning.

Unlike the fanatic fans in the hall, Barron is also a fanatic, but the fanaticism is in the heart, not in the face, the playback footage on the hall screen, and Ruozhi and some accompanying explanations, he listened very much. Careful and very serious.

Master Wang Zhong said that the purpose of failure is to learn from it and learn useful things instead of failing for failure. Then the game of watching the strong king is the same, not for the sake of watching, nor for the sake of cool, but must get something from it.

He couldn't understand the magical fire abilities, and the wonderful second half was even hard to form an intuitive impression in his mind. On the contrary, the strong king of the mouth faced Papada's burning fast sword when he started. The invincible defense made Barron look fascinated, and the impression in his mind was very clear.

With a slow, fast-paced, almost perfect self-rhythm, Barron seems to have realized something new. After asking Wang Zhong several questions about this, he soon entered the battle room again.

Although the questions that Barron asked just now are very simple, they are directly at the heart of his own problems.

Just watching a game, but Barron, who has always lacked in understanding, can have such a performance, so Wang Zhong feels a little surprised, so this time he chose to stay and watch the game.

Barron picked a specific type of opponent the position is not high, the middle and upper reaches of the Warriors section, a traditional assassin based on mobility and attack.

The last time he and Salli’s heads-up, Wang Zhong did not witness it, but in the post-Scarletian narrative, he could know Barron’s panic at the time. The clumsy movement made him only a mobile to the assassin. Target only. Including this one-month special training, Wang Zhong repeatedly stressed that 'the constant change,' Barron seems to understand, but the performance in the actual battle has not changed.

But this time, he seems to have really opened up, with a solid defense and the warrior's assassin played a war of attrition, although still feeling a little confused, and quickly fell into a passive disadvantage, but at least, Wang Zhong felt that he I finally knew that I should do something when faced with such an assassin.

The special training for Barron is more than just letting him hit it all the time. In Wang Zhong’s thought, it is only the beginning. In the regular lineup, a strong reload is the most powerful force in the team. The most important part is that Barron needs a more comprehensive upgrade.

He has a lot of problems in combat, his movements are not flexible enough, his response is not timely enough, and his offensive means or defense methods are relatively monotonous. The poor foundation is part of it, but there are also some reasons, which come from his own personality.

Too introverted, it is not easy to fully invest in the battle, saying that the simple point is slow heat, sometimes it will have a good explosive performance when it is emotional, but sometimes it has already been blown up by the enemy. Under the rid of a hundred holes. This kind of shortcoming is especially obvious when confronting the assassin. It is easy for the assassin to attack him with high fast attack and no trace. It is not just because of restraint. In comparison, the heavy-loaded warrior carrying the shield and rushing toward him can give Barron more time to prepare and prepare.


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