Battle Frenzy

Vol 5 Chapter 3: ash

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The picture was fixed, and his information was quickly displayed on the screen. Tianji College, Napier ink, 19 years old, height 177CM, weight 72KG.

Immediately, along with the low and cold music, the vertical silhouettes of the five people appeared on the screen at the same time, twisted, rotated, and finally turned into a huge mask with a question mark.

Who is the strongest assassin of CHF?

"I have served the first four, but the last one is not satisfied. Is this guy funny?"

"Brother is not discriminating, but is there an assassin dressed like this? You can smell the smell of the body from a few miles away, and also stab a hairy guest!"

"I can't bear to look straight..."

"It seems to be a Mohist person? Calling... I am silent!"

No one will question the Mohist list. The credibility of the Mohist family for centuries has already penetrated the bones of the federal people, but this does not mean that people will not think at all.

The comments in the commentary area are overwhelming, strength, fame, let alone, people can accept the cold assassin, the sun assassin, the beautiful assassin, even the abnormal assassin, and the funny assassin... Of course, all this Is it performance? In the past, CHF, Moh was not very interested. This is the first time to do such ample preparation. In the style of Mohist, the strongest assassin will be born from these five people. This is not the case. Funny, every piece of information is carefully investigated, carefully compared, and the ability to make judgments.

The more the style of performance, the more it means... powerful!

Although CHF has not yet begun, but the competition has come, the dreams and glory of every young warrior will take off here!

Others look at this style is very funny, Wang Zhong looked very kind, this world is afraid that no one will like the clown more than him, at least that the assassin's mentality is very good, let alone put aside the emotional factors, the information given by Mohist I have never made a big mistake. This clown, Napier ink, who has dressed up for herself, must have its own uniqueness.

Whether it is Eddie's sharp knife or the evil spirit of the enchanting, including the mysterious fog in the fog and the uniquely shaped clown Napier, especially the murderous murderousness of the ghosts, just a video, but everyone gives Wang Zhong Impressed. If you don't really play, you may not be able to accurately determine which step the opponent is. But Wang Zhong feels that there is absolutely no one in these people that is weaker than Papada. Don't say other people, even Wang Zhong can't wait to fight with them. The idea, only constantly fighting with such a master, can continue to the peak of power.

This is only the five assassins. At the end of the video, the Mohist also confessed that it will continue to launch five major reloads, five remotes and even the so-called top ten masters!

CHF, are these levels of opponents? With the strength of Tianjing, it is really very hanging.

Wang Zhong shook his head in secret.

Look at the top five assassins of the ink list is just a mood adjustment, Wang Zhong did not forget the business, mainly to check the price of the frozen dimension spar, not to be confused, although chatting with Scarlett When I was just joking, the other party certainly did not care, but when it was said, Wang Zhong’s character has always been the same.

Basically, don’t think about it on earth. The price is too high. The movement is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. The most important thing is that there is no market for price. It is not that the earth does not produce, but because the place of production is concentrated in the Arctic. The ordinary restricted area that the federal government has divided, the Arctic is a forbidden place that human beings are completely unable to get involved with now.

However, in the explorer base of the fifth dimension world, it can be exchanged for merit, even in some private vendors in the explorer base. There are no geographical restrictions, there are many places where the frozen dimensional spar is produced, according to Quality and finished product size, the required merits are floating around 300 to 1000. If it is a private transaction, it will generally be slightly cheaper than the redemption standard of the Explorer Hall. Of course, this kind of private transaction depends on luck.

The last six-star explorer who became the King Kong base, Wang Zhong wrote a copy of the pyramid's strategy, but the final assessment is not high, because the core solution is not given, of course, the entire pyramid strategy is still affirmed, the secret There are two ways to overcome the problem, and there are methods to affirm the most merits, but Wang Zhong can't reveal the secret of the fate stone. The process still has 2000 merits. For this, Wang Zhong really doesn't have much concept, considering the King Kong base. You can play a 60% discount, definitely the most cost-effective King Kong base.

After being prepared, immerse the consciousness in the power of the stone of destiny, and the familiar pulling force of the dimension world will come again. In an instant, the consciousness will vacate, and the broad continent will appear in the perception.

The explorer base that was originally perceived is almost exactly the same, but once I have been there, and the King Kong base registered there is particularly eye-catching in consciousness, with its own breath and special annotations, compared with other coordinates. It is like a star in the night.

Wang Zhong quickly locked the target, pulling, and the entire continent in the perception of the continent is as fast as the speed of light folding, surrounded by radiance, as if sailing in time and space, Wang Zhong has changed from the beginning of the panic to enjoy It is like a soul travel, or human evolution to a certain realm. Ultimately, it is not technology, but the soul.

"Wang Zhong, where are we going? Is it going to the King Kong base?" Simba also jumped out and felt that the target seemed to be quite calm. Simba moved to cry, and finally did not have to accompany the little madman to the fire pit. Now!

Wang Zhong had not had time to answer, but suddenly felt a sharp flame power fluctuation in another position in the consciousness plate.

His heart turned and he was attracted by the fluctuation of power involuntarily. The two seemed to have established some kind of unspeakable connection. What the flame supreme body seemed to leave in his body, he felt a urgency from the inside. The emotions, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Wang Zhong still changed the direction of the fall and fell towards the coordinates of the flames.

"Oh my God, Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong, calm! Calm!" Feeling the pull of Simba almost mad, just the wind and the sun, the result suddenly squally, and this road is too familiar, For more than a month, Simba has not known how many times he has hung here. He feels that he has had enough.

Wang Zhong did not speak, and the familiar horror of the fire suddenly appeared in front of Wang Zhong and Simba.

Simba wants to scream but finds that his throat is not screaming, the fire around him... Wait, he is not burned to death? Simba looked at Wang Zhong with amazement.

I saw Wang Zhongzheng holding its small hand. The flames were able to flow back and forth in the two bodies. The flames that should have been horrible and violent, surrounded by him and Simba like a kind child. Dancing, it looks so cute.

The warm and intimate feeling is in stark contrast to the burned memory, making it feel new.

Originally it was just a helpless attempt, but I did not expect that it was really successful again, and also protected Simba.

Wang Zhong also felt incredible. The first time there was a fire immunity, it should be just a coincidence. With the supreme gaze and the deep understanding of the fire abilities after the battle with Papada, let him slowly find the true control. The method of flame immunity is not related to the strength of the flame, but a fusion of the flame in the true sense. The soul has been recognized by the flame. The question is how to match the strength of the body.

However, the scene of horror in front of the eyes made Wang heavy and stunned. I saw that in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, a white fire was spinning around the center, forming a huge irregular cylindrical flame, which produced a horrible suction. Like a giant flame vortex that stirs the whole world!

Although I have been to this piece of fire many times, this scene is really the first time I saw that the horrible high temperature generated by the flame cylinder has already burned the space around it, and Wang Zhong even saw it. So many dozens of people who suddenly fell from the sky were pulled from the voids in all directions, caught in the horror flame column, or fell to the sea of ​​fire near themselves, and instantly evaporated and there was no residue left.

The high temperature and strength generated by this flame cylinder not only affects this piece of fire, but has even affected the dimensional wall! From the far-reaching sights above those heat waves, there are even many corners like some mirages and some distant planets after being broken by the barriers!

Wang Zhongzheng screamed, cold, and suddenly heard an angry and tragic sound in the column.

Its sound is like a slap, sharp and high, straight up, but it is like a catalyst for the flame cylinder, so that the entire flame vortex instantly stretched by a third.

Followed by a horrible, huge flame composed of flames suddenly protruding half from the top of the flame cylinder, it fought hard, stirred the world, the flame vortex pulled irregular irregular undulating The surrounding sea of ​​fire seems to be influenced by it, and it is desperate to gather at that position! It is like a vigorous force, wanting to break through the blockade of the flame cylinder and rescue the owner of the wing.

The energy gathered is so amazing that Wang Zhong, who has been almost integrated with the surrounding fire, feels that at least the flames within a few hundred miles have been gathered together. The layer of white formed on the periphery of the flame cylinder far exceeds Wang Zhong’s all the powers he has experienced in this sea of ​​fire.

But even if it is so powerful, every time it slams, every time the flame gathers, it not only fails to disperse the flame cylinder, but it helps to increase its momentum, and the flame cylinder becomes bigger and stronger. It also rejects all the gathered flame forces.

The fierce powers swept through, and even the space seemed to be collapsing!

Wang Zhong and Simba have been shocked for a long time. They can feel the pure fire element brewed from this flame storm. It has transcended the meaning of temperature itself. It is a kind of atomic activity that is extremely intense, as if Can tear and smash everything!

The wing in the center of the vortex is still tumbling, but gradually, under this infinite natural heaven, its voice is getting weaker and weaker, no matter how powerful it exists, since it still exists in this world. It will inevitably be restricted and constrained by this piece of heaven and earth, and it cannot be surpassed. This is the dimension of the natural and natural power of the heavens and the earth.

The position of Wang Zhong and Simba retreats. In fact, they do not need to retreat. The expansion of the flame vortex pushes away all other fire elements around them. Wang Zhong feels like the ordinary fire elements around the sea of ​​fire. Being pushed by an invisible force, he could even feel the anxiety and arrogance from the surrounding elements of fire, like soldiers who wanted to be faithful to the Lord but were turned away.

The flames have similar human feelings? Wang Zhong is simply unimaginable, or is this just his own delusion?

Soon, in the horrible Tianwei, the previous screams of high morale have become increasingly unspeakable, the power on the flame vortex barrier is getting weaker and weaker, the whole vortex is more and more stable, and it is spinning at speed. A complete sphere is gradually formed during the process.

This is a kind of sphere... Wang Zhong is shocked, like a miniature version of the sun, there are many black spots on the surface of the sphere like the sun freckle, a ribbon-like flame 冕The ring jumped irregularly on the surface of the fireball, exuding the amazing heat, and it was centered on The fire sea in the range of a few squares was pushed away by the students, forming a circle of separation, revealing this Under the fire, the golden cokes that Wang Zhong has never seen before.


The horrible fireball swayed and faintly saw a huge creature silhouette being imprisoned.

That is……

Flame Supreme? !

Wang Zhong and Simba almost didn't swallow their tongues. They thought that they were the enemy of the horror of the flame supreme. They were welcoming the enemy with flames, but they never thought that it was their own death!

The power that clearly forms the flame vortex is different from the flame of the usual meaning, even in the repelling of the flame. At this time, the flame supreme has no endless power when Wang Zhong and Simba saw it, trapped in the fireball. It seems to be somewhat powerless, but it does not affect its pride as a supreme.

It is also struggling to fight against this Tianwei, desperately slamming the fireball barrier that covers it, but it is obviously futile, its entire body is being melted, part of it is turned into a little brilliance, first the long The beautiful tail, then the wing that is full of power, and the whole body.

It finally began to despair, gave up the resistance, the whole body in the fireball into a multicolored eye-catching ashes, the original fireball filled with incredible white dazzling!

This radiance is better than the ultimate in all things in the world that can be described in words. Wang Zhong and Simba are both stabbed and can't help but close their eyes. They only feel that the flame in front is slightly quiet, and the speed is shrinking. Shrinked into a small white spot, followed by a loud bang.

The white light spots exploded, and countless strange five-colored ashes fell from them, laying on the golden rock formations, and the whole floor was dotted with colorful and beautiful.

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