Battle Frenzy

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Little white face

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Wang Zhong yawned into the community, and it was too tossed last night, because the Huanghuang Tianwei, which was inspired by Nirvana, caused a serious magnetic field disorder in the whole dimension area centered on the sea of ​​fire. Although the influence of the magnetic field disorder on the soul advent is not particularly large, it took a lot of effort to come back. When it came back, it was already in the middle of the night, and the King Kong base did not.

Simba, who expressed serious dissatisfaction at the time, was mainly because it felt that the Supreme Flame was too unreasonable to save her life! Actually, I didn’t play one, didn’t give any benefit, and ran away without a shadow. I also threw myself and Wang’s hard way to find the way home in the turbulent magnetic field. Sure enough, the big guys usually ate and dried. There is no good thing about turning a face and not recognizing people!

In this year, it is hard to do good people, and it is even harder to do good things!

Wang Zhong expressed his understanding of this. As a result, Simba’s nose pointed at the nose for a long time, and of course the result was that Simba’s nose became more red and swollen than usual.

"Hey, hello?"

Just as I pushed the door in, I saw that Heyman, Barron, and Lei Li and Mirami were there to play with Tianxun, like talking to someone, and the snowflake-like intermittent image made four people A bit big.

Wang rejoined the past and reached out and tried to poke on the day.


The distorted snowflake image immediately erected, revealing Gry's smiling face.

"Rely, Captain, are you a golden finger?"

"Coincident, huh, huh." Wang Zhonghe smiled, purely fun and poked, it is a coincidence, he greeted the image and said: "Hey, Gry, where? The signal is so bad?"

There is a helpless smile on the other side: "In the city of Stuart, the signal should be no problem, that is, the rainstorms in these days, the news is probably getting wet."

"Amount..." Wang touched his nose and looked at the big backpack that Gle's back was drunk. This guy is a star god. He traveled with his backpack around the day of the holiday, and claimed to be traveling poorly...

Ok, I am very ambitious and very thoughtful about a trip, but since I decided to go to the wilderness, you can forget to put in an umbrella with such a big backpack.

"Gray! Gloria!" The most exciting thing is Hayman, waving to the screen and repeatedly waving: "Is already in the city of Stuart? God, are you still in the Campbell Plateau the day before yesterday? There are no railroad tracks! ”

"It was raining over there, but it was lucky. I met a team of patrolling soldiers yesterday and took them by car." Greg's image began to distort again, and he could see his 'unique'. The finger pokes on the sky screen: "Hey? Hello?"

"Ah! Don't! It's hard to even talk about it!" Heyman almost shook his hair: "Captain! Fast, golden finger! Use your golden finger!"

But no matter how heavy Wang He pokes this time, the snow phenomenon on the screen is getting more and more serious until it is completely broken.

Glory had no choice but to take a picture of the already fast-moving news. In the past six months, although he learned a lot of new knowledge in Tianjing, the game is still too esoteric, at least he can't fix it.

Hey, such a high-tech thing, I thought that this instrument is waterproof...

Grye shook his head and stuffed the thoroughly smoldering weather into the backpack.

Stuart City, although not ranked among the top ten cities in the Federation, but from a certain point of view, it is the first deserved.

This is the first city built by the private power of the family power after the federal territorial policy was enacted. It is also the private land that is the best-developed, largest and most welfare.

Grae has always been interested in the city, thanks to the various publicity and news about the city that I often see on the Federal News.

However, because it was a city that was built after the middle of the Dark Ages, its predecessor was only a small mountain village in the mountains. Therefore, it is purely nonsense to say that there are any historical sites in Stuart City, even if there are at most two or three hundred years. The history, perhaps a bit of a dry well in the small village that was the predecessor of the city, was deliberately rendered on a series of magical legends, and then draped in a large circle of isolation belt for people to visit, can only deceive For tourists who are stupid and rich, locals will never take a look at these places.

Of course, Grae is not interested in these things.

The city of Stuart is the most impressive impression of the whole federation. It is undoubtedly the developed basic technology facilities. You can see all kinds of huge news screens everywhere on the street, and you can play all kinds of interesting news 24 hours a day. With news and advertisements, the entire city's architectural elevation is also the highest in the Union, and you can see high-rise buildings that you can't see in ordinary cities.

There are several criss-crossing railroad routes in the city, just as a means of transport for the residents of the city. You only need to spend a little credit, you can ride the rails through the bustling city and go back and forth.

At the entrance is full of luxury, listening to the prosperity, prosperity and efficiency, is the first feeling that Stuart City brought to Gloria.

However, even such a bustling city has a place that is not 'perfect'. On the edge of the high-rise city, next to the huge life wall, there is a large low-rise building, Nastuart. In the words of the locals of the city, all the laps along the wall are all slums. This area is full of mixed resources and three schools. If there is money, people here can do anything for you, just like refugees outside the city. Camp, in the eyes of the rich, these two titles are only because one is in the city and one is outside the city.

Of course, the actual situation is actually not so bad, at least people here can still eat.

Gloria is also very interested in this area. Compared with the high-rise buildings in the city, there are undoubtedly more things related to people, covering the stinking ditch under the prosperous city, which is almost intensive. Rows of houses, many roadways and two people are struggling in parallel. The people here don't have the rush of busyness in the city center. There are always a lot of things in the street and alleys, and there are also some people who don't match the age. The savvy eyes, the child covered in mud.

Glitzjin looked at him with a sigh of interest and was full of interest in everything. The hotel was not thinking about it. He was not interested. The more the bottom layer, the easier it was to see the truth. It was hard to find a broken old one. Where you can eat, according to the words of the people here, this is called the fly house.

There are only two or three tables in the cabin of less than 20 square meters. The waist of the boss is definitely a little thicker than the balun. When she enters the door, she sees her taking a fly swatter and taking it in the store. In this place, Don't want to pay attention to hygiene. It is a common thing for someone else to eat a meal that is hot and hot.

It turned out that this is the meaning of the fly house. Glyn is interesting. The boss looks more interesting. The boy who is dressed so clean and white and tender is definitely a rare animal in this slum.

The two dishes that came up are rare and fresh. The proprietress personally cooks and pulls a stool and sits next to Gry: "Little handsome, haven't seen you, tourists?"

"haha, yes."

“Running a slum to travel? What's so good here!”

"Look at it, it feels pretty good."

The proprietress is quite hearty, probably hasn't seen a handsome guy for a long time. It is very enthusiastic to talk with Glyph in a few words.

Although it is in a slum, like most people living in Stuart City, people here like it, from the short parents of the East to the short family, to the various rumors and family rumors of Stuart. Even the construction of the city is simply half-bone in the sky, underground omniscience, and the conversation is taking place. Someone on the other side pats the table.

"Fat girl, are you dying of his mother? You haven’t come up for a long time!"

"Don't eat, you can go with the little white face and have a good time!"

In the room, the three little punks on the table next to me were full of slaps, and they stood up on the table and kicked the bench. There were seven or eight pieces of soup left over from the table.

The boss’s eyes were a glimpse, and the three guys didn’t even call the wine: “Hey, when did you call the wine? You can leave, leave the meal! Eat the king’s meal?!”

At this time, I can't take care of the little handsome guy around me. She blocked the door at a big step.

"Tony Brother, this fat girl is really not on the road. Do you want to go after the meal?"

The three little punks smiled and rolled up their sleeves: "It's a pity that it's too ugly. If it's slim, it's more interesting to abuse it."

"The deceased is coming out!" The proprietress was obviously a little embarrassed. She shouted at the kitchen and screamed for a few scorpions. She didn't see her family's useless. She was anxious and blocked there.

The snoring sounded, and the guy who called Tony got a stool on the forehead of the proprietress and suddenly broke his blood.

"The murder has killed people!" The proprietress also made a scream, killing the pig like a bark, Tony will have to go on again, but he heard a voice.

"If you eat something, you still have to give it money. Isn't that good?"

The three little punks turned back at the same time, only to see that the whites were pure, and the boys who claimed to be traveling were standing up and watching them.

"Hey?" Tony was happy: "Is it a pleasure? I like people who care about things! Brothers, **** guys!"

When rushing up, Tony’s heart is still a bit imaginary. People who dare to go alone to the slums in this way are generally quite skillful. Maybe it’s the students of the Soul Academy who come to experience the poor life. In the face of those new human beings, the three of them are not opponents.

Can not be scared by this little white face, Tony rushed up the heart, the result is just a punch, confidence will be played out, I saw that the white boy is obviously not beaten, a punch When I got to the ground, the boss was shocked and rushed over, but was flipped to the ground and couldn’t climb.

The three immediately surrounded me and slammed into Grae. The guy who looked clean was more addicted than the other slums, and it was too easy, even the slums. Honest people, I know that I still have two hands, but I will always run, but in addition to holding my head as a sandbag, there is basically no other action.

Until the sprinkling was enough, Tony’s sighed on the ground and stepped on his feet again.

"Bunny rabbit, the hair is not long, I want to learn the heroes to save the fat? Hey, **** you like this!"

"Haha, he saved his fat man, let's go save the beautiful girl!"

"Get out of the way, see what's going on, see Laozi together!" Tony's eyes stunned and scared away a group of residents who walked around the door to see the bustle.

At that time, the kitchen was only able to find a thin body, and saw the few hooligans left, he quickly ran out to help the boss.

"I'm fine! You have no eggs, you can get it, don't sway with me, hurry and see the kid!" The thick meat of the boss is really not easy to get hurt, but it is more concerned about Gloria, and It’s funny and funny: “Look at him jumping out, I thought it was a student of the Soul Academy. Really, can’t you manage what is going on?”

Glyn has stood up, smiled, sorted out the clothes, and nodded.

"Hey, are you okay?" The proprietress felt a little surprised. She thought that this kid would have a swollen face. It seemed that she had just hugged her head and couldn’t see it on her face. It was still so white, she couldn’t help but say : "Little brother You are good, but if you don't have the ability, don't be a hero, be careful to die!"

"Well, thank you." Gloria nodded again, backed up his backpack, put down his meal, and walked out the door.

"It is quite resistant, and the body is definitely better..." The proprietress is also drunk. This kid actually remembers to give money. It is really the kind of child who grew up in a rich family. Even if he is going to die, he will always Maintaining grace, this style is the most useless thing in slums.

She couldn't help but shook her head. In this year, why are people with a sense of justice so frustrated?

Greg, who went out, did not go far. With the memory of the previous tour, he walked through the lanes and walked more and more until he came to a dead corner in a remote alley.

There was no road ahead, and Gry turned around. From the intersection, there were three people who had been stuck there. It was the three gangsters in the small shop.

"Kid, meet again, you seem to have a lot of money," the three men looked at him like a smile: "How about spending money on the brothers?"

The three people said as they sneered around.

Although it is a slum here, it can still be within the scope of Stuart's law. There are too many people in the small shop. It is a felony to blatantly rob. This kid is dressed clean and backed by a big bag. There will be no fights, and the fat sheep that are delivered to the door will not be slaughtered.

Unexpectedly, after the encirclement, this fat sheep actually laughed.

Was the head just smashed? Tony always felt that this smile was a bit infiltrating.

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