Battle Frenzy

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Different vision

I saw Napier ink as easily as a bird in the air, but the whole face was twisted over to Kaliban Crow, and he grinned at him, and his body was still completely physics in midair. The law stretched out, put a big big character, and made a face: "Ha!"


All the viewers were shocked. Others stepped on the lightning array and played with their lives. This guy not only played his ball all the time, but also spared the power to make jokes with the people next to him.

The joke was a bit big, like a blue sky that had been involved in the spirit of the smashing sound. Kaliban Crow only felt the whole breath suddenly, and the front body suddenly went bad. I took a wrong half step.


An electric light flashed on the runway of Kaliban Crow, and many people exclaimed. If the S-class team did not finish, it would be nice to see. The fainting and falling of the ground did not happen. I saw him. Slightly stiff, he suddenly gnawed his teeth and resisted. He continued to step forward, but when he looked back, Napier ink had already crossed the finish line, throwing his colorful **** and looking at it.

The Caliban still completed the whole process. Even if there was such a moment of rigidity and pause, the completion time directly passed the 16-second mark, locked in fifteen seconds and nine, and there was a more abnormal record.

Napier ink, fourteen seconds!

Time is still second, the important thing is this process... It’s too easy, the magical paintball flying in the air is like being engraved in everyone’s mind, the original everyone looks very The funny face, at this time, people feel only awe and shock.

The audience was silent, and outside, the other members of the major teams were also extremely silent. Naipur Momo shot and felt that everyone else could go home. He had to say that he succeeded in creating a shadow in his heart, any team. The assassin must consider it when facing him.

This is the strength of the ink list!

Even if you don't show any special skills, just basic skills have made everyone feel a little suffocated.

The scene is a bit quiet, this is the last round. Although the scores of the game are clear at a glance, the scores will not be announced. The scores are also dependent on performance. Faster and farther is obviously an important criterion, but there are also some deduction options, like before. The lightning abilities are able to step through the audience in 15 seconds, and the score will definitely not be higher than the gang who completed the whole journey in about 17 seconds. Dawu

"The guy in the ink list is a bit scary." It has always been a boast that Dikapo has rarely praised others: "This is probably the so-called standard level in the OP."

"His muscle control is very interesting." Gly nodded.

Wang Zhong also laughed, and Napier ink was really amazing. It is not only the basic qualities of the assassin. The insight, pre-judgment and physical control are the styles of top players. The ink list is really extraordinary, and this kind of person is fighting. It is definitely a very happy thing.

Both Wang Zhong and Ge Lai saw each other's thoughts. Just the kind of confrontation was actually Napier's temptation of opponents. This kind of confrontation is far more terrible than the confrontation. It must be said that Napier is higher than a level. Mi Lier is afraid that he really has no chance of winning. This is still the tip of the iceberg of the Mohist family. Usually everyone thinks of fame and fame, and overturns the top ten families. If the top ten families are so good, they have already withdrawn from history. The stage is over.

In the second round, the closed room, the assessment conditions are very simple, in a completely closed small room, the participants must find a way to get out of trouble.

There are props in the room, but there are also dangers of terror: poison gas and organs. Among the hidden organs, one is the key to open the room, and the others are countless traps, which requires the participants to distinguish themselves.

Assassins or scouts, as the forerunner of a team, it is a common occurrence to encounter all kinds of dangers. All kinds of survivability and ability to get rid of difficulties are the skills they must master.

Not long after the game began, there were already a number of assassins being carried out of the room. Although the poison gas in the room was not fatal, it had a strong illusory fainting effect, and a box of antidote was placed in each room, four Only one can only detoxify, the first thing the contestant has to do is to distinguish which of the four medicines is the real detoxification agent. If you are unfortunate enough to take the wrong thing, you will finish playing.

It’s not just the contestants who are complaining about it, this kind of assessment, along with the teammates who are watching the game through Tianxun. Any college assassin class will definitely open a drug class. Poison, antidote, and healing drugs are all involved, but to be honest, the level taught by the college is not enough to cope with such a degree of poison discrimination. Many people are swallowing wrong. The poison was carried out, but obviously, there is also a master.

Emily is one of them. The Assassin family’s pharmacy is not a sneak peek. All kinds of poisons are also good at detoxification. Emily is smelling grown up, even if it only feels. It’s impossible to choose the wrong eye with closed eyes, no time was wasted, and her body is different from the average person. The young family is quietly cultivated, but she is not clear about herself. Once these details are used, they will be discovered. How precious. Sweetheart, go home.

The only thing that was almost the same was the operation and luck. There were a total of ten organs in the room. It took a lot of time to find it, and it was enough to try the sixth to find the exit. The result was medium among the only nineteen finishers. On the other hand, Napier ink has once again refreshed everyone's three levels.

This guy didn't even take the antidote. He walked into the room for only five seconds and walked out of the exit office. It only took five seconds... It was everyone who was shocked.

Speed, fighting is strong enough to have no friends, and even in these areas is so exaggerated?

"This... is this cheating? Does he know where the export authority is?"

"Don't say that the location of each room is different. The room is randomly selected. Besides, the five assassins are not cheat, you don't even want to cheat. You think it is your rookie."

"But this is too exaggerated. How can you find the right position at a glance?"

"There may be some luck in the composition..."

"They are out!"

The door of the training hall closed for more than five hours was finally opened a large group of participants came out from inside.

Many people are downcast, the lightning array is only nine people, and there are only nine closed rooms. The overall assessment is too difficult. It is also the young assassins who are proud of themselves and feel that they are also masters. Not a small blow.

At this time, it was not long after noon. Although there was no specific score, the score was only minor adjustment, and the floating effect was not too big. The Tianjing Academy and the Giants Peak, both of which were completed, were obviously Winner. After completing the assessment that most of the B-level and even the A-level have not been completed, the scores are quite high. At present, apart from the incomparable limelight that Napier ink can't match, the two C-class teams are the most eye-catching.

"Amelie! Cousin loves you! Come, give you a brother-style hug!" Ma Dong can't wait to rush over.

(The second is sent, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you, there are many people in the New Year, and the partners pay more attention to safety and warmth when they travel. ^_^)

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