Battle Frenzy

Chapter 43: New humans' three major instinct

There is a star in the eyes of Shermi, and the strong king must be a big guy!

Lola and Arnold Teutonic also looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. What is going on?

How can it be so easy and illogical, this hanged ghost is difficult to entangle, no one can do this kind of insight, unless Wang Zhong has some kind of mimetic abilities, and this abilities are repressive, completely unnecessary Preparation time……

Lola carefully watched the entire replay, and there was only one feeling. The almost perfect mimicry of the hanged ghost was completely invisible in the eyes of the powerful king...

The problem is to break the mimicry, either visual system abilities or hearing, and there are generally signs of soul condensing, but the mouth of the king seems to be able to see at a glance...

This time Lola is really unable to find a reason.

Wang Zhong left the OP system. This battle probably does not accumulate the essence of the soul of the soul. It is a pity that as for the mimicry, this is not a thing in Wang Zhong’s opinion. Let alone be mimetic, even in the boundless darkness. Wang Zhong still has a clear understanding of everything around him. As for whether he is a power, he is not clear.

Wang Zhong didn't take it seriously, Lola didn't understand it. Various kinds of analytical videos were also different opinions, but after all, one problem boils down to the fact that the ability of the strong king to ignore the mimetic is what?

This problem really hardens everyone. Some masters are very surprised when they look back at the battle. The hanged ghosts are completely invisible. Some people speculate whether it is the mark of the tyrannical ghost in the slinger...

Compared to visual or listening insights, it is more like hanged ghosts are marked, because the ability of any insight system can be traced, such as the light of the eyes or the changes of the pupils, the hearing, the shaking of the ears, these are necessary But these are not felt in the mouth of the king.

A more reasonable explanation is the mark.

Well, the question is coming. If you mark it, you should always touch it. Two people who have no relationship are just marked and they are marked.

It’s just a fantasy, there are no wars in the federal colleges.

The answer is shock, the answer is the most mysterious. Wang Zhong thinks that the battle of worthless is the most valuable in the eyes of outsiders, as if he finally found the card of the strong king.

This time, without waiting for Lola to express his opinions, Shermi could not wait to express her own thoughts. She already thought that the strong king is a trumpet, because if the level is too big, for example, the master who has already cast the soul of the soul, maybe even the peak The English soul warrior is fully capable of such an insight, and the gap between the realms is too great. This mimetic is pediatric.

Not to mention, this time, Shirmi finally won some fans because this explanation is justified.

Seeing that he finally got the upper hand, Shermi is also happy, "Mario, what do I say, you, don't doubt my judgment anymore, my name is Dazhi Ruoyu!"

Mario and the members of a dry flame team face each other, big sister... Is there such a boast of yourself, it seems that it is not right.

But a slightly sane person always feels that something is not quite right. How old is a person in the peak of the soul? How much will he be bored to open a trumpet to toss here?

The most important thing is that this strong king is a young man. It is definitely not a middle-aged uncle, especially some of his past combat videos. The poor performance you let a soul warrior go to disguise, then he must be brain-destroyed. And a brain is impossible to cast the soul of the soul.

Of course, Mario and others are all flattering. The captain said that they are right, not right, but there is always some doubt in my heart.

Everyone is waiting for Lola's rebuttal. A considerable number of people still refuse to accept this view. It is too strange, but Lola is falling behind this time.

Lola is a bit speechless. What is the peak of the heroic period is simply unreasonable. The reason why it seems contradictory is because the eyesight is not enough. Lola will not be confused by these things, and it will not be clouded.

"It’s weird, it’s not really a trumpet. You look at his eyes, and you don’t stare at the other person, as if everything is in your eyes. It’s too strange.” Arnold’s head shook his head and said, The remote warrior, he is naturally clear about the basic feeling of the eye tracking target.

... Suddenly felt a murderous look, Arnoldton shuddered, rubbed, and said the wrong words.

But this time Lola did not get angry, silent for a while to dial the news, not long after the news.

"Oh, my dear sister, what kind of wind, even remind you of your brother my dear sister, has become beautiful again, have a boyfriend, do you want to introduce your brother?"

A handsome young man said that Arnold's Teton and Anlor's eyes are bright. This man who looks like a 30-year-old is the brother of Lola and the leader of the Potter family. The pride of Phil City, Moorden Potter, the strong man who created the super soul, of course, his cynical and romantic affairs are as famous as his strength.

"Less nonsense, I have something to ask you!" Lola can not stand the character of his brother, "Look at this battle, this person is not a problem."

On the side of Anlor and Arnold Teutton, he hurriedly said, and Molden nodded with a smile.

A very low-level battle, a guy who is good at concealing, but with poor combat techniques and a flawed guy, another...

Suddenly, Morden found the problem and the smile on his face gradually converges until the end of the battle.

Lola looked at Molden. "What did he find mimicry?"

Molden shook his head. "It's not an ability, it's fun, it's so interesting. The younger generation actually has such a person!"

"Let's sell less, hurry up, isn't it something?" Lola also thinks it's not an ability, but it's definitely not the kind of nonsense idea.

"My dear sister, don't be so anxious." Mooreden said with a smile, "I have heard of the three instincts of God's choice, seeing what you can't see, feelings that you can't feel, and predicting the future."

“Is it the legendary eyes, eyes and prophets?”

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