Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 34: Zhao Jiajun

So many teams, whoever smoked, actually got this.

This is the third round. It is already the second s-level seed team. In the official data and wind evaluation, Shenlong Academy is undoubtedly stronger than Baila Deen. The most important thing is that it has been completely How can Tianjing, who opened the cards, continue to be magical?

Frankly speaking, a large group of Ma Dong people feel that this luck is really no one.

After defeating Baila Deen, I did not let Tianjing have the invincible desperation of facing the s-level seed team, but it is undeniable that they are really strong! Tianjing can win Byardin, whether it is Wang Zhong's invincible cross, or the ridiculous tactical arrangement, in fact, they all account for the opponents do not understand their cheap.

This kind of thing is less than once. I can imagine that the next Shenlong Academy will make various arrangements for Wang Zhong and Tian Jing’s weird tactics. If you use any three remote tactics, you will not be able to catch each other. The chance of a disjointed formation.

The worst part is that Tianjing’s strengths and cards have been clearly seen in the first two games. On the other hand, there is the Shenlong Academy, the previous preliminaries, the races, and the Did not make a strong effort, especially in the first two games, relying on the bench to win two four-zero games, people can not see their virtual reality.

The reputation of victory brings honors, but more is understood and targeted. Civilian teams like Tianjing, which are weak and strong, and miraculous, have not appeared in the history of chf, but often It’s all a flash in the pan. The real giants are not created by occasional one or two victories or miracles. Instead, they have experienced countless opponents, and they have been researched and targeted by their opponents. In the end, they can stand still, and then they are called giants. qualifications.

Now, for Tianjing, the real difficulties have just begun.

Wang Zhong knows very well, and he does not imagine that Tianjing can win the end and get the champion of chf. For him, to play every game and cherish every opportunity to fight against the strong, the process is the most important. of.

On the night of the 32 strong match table, Lola and Shermi sent a message from Tianxun. The two women were quite tacit and did not mention the matter of the king. It seems that Wang Zhong is still the king. Heavy, it is not important for them to be strong. However, Congratulations, Lola mentioned another thing: "The Shenlong Academy is not necessarily the strongest chf, but it is definitely the most difficult. Be careful of their leader Zhao Zimo, a lot of small means."

Shenlong Academy, small means?

Lola didn't say too much, probably involved some secrets, or she just heard the truth, Wang Zhong couldn't guess, but for the s-level seed team, there was never a contempt, or the sentence, the soldiers will block, the water comes. It’s just a bandit.

After the list of the thirty-two strong, the teams have a total of three days of rest time, the atmosphere is still quite open, the teams that live in the team village also have some exchanges with each other, and the open luxury training grounds are also familiar with each other. The teams are sparring each other and preparing for the next 16 rounds.

The battle scene of several people is being played in the video screen.

It was a female assassin. Frankly speaking, it was a bit infiltrated. Maybe she was originally a beautiful woman. She could have a long knife that was pulled from the corner of her left eye to her mouth and cut her whole face into Second, the nose and eyes are all on one side. If you come to you in the middle of the night, you may be able to scare one or two people. The weapon she used was not the dagger of the ordinary assassin, but the slender hooks with two silvery handles. The hooks were covered with barbs and looked strange.

The fighting method in the picture is quite cruel. After three different games, the opponents are scratched by her cheeks. This woman seems to have a special hobby for the enemy's face and enjoy the process quite a bit.

The desperate hook is a strange weapon. It is quite rare. It is probably only used by Zhao Jiacai, who is known as the Terracotta Warriors.

Zhao Wuying, the main assassin of Shenlong College, the speed and body of the video are top-notch, coupled with a strange and desperate hook, the fighting style is not only cruel, but also quite unpredictable.

"It will be very difficult to get close to her. I heard that there are still a lot of earth abilities. Unfortunately, several opponents in the video have not been able to force her to come. The s-level is unquestionable. If you discuss the melee strength alone, you may be able to There is a standard of the standard ink list."

The information is made by Ma Dong and Qian Duoduo. It takes a lot of effort. Merchants always have more channels and more contacts. As long as they know people, they only need to make money. Most of the problems in this world are not. problem.

"Zhao Tianlong, one of the five major reloads, his information is relatively complete," the screen switched to the man holding the stick, as seen in the reloaded video of the five major ink charts, but the performance of the picture is completely unable to video The actual combat is similar: "Attack type reloading, madness is one hundred and eight dozen, a bit of a madman's taste, and more importantly, his King Kong is not bad."

Zhao Tianlong in the video was besieged by four or five people, and the knife and the axe were smashed. Even if they were completely resisted by the flesh, they could not hurt their points, but they were swept away by a stick.

"This is mainly based on the number of attackers. These several sieges are relatively inferior to the s-level. The extent to which Zhao Tianlong’s defense can be specific is difficult to judge."

When the picture jumps again, Wang Zhong’s gaze is fixed.

It was a rather aggressive rifle, not as long as Tiran's stun gun, but it was thicker and heavier. The body of the bowl seemed to be full of strength. The average person could not hold it with one hand. . But this is a thick and heavy pistol. In the video, the man’s hand is as light as a soft gun. The huge force is slightly yawed, and the whole gun is thrown out by a huge curved arc. The earth-based reloading with a heavy shield has raised the defense to the extreme. It can face a shot that is swept casually, but it is directly flew out for twenty or thirty meters like a table tennis! The whole heavy and heavy Shield is beaten and folded together!

"Overlord gun, Zhao Yilong." Wang Zhong’s eyes also sparked with war.

The result of the competition with Shenlong Academy is still unpredictable, but it is just a Zhao Yilong, which has already made Wang Zhong excited enough. One of the top ten fighters in the ink list, and Tiweilan also called the two great gun gods of the younger generation, and was Known as the most overbearing warrior, it is enough to see this gun!

The screen continues to switch, and the remaining two main forces of Shenlong College also appeared one by one.

Zhao Zhancheng, the main force of Shenlong College, the bow and arrow system, the frequency of the pursuit of the wind arrow is quite high, even if only find a video of a group battle, can not see too many things, can only start from the group battle The end of the continuous four- or five-minute continuous burst output, it has been seen that this person's soul is deep, the output is quite amazing. Moreover, the bow and arrow system itself is one of the more perfect mainstreams in the distance. No matter the range or power, it is superior, and the s-level is undoubted.

Zhao Zixin, the main warrior of Shenlong Academy, is also a Qimen warrior. The returning soul whip has a horrible thunderbolt ability. The fighting style is just fierce, and it is good at attacking. Even if it is facing heavy equipment, it has quite explosive damage.

Other scattered materials are also complete, but compared to these five main forces, lack of some characteristics, above the standard level.

"The overall strength is indeed above Beira Dean, and the lineup is more perfect. Both ends of the offense and defense have extremely strong performance, without any obvious weakness."

Wang re-closed the video.

Frankly speaking, it is indeed stronger than Baila Dean, but at this time the expression of the team is much better than before the battle against Bharadyan, even the most pessimistic Kaulby, Hayman and others, this time There is no such absolute lack of self-confidence on the face, but rather a desire to fight.

Wang Zhong smiled and confidence was accumulated by a field victory. Now Tianjing is not the one who has seen it when he first entered the chf. This is progress.

"The specific tactics will not be arranged first," Wang said with a smile. "With the other party knowing enough about us, there is no chance of this game. Only hard work! This is a hard battle. Everyone is doing a good job." Preparation, these days, imagine your opponent, do some targeted training!"

At this time, in another training hall in the team village...

It was the training room of Shenlong College. Zhao Yilong was sitting on the bench in the house, with a white towel on his head, naked to the upper body, revealing the muscles of the superbly symmetrical and powerful.

He just came out of the twenty-fold gravity room. This is just a warm-up in the morning. As a monster with great energy, this guy's daily warm-up is just a few times more than the normal training of others all day long!

Heavy but slow and rhythmic breathing, like stunned thunder, the bean's sweat is falling down his face, ‘tick and ticking’ drops on the ground.

Behind him, the nine people of Shenlong College all stood still and waited, including Zhao Tianlong, who is also a master of the ink list. He stood quietly behind him without complaints, just like a small **** standing behind the **** of war. .

The door was pushed Zimo came in and saw Zhao Yilong look like this, couldn't help but make a joke: "Three brothers, know that you are energetic, you can not train too much, Everything is too late."

Zhao Yilong’s mouth is slightly up, and it’s a response. It’s not easy to make this cold guy smile, which is Zhao Zimo.

Unlike other teams that are mobilized by the captain, in the Shenlong team, all the brains are the patents of Zhao Zimo, and he only needs to fight! Other people may feel that the rights have been divided, but Zhao Yilong likes this feeling very much, so that he can concentrate on the battle without distraction!

If you say the heart of your own Shenlong Academy, Zhao Zimo is the brain of Shenlong College. Without the heart, the brain can't turn, you can lack the brain, and the strong heart is just a vegetative.

He didn't pick up Zhao Zimo's words, but just nodded slightly: "All are waiting for you, let's get started."

Zhao Zimo smiled and opened the video of Tianxun.

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